83 lv Furnished bungalow on Vincent Street tet Apply to Mrs J Lee BRIGHT GIRL WANTED general Small and good home Mrs Jcfcmak road Toronlo LOST i Between Sharon Way of Town Line a Childs Red Sweater Coat Finder will oblige by at this Office leaving WANTED A girl for General Housworfc to Mrs H Carlton St Toronto WANTED TO RENT Six or seven room house by young couple with no children Wanted on or before Sept Address G A Burnet Box i Mrs E Dunn TRAINED MATERNITY NURSE Holding the London Obstetrical Societys Diploma St Newmarket 28 I STRAYED From Lot No 3rd con North August one light Bed Cow years old Piece of leather fastened with pigring in left ear Also webb feet on udder on right Bide- Finder please phone Tom write owner esyick FOR SALE Cutter McLaughlin Top Buggy Single Express Harness AH the above are nearly new Light Wagon will suit milkman or gardener Enquire of A J Rogers Prospect Ave Newmarket 2W29 INVEST IN If you have or more to Invest put it In New War Loan Bonds They are gilt edge and free from Succession duties ana War Tax Call for particulars charge noth ing for putting the deals through M HUGHES Agent Newmarket 3w24 LECTION TORPWTO- Nomination for a in Toronto a vacancy Ontario House occasioned the- death J took place When four candidates were pro- posed viz Herbert Hartley Gi Liberal James Cohsorvv alive Gordon Independent Liberal Prohibitionist James Polling takes ilbnday and a warrii contest is now on The speeches of the candidates aroused a lively- interest and the campaign is being vigorously prosecuted Mr was Ihe first to address the electors First of all his aim would be- strengthen and forward every movement cal culated Ho strengthen Britain and her allies The prohibition ques tion bad been settled and was now an honest issue Premier Hearst and Mr had united on tho present policy Mr Dew- are added I was not a party to that settlement and am not re sponsible therefor but as if was the Liberal policy of the day I accepted it With respect to the nickel question and the Hy droElectric enterprise Mr pew- art said he favored an embargo on the export of Canadian nickel to foreign countries until such limes as none of it could find its way to Teuton munition making and demanded the immediate establishment of- a refining in dustry in Canada under Canadian British control With regard lo the HydroElectric he stood dragging politics into with Hon Adam and was its management Other issues of the day were also alluded lo Mr was frequently cheered In the echo during his address a Tory gives ussome very m1 In inside information ml its issue Of Wo and Mrs Harris with dopy a few extracts friends at Sharon Majority of Con- Temiskaming but so liavi Government Conservative parasites Wasting money helping their friends and further satisfaction The Hon- ard Ferguson Minister of Lands and Mines on his recent trip through the north made anything but a favorable impression and he and his politicians will feel the result at the next election the fire and the loss of lives be at tributed to the Ontario Govern ment cannot be denied Further more fires raging around us here were on Government owned land held for speculation being sold an acre and taken from ah intending settler without re muneration Thus we live here as they do in other parts of fearing the lossof our hardearned property or even our very lives yet no aid or attempt is made by the Hearst Administration to right the evil the ever imposed upon British subjects Are people of going to submit to death to de struction to absolute loss with out a murmur The people of the north are enthusiastic in their efforts to build up the great but they are thwarted on every hand by an ad ministration that speculate even if the poor struggling settler mil si lay down his life in on an 100 acre farm in a district without roads and with out money The Hon G Howard Ferguson will tell you that wo are Mr was the next speak- satisfied happy and that be is From observations made he of us Could we be salis- favor wine and beer being fled could he excluded from the prohibition be proud of us otherwise he goes Yet that is just what we are for vacation until the 6th of a Conservative we have none we is I Miss Frances is spending a London with relatives In 11 London Town family don are spending a few weeks many friends of Robert will be glad to hear she Is doing well Mrs A Sinclair andfamlly are spending the weekend with her sister Mrs Perriri Mr Cody spent a day or two this Week with his brother at Jacksons Point Gunners and Carl have been on the firing line- for the past two weeks Willie Dunn of Oltawa is living here with Mrs Dunn her hus band having