Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , July 14, 1916, p. 7

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CHINAS- HALL shade Wednesday af lornfionfthe holiest yet had a line time green Tuesday ev E s China Department our window you Can see a nice White and Gold Semi porcelain Piece Dinner Set of 8fll1 Ail Lines of Sprained Ankle Pie Donald home from Camp Borden evening with a sprained father Pie J J- Mc Donald accompanied It is doing nicely jt I it re ie ie is ill la rein 5 Paper Collection next week West of tracks- on Thursday and tracks on Friday Phone and your paper or rags will be called for Proceeds for bene- of soldiers A T An Immense Day The returns are not all com plete for the Military Field Day in Newmarket last week but it is expected entire net pro the equipment of the Battalion will not be much less than to reduce stock apiece English China Tea Sets Very neat patterns 3 colors Priced from up to reduce stock quick Importer of Staple Fancy China and PHOTOGRAPH I A PICTURE OF FATHER AND MOTHER How It would delight your children how It would please your friends Let Us Make Them For You I ZURBRIQQ Phone Photographer Fatal Accident On Friday of last week Mr Wesley Harris was drawing in hay and while unloading he fell off the load to In ham floor dislocating his neck He was rushed Jo the Hospital at St Catharines about seven miles away died on Saturday morning though conscious to the last mother was a sister of the late Starr of Whitchurch Town ship Mr and Mrs- Starr of Whitchurch Township Mr and Mrs Starr attended the funeral last Monday the remains being interred in the family plot at Much sympathy is felt for the family in heir sudden bereavement Council met at Hail with the chair The Minutes of last were read and confirmed follows wen resented and read Mrs A Wells Secretary and District Red Cross Ipciely containing statement of con tributions and work for the General and soliciting a grant to wards continuance of the work Dr Scott requesting aid for Mr Smith lately quarantined for Scarlet Ontario Municipal Association with notice of Annual Meeting and requesting to join the As sociation The Treasurer I presented state- of Receipts and Expenditures for halfyear ending June 30th ult The following bills were present- viz Ontario Company for metal culverts of var ious sizes and lengths Fred Graham yds gravel for roads Evans yds gravel for roads 1245 toe operating grad- hauling water and wood for- engine 600 Resolutions to pay the bills and the sum of twehty- dollars to the of IH6 and District Red Cross craft guns for ihe ordinary Society shell Into the air cannot be Council adjourned to meet at Bond A M Saturday August FAKED VEjrn3U0QUIS Loud Tclophon A great deal of ventriloquism fa at all In fact the mod- era wonder in tbbilnof art needs to have none of old time ability at ail j He tnayAndoftexi on opposite side of the stage from pis manikin and puff a cigar quite -cou- the of he au dience Tbe answers with ready line of repartee delivered stentorian tones- Nor Is that all for he turns and twists bis head waves his arms kicks up bis feet and other wise acts In a very lifelike manner The secret of the dummys voice Is the loud Speaking telephone and or his actions various electro magnets As may be guessed both are operated one stage In order to produce all desired effects- dum my figure Is fitted Inside with a loud speaking telephone receiver with the born or large mouthpiece pointing to ward the audience The receiver Is connected a transmitter In an anteroom some distance away An ordinary operators breast trans mitter la also concealed In body dummy so whatever Is said by the on the stage transmitted to tbe operator In the auto room enabling him to speak for the dnmmy at proper time Argonaut AntiAir Craft shells have to be used A ii J- i I J You r tor general business King Council In Its flight and would have no Idea whether be went his target or not So tracer shells are used In craft guns This shell leaves a trail of smoke by day and fire by so that Its flight clearly be seen the gunner I able to observe how far off his target Studio the On Door West of New Post Office RAILWAY YST mm TRIPS TO Lake of Bays Algonquin Park Rjer Lakes River Temagami etc trip tourist now on sale ton in at t- rates with lop overs EXPRESS p daily it m dally for ttJorf an si Wharf for Toronto a Sunday and a r for lluntHvilte points on for III finest V Particulars on application to OAMmMTH Depot Agent J- APPEAL made a jiplrill particularly to His wwMmimi face nmo vUu and K to front said I ask my French to do their gJ enlist because wye in Ontario grievances win do our and obligations and J but he who wants Mai must JJflj Mi duly That is my message mi of the v drowned while fish- 10 Wdei Lake on Monday ice Cream Benefit For the boys at the Front at on Thursday July forget it Thanks officers of the Field Com forts Society wish to thank thru the press all ladies who help- to make the Field Day such a success- Everyone did their best and people could have responded belter Ihe true spirit of loyally was everywhere notice able The result of their work will be to add for the equipment of the Battalion The winners is the various Contests were as lows iiaby Doll Bird and Cage Dp Stevenson Aurora Dog Trevor Box of Gaudy Big Ten Prizes I Mrs Marshall Mr Ellsworth Toronto- Mrs F