Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , May 5, 1916, p. 4

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OF Woman Mad Well by E Vegetable CompoanA To aJrooatarran bean rick foe six with I female troubles end in my right side end could not eat anything with- out hurting my stomach I I not drink cold waUr ell nor eat thy kind of raw fruit nor fresh meat nor chicken From 178 I pounds I went to and would get so weak at times that I fell over I began to take Vegetable Compound and ten days later I could eat and It did not hurt my stomach I have taken the medicine ever since and I feol like a new woman I now weigh 127 pounds so you can see what it has done for me already My husband says he knows your medicine saved my life Mrs J S Barlow South St Columbus Ohio Pinkhams Vegetable Com pound contains just the virtues of roots and herbs needed to restore health and strength to the weakened organs of the body That la why Mrs Barlow a so completely It pays for women suffering from any female ailments to insist upon having E Vegetable Com pound Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of Our Specialties Already- Ibe Royal Commission appointed to investigate of J and to the Kyle charges have brought to flight some startling revelations On resuming the inquiry last Monday examination Of Col David Carnegie and the Toronto staff report er at Ottawa- gives the following report thereof The colonel testified that his salary had been increased from to per year and in addition to this salary he had been presents with as a gratuity or honorarium The enquiry into fuse contracts concluded so far as Mr is concerned and when the commission adjourned for the day trie colonel was being questioned as to the contracts for the purchase of cartridge cases from the Ed wards Valve Mfg Co of Chi cago Perhaps the most im portant item in todays lest- was the announcement that the International Arms and Fuse Company had only delivered fuses to date out of the fuses which that company had to deliver April 30 As the foregoing extract is tak en from I he World it cannot he said the writer is politically un friendly lo the Hence the revelation of the way in Which lite Ottawa Administra tion has been conducting the peo ples business at the Capitol is very unsatisfactory and richly deserves the condemnation of the j electorate of the Dominion LEGISLATURE PROROGUE J wvso This tt the story of how a British gunboat sav ed Dublin In response to orders the the gunboat was brought Into Dublin Monday night The com mander himself going on- arid of short leave papers As she was creeping sleepily up the- the wireless crackled overhead and a message came through- the air that trouble was rtf in Dublin and insurgents- were loot ing the city the boat was prepared for action Her guns were unshipped the men were ordered to their way stations and soon the gunboat came up trie river with her guns unmasked and her crew ready for Instant action On the south quay shooting and rifle shots around the power station indicated attempt on the part of the rebel army to capture this im portant position Here the rebels had massed In great numbers The gunboats searchlight flashed on the threatened point startling the rebels by the sudden brilliancy Nothing had been expected from this quarter and the menace of a gunboat moving acrpss the river with her guns trained threw the insurgents into sudden panic They turned and fled for safety In this way the quayside and entrance to Butt Bridge was safely guarded ftnd the overninnlng of this part of the city was completely prevented About bands from Exhibition Camp toe Church LAKES ARE OPEN 1MB See Bathroom Outfit at the Shop LEADING TINSMITHS R OSBORNE SOUS to 8mllhs Grocery The ice left Lake on April and on April ac cording to Mr S Robinsons re cords The earliest date in recent yars is April and the latest May so that his year the ice left the lake on about Hie average dale Times NEW AGRICULTURAL WAR BOOK parade Paris past date last year Afire doing damage was started by a pot of wax oyer fat a factory Street Trie amusement tax proposedby the- Provincial- Treasurer comes The tax will be a graded one A coroners Jury last week- exhon- the motorman and conductor of- the Metropolitan- car from which George England a retired farmer aged 70 years and received in juries which brought on pneumonia which he died Sirs Grace Freeman is suing the Metropolitan Life insurance Co for This Is one Of the cases Where the young soldier who was ed outside the city limits but enlisted with the city battalion About two hundred prominent men met last week- hi the Gov eminent House to launch a campaign lo raise in Toronto towards the A work among the Cana dian troops Property- Commissioner- Chlsholm has written to the erf Control asking that be provided for the erection of a new barn at the Mens Industrial Farm The Contract for the erection of