i r Timothy St Newmarket and ready for rent about June 1st- Apply to Mrs or E A Boyd BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE In end Hard wood finish Light Bath Fur nace etc Terms arranged If preferr ed Apply Box Aurora MEN WANTED For Wood and Metal Department Apply at Employment Office Specialty Co The CATTLE LOST Strayed from 2nd St East Gwmiimbury Two Black and White Steers years old and One Red and White Heifer one year old Informa tion will be suitably rewarded ROSS CURTISS P 0 By WANTED the Dairy Toronto a few good men to take charge of milk routes Salary and commission A splendid opening for steady City experience necessary- position Communicate at once with D Hughes General Mauager Farmers Dairy Co Toronto man I No Hen Boys and Girls J WANTED For Factory Inside work all year round Work under good conditions GOOD PAY Active intelligent operators for machines wanted Write or apply to WM CANE A SONS CO LIMITED NEWMARKET WANTED Girls for Paper and Printing De portment also Boys wanted at Employment Office Special ty Co Newmarket WANTED Firstclass Fitters for Metal A Co Toronto WANTED For Summer Resort at Jacksons Point Good Cook Girls and Woman for Kilchen also Char Hoy Apply to S Wfnaris Newmarket WOOL WANTED Dont sell your wool before you see me- Top prices will be paid Phone at my expense Newmarket AUTO FOR HIRE Any parlies wishing to go out into country on business or pleasure can be accommodated by with bis new car Terms reasonable Orders left at the Market Bargain House will receive prompt attention Phone 232 QIRL WANTED For a good home In North Toronto a useful girl wanted Experience not girl who can do housework and Who will learn Enquire at Era Office WANTED An Apprentice or an Improver Apply at the South End Bakery Newmarket Miller Bros REMOVED NORTH YORK MARBLE AND GRANITE W0RK8 JOHN O Dealer and Importer of Foreign and Domestic Granites and Latest Designs in Monu ments and Headstones All kinds of Cemetery work promptly at tended to ftll and see before buying elsewhere All kinds of Building Out to Order MOBS Box to Eves Old Huron Newmarket Phone Monday A Patriotic Rally was help at East Toronto on Monday evening- in the A Building at the corner of Main and Gerrard Sis Clay Esq J P took the chair Trooper made a remarkably impressive speech His words of appeal should bear fruit among young men of East York The other speeches were made by Ma jor Briintpn ExAlderman A McMillan and B Brown Officer Commanding 220th York Rangers Overseas Battalion Moving pictures eluding the historic march of the York Rangers Battalion from Newmarket to Eastman Ko dak Barracks were shown- The 220lh Band under the di rection of Bandmaster furnished the musical program Lieut W who is in command of the East York Depot should enroll a goodly number of recruits as a result of this highly successful patriotic rally Tuesday On Tuesday evening owing to the inclement weather the Patri otic Rally which was to have been an open air one was held in Harrisons Hall LtCol Troop er made a deep impres sion on the large audience with his stirring and eloquent appeal for men to volunteer to serve their King and Country Corp a returned hero who was wound ed and gassed in tho Battle of St interspersed the ac count of his experiences at the front with stories both of a humorous and pathetic nature His description of the sights he had seen of the horrible cruelty of the Huns was vivid to a de gree B Of ficer Commanding the urged the young men of Mimico to join their own County Battalion the York Vol unteers and do credit to the County by helping to raise this Battalion in record time Miss Lillian of Hamilton sang several that won great ap plause Mott and several members of the Bugle Band were in attendance Mr Doug las Davidson acted as Chairman Wednesday An enthusiastic Patriotic meet ing was held at Richmond Hill on Wednesday evening Trooper made a stirring appeal He said he was not call ing the men who had not donned khaki cowards because he felt sure they had not been convinced yet that they should enlist They bad never gripped the realities of the situation Poland once had a greater future than that of Canada but is now in slavery be cause the people were too selfish and too engrossed in business to lake up arms Canada is the rich est prize that Germany is aiming at The gold field in the world is in Porcupine and in Ontario alone there is of the nickel of the entire world Your right to your farm your Hank Account or what not is but a scrap of paper which if Ger many wins will be worthless Right must be supported by might Defense is the first business of the Slate To the objector who wants his boy to stay at home and farm lie would say Therell be no farm if wo dont win the war We should thank God we can settle this war outside the limits of our Coun try The essence of Democracy fa equality The present sys tem of recruiting is undemocratic because it discriminates against the man who is willing to fight in favor of the shirker It is