Smith Mrs Allan Howard Mrs Smith G Mrs Woodruff Bradford 7 Mrs Rogers Mr J Wright Mrs Dan ford Roche 10 known Died In Buffalo Mrs Maud wife Mr Wende of the law linn of Wend Wend passed away at her lionle in Buffalo on Wednesday July and was hurried in ForestLawn Cem etery on Saturday ihe Mrs Weild in Ontario and has lived in Buffalo a lumber f years She was the daughter of Mrs Sarah and the late John A Crone formerly of Newmarket Ontario and a sister of Walter A J Lincoln Albert Crone and Mrs lep A Hughes all of whom survive her also an infant sun Deceased was an active member of the Society of Friends Presi dent of the Thursday Beading Club Secretary of the Past Ma trons and Patrons Association Past Matron of Chapter Order of the Eastern Star and Past Noble Grand of lona Lodge of the Rebeccas She was most charming disposition and her death is mourned by a very wide circle of relatives and per sonal friends The above Council met at Suttons Hotel on Saturday June 2lth Members all present The tracer In its base an ir Minutes of last meeting and composition which la Bred confirmed The following accounts i ea were passed and ordered paid InTt a number of holes throuKb which he smoke streams as shell makes Its way through air Atolght a flrework hauling Hie and attachment to tin- base of shell hi same P r PI Canada Ingot Iron Co culvert Williams reps lohilf Man to Hold Joseph Billings months pay yds gravel People Herbert yds John Bolhain reps to pump tinier street light- W T rps to side walk P V 1 Dennis rent re Fire Hall is If Coffey re snow shovel ing p v s Victor lumber P AM losepMennings engine on grad er shrapnel- thai Is to say It shell a tbtck steel explosive bead and ii thin steel body filled but ets It bursts the Hying laments of thick steel from the bead rrjfji up aeroplane or j while flying bullets kill or wound 300i- Pearsons I law courts duty id all and Bui costs rarhenl which of proposal oomouisioD vas eleclro- w develop twomillion of electric energy WIN at a cost of to will to on an arc ii recelvf 2200 volt wire fcfc a fire alarm I h8n4ed hi by a had Big Ill addition to the Big Program of Sports and Amusements the Great Musical Festival that will he enjoyed attending the Kcltlchy Picnic on Saturday July I will be one of the finest ever given in this district The famous Baud of the Highlanders Toronto alone would be a big at traction but in addition to this there will be the very fine Band of the York Hangers which is said to be one of the finest Mil itary Bands in Canada Supple- this will be the full Bu gle Band and Drum Band of the Regiment The Platform Meeting will be a feature also The at so stirring in the history of the country will thrill the au dience At night a very fine Conceit will be rendered by the Bands Highlanders will take Charge program The only charge to the public will be admission to the Concert at night The famous Picnic Grounds never looked belter than they do now Everybody should aim- to fake Special on the Metropolitan and A Primitive Hunting Weapon The Is missile used by hunters and Indians lu PVSv to entangle the feet of animals and Win Burling reps to bridge 1275 thus throw them to the ground This Hartley Davis reps to culvert primitive consists of two or Joseph Jennings freight on of atone or metal usually grader blade j covered leather and Connected to Joseph Jennings- on grader and operating samcMI 1 I Sullivan his rl and ad- ne other around Ms vertising and when the proper momentum Alfred Thompson rood reps has been obtained sends whirling Win Son nails etc through the air When Dominion Machinery Co lu0 wntact with the edge to grader tightly wound J Jenkins office disburs- about tbem a fall results and escape la Impossible J gravel grant to Albion two A Financier IVjinto General Hospital re Ixwk here said in ten a nee re Louise bank Im terribly mortified about not Phillips having paid back that dollar I borrow- Jerome Campbell stone and of yon last June hut honestly old gravel man Albion Township reps to town- Ob thats all Tight Brock said line Dont speak of it John Lynn reps to bridge Oh but I must speak of It Id removing grader man said f cant treat Phillip Kiddie gravel and work 2900 a friend way yon know 1 Mount road work and want to pay you I will Ilmp- livery hire Bare thing If youll lend me Ill Pearson cedar IJiOJpay that dollar right now and we Win reps lo bridge- 300 1 can start fresh It J Deacon plonk and work Jonathan Terry road reps It J Black road reps and lounge That following claims be paid las W A Grindstone Rome of the fishermen mi the river In not only Igno rant but stupid On one Occasion two of these were caught by a McLean j heavy freshet ami driven out of the That the true- l surer be authorized to pay Webb sum of and as Assessor KaakeMcCtilclieon that this Council confirm the actions of the Treasurer in placing to the credit of I lie Township 250 re fund by Saw yer Co on Drag Scrappers Campbell Kaafce That this Coun cil confirm the fiction of the De puty in authorizing issue a cheque for the sum of Courtney for Pedlar People Co culvert That a grant of for repairing and gravelling North Townlinc be given Knit giant a like a- muoiiU CumpbollMcCulcheon that a giant of given J Deacon grade and gravel hill in con 2 Council adjourned to meet at Arm strongs Hotel King City on Satur day July Promotion Examinations Result