ffiES ftSrS i THE r V Mr is MB D MCLEAN aV Out Not For over two years was troubled with Constipation Drowsiness tack of Appetite and Headaches I tried several medicines but got no results and my Headaches became more severe Qne- I saw your sign which read make you feel like walking on air This appealed to so I decided to try a a very short time I began to feel better and How I have a good appetite relish everything I eat and the Headaches are gone entirely I cannot say too much for and ream- mend this pleasant fruit to my friends DAK is daUy proving priceless value in relieving cases of Liver and Trouble- General Weakness and Skin Diseases a box for trial size At all dealers or sent postpaid by limited Ottawa member when the known as the was the only pledgee organization against indulgence alcptipiijjquors in Ontario however was Iheri other more stringent organizations Ml lowed until the Sons Order introduced during The sijugglo was brie of confliot but now in fairly in sight Septemherrjest5viiri up the licensed traffic y and its evils become Very generally abat ed The change will be duly preciated iiFpfty- years ago Die De- Witt TalmageinrtheBrookIyn Tabernacle forcibly pointed sin of temperance He observed- How many mighty Intellects havei gone down under the disposition of Oh I the passion- is tremendous I J now think of a who canio from theWest He was able to stand but against the whole American Senate- Godhad given him faculties enoughjto govern a Kingdom to frame a- constitution His voice was terrible ltd his countrys enemies and a mighty inspiration in aday of national peril He was in a fair to become President of Republic but twenty glasses of strong drink a day were his usual allowance and he went down un der the of a confirmed ine Alas forhim I Though costly monument has J- I Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS confused wrangles of law- yersYth6 ciuev court aiiaVtbe mass of perplejlngidetait by the us go of the What has brought but Shell so Its luring mernbersiweroc Was siniply a of cprii tractors for the British whose ageht- was Hughes the Minister of for Canada This group of con tractors had a ni6riey ed to his credit by the of paid themselves they ufactured war material and paid to whom they let contracta tn these con tracts and acts the British Government the Canadian people have a interest cause accounts are ad justed aftrthewarCariada will have her This adJ mission by its logical investigation of the strung until were rtVgn an order for hundred centsless per fuse than the pannes just to make A sop to so It was in connection- that Mr Harris was told to son Seeing as good poker player know costs MydaaghUr1 trou In her m British money tosee kept oh raising em ail tiie Apro- seeing Allison itwas Mr of the American favored f who i that the first lime he Allison was Sir and Colonel Da vid at in New York FroniwnicU it appears that Colonel John b Compoand ley Allison was close enough to praises it highly as has been so bad that it would seem like acute in flammation of some read advertisement Shell to a coupibof His lake part in their feJiii wthnlCeiftea graze fuses at cash wereawarded to h pany by Bertram Com at a time when the British by but alsb of transac tions of th old Shell be which ashas been said before was not a little superpa- triots doing it forlpve of British Empire supply a very iand- highly board of trade fishing fbrwar business Second quoting prices to the British Office- based oh the fat prices of the armament trust during times of peace and sticking to those prices long after general com petition by thousands of lioh factories had brought prices which the world was robbed of down to a more reasonable level fuse now being probed I tiirough Morgan and ri li Lii I it a reared restingplace and though in the presence of the laying of the cornerstone there stood military and ecclesiastical dignitaries the young men of the country shall not be denied the lawful lesson that the agency by OSBORNE SONS to Smiths Grocery one of its mightiest intellects and the country of one of its ablest constitutional defenders was the dissipation of political life The foregoing is only one of many instances in which the world has lost a promising bene factor through drink MR ROWELL8 NEW REFORM8 the Bertram cumulated above the amount credited to thenr by the British War Office a lit of anywhere from to which strangely enough they hanging around instead of turning it in to help the British Government to finance other transactions in strange thing about High School Graduates Are wanted to train for busi ness positions Start now and be ready by Sept 1st Com merce needs your help Hard work and our splendd methods Shaws Business Schools To ronto W Shaw President v J 1- QUEENS KINGSTON ONTARIO ARTS EDUCATION APPLIED SCIENCE Including Chemical civil MEDICINE War will La Medicla HOME STUDY The Arts Course be by cone- but to one SUMMER SCHOOL Many have Enlisted Many vacancies rxust be tilled Right now the demand on the fully five times our supply Enter now Open all year W for Calogu PAH f i A hands 3 by dam Did This Is a particularly wellbalanced and compact horse Beautiful Shoul ders Loins and Quarters good bone ftweet disposition kind and very Typical sire to produce Remounts Hunters Saddle and Drivers as he has exceptionally good action will eland Street hear Au rora Lot WJiltchurch York Co Telephone King Line to and Pedigree on application Pees for approved halfbredtf for Marea on aerylee with Mares may be quartered on premises will be offered at all Whitchurch King and Fairs for the best Pan An important and significant speech forecasting radical poli