absurd to have to coax men to defend the greatest heritage there is for the was given Margaret Eaton School Readings were given by Mrs Geo TbeeolbistsYvere Miss Joy Denton and fir Dal on Baker Interpretative dances were -per- by Misses Mildred Marsh and Sylvia McAllister Two plays The and cady were given by other pupils of the School Sunday A- large audience assembled in the at on Sunday evening Slides of the War Cartoons and patriotic moving pictures Were put on the screen Solos were sung by Johnstone and Frank Mrs P Crow- was the accompanist Controller Cameron made a most stirring appeal to the young men to enlist at once If you wait till Canada is invaded it will be too late He spoke of the war as a holy war We have faith enough in the justice of our cause he said but faith with out works is useless If you do not do your bit you wjlhbe the most ashamed men for the bal ance of your Jives- It is a shame that the men should have to waste their time in coax ing men to enlist Thorp isnt a nian in the uniform who wouldnt prefer to be in the firing line than to tramp the streets in the search for recruits A young- girl should not be seen with a shirk er as he will not make her a good husband Speeches were also made by Brown the Officer Commanding and the Ad jutant of the Lieut K Following have enlisted at New market this week Kenne Ptc A Pte J H Caldwell K The following poem was com posed by A Anderson of the York Rangers Overseas Battalion Acoorng- to statistics of the Dominion the average yield potQes- Canada from to war the field crops of the country We axe told however that yield greatt lessened by the of disease and insects The season of was adinittedly one of the worst in years fate blight and the the observes that in small at Canada the loss from this disease led to about including loss in storage Dick and Mr Dan iXepard spent Sunday with friends In Town- Jacob Taylor Victoria Day with hersl8teKnear iMr of Toronto visit ed Mr ChasBarker overSunday Jacob Kelly A cablegram the latter part of last week announced that the eleventh British War vot amounted to 000000 Total Vole In Great Britain since the- War will reach the sum of In making an the above on the floor of Parliament the Chancel lor of the Exchequer and Law emphasized the fact that- Great Brit ain had increased her revenge annually by taxation against Germanys To TO ARM8 I arms I Ye men of In the first place dp we not eat too much meat and do we ever consider that if we ale less there would be more for export If we ate less meat more money would come into the country and we should be practising that highest form of- economy na tional thrift Id the secfiond place the problem that presents ttself Is how much of the sixounces credited to each individual per day is actually consumed arid how much wasted In other words how much fat bono gristle and skin are thrown into the fire or garbage barrel that could be used perhaps for fbod and If not for fertilization or for some manufactur ing purpose J It has been slated that fully ten per cent of the food- in the principal hotels and restaurants is thrown away possibly absolutely to the dogs but more likely as valuless and altogether useless The Government In its en couragement of the saving habit and discouragement of wastefulness has called- upon the people- to preserve paper and rags In the eating of less meat and the saving of the seeming refuse are surely other ways in which Canadians can practise both those eminent qualities economy and thrift weekend with Mrs Miss McKinnon of Pickering Col- iege friendsBiApton last Sat- BCFi Smith attended the funeral of his brother at Rochester last week IIss Greia of Toronto spent the her friend Miss Myrtle Johns Sgt with the 1st Overseas Contingent has been promot ed Jo SgtMajor Mr Jack Montgomer of Toronto spent Victoria Day with hissister Mrs Mrs Roche Is spending a couple pdays wth Mrs D Lloyd aUOrchard Beach and Mrs p Lcpardof Yonge Street spent oyer Sunday with Mr and Mrs- Aurora Sgt- Wesley Brooks and Pte David Brooks of the at Dennis were home over Sunday Miss Foote of accom panied the remains of her mother to Newmarket for burial on Tuesday af- lernoon Misses Laura Trent Frances t- Is here and planting time Is now on handle Selected which we i the best on the market the best on the market Celery Tomatoos Cabbage and Lettuce We have a large variety of cured and canned fruit Peaches 10o lb ru Prunes and 12 lb Your The ending their car prob these day Raisins and 1 lb Seeded and Raisins 12ao and 1Br Evaporated Apples lb Dates 10 arid 1 2 Canned Fruits i Plums and Gages 10c- tin Pears 12 Peaches and Raspberries 15c tin Pineapple Cherries and Strawberries 18o tin Mhwam For Spring Planting for I TOMATO CELERY AS TER VERBENA and other Floral of made on abort r PEHRIN their heritage Canada Men are a crying need Italy has nev er declared war on and may withdraw from the war any day If Germany wins she can easily satisfy Italys demands- on the part of Canadians is an encouragement