v Cleans Purities Enrlclies Fruit juice Is Nature own remedy the famous fruit medicine keeps the Wood pure rich because It keeps the whole free of Impurities FrultatiTes7niw Mr Action enables the stomach to digest food properly makes the bowels moTO and relieves the strain on the Kidneys By its cleaning healing powers on- eliminating organs rids the system of all waste matter and thus insures a pure blood supply a box for 250 trial size At dealers price by Limit Ottawa TO RENT On Main St 6 Rooms Appl- Newmarket OAK RIDGES The Canadian- Band is now up to full strength We trust they Vwill herald the fine weather Complaints are heard from almost all automobile people about con dition of Street Owing to the extremely wet weather a considerable portion of foundation of Mr Keys has fallen in FOR SALE Building Lois on Park and Avenues Apply to Newmarket Saturday evening last a suc cessful openair recruiting rally took place under auspices of the Battalion York Rangers Great in terest was taken In the moving pic ture show of the recent march from Newmarket to Mount Dennis The speeches were made by Dr Dales and Robert Miller Lieut Col Brown and others Several men volunteered and are now wearing khaki Lieut E Woods is in charge of recruiting in He is confident of ob taining many more men in the near future Ragolate Kidneys AID Williamson Lambert Richardson TO RENT The New Royal Hotel Newmar ket Partly furnished Every convenience Enquire on Premises the- Brick House on Millard Ave laic home of the undersigned others added to my list lately HUGHES so FOR SALE The whole stock in a general store in Newmarket A good opportunity tor a man going into business ply to Box Newmarket AP- TOLET In the Bank of Toronto Build ing Rooms for Clubs Lodges Of fices and living purposes with conveniences Apply to J WESLEY FRAME HOUSE FOR SALE RENT Near Newmarket Cemetery Rooms Good Garden Possession May 1st Apply to Rose Prospect Ave Newmarket 12 Terms Moderate FOR New Brick House 32 with all modern conveniences Oak Trim and Hardwood Floors Lot fed with Apple Trees and Small Fruit A Bargain for FREEMAN LLOYD Queen St Newmarket FOR 8ALE Brick House Lot on Prospect Ave opposite Pickering Collage garden with large and small and good stable Also an eightroomed house in Apply to St Newmarket SNOWBALL On Saturday evening a very enjoy able time was spent at the home of Mr George Brown in the form of a farewell for Mr las Wilson who has enlisted with the Battalion for overseas service The people of Snowball presented Mr Wilson with a handsome gift to show of his work in the church Mr Robert Steckley and William Webb made the- presentation and Mr Wilson made a very suitable reply Eloquent speeches were rendered by Mr Geo Case Mr Mr C White Mr Brown Mr D Case arid Mr Case A very com ical reading was given by Mr Harris and several musical numbers were given by the young people of tills neighborhood At the close of the evening refreshments were served which had been excellently prepared by the ladles of Snowball RICHMOND HILL The Horticultural Society is fortun ate in having secured Mr of Newmarket to give an address on Childrens Gardens illustrated by lantern slides Mr Steckley who re presents the department of Agricul ture for York County is especially In his work and he will be able to give us some valuable information Mr W Williamson a horsebuyer from Toronto had two horses killed by a Metropolitan car on Saturday Early in the forenoon a hoy left the Dominion House stables riding one horse and leading two others the horses to he delivered in Toronto At seeing a car approaching and thinking he might he safer on the east side of the track the boy endeav ored to cross the raits but did not allow for the speed of the car The rider and the horse ridden escaped without injury but the other two horses were caught by the car ami In jured so much that they had to be killed the legs of each horse being broken One of the horses Is said to have been rolled over feet Lib eral art to lot Mlc of any proprietary medicine la Candaa ddeTemeVoilr to their a remedy Bat of hare that tola remedy tUt The of received that In compoondlas a medicine and tune up the Sidneys and B ladder erf the ingredients hire effect upon the other especially the bowel It is important to know In- the case of that Gin Pills do not act harsh lr on the there is no but a ffradual and af the fwsjcUon Try Gin constipation la Ihos the bowels you afainst possible Kidney trouble Pills are a box or boxes for te6t at tout dealers A trial treatment will eat upon request to National Draff Chemical Co of Canada Limited Toronto Fry I Commissioner Rich ards of the Salvation Army will ad dress the Miss K of Saskatoon who has been visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Thomas of Street left for Saskatoon on Monday evening Miss has volunteer ed to go overseas as a nurse and ex pects to leave with a Western unit In a short time aunt Mrs Newmarket on the Mr Jos Godson of spent Sunday with his Jos Street Mr Jas Thompson of spent Sunday at his home line The annual vestry meeting in con nection with St Mary Magdalenes Church was held on Easter Monday evening Owing to the Inclemency of the weather the attendance was scarcely as large as usual The financial reports for the year from all departments showed an Increase over the preceding year which Is most gratifying especially during war time The rector was giv en an increase in salary of The following officers were elected for the ensuing year Hectors P peoples Worden Sibree lay delegates to the Synod J M vestry clerk Marchant sidesmen Clarence Marchant Irwin auditors Bond The vestry meeting at the other points have also shown substantial balances on hand after all liabilities have been met CO 1 TO BREEDERS Weryy Prince Sire