am r r i T V i 3flas f v Has Too Many RINGS THE HEW STOCK J f 1 a Jewelry Store i Si w 1 I fc I t ft Paper as Oldest and No paper sent out of North York unless paid In advance Your Wo Know How to Fit Qlasaoa Optician I 3ifri j TTCKSOnT Editor and Proprietor I sf f 1 poh OR QUALITY GOODS PROMPT fc PHONE 28 TO Builders Painters i NEWMARKET CENTRE OF BAD CLOUDBURST THE Blacksmiths Electrical and Automobile Era Lumber Yard The Bin is Nearly Empty Order at once a ton i Coal BEST IN AMERICA P W Pearson Order from Alf Bishop John Murphy Office Phone Th INCORPORATED OF Reserve Fund A General Banking Business The Bank of Toronto W BankiM Experience with ample to- sources with large reserve and with extended to Merchants and other Men unexcelled Banking Servtce i Branches In Ontario Quebec and the West NEWMARKET BRANCH A LISTER Manager at of have seven contingents OF ALL KINDS LUMBER LATH 8HINGLE8 ALSO SASH MOULDINGS AND TRIM lni Through Our Drykllna and Will Hot Shrink After It Is Put Up new ft j cost tfc It fa B ypfO- Fort ftca W ted ILffi NEWMARKET I BOARD OP DIRECTORS h ftKutn v I up Oct upvrurd A I allcorcd at highest current given attention C G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch I to go to Country on up PHONE OoraTortifel Hi W ftb Pnrnpt In the Police Court on Thursday of last week Thomas Hogan was found guilty of making bets In the bar of a was fined for the code of niorals for teachers and parents in the char acter education of children in the school and the home has been feered by National Institution for Moral Instruction The city has been stuck for 95000 in the transacUon TJie marriage of Miss Ida Ellis to R Burton took place In Slier- bourne Street Methodist Church on Saturday afternoon last in the pres ence of a number of friends of the bridal circle On Friday last the campaign work ers to raise funds the overseas fund reported had been subscribed and a- number of names on the list had yet to be seen The sum is double the amount A Polack living on the Lake Shore Road near number Way Is In grief His wife disappeared taking with her their two children also the savings of months amounting to or more At the same lime as the wo- man deserted her husband a boarder house too and it is supposed the together On last when Air Justice took his seat in court with live cases on the dockeet not a law yer was present He promptly struck every one of them from the list The men will be more attentive in future For having sold 20 lbs of horse flesh to a Chinaman foe beef was fined and costs Bister exams show there were successful candidates at the Normal School last term Mabel Foster aged two of 21 Primrose Avenue was fatally scald ed Saturday morning by a pot of boiling soup Her mother had just stepped from the kitchen when the little girl pulled over the pot The liquid spread over her face and neck inflicting terrible injuries At the recruiting rally held at Theatre last Sunday night Mr Stevens P of Van couver was speaker he having come from Ottawa purposely to address the meeting During April fires did damage In the city and during the same month there were 21 violent deaths Mr and Mrs James Karlscourt In this city sons In the overseas fighting for King and Country Toronto has so managed Its muni cipal finances that twothirds of its yearly taxes go lo money lenders and the School Board The sham fight and military review before It Ihe Duke of Con- naught on Friday last was very Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Con naught with the Princess Patricia visited some of the munition plants of Toronto last and In one fac tory a miniature high explosive shell was presented to the Duchess by the workmen On Monday evening a lamp explod ed in the hands of Mrs burning her so Badly that no hope of recovery Is anticipated An aviation school will open in this next week i Swindlers are at work forging cheques of soldiers and passing them off on merchants A few arrests have been made On May Day the Public and High School pupils will make donations for soldiers comforts and will have a procession The Canadian Championship Prize was awarded to Miss Hazel Arena on Monday evening for ra pid transcribing She wrote words a during the test The sec ond prize went to Miss Annie who wrote 74 words Torontos Hoard of Public School Trustees want no less than for medical Inspection of schools for the current year The Hoard of Con trol object It is officially slated that the Do minion Government will grant 9100 as a gratuity to Canadian men who become aviator for service In the war forces A new high record for Customs re ceipts In Toronto reached for April The total amounted to Receipts tor April The annual meeting of the Cana dian Press Association will bo held In this City on the 1st and 2nd of June next The meeting will be followed by an excursion to Fort William Port Arthur and Marie via rail and lines of the Cana dian Pacific Railway This trip will be for members and their wives On Day as the organ pealed out the notes of the Nation Anthem In St James Cathedral vast congregation rose and with unfeigned sang the God