the barn was awarded to Messrs James Limited Principal Maurice Of Uni versity College and President of the League of Empire was elected Presi dent of the Ontario Educational As sociation by an unanimous vote The other general officers of the associa tion elected are Mr and Henry Ward Treasurer The secretary is old Sharon boy A parade of troops to Park took place last Sunday and were reviewed by- the The Royal Commission to inquire More and Save More The needs food If you axe not in the fight ing line you may be in the producing line Labour is limited all the more reason to do more than ever before Grow food for the men who are fighting for you The Allies need all the food that you can produce Every little helps You are responsible for your own work If cannot produce as much as you would like produce all you can Work with the right spirit Put fighting energy into your effort and produce now when it counts The more you produce the more you can save Producing and saving are warservice Make Your Labour Efficient In wartime do not waste time and energy on unim portant and unprofitable work Economize labour Put off unproductive work till after the war and if possible help in producing something needed now Let us not waste labour Canada needs it all If possible help to feed the Allies Make your backyard a productive garden Cultivate it with a will Make your labour count for as much as possible Do Not Waste Materials There should be no waste in wartime Canada could pay the annual interest on her war expenditure out of what we waste on our farms in our factories in our homes Every pound of food saved from waste is as good as a pound of increased production The way for a save is for every individual to save France is strong today because of thrift in time of peace The men and women of Great Britain are not only doing but are learning to do without YOUNG WOMEN and Boys with one or more years High training should get ready at once to enter upon a BUSINESS CAREER Opportunity was never so great The demand for our graduates was never so keen- That is why we advise you to prepare With good weather coming on you can come by train or car dally to our Deer Park BUSINESS SO Yonge and St Clair Avenue and very soon pre pared to go Into a good sal aried position Want our catalogue Write to W H Shaw President of Shaws Business Schools Toronto IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF YORK in the mailer of Hie GuarUian ship of Glover and Maxwell Glover the Infant children of Henry Lisle Glover late Of Township of North in the County of York Yeoman deceased Notice is hereby given that af ter the expiration of twenty days after the first publication of this notice application will be made lo the Surrogate of I lie County of York for the granting Of loiters of Guardianship of the an named Infants lo Martin Of the Township of Gwillirnhury in County York Newmarket Solicitor for he Applicant Mill Jay of I0i6 On Thursday of last week Sir John of Ontario was escorted from Gov ernment House a picked her of the Canadian Dra goons lo the Parliament Build ings in Queens Park Toronto when lie officially prorogued the second session of the Fourteenth Legislature of this Province A battery of canon boomed in proximity to the Legislative Hall on the arrival of the Lieut Gov ernor and as lie stepped from his carriage the Band played the first Save the King Sir John was escorted to the Leg islative Chamber Hon Dr It A Acting Premier in the absence of Hon Mr Hearst On entering the Hail Speaker Jamie- son retired from the chair and Sir John look the seat The Clerk of Hie House then read the names and lilies of the 118 Acts passed during the session and asked His Honors assent thereto This was given and in closing Sir John observed By the of the War Tax you have placed at the disposal of my Government a fund which will enable it lo maintain the undertakings now in hand to assist the Empire and al so to give effect to any beneficial proposal that may he deemed ad visable I observe in this con nection that you have provided for the establishment of a Rep resentative Committee with stat utory powers and duties which will consider proposals whereby the province may give further aid to the Empire and conserve our resources for war purposes is intended that the committee will also devote attention to the mailer of recruiting and I trust it will able to prepare plans which will assist the Dominion authorities in placing llie work of enlistment on a more desirable and a more efficient basin Spend Your Money Wisely Practise economy in the home by eliminating luxur ies Wasting our dollars here weakens our strength at the Front Your savings will help Canada to finance the War Save your money for the next Dominion War issue- There can be no better investment EDITORIAL NOTES and freedom tonight from RHEUMATISM today I ram 4 m yot foil Mains row matohihq K Pure Bred