Bright Prince Daisy of Performance Test lbs milk fat Also Pure Bred Pigs for sale and vis- ittin always DAN NcAitTiirn Manager Black Thorn lleatir Phone ring Newmarket KrNG CITY A very pleasant and enjoyable even ing was spent at the home of Mr and Mrs Cameron Walkington Easter Monday night The evening was spent In games and but best of all was tripping the light step in that old lime melody After luncheon was served the happy couple were pre sented with a beautiful Morris rocker as a mark of appreciation of their many friends Mr re plied in suitable tone hoping that not only he and Mrs Wellington enjoy the pleasurer of the rock- but by welcoming the friends to come any lime and therein The of the evening wan then spent In dancing The Womens Institute King East will hold their next meeting at the home of Mrs on Friday after noon May at oclock This the last meeting of the year and 3RD CONCESSION R Hilts fcParker Smith Billings James Keetcfa James rah am MoTnihan a K Shripson Frank Sibley David Pray 5 Eari Lehman Reynolds CONCESSION No 2 George Max Fines Wright Whitney K dteid CONCESSION ft Joshua Oliver J Sheridan CONCESSION R Nor Samuel Atkinson Peter Arthur Welsh Guthrie Willis CONCESSION No I I Wilson ft McQuaia CONCESSION No Oliver Johnson Fred Dennie Barton Ward John Windsor Patrick Young Herman J Broods 3E Hardy a Angus Campbell CONCESSION K No A Hall Job Lemon 3 Eleazer Forsyth Russell Gray Nov 5 Lemon Paisley Samuel Ben Grose CONCESSION No A Williams Fred Chamberlain Albert Robinson TOWN LINE SOUTH No 1 Peter A Herbert 3 Harry TOWN LINE NORTH No A Uriah Marsh S Vernoh 3Ed Bishop Atkinson THE FAMILY BOTTLE As a good many who Bill Air- of alcohoi family medicine may be disturbed as to how they can have the bottle Tpail such address tlUs letter asking them lei examine the matter fairly and candidly Alcohol aw medicine Is rapidly be ing given up the large hospit als This shown by the collated reports of seven of the largest hospit als in England In 83740300 was spent for alcohol and only for milk In only for alcohoranil for milk with about the same number of patients Sir Victor tells us that some of the present day rapid recoveries are due to the present fact that after opera tions the patients are no longer doz ed with alcohol of the most successful physicians of trie day never prescribe it even in the smallest quantity Thatbeing would it not be wise to leave it out of the family medioiue chest It is now dispute that it lessens efficiency lessens power endurance weakens the memory- and eyesight It does not require any- great intelligence to understand that what does all this must lessen the power of a patient to fight disease Dr Welsh Hopkins University Said Alcohol In any form or quantity lessens a patients chance of re covery If that be true of an adult how much truer is it of the delicate tissues of- a child Some years ago the German Govern men t issued a poster warning parents to give their children not one drop of beer not one drop of wine not one drop of whiskey or any other form of alco hol Not only does alcohol lessen a patients chance of recovery from ill ness but it greatly increases his ten dency to contract disease No One will accuse mllltarymen of temper ance cranks ami yet the Handbook of the Royal Army Medical Corps takes great pains to put that fact beyond question On page of book experiments are described that would convince that any man that even one glass will render a man more liable to any contagious of infectious disease Not long ago the Academy of Medi cine of Toronto unanimously de clared against the use of alcohol In any form as a medicine Finally let us remember that In the whis key and brandy have been left off the American Pharmacopeia which Is the official list of medicines recommended for the use of Physicians If that be so arc you not quite safe in dropping the use of It as a family medicine Sometime I may advise what to use In Its place Arnott FLOUR AND LIMITED QUANTITY OF EARLY BRITONS CORN J A VARIETY OF 8EED Also Red Clover White Blossom am timothy Seed all Government J Roys Household Flour Made from Old Wheat Choice Pastry Flours Moss and FOR BRAN SHORTS AND ALL KIND8 OF FEED FOWL Prompt Delivery A HOWARD ALL KINDS OF CARTINQ A ND TEAM WORK ATTENDED TO Add play hours to your day Summer will soon be here and you will want all the time you can get outofdoors free from work and worry Get a house Telephone to help you Nothing can do it so well and it will cost only a few cents a day No installation charge Let us call and talk it over fill out the Coupon below and mail it today London April The British battleship been sunlcby a mine Admiral the captain of the Russell officers and men were saved About 124 men from the Russell arc missing The warship was sunk in the Mediterran ean Bull S Th S Sim The Bell Telephone Co of Canada Gentlemen Please see me about Residence Telephone Serokt Name Address J Safety First Indigestion and many ailments of the digestive are often the of At the first disordered the reliable family remedy that always dependable is PILL Many vacancies rouat be tae on the election of officers it Is very Im portant that all members should be in attendance Absentees If put Into of fice must stand Besides the busi ness there will be a program of in terest Mrs will ell us what constitutes an attractive woman Mrs Is to give a chat on cooking cereals white the subjects assigned for the month are Care of the Cellar by Mrs Badger Household Management by Mrs A Wells la Womens Time Worth Anything by Mrs Roll Call Gardening Cleaning AURORA BRADFORD Word was received on Monday night by Mr Charles Porter that his son Arthur had been killed in Fland ers shot through the head The word came by letter from his sergeant A number of the members of the donned