save Gracious King A letter requesting Geary the corporation counsel to to Toronto as soon as possible ha been sent by City Clerk Love and law must have a hand In a marriage One day laaUweek Gertrude officer of Toronto Juvenile Court very quietly to Andr- Tons of Water Fell Flooding Cellars and Inundating Streets Newmarket- April i7Newmarket and district was the centreof this afternoon It Was paoiedby an exceptionally heavy display and fori almost an hour the town was by tons of water which fell without cessation broke over the town and district shortly before oclock and from then on hail sleet and rain fell with persistency Before the rainfall abated Ihe waters had risen in some places to- a height of over 3 feet flooding cellars and in undating the lowlying secUonsof the town The flobcTwas in southern section of Main and Eagle streets Both thoroughfares run through the lowlying district of the town and they were submerged by the deluge for some hours Much damage was this section of the town as practically every cellar was completely filled with water while the streets were badly under mined by the flood which swept along the roads with a force of a torrent Besides the loss sustained by the residence through the flooding of cellars wndows were broken by the large hailstones In the Immediate liMrict the storm also created Reports from King Township state that several of the smaller bridges were swept away and In Whitchurch and Hast bury Townships a number of culverts were washed away leaving the roads in an impassable condition While the lightning was exceptionally severe no reports received of barns or houses being struck The damage resulting from the bridges and cul verts being washed away Is large and will mean a big monetary loss to the various townships affected This evening it was stated that ar rangements arc being made to have large gangs men start work to morrow morning to repair the damage done by the storm Is believed however that it will take fully a week to replace the various bridges and culverts washed away A peculiar feature of Hie storm is that it centered practically over New market and the immediate vicinity Aurora while experiencing a mild thunderstorm reported no damage and in four miles south no rain fell at all The storm did not come without warning however and for over half an hour he residents witnessed an unusually heavy electri cal display without any rain falling According to the residents Of the rural In the immediate vicin ity of Newmarket the hailstones that fell werc of an exceptionally large size some which were picked up In the fields being the size of an average hens egg It was stated by the farmers that this storm Willi greatly retard seeding as the ground is soak ed to such an extent that It will take fully a week to dry out In fact In some of the lowlying places water Is now over a foot In depth This Is the second storm to sweep over Newmarket and district In two days Yesterday a raln6torrn broke over the district but while the rainfall was heavy was nothing in comparison to that which fell this afternoon HOW BATTERY AND MANY BATTERIES v- V HELD THE HUNS MAJOR W PINK 220th York Rangers Overseas BatO Major G Pink who Is Second in Command of the York Rangers Overseas can boast bis connection with the County not only In military matters but in family ones also His grandfather was in business and held the position of Postmaster in the village of Holt East Township for the trc- Mall The foregoing account of the me rid oils storm here one week yesterday we clip from Fridays anil It Is quite correct except thai part which reads Aurora while experiencing a mild thunderstorm re ported no damage and In four miles south no rain fell at all It will be news lo folks lo learn they arc located four miles south of Aurora Instead of nine miles northwest thereof NEW BRITI8H SUB SUNK London April It was announc ed officially here today that Pic British submarine Which was sunk wasthe as reported in a wire less despatch from The K22 was one of the newest of the British submarines designed and built since the beginning of the war Available naval registers give no sta tistics regarding her But It Is probable that She carried a crew of between twenty and thirty men DEAFNE88 BE by local cations as they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to cure deafness and that Is by con stitutional remedies is caused by an inflamed condi tion of the mucous lining of the When till a is inflamed you have a rum bling or hearing and when it is entirely closed Hie result unless Ihe inflammation can out and this tube restored lo its normal cpndiUon hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh which Is nothing hut an fnftamed of the mucous surfaces We Will give One laro for case of bausod that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure probation Bend or circulars free space of forty years The same vil lage was the birthplace and home of his mother Again his wife was born in the village of Weston He him self was born in He is fl member o fine Lodge No A and A and also belongs to the