Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , February 18, 1916, p. 1

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tai Jfg Is too difficult for us tot Repair WE DO i All Work Warranted I T Watson Watchmaker and Graduate Optician- 5 Ji- It F The Leading County Paper as well copies each Si- SLi I il per paid in advance 150 lb Stale- pi North unless paid in J Jewelry Store vjS J fflE i f JACKSON Editor and Proprietor i v a JACKSON AssislanUEditorV No a Single Copies oti each 1 t- FOR QUALITY GOODS PHONE 28 THEPAINT SHOP J Builders Painters Blacksmiths Electrical and Automobile Supplies I South End Lumber Yard Bin is Nearly Empty Order at once a of Coal i BEST IN AMERICA P Pearson Order from Carters bishop John Murphy Office Phone INCORPORATED y AM ofTORONTO Capital J Reserve Fund V8439382 Money Orders and Drafts to large or do by the and Money- Issued Beck of Toronto It to purchase and are a protection to both sender and 117 in Quebec and the West NEWMARKET BRANCH A LISTER Manager OF ALL KINDS LUMBER LATH SHINGLES ALSO Inside Tplm Is Through Our and Will Not Shrink After It la Put Up a NEWMARKET BANK BOARD OF DIRECTORS V EBCrttfttlUUiDt C Cat f Current Rate of OH in Savings of the Bank of ft and upwards arc received Department G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch The New Transcontinental NEW SHORT ROUTE to WESTERN CANADA Govt fa TuW TORONTOWINNIPEG CMi4UA to VktorU 5 I daily If AnL rim other IfTTER J- Officer announced lliat is arrangeinent the all civilians who are rOjecletl at f BR PEEL LIBERAL OH issue- has than lo cal be minion the i I DALLAS TEXAS following letter lias been received from Dr J A ioh llai has afforded S- SigJv5S- opportunity of Pw of war profUecrinVl He save pots That Joseph McKibbon came lo his death oil Jan from wounds caused by blows inflicted by George was the ver dict of Coroner Dr Youngs Jury at the resumed inquest last week at the Morgue In the Criminal Court last J pleaded guilty to stealing from the Dominion Permanent Loan Co Sentence on this issue is of provin cial and nationai moment and will be watched byaH con stituencies- Do minion lain that lie jbifffifflif A i Peel will stand for clean public service in this hour of crisis Mr Hearst wrbUrd letter Mr FaHis which whether rightly or wrongly is being used- by him and his heelers as that Mr i MANY AOCQUWTED FOR I ETC AND TRIM Hon Mr the emier said would say no deferred for a by Judge I Hearst satisfied with as Winchester was receiv- a Candidate teller for the Company No soldiers will leave Canada for overseas service without if the intention of the Upper Canada Bible Society can be successfully carried out Three months in jail was the penalty imposed upon Bernard A one has altered the high opinion previously held of Mr Press Comments Toronto World Con Should be be reelected that will he the end of any attempt to bet- Davis found guilty by Judge Win- ler political life inCanada If Chester in the Criminal Court last week of leaving stolen from Mrs Sarah Rogers in Toronto on Dec last Davis picked up acuuainlance with Mrs Rogers on the Vain while he was coming to Toronto to spend bis New Year furlough Hon Mr Duff Minister of Ag riculture for Ontario has so far recovered from his recent illness as to be able to be at his post in Hip Parliament Building again he comes back will come back to IheCommons from Nova Scolia Mr Gar land from Carlton and Sir Borden and the whole Con servative party will be that much discredited Toronto News Con Horse trading in lime of war which robs the country is an offence which even with all traditions in its favor cannot be overlook ed Moreover when a repro- Separate School men of people his lawa got a seUback at methods he Hall last week Two Trustees himself uiuvorthy of pub- were fined each for disre garding an order of court Contractors not paying the ruling rate of wages is causing uneasiness in working circles On Thursday of last week Shields was fined on a charge of selling adulterated lime juice The goods sold were sealed with the mark of a Scottish manufac turer- If Mr Shields sold the goods as they came from the manufacturer adulteration it was scant jus- lice The manufacturer should beheld responsible Distress among the working and poorer classes of this city is now less than for years The License Commissioners have suspended Ho tel License Barrio for six weeks The proprietor sold liquor a military officer in the disguise of a private During