to Italy to accept terms of peace Other speakers were Lieut J A Gordon Corp and Brown the Officer Com manding the Esq the Reeve was Chairman Thuraday The weekTy meeting of LtCol Brown arjd the Officers of the took place on Thursday evening May at Headquarters Pauls Hall Reports of recruiting throughout the County were given by the Officers in of pots In spite of the terrible con dition of the roads and the late ness of the and other hamper recruiting for this Battalion the push on and will continue to do so Forty have been added to the strength during ho week It le the earnest of the Officer Cornrrfandlng that all the attention he given to A good football learn j ii Newmarket There for musi cians In the Band arms I To York List to your Kings yotff countrys call Your land aroused by alarms Peals forth with clarion blast To arms I The foe in deadly menace waits At your gates for your home your wife your child Your mother sister sweetheart dear Confiding in your strong right arm And stouter heart to shield from harm All that you owoto love and duty Home and beauty I To arms I To arms I West and East Toronto warrior dogs fall in Newmarket Woodhridge Rich mond Hill Aurora Agincourt Brave hearts attuned to heat of drum And still they come The trumpet call insistent loud Resounds through Markham Thornhill They gladly gave us of their best Impatiently wo want the rest Duty will claim you soon or late No longer wait To arms I To arms j fair West ons sons Brave British leaps in your veins Your sires now claim you to maintain Your heritage in honors name- To arms I Your virile race pro claim In heavens name I The music of the battle song With kindling spirit Sutton hears Yielding her boldest bravest sons With Mimico to front tho Huns Your valiant host send as before We still want more To arrhsl The tocsin smites the sky you if manhood In you lives The bugle blast the rolling drum In martial numbers calls you Come I From recreants slackers smartly quit And your bit The glad band of a soldier greet ing Awaits you at our barracks gale Heres to our next meeting Yongo filrcet I Canadian Great Lakes Steamship 8ervlce Canadian Pacific Steamship sails from Owen Sound p each Wednesday for Sault Marie Port Arthur and Fort William Connecting train leaves Toronto 525 p Full particulars reservations etc from any Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent or Howard District Passenger Agent Toronto RECIPROCITY FOR New York State autoists will bo permitted to tour in Ontario this summer for periods of twentyone days without extra charge This is the result automobile 1L cense reciprocity which was fin ally approved by the provincial authorities last week- The min ister of works and high ways in Ontario is now authorized to go ahead and arrange for the interchange of licenses The news of the final of the bill brought joy to Presi dent and Secretary Lewis of the Automobile Club The auto club has been trying to secure the reciprocity act for the last sevon years The license agreement will be a great advantage to mo torists on both sides of bor der hut particularly to motorists on this side Canadian li cense price had raised in the last two years and was so high this season as to be practically prohibitive With two splendid boulevards gracing the shores of Niagara River practically the entire dis tance between Lake and Lake Ontario says Secretary Dal Lewis this new Ontario motor vehicle law gives motorists a chance to enjoy them without the burdensome expense of double registration Thousands of mo torists arrive in Buffalo every season from various sections of the United States and in nearly all cases these tourisla are anxious to motor on the Canadian side of the frontier But here tofore this part of the itinerary has had to bo omitted On account of the expense involved in having to Ontario registration number plates Wilson Star Lulu and Anna- I bell Smith were the guests- of Miss Georgia Mann at Orchard Beach over the holiday Mr D formerly of Newmarket has purchased the drug business of Mr A of Mid land Ont His Newmarket friends wish him success and Mrs Stuart Barker and son Mr Eugene Barker and Miss J Sugden all of Toronto spent the holi day at the home of Mrs Rachel Barker Prospect Ave Mr Ellas Rogers Glen House Park announces the engagement of his youngest daughter Isabel May to John S son Of Thomas McLaughlin Bedford Road Toronto the marriage to take place quietly in June Word was received on Wednes day evening from Montreal that the eldosl son of Mr Edgar and grandson of the editor of the about ten years of age was seriously burnt in- the face with- crackers We very much regret to learn that Mr the moving spirit building up the Office Specialty Works In Newmarket has severed his connection and will re tire at His successor is Mr C of Rochester Y soninlaw of Mr and a man of much experience in this line of work He will reside- at Elmwood Newmarket arid we give him a cordial welcome to the Town DRUG PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Era