Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , February 18, 1916, p. 7

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a Seed Special For SpriBg Now is the to get your Seed We have a good Supply received Reduced iromjr lo lb Turnip ji just in two consignments and two more to arrive Price is higher than last year but you had hollar look after your supply Timothy Seed We have a few of choice No on hand price a last year In fact most all Field and Garden Cecils will be higher and some linos very scarce owing to last reason being very wet Dinner Extra Good Value from up Toilet Sets for full six pes frcm 275 up I articles OX A y The Secretary J Will work for VgoYdier Field Comforts at Town Hall Fri day Nov 3rd Come and see how he does it Girl Guides The Girl Guides- of Newmar ket who been busily all winter for patriotic pur poses are how planning to hold a Talent Sale and Tea on the of March Make a note of the date- and give the your pa tronage Presbyterian Guild The corniest in the of the Presbyterian Church is progressing very favorably We are glad to see so many taking an interest in the work of the Guild The contest opened on the Last Monday night the meeting was in charge of the Blues and the subject was Lowly Service A hearty is extended to all to come and join us Com Presbyterian A Myers evening in work Junior Christian Endeavor mco5 every Saturday afternoon lo in the- basement of the Christian Church Regular meeting of Canadian Order of Foresters will be held on Friday eVenng Feb after which a social hour is arranged A rood time is promised all Visit to the Home the Mens Own Bible Class of the Methodist Church intend to pay a visit to the Industrial Home next Sunday if the weather is favorable meeting ao the Church at oclock Let all the be on hand at a a Direct Importer of and Fancy China A PICTURE OF FATHER AND MOTHER Hew it would delight your children how it would please your friends Lei Us Wake Them For You I E ZURBR1QQ Phone 153a Photographer Studio One Door West of the New Post Office Methodist Church- Magnificent congregation last Sun day evening people being present The was composed or soldiers khaki and Mr Geo Young rendered a solo A P delivered an in spiring serai oo and was followed Cot Clarke Toronto who is in command of th Regiment who also gave very urgent address on the necessity of service for the This evening the Joint Board will meet the Board Room oclock for regular business It is a- important meeting and it is hoped that thereVill be a large of the members GREENHOUSES ST NEWMARKET -AND- Christian Endeavor The Christian meet ing this week was well attended Mr Harold Trent and Mr J Hall wpie in charge of the Mr Roy read the lesson Miss sang a solo and Miss Ada and Mrs Sell favored us with a duet Many others took part in the prayers and discussion of topic Next week the 1 Battalion will be unable lo meet with us on account of the recruiting cam paign but we hope to have them visit our Young Peoples Society some time in the near The meetingtills week will be in charge of Mrs Collins and Miss Donne Topic Christian Endeavor Fidelity and Force Matt 3110 All young are cordially invit ed to attend our society The Committee Examinations will be held next Monday evening at Soldiers Bout March desire to inform all bur readers where evening meetings are held on the Soldiers Route March next week that if they do not attend they will miss a treat Mr Jules Brazil of Toronto is an enthusiastic and wideawake entertainer Strand Theatre Patriotic night will be observed at the Strand Theatre on Wed nesday March under the au spices of the Gleaners and Plafair Bible Classes of the Christian Church for the benefit of lire boys who have enlisted from the Christian Church Usual ad mission Sentenced two at the Five bands emyracJnfc were on the and took part in the concert on Saturday evening last proceeds are tor necessaries lor seas battalion bands to root rlii out ina the Liquor Cense Board has decided to Gerrrans in Ontario liquor Province stop to what is recruit was sent to jail for months on a of deseiftion by a warn ing that future caes this kind will be dealt with severely Toronto has five married women employed as public school teachers and the Board Education now figuring to with their The Board entetiain the conviction that It Is time new songbook for use In schools was prepared are being taken to this end German songs in the old books will be eliminated A brigade of or parentage been authorized The Civic fcmpioyment Bureau will register retired workers to replace enlisted men The Grand Jury Saturday made its in which it is stated that crfmeis caused by intemperance and that the closing o bars has been a step in the right Both Toronto and Town ships on Saturday last carried by laws for Railways- The Board of Education will appropriate to provide creased Accommodation for- another High School building and necessary additfcnsto Public- School buildings Rev is credited in an paper with having made the statement at a recent service in that If he had not four children upon him no have no business in the lit The Ontario Railway had ordered the aVlisluhg the summer cats of the Street Church is and says he will apply for legislation next session to override the order Four widows appear to like married life Up at resides a farmer who asked Mayor Church to find a marriageable partner end four widows responded to call ol the Mayor this week Dr the Dominion Sugar Co in a address the Society of Chemical last week stated that with assistance the sugar might be devel oped until Canada produced all her own sugar t There was shoot at ne Toronto Rod and Gun championship ot Toronto which was won by with tiie score of out prize a silver cup It cost and auto driver for fine and far Toronto War pews dominates everything else Sunday night con cert was held in the Royal Theatre Despite zero weather the place was crowded The fire at Browns butcher shop on Street Sunday did damage Mrs Street slip- fell on the icy sidewalk Satur day