last week for failing to keep his factory in a clean and sanitary condition If was fined by Magistral Kings ford A few days ago Chief Justice declined the City of Toronto from sharing lia bility in the damages of awarded Mrs Lambert of the man electrocuted in March A youth employed at the City Hall was responsible for letter received by Mayor Church last week signed and Otto threatening to burn the building In a joking way the boy tried In imitate but it cost him his situation For breaking into the home of Pie Arthur Ave Louis Styles was Kent to the for two years Soldiers homes in their absence must be protected Major Williams is agitating for the mobilization of he women boys and retired men to take the place of the young men who for overseas believes that the womens emergency corps will prove wood source of supply with which reinforce Ihe de pleted ranks of industry and ag riculture Provincial Countable Thomas confidence and unliL for public position- Hamilton Herald for Peel has presented to the Peel Overseas Battalion the money he made on the horse deals which Commis sioner Davidson condemned and the Executive of the Peel Con servative Association has offi cially vindicated Mr Pallia It wont do The offence shows through the whitewash Toronto Star The party con vention in Peel which nominated Mr J to be returned to the seat in the Legislature from which he resigned after the inquiry before Judge Davidson had revealed the nature of his dealings in connection with the purchase of rirmy horses did a poor days work for the coun try Toronto Globe The electors of Peel should resent the tempt cram and the toll- fate down their throats Ih that the type of public mail Peel wishes to see in office Is Pull to count for more than principle Hamilton Times While men arc giving up their lives for the Empire and men and women arc daily making sacrifices on their behalf wc hardly think that they will approve of action of a man who tried to make money in Ibis way out of the agony of If is elected lien Garland of Ottawa arid Foster of Nova may as well be re turned to Parliament Windsor Record Mr lack fine perception to dis- lingnivh the duties of OH honorable representative and the personal profiteering of politician Mercury Mr would have done much better to quietly hopped mil of pub lic When a country is fac ing greatest his tory the demand Is for big men at the head of affairs Mr Pallia demonstrated in painful manner that he this type infernal activities of the German country to destroy Canadian Railroad Bridges Canals and bluerpublic utilities arid otherwise wreck American trial plants engaged in making- war supplies for the Allies and stir up dissensions among and inaugurate bloody strikes- by the workmen has reached Dallas of our supposed be working upon harness for England received anonymous notice that their plant would be destroyed if they j continued lo work upon the con tract and Its owners thus in timidated were compejled such of these dastardly Teutonic assassins and sneaking incendiary criminals to discontinue work on contract This AntiEnglish propaganda was inaugurated here and has been virulently kept up in the columns of an insignificant little weekly originally devoted to wo mens club interests and socall ed societys doings It is own ed and edited by two women sis ters and grass widows naturally endowed with all Teutons sanguinary instincts and bitter hatred of England and everybody and thing English and week af ter week for over a year have poured out viable of their venomous wrath in columns of doggerel rhyme and rancorous prose their male volent animosity towards the Al lies Even the unspeakable all Ms present and past centuries of bloody atroci ties is esteemed a noble com radeinarms of the Kaiser The hellish ferocity In prosecuting his and suc cess in slaughtering his follow- men certainly entitles him to the fellowship as he has probably made more widows and orphans during the comparative ly short lime this wholly unpro voked war lias lasted than the cruel and abominable Turk made during- the preceding century I enclose a copy of this venom ous little journalistic runt You will observe that most of Its ad vertising Is occupied by Germans It has always carried a German pappr a brewery and until lately a barroom adver tisement and is undoubtedly in the German government through its agents and sympathisers Thus this hired agent of the scourge and destroyer Of the human race hot has Jived upon