Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era , February 11, 1916, p. 2

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MOUSE TO REST On St will acre of land Orchard and good Stable Apply to J Boi 72 at bushel Banner Oils at bushel O A Barley Box Newmarket acres Lot Con A East Lot Con Whitchurch Uptodate buildings fall plowed acres Fall Wheat acres responsible tenant accepted For particulars apply to Mrs Solo- on the farm or to Newmarket Phone YOUNG WEN IN DEMAND Bright Fellows too to enlist are In great demand for business Three calls offering each to start were received at Head Of fices of Shaws Schools In one day It will pay to pre pare Write us H 8HAW 395 To ronto FOB SALE Ayrshire and Jersey Cows and 5 years old coming fresh next month McMillan No Newmarket or Phone i Miss Burrows Pearson St Professional Ap pointments by letter or card Box Newmarket 3wi WANTED T J 1 llffililiil as Word comes from Ottawa that less than members of meat are ion i J The Boston Transcript refer ring to of the Parliament Buildings takes occasion to remark that Germany is the of he nations and the Toronto Globe comments thereon thusly The analogy fetch Growl 1 Stewart J may remain true to Leslie Gee Henry Alfred Ad Ottawa despatch dated Monday last states that the origin of the tire which destroy ed the Parliament was discovery of plans of Ottawa aid tee some correspondence in a left by a German In the Chateau it appears is a resident of California While Sydney Smalley Clarke James According to figures recently presented to Parliament the debt of Canada at the last month totalled being an increase of during the month of and of during the twelve months The expend iture for the month of January reached and the to tal revenue for the same month an increase of nearly eight millions as compar ed with January of A good respectable middle aged woman who wants quiet com fortable to assist at house work and he companion for el derly lady Enquire of Box N Era Office FARM WANTED Up to acres Must be firstClass soil and good build ings in exchange for acres in Alberta This is a choice quarter parity broken with buildings and situated on lake Appl to Box Newmarket TEN DAYS CLEARING All Winter Shapes at 50c and 100 Trimmed Millinery at less than cost At MISS Over Hunters Store SALESMAN WANTED Who ran sell the most modern contracts for one of Canadas most popular Insurance Com panies Whole or part time Assistance given Write Box BIG GHAN0E8 BOTH WAYS The physician and the emi nent clergymen were deep discus- which threatened to become ac rimonious You see said the minister sar castically you medical men know so much about the uncertainties this world that should think you not want to live I dont knpw responded the caustically You clergy- Men tell us to much about the un- the next world that we dont want to die Ladles Home Journal- The Telegram of Tuesday re marks Authority has received from OttaVva by the Irish Re giment organize an overseas bat talion Herbert Lennox will be the commanding of ficer It is added Lieut Len will start recruit one week next Monrtay and will start with a of men and officers wbpm taW from the Regiment Lieut was twele years with the York Hangers The regiment he is now forming is belcown as the Canadian Irish Fusiliers The Ottawa Journal ative asks Is Canada at war with Germany and asks the following queries Should the chief officer of the war of Canada be a German with brothers in the German army Should Jhere be other Germans in the government service here A number there are Is Canada war with Germany or playing mar bles If Liberal leaders tolerated things charged against the pres ent Conservative Government there would be howling charges of disloyalty The Telegram is not far astray in taking a slap at the Hon Minister of Militia Peal Edward Frederick strength to date is now The Medical Officer reports Business as with every- body working overtime v Heart Throbs- are you not in khaki net in line Are you so afraid of the soldiers tirade That you hesitate to sign Why arc you not enlisting are you holding back 7 Will you not give heed to your Countrys need 7 J Is courage that you lack Huns donlrol you 7 your freedoril go Your forefathers fought for the rights youve got Will you hand these to the foe Why are you the baiting Why the feeble kind Is your chivalry of so small de gree That you want to stay behind It may be youll he wounded Your lifes blood may be shed But remove the curser there are things far worse In this world than being dead Conic on with the boys to the trendies Come on now while you can You are feeling fit so put on your kit Be a soldier and a man Sale Register Friday Feb Sale of Implements Furniture Grain Boots belonging to the late Penrose the On Sunday Feb at the members of the paraded for service to the Salva tion Army Barracks A spjendid patriotic address was enjoyed by all present In the evening the members paraded to St Johns Church for special service Roy Father OReilly preached a splendid sermon and spoke on the loyalty of the many who were giving up home and friends to light for King and Country The Military Ball given by the members of Newmarket Company vas a brilliant success Over one and fifty were present among whom were and Knox from Headquarters To ronto and Lieut Mcintosh from Aurora The proceeds of the dance amounted 105 After expenses are paid the balance will bo handed to Field Comforts GOOD