White Pure Bred Rhode Island Pure Bred Barred Rocks The above axe all bred to lay and the I he sold for EDGAR In his observations when closing ihfi recent Session of the Provincial Legislature the of Ontario remarked- Prohibition In a for con servation be decided upon by the people after a fair trial A telegram from Chicago dated May 1st stales that the concert in that city last Saturday evening in aid of the Canadian Red Cross Fund was attended an audience which filled the Auditorium Theatre This con cert realized for the fund IhfthandsorneBum of which amount has been forward ed to the Canadian Fund as a practical proof of sympathy and support The program of the evening was representative of the Empire and the Allies The Can Red Cross Fund was organ ized In Chicago two months ago Women are being employed In va rious kinds of service In London Eng land Trie that Clly that the London General Company have young wo men as on their ve hicles but before long It Is expected that at wlU be required Even that not exhaust the de mand for there are aome con ductors liable to be up In this later married ferroups In that event the company will something like 1000 young women to take the place of men Moat of the had previously been In service Their on an average fourteen during that period two a day on their receive mall conductor The Agricultural War Book for entitled Production arid Thrift and for its particular text In War Time moreVand more Make your labour efficient Save materials from wsale Spend your money wisely consists of valuable and instruc tive pages with a brief ad dress to the farmers of Canada by Hon Martin Federal Minister of Agriculture under whose direction the been issued followed by extracts from the Budget Speech of Sir Thomas White Finance Minister of- the Dominion and an article upon the national income and expendi ture of the United Kingdom there ensue contributions from over seven ty expert authorities on different branches of agriculture including the compiler and editor of the work the federal Commissioner of ami the Commissioner of Live Slock and Dairy Products of the Dominion the Director of Experimental Farms chief and of departments of agriculture of all the provinces and a number of professors at the differ ent agricultural colleges A vast deal of general information statistical and Otherwise covering various coun tries as well as Canada Is given along with a large fund of sound advice and counsel bearing in particular upon the subjects embraced in the title Al though primarily devoted to agricul ture there is much matter that the general reader will find of interest A Among other things he will be rather surprised to learn that wheat In was 3i7 a bushel In Britain while last year ft was only the latter however being nearly twice as much as the lowest point reached which was In wen the price was down to cents For the first fifteen years of this century the average price of wheat per bushel In Britain was cents whereas In the first fifteen years of the nineteenth century the average was something like While crop production occupies a large space live stock comes In foi large share of attention hordes cat tle sheep swine arid poultry all be ing learnedly dealt with along with dairy products and special crops such as- sugar sugar beets honey maple products flax fruit vegetable and tobacco In short no branch of overlooked The nutritive and commercial values of different foods are set forth In company with a deal of excellent advice on the prac tice and results of thrift Marketing Is dealt wllli anil sections of the book are devoted among other sub jects to economy In the Home Patrio tic Purchasing Women and the War the- Call to the- Colors Patriotic Be lief Work and Education and the War into labor conditions have completed Investigations in Toronto and Hamil ton and arc visiting other places this week THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE THE DEPARTMENT CF FINANCE J33Xfc7 British Garrison Surrender London April 30 After holding out for nearly five months the British army under MajorGeneral Charles V Townshead which had been selged by Turkish armies at Kul-el- has been compelled to surren der of the exhaustion of supplies In the official announcement of the surrender which was Issued yesterday afternoon It is staled that MajorGen era army consisted of only British troops and Indian troops To prevent the Turkish forces from capturing them all the British guns and ammunition were destroyed be fore General surrendered The surrender of a British army Is an event of very rare occurrence and much sorrow was caused In London by the announcement Public LURED GERMANS OVER MINE How the Canadians have done the Huns across the told officers returning The Canadians have long dog In their conflict will once more channel Is on leave been the London April The destruc tion of a German submarine by a Brit