the earth since the Saviour was cradled in the manger en tered the homes of men of Brit ish ancestry ami sympathies as an innocent chronicler of the doings of clubs and societys frivolities and working upon the feelings and passions of emotional and weakminded wo men lias sown seeds of dis cord and dissension between hus bands and wives Thus it has bast off the garb of the innocent social lamb and exposed its na tural wolfish and became in agent of the destruction of domsetic peace and wrecker of liojues as well as of our Indus tries public utilities and inci dentally of lives of innocent men women and children of our country race nationality J A Hunter I A though no el lab I flgr ate Italian newspapers the num ber of Austrian submarines ac counted forinUie Adriatic is ccr- substantial How the Itali an navy hunts down the Uboats is by the following inci dent related del by a survivor of steamer Port Said which was sunk by an Austrian submarine The Port Said which was bound from Genoa to had on board 268 persons including the crew When the ship was kilometres from in submarine oyer 200 feet long and carrying a gun sudden ly made its appearance The Port Saids commander attempted to escape but the submarine opened fire and several shells struck the steamer whch then stopped Shortly afterward a torpedo was discharged and the Port Said was sunk But at Ibis very moment two Italian destroyers came racing up from nowhere particular They lost no time in getting to work their guns and although the submarine sought to escape by diving she was not quick enough and was struck forward She immediately disappeared and there is no doubt she was sunk The sinking of the Port Said in volved the loss of six- lives I 50 YEARS AGO From Era Feb MarriedInv by oh the Mr David fo Miss Matilda Adelaide daughter of late Ferdinand nil of Now market Reeve received a let ter his brother Mr is now in Malta Mr James Gibson of Whit- church was taken suddenly ill on Saturday and died in ten minutes Coroner of Aurora held anw inquest and the jurys vcrdiot was heart disease A prospectus has been Issued of a new paper lo be issued at Bradford by Messrs Porter The announcement is made that the location in North known Plug Mount will hereafter be known as j i PROVINCIAL PROHIBITION or The annual meeting of Northern Railway was held last week The line runs to Col li from Toronto A J McCrack- and Samuel form the Newmarket Board of- Public School Trustees this year Aurora postmaster advertizes uncalled for letters and New- market The total municipal receipts of the Village of Aurora amounted to a rather is of Speaking of the question of Provincial Prohibition the King ston Daily Standard Conserva tive concludes an editorial with the following paragraph Sir James Whitney when he was alive was known as a man who was Bold enough to toe Honest and Honest enough to be Bold We have faith in the wisdom and sagaCity and in the courage and honesty of the brilliant man who has succeeded him Hon Hearst and in the able men who are his Cabinet counsellors to be lieve that they too are Bold enough to be Honest and Honest enough to be Bold and that in this crisis they will put their trust in people and give to them an opportunity to pass upon this most momentuous question Whether they will do so or not remains to be seen but whatever is finally determined upon by the Government let us once and for all have done with this silly talk of infringement of personal and private life because for sooth many people that Pro hibition is today one of the burn ing issues of tho moment and that divorced as it now is from poli tics which unhappily was not the case in the last Provincial elec tion the electors should be given an opportunity to pass fairly and honestly upon it JOB The Herald little incident in the life of a boy th strikes lire every heart that cherishes mothers image A very small boy was brought Judge Childrens Court Denver not long ago He was rag ged boy but ho would run away from school and told his teacher be did so In- order to work at his lob Nothing IH Judge do t6 have ab upo Tim lor attend be would not and work ho would and did Then one daj the boy ran Into the room In Joy and taking crumpled MOB RULE AT CALGARY any Wad a at Niagara Kails On Alia Feb Ail- Saturday connection with the on I break on part of worth of diamonds In to- the garrison Toronto In December The gemswero aided by civilians occurred at by Toronto and for two hours Hie I