Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , May 26, 1916, p. 8

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ff1 j i MA is- NEWEST DISCO Experiment a yews proved tha rwl other eUmtoklor of one arid compared to tt for symptoms of toflam- backache scaMIng urine and frequent urination as as sedl- blood Censed it is imply wonderful bow surely Anuria ft- The best of are obtained in eases of acute in the Joints in gravel and gout and the pains and stiffness which the disease rapidly disappear Go to your nearest drug store ana tor a package of or send cents to Dr Pierce for a trial package- If yon sweet or bladder trouble send him a sample your water and Symptoms Doctor Pierce chemist examine it then Dr Pierce will to you without fee or charge French scientists that If thirty seven times more than acid and la a harmless but chemical compound that may be safely given to children but should be used only by who actually wish to restore their kidneys to perfect health by conscienUonBly using or in extreme cases as to Doctor Pierces achievement by far the most perfect kidney and bladder corrector obtainable T Pierces Pellets are original Liver Pills One PeUel a for a cathartic FOR SALE 2 Building Cots on Park and Avenues Apply to V HOUSE TO RENT On Court St rooms and bath Apply lo Rose Prospect Ave Hub Uvea on fcVftePs farm lost brood flth lost a vaiuabieV Imported ware the recent storm the roof torn off Mr Groves barn r Mr Baker of MUsselmans clock Lake Is a large to tag iff The funeral of Mrs Jacob look place on the to the Church of England- service being conducted by Rev of Bolton Injuries sustained aT short she fell- but of Shewas year and resident of Mrs Nelson Wellar In Kettreby with her daughter Mrs Davis On Norman A J -t- AWT ivV r XsP wished to take a would have believed largest plant of its kind In th tunes as many cars as has come to pass the efforts of Mr into thigreat Ford plant Here are the highest paid automobile building of a car that has won its way the confidence Here are hundreds of midlines designed by- Ford trialwbrld BRADFORD We Understand Mr Jos Corrlgan Is at an early- dale to re side In Fred Evans is able to about again after three -weeks- confinement to the house pneumonia Mr Jos has obtained work at the Specialty In Newmar ket and has moved his family there Mrs Sheldon from New market this on a visit to some friends Mr andKMra Sheldon moved from here a few weeks ago and are now settled in Newmarket production of cars executives of the Canadian Ford Company make no consideration of the war Canadian ideals that they take the Canada and the tain and her allies as accomplished facts c one timel And another that drills holes at once in a cylinder torn Marvelous speed and equallyrnarvelous Then there is the handsome in which close Witness J HOUSE TO RENT my St Rooms Town Water Possession at once Rent Ap ply to SCOTT HOUSE TO RENT On Prospect Ave Barn and large garden Hard and soft water Very convenient minutes walk from Of fice Specialty Apply to Newmarket AURORA The merchants in town have de cided to close placer of at oclock noon each Wed nesday during June July and On Tuesday afternoon a young lad about age was arrested at on a charge of vagrancy On Wednesday afternoon he was brought before Police Magistrate who committed him to To ronto Jail to be examined as to his sanity After his trial lie was taken back to the cell and within an hour had succeeded in breaking out and at of going to press has not been recaptured Equipment does not include speedometer OTHER InlFORMATlON APPLY TO hi ROBERTSON AGENT NEWMARKET sometime to come their own but draught horses and saddle horses will be In demand Carriage horses will be slow In returning although CONSERVATION AND THRIFT Conservation is thrift Perhaps U be added when exercised Conservation is not they too and the ponies as well will have their market for the show ring hoarding Hoarding fro- V SHOWING THE EFFECT B ATER1AI a FOR SALE Brick House on Millard Ave late home undersigned al so others added to my list lately M HUGHES The whole stock in general store In Newmarket A good opportunity tor a man going into business Ap ply to Box Newmarket TO LET J Invitations to take a drink of waste than not The miser couched In docs not the country He terms or In language to terms or- in language lor impoverishes i it Judicious- the name of lis effect on vestment makes the country rich- the thirst of the prospective drinker It means production and pro- named atrcoraing to an idea proi that adds to the capUnl of by David Starr Jordan SHINGLES a If il j jib jk r l i- I i In the Hank of Toronto Build ing Rooms for Clubs Lodges flees and living purposes with conveniences Apply to J WESLEY FARM FOR acres comprised of lot Con of North acres cleared house good barn underground stables school house on of farm acres young orchard Apply on the Late for Week On account of the bad weather the farmers have been unable to do much seeding Miss has returned after visiting her sister in Bradford Mr is going to race a few horses the We wish him all success winder what the soldier out of Batt was doing around our burg Rather surprising The Sunday School lately has had a poor attendance on account of the bad weather We hope to sec a larger attendance next week Mr Buckle has got his new car and It looks lovely Miss Terry has been visiting In the city and has returned home We wonder who the unknown man Is that has been hanging around for over a week to Geo Wilkinson Sutton West THE PI ACT- OF THE HORSE There P FOR 8ALE V Brick House Lot on Ave opposite dickering Collude Large garden with large and small fruit and good stable Also eightooomed house in Ket Apply to M St Newmarket i TO Brampton Merry Violas Bright Prince Merry Daisy I Record of Performance Test lbs milk fat Also Pure Bred Tamworth Pigs Kvcrythlnff for sale and