enlisted Miss has been appoint ed on the Public School staff for the coming r I Hunter of Toronto Mrs J P spent a couple of days this week visit ing her brother Mr T Mr and Airs Adam Urquhart from New Jersey are spending a week with his Mr David Wright of Toronto Is spending her at the home of her grandmother Mrs AJ Mrs Cowan of dropped off here on Tuesday on her way to Muskoka and spent day with Mrs J C JOHN DUNBAR Paymaster of the 220th York Rangon A wellkndwn figure In the northern section of the city of is Cap tain John Dunbar the popular pay master of the York Rangers Overseas and senior part ner of the firm of John Dunbar Co Born In Scotland he came to Canada about ten years ago Captain Dun bar saw service- In the Cameron High landers and when he to Canada joined the- York Rangers with the rank of Lieutenant afterwards being transferred to the With the rank of Captain lie was educated at Royal Academy Inverness and Edinburgh University where he graduated as S S Solicitor the Supreme Court In Scotland Captain Dunbar Is an honorary life member of Alex ander Camp S and is married residing at Davlsvllle Avenue North Toronto We have a large variety Peaches lb Prunes 10 and 12 V Raisins 10 and 1 of cured and canned fruit lb id and Seedless Raisins 122C and 15ookT Evaporated Apple 12V lb Dates 10 and 12 N Harness Works Having secured the on Main St Newmarket adjoining Hills opened a full Butcher Shop slock of I have Trunks SuitCases Club as well as everything Horse line required In Ihe I Special attention given to Repairs Having had of experience am prepared to give satisfaction at mod erate charges Give me a when In Town NOTTINGHAM From Lot itli Con of North one Roan Cow yrs old with short horns Would finder please write or phono Mahonoy KeKwiokOnt NORTH FARMS FOR BALE Three Quarter Sections of good grain land In Central Alberta from Town of on main line of Trunk Pacific ic broken one- quarter fenced and thereon acres iroken on another quarter Good house and good water on the third quarter section per aerc Terms to suit purchaser of Mrs John Ml Albert or John Krrna Alberta heart and soul with the Govern ment Mr would make pro hibition the paramount issue and Mr Connor being a SocialDemo crat had something to say alonsr his line Canvassing is now prose cuted hut no one special ly confident of the result CAN BE CLEARED SAFELY The price of two hundred lives and many millions of properly is too great for any province lo pay for the continuance of a bad ly organized and for est protection system Ontario spends about 300000 a year on forest rangers supervisors etc hut the machinery of the service was designed about years ago This was the first province to undertake Government protec tion of forest areas a creditable fad in itself but no effort seems to have been made to have the Forest Service keep apace with its responsibilities or to apply mo dern improvements One of the foundation stones Of any real forest guardianship is strict con trol of settlers clearing fires and largely for lack of this control tame the North Ontario tragedy Intensive fires on land undoubtedly clear off tree encum brances but in the whole there is not an acre of ag ricultural land that could have been cleared either by the settler or clearing gangs Willi per fect safety without the loss of life or destruction of towns The awful penalty for lack of preventative means cannot outweighed by optimistic predic tions of increased values for burnedover lands of the land cleared by fire was not fit for agriculture and was designed only for timber crops Probably the most damaging feature of the fire is the gloomy advertise ment that North Ontario settlers have no guarantee against a repetition of the disaster in years to Confidence can be re stored only by an announcement of the Government that the Clay- belt shall receive such efficient protection as has brought splen did results In other parts of Canada I The Globe entertains that the On tario Government taking Its life in Its hands when undertakes to ob struct and Injure the J S Ji BY TENDER fenders will be received up to the First day of September to Jhe undersigned for the pur chase of that and Lot a of lot In the 3rd of and containing one acre more or belonging to the late Smith KutaU la a good cement house and a and There a small orchard and wellwater iA miles from Purchasers will stale price and terms wanted The or any lender not necessarily accepted further particular to or to strenuous nickel policy to be about the only thing on which all four candidates In South West Toronto are agreed upon in under the present admin istration The poor in northern Ontario