and militia Charged with carrying license I powerless lo cope the not issued by the provincial on car he had Bold to Hold a twostorey the Martin Pump ami Machine Com- and frame structure in the pony Cameron was fined district north of the by Maxtstrtc Kingslord by n Mrs of London Rf about soldiers and land reached New York last week r and wrecked will- will visit titles from dWM wen smashed frame and to the Western Provinces In all and most of the furniture aid of Serbians pitched out Into show where According to a recent compilation was broken lo bits by the made by of the crowd hrlsMan arc to- belief that the hotel was of 252 by a Herman is Hie only colors moive for Hie attack but and of this total figure a TorV houghs two years ago by to sons The landlord Is A Pro- If announced to be held in Hail It a of more than Inter- 1 will will tic YORK COUNCIL J McNair Vaugban Township a motion calling upon the Legislature to lax incomes from real estate but the motion was voted dowji said tin needs of war time had made changes ne cessary in assessment net A by- 1 was passed lo borrow from a bank to be system until the June session of the jCouncll when debentures will be Issued Of the total is for for the balance to liabilities already The Treasurer and the Ward en also authorised to borrow expenses of the 5000 vot ed last year for soldiers aid it wuh that only had from his pocket gave It to ventlnn at 25 YEARS AGO From Era Kyle Feb Tho Altar On the at the home of the brides father by Amos of Aurora Mr Ferguson to Miss Annio eldest daughter of James Rogers Esq all of King On Jan by Rev Brown Mr G Irwin to Miss Evelyn Brown all of Lloyd- town The Tomb In King on Robert Morion aged years Mr Isaac Silver of Toronto spent over Sunday in Newmarket Miss was At Home with a number of guests last Monday evening Miss Baltic of Toronto is visiting with Mrs Brim- son Mrs Dr Howe and daughter have been visiting in Toronto for two weeks A number of young people at Mrs J Robertsons on Tues day evening had a very time Mrs A a and daugh ter of Windsor have been visit ing with friends at They rcturnod home on Tuesday Rumor has it that Mr reeve East will be the Conservative candidate in North York next local elec tion Mr Andersons barn con cession Whitchurch was de stroyed by lire on Thursday night Christian 8 annuel rido tomorrow afternoon The of North York will convene at Bradford on Tues- day next to nominate a candidate for the Federal Parliament West belongs to North York now West Ontario Liberals meet in i i a SSfc r I oil to nominate Wednesday next party candidate for Parliament Newmarket is part of this Riding now I judge saying I am going to school now every day and mind everything you say for I have finished the job I had The Judge found the paper was p receipt fifty dollars in fun Church pulpit last Sunday Mrs Sharon s a receipt fifty dollars in raonuiucDtforbg mothers 0 Christian I which he had paid with and dimes her to have monument too just ft the others had lone a Tot for icc a8t nit thats all I could do for her who reads of the chap will echo the of the- sketch What a boy tor him shall become a nian In front rank of character human endea vor r serious fall on tho grimly humorous Incident the fe A war REASONS Children FOR FLETCHERS She If- must re jreat to he a man I One dregs suit lasts you ton years woman have a new one for every why oho dress wilt a man for years and years Is told in a letter written by a roldler to his in Theres one chap in our company thats got a for neuralgia but ho Isnt going to take out a patient Good lucks one of the and you cant always be came in from the with dandy hands and trenches the perplexed e Pain in- Mamma she propounded why a shell burst iloes making toadstools the when the toad- wont sit on thorn hire senseless tor a hit My gone says he Berlin With when ho came round And sos six three dissenting voices your mates said I His names one vole the and thats why- we now call petitioning Oily Council Ho shells Palmers fcji lake necessary slepsHo have cure the Merlin changed In name more hi keeping with sentiment was car ried by a standing votc and caus ed loud applause at a v mm Wrf license of Mrs of the Queens Hotel has been cancelled Mrs Wilson bay liirr an for in the City benefit of the creditors This is Hall All the hotel where the man of citizens were represented and was killedbv thoj off his delivered conVineinK and

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