night and broke her leg Win fell on the walk on Queen Street arH broke Jiis leg Unless objections are Conference Rev of Trin- Methodist Church and Rev New ton Powell of Avenue Road Church will exchange pastorates for the next term Construction work has been com menced for the erection of a lavatoty for women on the city property in Keele street near street the Lords Bay Act is by fines- but the extent of I fine to a limited aniount is fixed by the Magistrate Elizabeth Mcintosh Perhaps you work Indoors Or perhaps you are an outofdoors man It makes no dlfferenoe the point Is this If you are eupervlgbrous you need Underwear of Nothing hold Come In here and get a Unshrinkable warm comfortable suit of The Men Main Wool mi Sorry to hear Mrs Bo- hound tto little edition a highly respected resident ol charge the 5th Line for neatly a lifts time The Queens Appreciation of work promptly attended to reasonable orders Solicited CUT ON HAND PHONE 135 I reports officially that an explosion caused the day before artillery in one the forts we captured the fort IUTBtiing the Turks our troops captured prisoners six guns and a large quantity of muni tions London 15 The Ger mans have broken through the British front on the salient in capturing SCO yards of frontline trenches The of the heretofore Impreg nable stronghold an extremely heavy bombard- and wrecking of IIh approaches to Ihe worke by niiniii operations Chatham Feb J About of the British which was unk an the result of striking a mine mi he east coast of Eng land arrivd here night Ml the provided with new and on they on leave ft is supposed that sixteen or even teen men who were lu the ftlokejiold at the time the vessel struck the mine were killed outright Ken The peaceful the of Kaiser had out slht in a back Wall place a club ady when about 0 carried the Kaiser 1 the same which surmount- w a w months three sol Jte IbrVw it into it been he Was the main object soldiers broke up hall in Victoria Park three sol- the lake Since fefcft In the club a few other a piano chair d and- windows- the interior of the- hail t piano and furniture of the windows iff where fcK Wttwa in a pile and lflft vlMiy Let Leaves the to Fight Many Newmarket people will remember the family of the late Geo Webber who was pas tor of the Methodist Church here for four years His son Mr John Webber has left a lucrative situation in Rochester to fight for England We copy the fol lowing from the Demo crat John Webber press repre sentative of the Eastman Kodak Co hasreceived a commission in the Canadian overseas army and is to leave at once for the Officers Training School in Toronto Af ter six weeks in Toronto he to spend nix months in tho Niagara training camp with his command Then he will cross the ocean and in the course of time reach the front Canadians lie says sec only one result to the war but they are not figuring on any sudden collapse of the German military the German financial strain German starvation or a revolt against the Kaiser to accomplish it They are counting only on the strong arm of the Allies to win and that will lake lime may be years Their own arms they are making as strong as hu manly possible and this they going about in a quint business like way The spirit of the coun try is wonderful Formerly a Canadian newspa per correspondent dramatic crit ic and magazine writer Mr three years ago to work toy Ihe Kodak ten years before Coming here he covered the New York theatres for Canadian and London Ho in Paris when the war broke out and interviewed by the Democrat and Chronicle on his return He witnessed the mo bilization In France and England and fried to gel the front as a war correspondent but soon dis covered that this was not a news paper war On return to ibis Hide he applied for an overseas on bis record of with Queens Own in Canada a crack corps of Canadian militia turn only came recently f Mr Webber is a son of the late Webber a Well- known Canadian clergyman and his brother is also a clergy man in on ton Alberta Although a resident of the United States for thirteen years Mr Webber for purely patriotic reasons lutvw taken out citi zenship papers reason Is hat 4 man who would renounce his own country except for change of political faith Is wot worthy of In under sold chocolates on Sunday She w fined was charged with making caps on Sun day He was finrd2 a At a dinner party of the Medical Class President an nounced that a summer school will be held to enable four young enlisted men in medicine to complete their course Dr Webster the Dental College stated that the demand for denjtlsts In the Army is so urgent that if Canada fails supply It the United States will be called upon to fill such positions On Saturday last the corner stone of one of the largest shot factories in Canada was laid by the manage of the Metal Co In thlfl The shot tower will he feet high Herbert years of age was stabbed in the spin with a in the hands of a chum at Sunday School last Sabbath- and now lies a private hospital para lyzed from the waist down Over troops are now reported as having been raised In the Dominion On a charge of stealing A Barrister of this City was for trial by Magistrate on Friday In several women being to taVc the men who have enlisted Four hundred Toronto Railway went out on strike last week They demand an increase In of per monthTor over per Edward Turner a collector for the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends Friday was committed lor trial on a chaTge of the thcrt of of the money of the Order Wit Christian Temperance Society the oldest Liberal Temper ance in Toronto since Oct has forwarded to the Committee of Hundred the sum of for now carried on to secure for this Th Maners concert last Friday on of thelZth York Rangers Battalion was a pronounced success Constables thieves a again in the ouKkirti of the City The late John J Linton who pass ed away on the 1st of January last left a of to Wesley Methodist Church the same to Ye paid after the death of his wife with out Interest Mr Howard of