cies of social reform affecting both the country and the cities was given by Mr flowell K G P P at the Annual Meet ing of the Provincial Liberal Wo mens Association The abolition of the bar de clared Mr removed one of the great obstacles 16 gen uine social reform We have been but clearing the deck so to speak for a great forward movement in this province No one will claim that under our social conditions there is a fair- and equitable distribution of wealth We must grapple with the situa tion and to see that men who labor with their hands the workers of the nation should re full justice Not charity justice Mr Howell declared that among the necessary reforms were that our educational system should be revised and recast to meet the new conditions of that agri culture the oldest and most hon orable of all occupations should be placed in the commanding po sition which it should hold in the life of the nation- that every child should receive a fair chance to make the best of lifes oppor tunities that the industrious workingman who by sickness or misfortune is thrown out of cm through no fault of his own should be protected want during the period of sickness or unemployment and that a life of toil honorably spent should not end in an old age of penury and want To secure the necessary revenue for such plans of social there would not only have to he a serious and determined ef fort to practise economy and thrift Mr also asked in this connection the following pointed questions a portion of the in creased land values in our urban centres- created by the growth of the community be taken to help finance these services whicji are for the benefit of the com munity Should the more wealthy and hnore favored whose wealth has been made possible by the exploitation of natural resources or the toil of their fel low citizens be asked lo make substantial contribution to the public welfare Opportunities that have passed back to the man who waits its not so much what a man knows as what ho docs that real ly count small but paying business plant is belter than an unproduct ive tree The Markham Fair board at a meeting held in that own on Saturday awarded the contract for building of new central show to replace the one destroyed by flre In March to John Miller for The decision to award the contract fir Miller was unanimous and It Is understood must be completed by the middle of September The building- will ho of steel and con crete and will run east and west giving larger frontage street less this paper profit was that al though the pro fessed to regard themselves as contractors for Gov ernment and Sir Sam Hughes as their agent some one actually made a proposal to hand the plus over to the Canadian Patri otic Fund Just here the ques tion arises What right had they as contractors for the British Government to hand that surplus over to anybody but the British Government equally per tinent question is What right did they have to accumulate a surplus at all If they had cut prices down to the point justified by Ihc increasing competition and cheap production of war material they would have been able to show no such swollen surplus The best way to help the British Govern ment was to save money for it on the prices for war material As a matter of fact the Shell Committee prices were pres ently edited by Messrs Thomas and who were sent over from England by Lloyd George to sec about it After the Committee was reorganized and prices took a big drop Incident ally it was after Messrs Thomas and visit that the ulti mate destination of the paper profit was decided on It goes back to War Office where it belongs and Sir Sams lawyers a groat virtue of its handing over- although the an- ilouncemcnt comes somewhat late in the day Both these revelations wore outside and beyond Kyto charges They may bo taken as good measure pressed down and running over The standing of the old Shell Committee was ap parently disclosed before- the Royal Commission so as lo give the Government chance to drop Sir Sam if his war baby gels him into too much trouble In other words the Government puts it right up to Sir Sam and the Shell Committee Wo now come to Kyto charges and their contingent revelations Third The Bertram Shell Committee through Its imported expert and factotum Da vid Carnegie man with a tongue hung in middlo Iho man with a Kitchonor salary whioh Is wo believe more money than lie over saw in a lump before In his Bertram Committee working through Col David Carnegie was suc cessful in soaring off Colbnol Frederick Nichols when he first proposed to matavlqadecLsheils In Canada It was not success ful however In scaring off Lloyd Karris and the Russell Motor Company when they wanted lo make time fuses After these Canadian been OVERWORKED MOTHER Kndi Health In Oar i breakdown and terrible he id- waa tired at oyer totally worn but as I bad family I had to work deapfWmy I other- United States mejriufactur- 1 each British War Of hoe kept cabling to the Bertram Shell Committee to coinpeTo against Morgan by rais ing price in United States market but the Bertram tight rjn handing out to- the American Ammunition Company was Colonel John Wesley Allisons particular pet This company got a contract for two arid a half million fuses of which were graze fuses on which and Hi comparatively whereas the international Arms and Fuse Company which ad behind it the rich American Tobacco Trust no Allison connection two lion and a half time fuses much harder job with a much smaller profit This enlightened action of the Bortram Shell Com mittee in paying over four dollars for a fuse for which Morgan was paying had the effect of souring the British