vis iters always welcome DAN McAHTliyn Manager Black Thorn Heath ring Sl r i A Are You Going 1 fa ft The Qrand Trunk will run Tickets valid to return within two months Inclusive date of sale and Return A 4300 Proportionate lovt rales to point Manitoba fcUhswan and Alberta mm mm are few ways in which Canada can be more benefited than by breeding good horses Every horse bred that Is of any value ma terially enriches both his own and the country The automobile and traction engine have not produced the horseless age On the contrary the more the country Is opened up the busier the country gels and the greater will be the de mand for the horse In every Euro pean country arid In the United Stales artificial power both for pleasure and for business had made Immense strides before the war and yet each year saw- the number or horses In crease In Canada there was ho slump in numbers although there was In prices The latter had three causes first Ijia approaching financial crisis and cessation of the real estate boom second the reduction In works consequent upon com pletion or financial stringency and third life superabundance that had been caused by Inflated prices In the boom period rtieo came Iho war and uncertainty Increased while financial mailers went temporarily from bad to worse Now there rfre plentiful signs of Improvement Orders arc circulating from the West the trade In pure has greatly developed and prices realized at recent sales ere significant of promise Meonwhlfo two factors are working for the improve ment of the home himself as well as for a decrease in numbers the first place the stallon enrolment laws that have been enacted and the sup pression of scrubs cannot but have a effect on values and In the second place market of the lost few years has checked breed ing to a considerable extent There will not be the surplus of id and in addition there Is a spirit of great hopefulness apparent in the States as weir as In Canada Every horse owner and every breeder Is agreed that the outlook has mar Serially Improved In the last month or two and that the prospects further advancement How far Hie export trade may extend to the near future considering the of shipping it Is Impossible to say hut of a certainty when cease there will he a rush Cor such as the bos never previously seen And the rush will not type All closes will share to some extent Uri desired luxury for the the horses The wastage in the war owing to the system of trench fight ing on the one hand and machine hauling on the other has not perhaps been quite as great as was at first anticipated but it increases in volume as the violent disturbance on owing to the destruction of automo biles and the scarcity of sundry ma terial used in he component parts Horses too have the advantage in being more easily transported and In the climbing of mountains In the threading of forests and in the cross ing of sand extra soft places and streams In open fighting arid over widespread areas also they are in demand Hence as the war extends the call for the horse will extend for the draught horse perhaps more than llie saddle horse and yet for both sufficient to promise great depletion and a huge demands for sufficient have rolled round to see the maturity of the foals of by breeding now horseowners will be building up a future for themselves and their country In other words helping In production while by us ing Judgement In their breeding and utilizing the best they will be prac tising the best clement thrift and park But ring and park will al so take time to reach the height of existence which characterized them In the late years- of the last century and the early years of this Looking the situation ful In the face and having regard lo the times and the nation production that president of the Stanford it seems Impossible pot to means progress and before the wo- feel optimistic regarding the future of that leads to greatness mans Club a- a example rushed to purchase necessities Come In comrade and get a de- large quantities fearing a rapid sicator of lymph or advance in prices That was not Wont you a of conservation preservation or thought waves V or wise investment It Lets have a beat your wife and Very that it was desired to cat or as Dr It was waste Come on old chap lets get a paralyser for our That paralyzing the OF ALL KINDS v- P08TS ETC -ALSO- SASH MOULDINGS AND TRI11 statu that the amount of perish- ablo produce was subse quently thrown but with the gar bage was tremendous Thus an era that should have started with conservation and thrift commene with woeful extravagance makes a person more susceptible to illness Is Indicated by the definition of word which Is Phagocyte a lymph corpuscle or while corpuscle regarded as an lime proved the unwisdom of devouring wat It the early panic But stocks bad especially pnthogenic mi- been depleted and prices advanc ed The bad been done mid robes Drink dispensing Is illegal Our Inside trim Is Through Our and Will Not Shrink After It Is Put Up THE WM CANE LTI NEWMARKET said have the evil One of the cures would be for a man to ask another in such language that the effect of the drink would be shown before the Is absorbed War Office advices indicate a largo number of horses will be required from Canada this summer for military purposes The demand for prohibition of the liquor traffic continues to advance throughout world largest demonstration of wo men ever held in Scotland occur red at Glasgow lately when 30- women protested against the manufacture and Bale of liquor during the war They paraded with bands to wellknown Green where spoechos wore made demanding prohibition For Emergencies When you have a bilious at tack or feel illness coming on promptly move the bowels start the liver working and put your entire digestive system In good shape with a or two of tte tifhetested the effects