ROADS FOR NORTH YORK Pine Orchard Corner months credit Sale at 130 sharp J I Headman Wednesday Feb 23 Mr Thomas will sale of Stock Implements etc on Lot Con Old Survey of King Tp mps IJale at one Smith Tuesday Feb 16 Mr Preston Lot Con North will hold a sale of Farm Slock and Implements at one oclock credit J back from just a period of illness Mr Cyril Atkinson was home sick list Miss Lediard spent over Sunday Win Miss Madge Porter of To ronto visited friends in town oyer Sunday Mr- of Aurora was in on Saturday Mr Lubes- of Bradford vls daughter Eves on Sunday Mrs John Warren Of Toron to spent two or three days with Mrs AfaTriVeU of writes I appreciate the Era so homo news Mr Geo who is teaching schoolvin Pickering was home for- the weekend Fisher Bradford spent her daughter Mrs Bennett Mrs McDonald of Toronto spent Th weekend with her sis ter Mrs Brimson- Kate Anderson and Mr of Toronto spent Sunday with Miss Flossie Collins and Mrs Addison attended the funeral of her moth er in Toronto on Tuesday Mrs Allan of Toronto writes would hot like to do without the old home paper Sapper McCaffrey left Friday night for Ottawa where be training for Overseas Signal Corps Mr J Walton of Aurora attended the funeral of the in Newmarket last Monday Mr WJ Bragg and wife of were guests of Mr and Mrs Richard Osborne for the weekend Fed is home from for a couple of He says things are quiet in the West Mr T Bailey of Portage la Prairie Man writes We are having a real oldfashioned cold winter with lots of snow Mr Laurie McCaffrey re turned to his duties in on Monday morning after being laid up several days with Wm Beech of Winni peg writes Enjoying an old- lime winter Moresnow than I ever saw in the city Depth inches on the level Rev A Young of the Friends Church is one of tho speakers at a Ministers- Conference in New Yorklhis week He returns to Newmarket for services on Sun day next i Rev preach ing at on Sunday the pastor of Christian Church there Rev A M taking part in the Endeavor Rally at iMr Laurie Cane youngest son Of His Worship Mayor Cane inspired by his duty to his King and Country has offered his ser vices In the Imperial jv Eva Atkinson to is visiting her grandpa Mr- Mr wife who have been in Ontario for nearly three months leave next week for North West the week was the reception feiven Smyth wife of the Manager of the Bank at her new home on- Mrs G Ross assisted in robin Mrs Mrs ledo andMrs Clark assist ed in the tea by Mrs Don Sutherland and Miss Elsie Ross The house was decorated with spring flowers and Uiere were a great many caUers m fc Fruits J I Wo have special to offer In Canned Fruits Green Gages Tin Lombard Plums 10c Tin Pears v Tin Raspberries 16c Tin Peaches 15c Tin Tin J Dried Peaches 3 lbs for Prunes 10 and 12y lb S lb I The plsiiV of the Emery engaged the etc was destroyed by last ft girls are- thrown out of Military placed aroiond the plant of Steel Corporation Saultf Ste Marie which was threatened Monday an THE LEADING NAVAL ORANGES and dpi rape Fruit FLORIDA FRUIT 3 for 25o FRUIT for You can buy your Gash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A Night calls attended to at resldenoe John Millard Phones and 2d In Tins wm 10 and 1o In Urge Tins 12 IB 20 22 and PHONE U8 YOUR OR AND WE WILL i- PHONE se The CSS PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO BANQUET WARDEN ENTIRE GERMAN NATION 18 YEARNING FOR PEACE Copenhagen Feb The famous Norwegian historian Dr Koht who proerman falB after his prolonged stay in is contributing series of articles the Christian newspaper Social Dr Koht in asserts hat the entire nation is for peace feeling he says arises not from weakness for everybody is convinced that Germany in but because the country has arrived at the conclusion that Ger manys especially Great cannot be crushed The fact that Great Britain still retains all hex territory and Cannot be attacked by land and that the is aflocUd by the- war than WanyJ the writer adds Is rapidly growing upon the whole people who to realize in of her strength will never be able to enforce a decision in her favor Hi Catharines ford and other places have ad precautions to guard iirmOr- factories etc sj Manufacturing Company a by fire and atr Cap tain Rernler fell a sVyliit his arm was broken The the were rescued Windows and down firs the flames was a stubborn with the mercury Wert The as soon strucJc OHO who had served the town for years the grand Banquet tendered to Knowlca of Aurora in the Mechanics on Wednesday evening by his a tribute to his fidelity and a recognition of the compliment paid to him by he County Councillors in electing him Warden for The was tastefully deco rated the ladies of the Patriotic League deserve much credit for the spread and manner of serv ing and patriotic music was sup plied by an and Mayor J Baldwin presided The toast to the guest was pro- by Yule Aurora and the illuminated ad dress was read by Aid J Has- sett The Breakers were MWills Aurora Major Toronto arson New market Floury Aurora D Ml Albert Scarborough J M Walton AuroraCapt Hell William Keith New market Wallace Wood- bridge J J Markhaln J J McDonald Aurora j floor go Oriole Len nox KvC MPP Han cock Aurora Wilson To ronto Rfohrnouu Hill A W J Wells Khig Tp Geo Alexander and Au rora A leak in a gafl pipe in George Games barber at afternoon the destruction of bully ing by fir the walla collarsend the root to in Five lathe fire and debris AH