must sacrifico their all to help a pack of politicians scheming to remain in power and perhaps line pockets Arc we to dwell in Ihe very midst of fire of poverty of hard ship without raising our voices against the present policy of the Hearst administration We can advise the lion Ferguson that he nor any other politician can satisfy the people of Northern Ontario so long as our affairs arc handled and looked after po litical friends of Old Ontario To get at the true stale of affairs to get the great evils corrected let the Hon Mr Ferguson get North ern Ontario men lo look Northern Ontario Docs the On tario Government think that all the brains are centered in a few Conservative members of Parlia ment or a few parly workers in Old Ontario Let a delegation of business men or a prominent business man go lo to interview a Cabinet Minister and we will bet a fivedollar bill that he will he told that they have in formation contrary lo his state ments and that they rely on some man who is a Government worker The most prominent men in Northern are today denouncing Ihe Hearst Adminis tration and looking for a man who will represent Temiskaming and not support a Government that will tread the lives of set tlers- in the ground We may be unable to convince the Hearst Administration tunl there is anything wrong for a week a month or a year but we certainly will convince them when the next election day comes When we were asked by Mr Ferguson a few days ago there was anything wc wanted here or not we emphatically pointed lo the speculatively held Government lands still bearing a crop of underbrush and said We wnntyour lands cleared and our lives no longer endangered as they were to the north of us We waiting for but we have a promise and we all know what lo expect from Milt promises and in all prob ability the bush be left lo us in the face bring back to our minds scenes of scenes that terror and sorrow in our hearts at Ma Kelso Coch rane and contemplation of Inactivity of a Government based on any principle that lo discourage the colonisation of and made hardship harder and rotten politics more rotten Mr J who lias been up north for a couple of weeks looking after the Cane A Sons Interests returned home last Saturday has re turned from Port Dalhousio where she enjoyed a holiday with Mrs A Coombs and family Canned Fruits Phone 35- Gapes 10ctlri 12120111 Peaches and Raspberries 16c tin Pineapple Cherries and Strawberries 18o tin Dr and Mrs Lewis took a trip to Niagara on Wednesday Miss Gladys of Maple spent a week with lief cousin Miss Mood Mr Traviss is spending two or three days his week with his daughter at Jacksons Point PURITY AND QUALITY I Miss KHzabcih St has returned home after a visit of two weeks with her cousin Miss Stanley at Beach Toronto Mrs J E who is spending a couple of weeks at Lake View House Jacksons Point was called to Toronto on Monday on ac count of the death of a cousin Tle engagement Is announced of Janet daughter of the late Duncan Cairns and Mrs Cairns Cairngorm King to Allen To ronto son of Mr Mrs Allen Vancouver marriage to take place shortly Word has deceived from Herman of this town who was in the trenches nine months He has Hospital in England suffering from bronchitis While there ho met J formerly of Newmarket Is ex pected that Corp Is now back In the trenches Mrs Samuel gave- the a call last When her name was Miss Susie went to school In Newmarket and was very popular the young ladies- for the past years she has resided In Chicago and Is now on a three weeks visit her old home In Albert and with friends Mr II represented Newmarket Rebeccas of the Grand Lodge Chatham last week There were about in attendance at the Lodge In the As sembly ami In the Grand Mr was honored being elected Grand Conductor Mr represented the subordinate lodge and Mr Anderson represented ket Encampment It was slated that nearly OddFellows are wearing khaki and Grand Lodge is paying all dues for men In the Kings uniform Rev Stevenson wife and family together with Mrs Hannah Draper and Miss Draper all of haven motored out lo Newmarket on Tuesday and spent a very pleasant day at the home of Hartley Court St Mrs Draper Is her birthday and Ik yet Very active She stood the trip Wonderfully well and thoroughly enjoyed It She was one of the pioneer settlers of North and can yet Homo very Interesting accounts of pioneer OUR MOTTO VALUABLE BARN A lire in Up big feodaiU barn at Prices Dairy Farm at was discovered I arn Wednesday The blaze j appeared in the new hay and spread rapidly through the I building destroying 200 tons of hay and a largo quantity of grain I Five large silos one of which had a