ish trawler off the north coast of Scotland Is described by Dutch news papers received here According to the accounts the submarine had halted Dutch steamers when a Irawlcr appeared and killed with Its first shot four men who were standing on the deck of the submarine trawler then sank the submarine with a sec ond shot The entire action lasted less than ten minutes say the submarine was of the latest and largest typo and carried a crew of of whom were lost mans and it is said in the trenches opposite the men from North America there are twice as many sentries as elsewhere along the line for the arc forever thinking of some new thrill for their enemies Not long ago so the story goes the Canadians discovered that the Ger mans had In some way wholly unex plained tapped a Canadian trench telephone wire A connection had been made which led to the German trenches Thus the Germans were able to hear all the orders passing on the telephone In that vicinity The was a good deal of consternation when the testing of the line showed that It had been tipped and the first Impulse was to cut the German wire A Canadian colonel however hail a belter notion He took the matter up with headquarters anil laid a deep plot to profit by the circumstance Of Orders At a certain point the Canadians hail finished a mine under the Ger man trenches Its explosion was de ferred Then the Canadians arranged a fake set of orders With the Ger mans listening orders were issued for an attack The Germans did not know of course that there trick had been discovered The orders were that the attack should be made on the very point under which there was a Canadian mine The Germans did not know about the mine either Profiling by the Information obtained the telephone wire the Germans in turn planned a surprise for their aggressors They literally packed men trenches where the sup posed attack would take place two deep walling for Canadians to come on When time had been given for the German to make ample preparation for effectual resistance the Cana dians exploded their mine and then made a small attack of Ger mans were killed and It Isnt likely that the Germans will ever again be lieve anything they hear over tele phone Report for March and April- Class Marks- Possible Owen Walter Terry Florence Campbell Mar- fleet Leslie McMain 813 Harold Mary Buckle Mary I David Ret a Owens Beatrice 482 Class HI Marks Possible 1050 Haines 840 Eliza Owens Nellie Laura Cosford Blanche Pottage Chester Robert Lewis Dorothy MnMain Class fir Marks Possible Vera Leigh Florence 543 llohnan Aubrey Alice Arthur Harry Newton Class Jr II Marks Possible 750 Edward Lewis 572 Earnest Cook 526 Clarence Pottage Until Walker 431 Walter 417 Keith George Newton 290 Class Marks Possible Owens 299 Hilda Cray 248 Dorothy Reginald Marshall Campbell Teacher Children FOR FLETCHERS I A MctrcH to October All Rail Every Wednesday During Season Navigation Great Lakes Route out on the prairie where year Canada Wheat Crop produced there a home waiting for you The CANADIAN PACIFIC will you there give you all the information about place and help you to met It Particulars from any Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent or B Howard District Paenier Agent Toronto L AGENT NEWMARKET 5 Buildings are Painted with IMARTIrfSENOVRl PAINT S in Hew Barns a 8P Consider Parity in Paint in Preference to Price You wouldnt pay the regular price for Sugar that analyzed 10 of sand You all wool prices for clothing Why should you pay your good money for impure Paint when you can get PAINT i ADVICE To Bo a long I waft By bra- To meet the urgent demand for Young Women trained for office formed each week for special Typewriting and Accounts In Schools Toronto Only those with two or more years High School training are being admitted for this special work destroyed the mills and ele vator of the Rice Malting Company of Canada at Winnipeg with bushels of grain total toss and the- sawmill at belonging to tho Charlton estate valued with thnuianddolUrs We guarantee MartinSenour Pure Paint a few dark shades that cannot bo prepared from pure Lead and Zinc alone to be pur White Lead pur Oxide of Zinc pure Linseed Oil pure Colors and Turpentine Dryer and to be entirely free from adulteration or substitution and sold sublet to chemical analysis Every experienced Painter knowa that the above formula Is It is the Standard of the You absolute purity extreme fineness quality when you insist on Paint kH wa9N A Writ to MartloScoar Co for their Country Homaa akovrb now color lafoV j I ftuoilonc Over Dr Violet Ray of elans and College Former Throat thy Oonsultal Real iU BOX 8 Adjoini PAINTER A Queei Praotical and and I Agent las Complete MAR At the Call be Out 8ton Kept in ggg OXI Beat A gain pric hours I If ORE Having plant I hi mall dyi lr of run from vBARC p flrsUolaai watorTe 0ltibn re

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