John In this new District Aeent of the Toronto Catherine hlte who was captured hyh while a prisoner at the Prison Farm in the Police Friday with tlie offence and his car on the streets while the of liquor Germans over in the United States are now beginning to show their teeth During the week they made an attempt to wreck Canadian in dustries by placing a stick of inches long and as thick as a broom handle on ear of coal shipped for Toronto but it w dis covered by the Crosley Coal Co be fore doing damage J Newton had to and costs this week for lo aRix a two cent war tax stamp to a on the Sterling Dank A named of this City fell from a p ft car near Parry last Sunday A wheel of the car passed his lei foot severing his toes Sunday February 27 has been set apart the Baptists as a day of prajter for students in their col leges and for those lighting at the front- Report is current that a Toronto man has gone to Mew Jersey at a salary of per annum to su perintend the manufacture muni tions i- George charged wtththe murder of Joseph McUribbon by coroners jury was committed for tial by the Police Magistrate trial to come on at the April As sizes Tho British Cross Trafalgar Bay campaign In Ontario just closed shows that the Province contribution an a of over cts per capi ta of the entire population- Sir Adam Beck was by the City ot Toronto on Tuesday even- and now residing with her son Walter In Newmarket has been somewhat in disposed although she been spar- en eight or over the score years and ten Wc hope she may be restored and go in and out among us for many years Mans Verses York Cottage January The is commanded free Do you ever think when kneeling at prayer As your heart throbbing thoughts bestir the still air To say a for our brave boys out there Do you ever think to tell Mr Pitt that the Queen has think deaths received the book of verses ad th j Farmers are busily engaged in get- her has much pleasure in ting In wood their yearly supply of Tire- dark night brave soldier lads inarch their might on la pleased to hear that Mr your God and Mr Albert is home lUtt is the proceeds to such from this week a Court ad- for a week J Mr John Cook of the Line Is progressing nicely Not surrerhig much pain from his leg Mr and Mrs John and family accompanied visited friends a The power Llpe for and Aurora Electric Is completed and m liable to start running any day What a fish Branch of the Cross Do DO YOU EVER THINK A Do when the world if the music of you ever think seems Of the brave who arc country today Do you ever think dying for change It from Annie Continued from last week two little the right ever thi you ever think as you certainly I How to help best thJ with clothing and food so youte neglected to Ho some little good Theo for Gods sake think Occasionally a widowers heart is over by an old St James Methodist Church Moitro will have pool tables and howling installed in the base ment for anybody in to use Sir W White Finance teri In bis Budget announced direct taxation ccnt B on the shells revenue for the coming sen arms- the Of those left behind who need In getting the support ifnnO000 his Do you ever think Torontos customs revenue reached a record the re ceipts for the day amounted to 205- This is about double the pre vious highest record Leach aged on a roomer on Ontario Street fell down I reaching the British trench safely his neck I I I maU Fourth year medical ol Toronto University will attend a summer from May until November 30 and there will be no fifth year course In modiclne during war you ever think when cire items In connection with overwhelms your soul with doubt and Corporal Ingrams Oho night despair when It was very foggy young the thousands whose burdens arc German bomber was discovered to to have succeeded making Ws way In- j eVcr to the- trench held by the Regiment nd in- to Corporal Ingram ever thin when out alter ol Ho was only a younn shaver about sport eighteen and the chewiest young beg- shillings from you like noma tar upon capiUl gar ever they saw with the shells from fort VJ on year of rules at estimated revenue for the coming Scotchmen succeeded to aba Ion of making use of the bombs ho canted and he Informed his captors that the Kateer had promised him the Cross If get ahead of himself and drop a bomb In that British trench The second Is that under cover of dark ness two men dropped into the trench and explained they were Rus sians who had been taken captive by he Germans and transferred to as sist In repairing trenches Taking advantage of a fav orable opportunity two prison ers made a for liberty from their captors and succeeded in TOWN LINE ITEM has some but noon too Si soon Ladies- Aid of tho line Christ ian Church met at the home of Mrs Isaac on Wednesday last Mis George of Viw Farm returned home an in Western Hospi tal Toronto Sorry to hear Mrs George Black- bum Lane Farm has been and under the doctors care Hope to see her toon around John- of the Line went on business to the this week At neat little edition of Poems entitled Topical Verse composed and written an of riff own when I taught school in my native town Tho name Is Gib Pitt He Is one the moat versatile and talented men could meet He can sing a song make a speech or write and the night my Utter he was giving a lecture on the Ancient Worthies and Folk Love ot With all talents he is not greedy He works for nothing for every good cause and it Is for the pure love humanity that exercises Ills gen ius proceeds of this little book comforts for the soldiers fighting our battles the tea Each has a reference the war and as he sent a copy to Her Majesty the as ybu ill see from the following duly acknowledged It and as I am enthusiastically wrapt up In it the publisher In my native town gratuitously printed- and- tvi FURNISHINGS EN THE I n That for and In our Window Clearing at or for I Iri this lot there are soft and hard and neat stripe and check of foot Dont fall to secure or of these t Mens Outfit printed

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