capacity of tons were totally destroyed and in fact adjoining the big barn went up in smokeonly the splen did water supply maintained in cow stables saving them and be milk house from the same fa to Forty hogs which bad been in of sleeping in the sta bles under the barn could not be kept out and were burned death Luckily the farm horses have slabling in the burnt barn were at work in the fields at the time that the lire broke out Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes J Patterson ft MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Agent for Cameras and Photo l Fresh Chocolates Weekly Q TELEGRAPH OFFICE House Phono No Store Phone No I The World says The record the Ontario In the natter of nickel will bo one of big issues In the To ronto campaign a contest that v ill attract the attention of the people for this week more than anything WAR NEWS mm OXIDIZED On ftfaort AUTtBOOE Paris Aug than unwounded prisoners and machine guns were captured by the Kronen in their operations north of the Bomme from Aug to Aug according to a weekly review issued by War Office The number of prisoners was in- who were taken InUheVerdun rfector ORCHARD BEACH Mrs Jos Tovcll of dropped Into Inglevood yesterday on a for a couple of weeks with her cousin Mr Jos Dale of Toronto spent a day or two this week with brother MrH Porter gave a verandah tea on Wednesday afternoon Mrs Hy of Toronto her brother Mr Andy Wright Mr Mrs Long entertained friends over Sunday Mr and Mrs Wilson fit Sharon andMrs of spent Wednesday with Mrs Mrs Tyrrell gave oclock tea Tor lady friend oh Tuesday afternoon v More lunge are being caught- this week Seven loads of with 0 horses passed along the Beach on Tuesday afternoon beading for- Point The friends of Rev It J Simpson will be pleased to learn thai ho Is enjoying his trip West When Ontario was sweltering with the heat a couple of weeks ago ho was drinking in the magnificent scenery among perpetual snows in nookics at lie Writes Wonderful scenery Immense crops people mountains unspeakably oclock lo Aurora Cemetery glorious to Join Mrs and be homo let of Sept Morton son of Mr Ira Morton of Keswick supply ing the Toronto pulpit for Mr Simpson THE LEADING Rouse You can buy your Pot EMBALMING A SPECIALTY calls attended to at residence Millard Phones and 20 THE PATRICIA THEATRE S WESLEY BLOCK NEWMARKET 9 Part Two will be shown on Thursday and shows how broke the Tenement House Trust Each part of this interesting serial series is complete and deals with a different subject each week SEE IT EVERY THURSDAY GRACE and FRANCIS FORD will be with us again soon Watch the posters announcing another of their big successes I Programme changed evening and a programme that you will enjoy RESERVE ONE OR TWO EVENINGS EAOH WEEK Special Broadway Feature Wednesday Ten Cents Admission The Cradle CRONE At Mount Albert on Tues day August to Mr and Mrs Scott Crone son OLIVER In Ontario Aug 2nd to Mr and Mrs W Oliver a son f I MITCHELL At Ulggcr on August 2nd to Mr Mrs Walker W nee Miss map of Public School Staff a son MORNING In 1Mb Newmarket to Mr and on Aug Mrs Ed Morning a son during his absence PRESERVE YOUH EYESIGHT By having your Prescription filled and your Eyeglasses properly adjusted Ground On the Premises ittailand Phone Orders Promptly Filled PERCY THE OPTICIAN- STREET V Phone North The Tomb LUNDY At her late residence Yon go Street- north on Thursday August Mary A Clarkson be loved Wife of Arthur Funeral Saturday afternoon at in Aurora on Tuesday Aug ust Eva vvltc fit Walter In her 24th year Family Theatre DOORS OPEN AT Pm HERBERT KtNLEY P a Box 161 Newmarket FURNISHINGS EN At Jacksons Point Mrs Agnes Crawford Street Toronto Funeral at day afternoon Point A J ft All Orders Careful Attention WW Toronto Phone North Careful fc Hero Is to buy Seasonable Goods at unheard of Low Prices ALL NEW IN THIS LOT AND EVERYTHING UPTODATE to match in white cream and sold 2 lo at Mens in a variety of shapes and patterns sold at and lo clear at in hard and soft cuffs some collar nod shown in a largo range of patterns up lo for Mens Pine Lisle Thread Hose in all colors including Black White Grey and Tan Res 35o Hose to at or 3 for 30 Mens Hats In Leghorn and Imitation Panama also in sailor slylc All up to dale and this seasons goods Sold at and salo for 10 Mens Panama in shapes sold at tb clear at Mens Pine soft collars attached and others soft ool- 100 Soft in mesh weave in and Blue shades with soft collar attached and to clear at Pre Mens Fine Oxfords in Black or Tan Some have polos andheols Reg bt and to at Dont Mies this Opportunity up on Seasonable Goods at these Low Prices Cj TftRONTO