very fire- I PRESERVE YOUR By having Prescription accurately filled and your Eyeglasses properly adjusted Lenses Ground On Promises Mail and Phone Orders Promptly Filled PERCY THE OPTICIAN STREET EAST OF hi TORONTO Phone North Special Attention Given AH Physician and Family Recipes J MAIN STREET NEWMARKET ONT Agent for Cameras and Chocolates Weekly N TELERAPTT OFFICE House Phone No 161 Store No The Cradle HOWELL On Saturday May Toronto to and Mrs a son MANNING In Newmarket on to Mr and Mrs A Manning daughter at Mr May The Altar CLARK St Helens Church Street Toronto by Rev Father Walsh at A M May Sarah Kvolyn eldest daughter of James Street to John Clark of Calgary Alto Sale Niagara Palls May 2nd- Arthur years of age son of Mr and Mrs Earnest Delrhar Perry Street was electrocuted here yesterday afternoon He tried to cllirnb a pole of the power plant In Spencers wood where he was playing with a companion and In contact with Jhe full voltage He was badly burned about the face and body SATURDAY May The Execu tors of the late will have an extensive sale of house hold effects at Terms Cash Sale at Kava- The Tomb LEHMAN At on Saturday May Lehman in his year FEEBLE AGED WOMAN Vino Hade Her Grand Saline a am ah aged Woman and for a long time waa weak and feeble but Vinol health ana etrength bo that I feel almost Again and am doing all my housework Old people who weak and feeble try and know I dp fa the beat to and for chronic I have ever taken- our cod liver and Iron aold on our guarantee to benefit or your money will bo June par1 will have a sale of atocX plcmentB on lot 2nd St East Gwllllmbury Mob credit Sale at one Kavanagh Auct London May 22 News of the by or of five and barque received tonight THE LEADING Sense You can buy your For Cash UNDERTAKING call attended to at John Millard MORTON At Concord on Sat urday May William J Morton only son of the late Robert and Mary A Morton of Aurora At on May Jane widow formerly of Whitchurch aged years In Mount AAIbcrt Thurs day May the Thomas Croutch In his year Sunday to Cemetery Gordon Lister only son of Mr and Mra J E Cerswoll of Bradford Ont killed In May In Newmarket on May Slat aged 31 Monday May eon of the Slokca Mount Albert aged years Funeral from his late residence Friday Inst at to cemetery J ROADHOM8E Main St WQrt Of anew straw hat at on The time Is here when your FELT HAT neither looks right nor feels right and what your 8prlng 8ult needs to set It off Is one of these smart raws Our windows show the styles for this Snappy shapes all of them slightly varied In width height of brim and crown so that there Is a hat to suit man YOUR STRAW HAT IS HERE HAVE IT FOR THE PRICES RANGE FROM to Mens Outfitter Phone ERA 8TO0K REQI8TER WATNALL KINO Grand Chammplon Stallion owned by J Clark will travel York during the season See largo and small cards for pedi gree King is enrolled In spected and graded form one Home Standstono Lodge High Tide An Imported Clydes dale the of Henry Thompson Zephyr will visit Zephyr and other places in Scott Township- Mount Al bert on Thursday nights Bred Stallion Registered and Enrolment No a No Gorlifloato Ho was a First winnor at Toronto International Exhibi tion Will stand for ser vice for a limited of mares during season at Holland View Farm Lot 33 Corl of King Property of Hill Sons Blaok BnodldtPIno Bud Clyde jiJil tho properly of Mount visit Zephyr Cedar Brae Virginia Sutton and Albevt Fri day Monday afternoon- Well bred yrottlng Slalllop the property of Roborl will visit wood Zephyr Raverii shoe Cedar Valley and MounrAlbert Thursday Tho standard bred American pacing stallion the property of Gilford Maun market will travel East and North Georgina and to during the season Sec Celebrated stallion property of Hill Sons Quconsville will visit East churcb King and North Gmi- limbyry during the sedspn Perch- young stallion pro perly of W Hill Queensvillo will visit Keswicf Sutton Baldwin and also Scott Tp during sea son Bred property of Walter Randan Nowmarket will make sea- son of at Newmarket ana through North and East limbury and Whitchurch Bonnie 8oIway sported the property or J Oldham Mount Albert season Mount a East and SHOW TlkTok A Saddle Stallion No Vol hands one men years old bred by J W USA Sire A by Mcddlar imp K Commoner properly J 5 I j I iTvj Mrs residence d into meet houses Mr hardwood residence Brief lets King on Next June East at Sharo Week Kings by dresses the day A ver the evening a piano sc which meats Next Topic the in and Misi member do so Method I The service I in the students A spec morning Mrs Mf Rev service sermon his At this Mrs Do Mr P dress at evening Paper Like business Canada the prices material of print for wort i drawn ago six month Prices envelop into 25 vaneihi come priced price and is to day A eoc their per Rev j pulpit and Re of the dered Next I bo the one c serv The Jhurch 1 fc hi Juno awaiting lastSun and the a ta on School Parents Tliere a Toil death a elcher Cradle gave an l the rr Chi ij be