S He is a member of the Merchants As sociation He was first gazetted as Lieutenant in the Regiment York Hangers on the 8lli of April and attached lo F Company under Ihe Command of Captain Brown who is now Commanding Of ficer of the Battalion In April he was promoted to the Command of Company the North Toronto Company Since his first appointment he attended every train ing camp at Niagara and took all his qualifications at the same place September to December 1st he held the position of Acting Adjutant of the Depot Battalion which was stationed at the Armouries University Avenue On the first of December he was transferred and taken on the strength of the York Rangers Overseas Battalion as Major On the 1st of March 1916 he obtain ed promotion when he was transferred to Ihe 220th York Rang ers Overseas Battalion with Ihe rank of Senior Major With such rapidity has he climbed the ladder of military fame and distinction and In doing so has not only achieved high honor for himself but has won the esteem and respect both of his brother Officers and the men under his Command He looks every Inch a soldier and his looks arc corroborated by Intrinsic qualifications of a similar nature The Battalion is lucky In hav ing officers and soldiers of the calibre of B Brown and Major Pink to take command Their connection In point of colour a symbol of the close tics of a long friendship and comradeship This an Invaluable asset to the Battalon they arc In Command of and be tokens of a surety perfect and efficiency which arc of such price less Importance when the Battalion takes Its place in the firing line and means success as well as safety lo the troops A divided against Itself cannot stand no more can a divided command moreover such spells disaster for the men So the Lads of York who stand aloof from the which Is now re cruiting arc missing the chance of their lives particularly If conscription comes as surely will The offers them 1st the opportunity to engage themselves as York Volun teers and thud show themselves worthy sons of a County from which a bright military lustre has shone forth In the 2nd of serving under these Officers To return from this digression Major Pink received his education In Public School and High School Shoe and business At the present time he has a large and at Street in the city of Toronto which Is in charge of a manager during his period on active service After twenty- four hours of belch ing death a of our guns Canadian guns were silent for lack of ammunition The infantry flght came nearer and nearer Strag- filing wounded drifted by the I arid the sweating gunners cheered them as they passed Far Ypres many a wagonload of shells lay scattered on the roadway The Gorman high explosives and sharpnel swept an awful swath in the ranks of the ar tillery at St and Somehow or other a wagonload of eightcenpounders came through to the guns The men of the all that was left of them cheered again when they saw the wagon coming their way Four hundred yards short of the guns killed horses and men and the shells were spilled out on the roadway Then men of the battery and urt- and- wounded infantry men set lo work- lo bring up the shells The guns began lo speak More wagons came up Give me enough shells cried battery officer and Ill blow the German army back to the place it from No man was allowed lo pass that place without aiding in the work The range was shortened from eight hundred to seven yards from six hundred to five hundred five hundred to four and then a skirmishing line of infantry was lung out in front of guns Their movement drew fire on them and brought the Germans crowding lo a charge The guns were silenced for a while All hands piled shells Then someone signalled the mixed infantry Bri tish- and Canadian to retire lo the ground back of the guns That they did and Ihe Germans came after I hem like unleashed hounds Then guns spat death in their faces I hey came on The range was shortened again Four hundred yards three yards two hundred and fifty yards two hundred yards point blank and the current was stem med Back went the Germans Inert lay the dead The wounded squirmed and groaned and that part of thp fight was won That talc could be fitted to almost every Canadian artillery unit in ac tion those days Among them was tho Battery of Toronto and no better battery was in action at St and l than it Telegram From Era May 3 North York Agricultural Society offer as a prize for plans of an Exhibition Building to be erected on the Societys Grounds In Rogers is President Trent is advertsing for Tons of Butler and any amount of- Eggs in exchange for goods Mr Luke Lukes has control of steam grist mill at Farmers of East and North will be pleased at this lion A fire at Oak Ridges on day destroyed the barn of Baldwin General farm J ments were also burned In the- prem- Mr Howard being about remove from Sutton to the neighbor- hood of Bradford his friends tender ed him a dinner on Friday last East Spring Show at Sliaron last Friday was a grand suc cess B YEARS AGO From Era May The Tomb At Sutton on April 22nd James Nichol In