will recover The proposed extension of the present county good roads sys tem embrace the leading thoroughfares of North York and be establishment of a complete system of county highways W stretching from city limits to the shores of Lake en gaged the attention mem bers of the North and South York Road Committee in ses sion the greater part of Tues day in Toronto Following a lengthy discussion it was decided to recommend to the York Coun ty Council when it resumes to day that four of import ant roads of the county be im proved under the new Highways Act Tho following highways were selected Yonge Street from the Icily limits northerly branch lines running to Bradford and Keswick and Sutton Weston load city Co Vaughan Road from the city to King City and Kennedy from he Mount Albert Tlie of the system as outlined by the joint committees will only be made possible if the County Council decide on the ex tension of the South York system to include North York The roads now under the jurisdiction of tho County Hoard of Highway Com missioners are located in East and West York and the County good roads do pot at present extend northerly further than Richmond Hill the advan tages of improving the -pn- der the new Act there is a strong feeling in favor of placing the leading highways of county under a complete system and it is Ml Council will iiorrw York favorable view of tho project when it comes up for final con- Tho improvement of miles of roads an expenditure of be tween 700000 and within too next four years- is the comprehensive good roads scheme decided upon This Is the largest and costliest scheme drawn up since the on lu rid Legislature passed tho good roads legislation Owing to the heavy war time demands such as the 1250000 grant to Patri otic Fund this year the commit tee will recommend but begin ning In and this on St between- Toronto and Lake requested by Mayor Church and Sir William Mvilock Another important pronounce ment made by Aha committee the of Lake as Penrose In Whitchurch on Jan 3rd to Mr and Mrs Al Penrose a daughter In King on Ian to Mr and Mrs a daughter Johnston In Newmarket on Jan 3isli91C to Mr and Mrs Johnston a son III King on Jan 3 1st to Mr and Mrs George a daughter Yake In Whitchurch on of Feb to Mr and Mrs Geo Yake a Browning Whitchurch Feb to Mr and Mrs Wal ler Browning a daughter Weddel In Whitchurch on of Feb to Mr and Mrs a daughter Elalncs In Newmarket on Feb to Mr and Mrs Haines a son ad to little Miss Nora is improv ing nicely and we hope to sec her able to be in Sunday School Class soon as she Is a great liltlo worker Mr Boll son of Hell a frmer pastor of the Pres byterian Church in Newmarket was calling on friends in town last week He Is enlisted In the 1 Hat at Aurora Dr Bernard Greenwood of was in town on Monday saying gooilbyo to old friends has offered Ills services to Army Medical Corps and expects to leave for shortly Mrs Norton of Toronto in renewing for Era says We would hardly know how to do without It cheers us and brings kind remembrances of our fond homo and old schoolmates The many friends of Mrs Second St will be pleased lo know that she is slow ly improving after being laid up for the past months with Sciatica She able to bo around the house with the aid of crutches The New York has this to say regard ing a former Christian Church Pastor In Newmarket Bey Alex Mackenzie efficient pastor at West Henrietta has recently de clined two flattering calls- one to Long Island one lo Mafno It if hard to niqve a man from the garden Hoover of ford formerly of Newmarket writes Enclosed find one dollar for renewal of your paper which is a welcome visitor Wo are very cold weather at pres ent which this country seems to need both for crops and for health Lagrippo has nearly dis appeared since lhe real cold weather We enjoyed good health so far The Altar At the Metho dist Parsonage Church St Jan by the Dr Booth Albert Victor McPlico of Oak- wood to Miss Pringle of ML Albert At St Johns Church by Father Wed lock on Feb ist Maria Haskell daughter of Haskell to Michael Cuilcii all of Newmarket Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes Ufa J MAIN STREET Agent lor Camera and Photo Supplies Weekly n TBLVuvnii House Phone No Store Phom- TH This Theatre will At King on Wednesday Feb 2nd by Rev Hoy Gray Pearl Ber tha eldest daughter of Mrs Margaret Cain of King to George Wesley White son of Mr and Mrs Win White Queensville ParkerMiller On Feb at Toronto by David ft Parker to Gertrude Miller both of Newmarket The Tmb At her Ave Toron to on Jan Louisa wife of K and Mrs A P Addison of this town Suddenly fc at Lake on Feb 1010 Eva May Mr and Mrs John aged years Funeral Tuesday loflt Johns Oak Lloyd In Newmarket on John Lloyd In bis year a the area which will contrihulo a lo the all goad Government will PRESERVE YOUR EYESIGHT By paying your Prescription filled and your Eyeglasses properly adjusted Ground On the promisee Mail and Phone Orders Promptly Filled PERCY THC OPTICIAN or you j In Newmarket on fllb of Feb Chestnut mother of Mrs Walker Ave in her year in King on Jan Infant daughter of Mr Paxton Atlho residence of daughter Toronto on Margaret widow of Cyrus year KIT j i WHILE THEY LAST BALANCE OF CARLOAD per cent of coat mi am TORONTO Prion HbfibpM a roadhou8e St North AH Orders Careful v DELIVERED f Standard ISM ARCHIVES OF GEORGE FORESTER jV ffcica

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