of No for Jr Ill and Ill The other classes will he they were before holidays Br Ill to Jr Smith hen Willie McMillan Clif ford West Sr If to Jr Ill Dora ion Mary West Clarence Newton Herman V Vanderburgh teacher July No trace of the burglars who entered the borne Mlra Knight here early Saturday morning and took two gold watches and about In not yet been found by the local It Is thought how- fever that the culprits are two boys who were noticed loitering around the premises oh the day beforethe rob bery- fob the men saw In lite dusk a hoop by The hoop full of foiuu Wo are saved exclaimed the man grindstone swimming A Scoop Reporter Ive got goiirl piece of hero this morning Ive found a person who bun been to one mom entire life send It lip Who Why a baby at our house Convolution Facte are ICrIiuliiilfnw yer yet If they were not our fees would be smaller Down and a low down Whos s low oosV The man higher up Baby Willi Lady But my daughters too young marry young man Just barely a i Sbe ray seem way to yon air but aha a bit with me Fortune a mirror- It not alter men It only shows men just a they HIS JOB Mis first- week at work IheJ crockery shop Sam had carelessly broken a large vase dayie was called Into the managers office Half of your a week wages be stopped said the mana ger until paid for that thirty dollar Bam grinned Well sir he remarked it looks like Im sure orlum MeeMn W Wyl6e on the and FOB FLETCHERS remarked It looks like Im auro v ii Perhaps you work Indoors Or perhaps you are an man It makes no difference The point Is 5 I this If you are supervigorous you need of su perstrength Nothing elsewlll hold you lona d Come In here and get a warm comfortable suit of Stanftelds Unshrinkable DONT FORGET THAT WE HANDLE BOY8 AND YOUTHS CLASSIC SHOES J I VTf The Mens- Wear Men Main StWoat m i Speaking of recent elections the To ronto remarks were doomed to fight one campaign on Issues supplied Life of and arc now dooming to figiil an- Issues supplied by Allisons of Sam Hughes The following Information lias been received by telegram at the Office of the Fruit Commissioner in on July relative lothe apple situa tion in bitario the crop Is very disappointing and PEOPLE INTERESTED IN Garden Parties Picnics Band Concerts Also Storekeepers and Dealers who Handle Candy Chewing Gum PopCorn As am taking over the Wholesale at the North End Grocery Newmarket dealing in all the above lines I am prepared you at rawest P needing anything in- of to give me a call before going will not that of in ore elsewhere If in Town phono and call for you in the i bring you here to see the goods and lake you back again has been very serious of scab and a heavy dropping of fruit In all sections orchards re practically worthless on account of poor quality There has also been damage by hail In the purls of the Province Micro a medium crop but the quality particul arly In Western Ontario is good only In well sprayed orchards avai ARAB REVOLT 18 London July Revolt against Turkish rule in Arabia is spreading says a despatch from Cairo and it Is stated that the fraud sheriff of Mecca leader of rebels has an ample supply of men guns and am- I munition Arabian troops under Said Idrlfts flag now flics over The garrison of Fort Taif is still holding out and attempted sortie was repulsed with heavy losses to the Arabs who captured two guns The has ordered the chiefs besieging the fort to hold out until garrison surrenders at Ml goods delivered anywhere in Town or out free of charge Always something new For particulars phone A Cor Main Huron Newmarket 5 RIOT AT BORDEN Camp Borden July 21 Between and oclock tonight a riotous out break with several thousand troops of the London district participating took place near the new headquarters build ing They swarmed Into the open air bowling waving sticks struggling and officers Within half an hour after the trouble started head quarters was stormed Hie rioting men throwing stones a great number of the windows and swarming Alexander In the chair a committee jII sorts of filled the camp and the various stories could not bo verified It was- reported that three men had died of prostration that a- wholo platoon had left One man- In the was laVcn from tho guard house In the a numbe of men from various units went complaints to Gen bogies headquar ters Ho came out and addressed ihin He told them that several of their complaints seemed to be just and that be would do all that he could to have any grievances remedied aajajaiia f a i to no to the Country on or Busin K call up PHONE Lot us make you Comfortable In a COVERED BUGGY CARRIAGE OR AC Prompt Service Charges Reason A BOYD Pro Night on Phone 172 Promptly Attended 10 1 im iS mm iy mm I Dont Trust To Luck fc ssb4 w iJ fc 1 ADVERTI8E IN mm Bordeaux was drowned while trying to her little brothers marooned on an is land In the St Lawrence at The Dominion Government states that the German merchant submarine Doutsohland cannot carry bgck nickel refined in the United from the Canadian ijd that the British Gove satisfied that the- taken are THE ERA h The man who fears to cent And never advertise fY With gain must be CWnlle prises No matter what your wares be Nor how much the eelUng C J Nor how much worth the selling I The world will the be J v WW j Wffi aV I ill vt S m TORONTO m Sg aSfi M I

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