his year At his residence on 23rd George Lake aged years On the ult lames Gibbons father of Mr Luke Gibbons or of King Township aged 46 years An adjourned meeting of Ihe Justices of the Peace of Coun ty took place in Toronto on Ihe 22nd Judge Morgan in the chair At this meeting the Town of North To- set apart as a distinct PREFERS A NOOSE Ordinary Man of Not In Keeping With His Dignity Allison inspector si Toronto lice Court The took at Stmt Pills for Via Qraat Rout Excursionists via the Canadian Pacific may If they so de sire take of the Great Lakes Trip The Steamship on honored on payment ad to cover meats and s from Sound each during season lu if at Mart Tori and Fort William coneclraR at the lat ter point for Western Canada The All cmoieaers Ex cursions are la 4iii Tuesday until Paci fic of Howard District rtvflo nirtij on London April Sir Roger ment confided his fears to the au thorities yesterday that wilh his cap ture all hope of success of the revolt against British rule In Ireland has vanished He regarded himself as the one man he sold who would have been able to accomplish the overthrow of Government In Ireland The time to strike he Insisted was during the war as there was DO hopes afterwards His capture at the outset and Ills attempt lo land on Irish soil together with the sinking of the Ger man steamer loaded with arms and ammunition had upset all the finely- laid schemes and the Irish revolution ists could hope for nothing more Cannot 8uccOod Now Sir Roger knew of the Dublin riots the authorities making no effort to keep the newspapers from him and ho expressed his opinion that It was not of any use now trying lo go any far ther with It While he hoped the Irish rebels he feared were doomed now to failure as they lack ed In Sir Rogers enforced absence the one man who would lead them through The prisoner feeling there Is no es cape for- him from the gallows re marked calmly to keeper today that he hoped they would hang him with a Just an ordinary rope he thought not lo be In keeping with a man of his dignity I Am Sir Roger A scene occurred accord ing to witness when Casement and the other prisoners stepped to Irish soil after their capture One of tho British officials thought ho Sir Roger and scrutinizing him keen ly asked If he did happen to be Sir Roger I am Sir Roger Casement replied the Irish renegade without the quiver of an eyelash but with a voice How do happen to be coming was division farmers report that seeding is about finished Elder Percy is announced lo preach in Keswick next Sunday in the Christian Church Mr Joshua Is very ill is the report from North Gwlllimbnry On Saturday last the residence on Jacob Thompsons farm near Roll occupied by Mr Simpson was de stroyed by fire Mr returned from hi Southern trip on Saturday Rev Matthews Chairman or the Bradford District of the Metho dist Church occupied the Methodist Church pulpit on Sunday Mr and wife of Toronto visiting at Bogarttowm- The Canadian Parliament opened Its yearly session this week Mr J Jones a carpetsweeper agent sold five sweepers In New market the last two weeks Nearly two dozen young pcoplo had a Joyful time at the home of Squire King Township on Monday evening Cabbage and Cauliflower plants were on sale at the market last Sat urday The taffypull at Mr on Tuesday evening last was great ly enjoyed Mr George Haskell had a bad fall one day last week V SUM I VE88EL8 LOST BY GREATS BRITAIN Washington April 28 British es- of the European wors toll of merchant ships given in figures to day by the Deportment of Commerce put the number at with a tonnage of more than two million Allied vessels lost number 38 and neutral 198 The estimates made by a British- Admiral give British losses at ships French Russian Italian 27 Belgium and Ja- pasesc This does not Include loss of 237 by the British seven by French and two by the Belgians Norway with vessels destroyed leads Die neutral nations in losses Sweden with Is second and Den mark with 28 third Holland has lost and the United States seven British losses amount to four per cent of the total unmber In service and six per cent of the tonnage French losses are four per cent in number and seven per cent Jo ton nage Despite these losses It Is de clared the aggregate of ships owned by the Allies is being steadily Increas ed through building Br It LABORERS WANTED fc The Western Province of from a submarine asked Ida are not experiencing an the official of Farm Laborers for Thats for you to find out snap- ped the Irish plotter it la believed that the German ship was escorted by submarine and it Is re garded likely that a torpedo from this may have been the one that sank her In any event she was sunk wthln a short after It encountered the British craft but time enough elapsed to enable the British to the of Spring and- Sumnwr makes steady and a certainty Saskatchewan for laborer and an equal number Is required and Alberta After a of Northern Railway that an average of men centred the points returns received An 94OQ month Is paid the highest being 00 For further wtU4ttUr men required and lh paid le as