civilian clothing on Monday and have gone back to land for a months work An enthusiastic reception was giv en Corp Jack on his return last Tuesday evening About six hundred people meet the train and cheered him lustily A procession was formed headed by the band and the men of the Battalion and on arrival at the town hall it was de cided to hold an outdoor meeting the crowd being too largo to get Into the hall A number of addresses were delivered and Corp was pre sented wltha gold watch and chain Corp is spending a couple of weeks at borne after which we un derstand he will go to cent Home at Toronto Mr Fred Stoddard Bradford re ceived the following letter the other week from Newmarket About seven or eight years ago I was help ing to take large engine on sleighs up north of Bradford and when go ing down the hill north of the village we nearly upset and got a rail off the fence to hold the engine up We did not put the rail buck again ho am you a postal note for cents to pay for the rail you will forgive have often thought about It but did not know who own ed the fence until just lately Yours truly V War Why Are We Proud To Advertise This Our folly five tow all year Catalogue 1 Town or I Is hereby given that all must be la a sanitary condition before Monday May 16th Fine and trill be Incurred all who comply WlUe By order Under the auspices of the 220th York Rangers Overseas Battalion a special meeting was held Thursday day afternoon In the Star Land Theatre presided over by Lieut J Coliey A stirring address to the ladles was by Miss Cart- wright principal of Hildas Col lege In she Impressed upon all the seriousness of the situation snd pointed out that the duty of the womeii was to help A few remarks were made by the chairman and the of the route march of the were tw shown In the evening another was held In Hall at which Aubrey quartermaater of the Col who was to have taken the chair being un able to be to the Capt Darts and Col addreeaet two boxing were put on by members of the Battalion The soldiers of the Overseas the Home Guard head- Cherry by the parade Bales en at Whltohuroh Tp for 1te v POUHDKEEPf Ash A Geo Cook Williamson John Dike Fred Rath Frank Graves Oliver- Geo WilUaea George Fred loMehanic clock for I On the very day that war was declared the price of the Canadian Ford car was reduced But dont mistake reason for this reduc tion It was made in spite of tho war not because of it To understand this reason properly requires a knowledge of how prices of Ford cars are decided upon prices aro based on tho estimated pro duction for tho coming year never on profits earned tho preceding vear For instance some time before August 1 1914 the Ford Canadian executives decided that tho demand for Ford cars for tho fiscal year starting Aug 1st would be about cars With this production it would be possible to reduce the price So an announcement was made to tho public at largo that tho prices of Ford cars would be less for the coming year It must be admitted that this was a remark ably sincere and substantial expression of faith in the prosperity of Canada and the Empire that prompted this Canadian firm to stake their entire business on the continued prosperity of their country Yet the Ford Canadian executives did not allow the war to interfere with their plans in the slightest degree They considered the pros perity of Canada and the victory of the allied cause as assured This was emphasized a second time last August when the prices of Ford cars were again Profitably to manufacture the Ford Canadian car- at this lowered price requires a production of cars during the year 1916 To quote from General Manage own statement v It this company is able to manufacture and feel care between August and August 1 that buying capacity the production efficiency of our manu facturing plant and the distribution of over head expense over a volume of this size will enable to reduce our prices per car and still make a reasonable profit for the company on this volume If we are only able to manufacture and sell cars the reduction of per car would not bo warranted and this company would bo operating at a loss It is profit on tho additional 20000 cars which makes the price reduction of 00 possible Although to build 40000 cars means doub ling last years business Ford firmly belfevo that prosperity in Canada will be of such proportions this year- as to create a demand for fully this much increased business And tho sales to dato and the prospects for the next months prove that they are correct In their belief Moreover this action becomes increasingly significant when the advance in price of raw materials is taken into consideration At least automobile manufacturer has been obliged to increase the price of his car on this account And the Ford Company again have an added burden in tho increased duty on the few raw materials that they ore obliged to buy in the United States But all of these increases have been absorbed into manufacturing costs by tho Ford Company as part of its obligations and its duty in times such as these It is another significant fact that while prices on other products have so generally been Increased tho prices of Ford cars have been decreased So the Ford Company of Canada is proud to advertise this reduction in Ford cars because it Is a substantial material proof of its faith in Canada The Ford Motor Company of Canada Ltd la a Canadian Company owned in great part by Canadian and as such believes fiv Canada It believes in her prosperity It her final triumph and tho triumph of the Empire in this tremendous struggle that fa now demanding bo much from her manhood and from the faith and support of her people And this Company is willing to back its belief to the last cent J Sir Willi A ate nil In itedFord