War Office on the Bertram Shell Committee and slopping the flow of orders to Canada Fifth Tho transactions Of the American Ammunition Com pany were revealed to the Royal Commission by who is the practical man behind the company and at present an eighty per cent stockholderiiind by Yoakum one of its chief These two men and another manufacturer now eliminated from the com pany divided among them a commission of ono million dollars on an eleven million dollar or der for fuses for their services in landing the contract Tfcesc three American big of their class enterprising coura geous big and also in believed in profits going and coming That is to say they took their profits not only in mak ing the goods but also by way of commission Naturally the commission came first and was the least trouble so day after contract Was signed they sat down at the Cha teau and split it three ways who intended to make the fuses was satisfied to take per cent a straight but orf that point ho was as firm as the rock of Gibraltar According to Yoakum whoso hearty cynicism in the witness box provided much entertainment was no neutral on this subject Ho was a wholo blockade Naturally got share ho claimed other manufacturer who by way had no intention of mah- ufacturingtobd out for got it and shortly thereaf ter faded away Benjamin Yoakum Wall Street privateer and soldier of fortune who had several Canadian honorary colonels to look after pulled down These were pretty good profits for mon who had never lifted a linger to fuses but they are said lo bo a trifle beside profits in manufacturing which allow plenty of room for rakeoffs in between So far those margins of profit between subcontractorsand the aotual cost of have not been investigated by the Com mission lawyer urging that disclos ures would only serve to gratify the Hun arid betray our Sixth tienjamin Yoakums wasa split within a split First out to Mr Craven who did Linlroduoing the man who steered against the Shell Committee After that Benjamin deducted for personal ex This loft which proceeded to split two ways 220000 for- himself for Colonel John Wes ley Allison Colonel John Wes ley Allison had people to lake care of According to InstruoHons Yoakum paid out of Allisons share of amounts to relieved of all by its All mothers remedy and all girls who suffer should try Mra MathJ High S Buffalo N Y Young women who are troubled with irregular period backache headache ilragglngdown fainting spells or indignation should take E Vegetabla Compound have been re stored to health by this root and herb remedy If of tiERE A FEW ARTICLES OFFERED- BOYS BOOTS Sizes to fop MENS LADIES AND BOYS RAIN0OAT8 LADIES AND MISSES VELVET PUMPS Regular 175 fPPSo MISSES HOUSE DRESSES Regular LADIES AND Assorted Colors arid Sizes also White Embroidered Reg f MM 3 Doors South of King Hotel Proprietor man who Is sick and needs help ful advice ask her to write to the Medicine Co Mass Only women will receive her letter and It will be held lit a trio tes confidence acpounled for it probably re mains in the Allison fafnily Colonel will use it as cigar money 105000 to Allispns sisterinlaw secretary is a- amount If Edwards not have a good figure certainly has one now We can well imagine wiihwliat lender affection she will be regarded- in the Allison family and how carefully she will be guarded from fortune hunters and peopre like hat Private sec retaries of the gentler sex seom 10 have found this war a jade fc Miss Sam8 secretary it will memberedj had a with a hole In middle pat and forthwith Sir Sam ordered 000 worth for his department and now comes Miss Edwards who pulls down for secre tarial work of even a lighter character Their success cannot fail to cause a spirit of unrest among lady amanuenses Do minion oyer Hereafter a week for typewriters will bo counted a mere bagatelle This evidence also discloses the function honorary colonels Honorary WasTi Stephens seems lo have got 810000 because was- a rich and could stand a little more Colonel William Mcttain who is also a rich man got for ho other reason than to keep his smile sweet Sir Sam has always admired Col white Judging from evidence Hon Colonels duty is to receive a commission from Sir in the first place and lo take one from he can ever afterwards A real colonel does his bit hut an honorary colonel gets his FOR FLETCHERS CASTOR A v- If Yo to go to the Country or call up I PHONE 60 Let us make you Comfortable In a COVERED BUGGY CARRIAGE OR Ab Prompt 8ervloe Charges Reason J E A BOYD Pro Night Calls on Phone Promptly Attended lo i A Excursions Tuesday March to October All Rail Every Wednesday During Season Navigation Groat Lakes Route out the where iMt year Conad Wheat Crop u produced there ft borne waiting for you CANADIAN PACIFIC will you there give you all the Informatioo about the beat place help you to it It from any Canadian Agent or write W B Howard Toronto ATKINSON AGENT NEWMARKET 111 How to Paint for J if- Less Money Well tell you how In three words aw gallon Thats the thing to go by in Paint not the price per gallon but the number of gallons required plus the length of time it and look Pure Paint Colts about half as much counting the surface It covers wears two or three times as long as ordinary paint You pay by for thft for It on Pilot if for you paint tint t tod V a Vigour iron to it earthen and mm places Thin leav JOB- the flute player to a Edwards sisterinlaw and fleore- to Hon Col George Washington Stephens of -Mont- Oh j ooreriol of 90S feat al pit coat as by fcaad- mixed Oil- or WO covered low priced prepared paint And further prooli you ut the your I I f- v their mo Booklet i r SPi A lARenivi mm TORONTO