lingered A feeling of Jordan but In spite of this we insecurity was caused that re mained in the memory of dealers- who were not slow to take advan tage of the situation larger men profited immensely Hie smaller went to the wall The consumer reaped the result of his folly But the lesson has been learned and although prides have not fallen the normal servalion of tho people bos re turned and with it to ex tent habit of conservation It is doubtful however whether importance of latter has yet entered into minds of the latter lias yet entered into the Canadian population in the wide measure that it should Conservation or thrift or both is in the smallest way as well as in the largest Each leads to personal gain and nation al profit And there Is no manner in whlchboth can bo hotter exor cised than lb the household and in personal habits in our method of- living contributes not alone to formation of individ ual but to what is more import- apt national character France learned this great from the War and is today Canada is acquiring it and there is every indication ttiat presont experi ences will lead to further con servation lo more thrift and to husbandry Present- and prospective demands will cause it scarcity of labor will neces sitate It The high cost living will provoke promote and sustain THE THAT It was who said that it was only when the light began wllh- In himself Hint a man was worth any thing And tfiat Is only another way of saying that it la light for mas tery for the larger and belter self lliaf most of nil The soldier who shouts for king and country and yet scorns discipline and self- control Is likely prove more of a nuisance a help to his coun try To get a mastery of himself and bring his whole and thought and purpose Into conformity with the truest and highest that Is the Christ Ideal Is the very finest and most sig nificant achievement open any man And Iho man who does not aim at thai and docs hot make some suc cess In his endeavor makes a fatal failure anil anything else he may do will count for but litftc To take great pities and yet fall to master and control oneself Is not to play any true conquerors role The man who docs It Is like poor blind Samson grinding In prison of his fdes the recent evil- times whloh SOUTH END FLOUR AND FEED STOEE JUST RECEIVED LIMITED QUANTITY OF EARLY A VARIETY OF CORN Also Red Clover White Blossom Sweet Clover Timothy Seed all Government Standard f Royal Householdlour Made from Old Pastry Moss and O K BRAN SHORTS AND ALL KINDS OF FEED FOH FOWL ALL KIND8 OF A ND TEAM WORK ATTENDED You will welcome tiie quick telief and often ward off a severe illness Beecham8 Pills are carefully compounded from products mild haSinless and riot habitform B1135- dont know when you may need BeechamB Pills A reliable fianlly remedy that always have fallen upon the veterans It Is assumed by the appointing officers that because a man Ma passed three score years this ends his usefulness and any discussion of his value as a employe is supposed to be feotually answered by a statement of it And will to age This rule Is as absurd as eflt of the Conservation It Would bo to assume that a man by use means thrift In when he la must weigh so many pounds and when ho Is CO bo many pounds more As a matter of fact the hi full of instances where men did at the full splendor of their powers until they had passed three score years Then with the ripe experience full mental activity and a knowledge of how best to apply their powers they did the greatest work of their Uvea The work that has been done by these men In tula country affords the strongest of-thlBv- y at the -Mr- King out down a large tree in his bush and after a dozen found that trunk Was hollow While he arid his helper were considering be done the hol low portion tho tree a racoon emerged the cavity men whoweie helping Mr King endeavored to the animal but it escaped by running up a hemlock tree nearby Mr agents the a Bta who Is an was not fled and was soon on the scene with his rifle and brought the ebon down expeditiously as a Canada at the coon down as expeditiously as 1 I it for no illeSg a a- Canadian ooter picks by Christian oftlol more than In all fslrpes belongs to In One of the visitors In on his work said lhatjt was a real pleasure to call at the fosterhomes especially where younger child ren placed as he was usually received with over-abounding- in one case when Inquir ing about a child tho fostermother said- When I applied for a little girl I never expected to get one so beau tiful so good so gentle and kind as my little Grace Of another home he writes wish you could Just see how- mush this child Is beloved by Ills fosterparents They have surrounded him with every possible advantage and the mdral and Intel lectual training will be excellent Happy Is the- child whose lot Is oast with such people and In such A pleasing feature also Is that the homes are Just about as much benefited ami as the children for the presence of young life gives people something to think about ft them out former state of and depression As a joygiving the- Childrens Aid movement would be hard to beat NEWMARKET Resident and Day ForBoys and reparation fop and Teaohera IN TYIilWRITINQ MOK Preparatory Course Collegiate Department A newspaper is jn no sense a child of tvyloe over every dollar t receives aridlt to no enterprise In contributing to uDbuilding of a community Its There are over four thousand child- patrons respfar more benefit fromlls fosterhomes throughout On- page thai lis publishers and In lario arid -these- young people riom for support of the community matter where located la itIs for no visited offiolalfl toan Id all belongs to MU8I0 A ART Address n it V Albert J Bait of BMW wife and her mother Mrs were drowned in w River at their automobile of ARCHIVE

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