Ha vo them Tested by T Watson as CTJiWillOtmor FOR QUALITY GOODS I- i j PHONE 28 PROMPT SERVrCE J fc OQFMonto t THE PAINT SHOP Builders Painters Blacksmiths Electrical- and Automobile Supplies Mr has resigned front the position of General Sec retary of the Laymens Mission ary MoveniejU in order to join the forces of the International Com mittee in New York City the Advisory Co 11 CO of the Ancient Order of United Workmen waited upon VERY INTERESTING LETTER FROM THE SUNNY SOUTH y s v Hon Lucas Arcadia Florida Editor Newmarket Era Dear Jackson- Think that a few lines my and myself might interest your readers I a short rind impressions 1 TEN GOOD J- TEN GOOD REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD 50 of Southland of Florida And I may South End Lumber Yard J The Bin is Nearly Empty Order at once a of Goal lJ BEST P W Pearson Order from Carters bishop Wm John Wurphy Office Phone 56 Ti INCORPORATED 1855 BANK ofTORONTO A General Banking Business The Bank of Toronto with years of suc cessful Banking Experience with ample re sources with Urge reserve funds and with widely extended offers to MerchaaU and other Men unexcelled Banking Service Btanchel In Oaturlo Quebec and the BRANCH P A LISTER with reference to the intro duction of a private bill in the Legislature lo enable them to in crease their assessment entire proceeds of the Sun day Concert at Sheas Theatre were handed to the York Patriotic Fund to letter from A of the Canadian lied Cross London Canadian prisoners in Germany in some cases to make munitions for the and have been sentenced to two years imprisonment The appear lo he ready to add insult to injury The Toronto Trades and Labor Committee has frankly declared itself against conscrip tion It is slated that about University of Toron to men are on active service On Friday at a conference at the Parliament Buildings Ontario Women formed the Womens Emergency Corps for the purpose of aiding recruiting Long Branch locality will apply for legislation have the status of a Village Mary Noble was seriously burn ed last Friday night in her home when her blouse caught lire as she was lighting a fire in a stove The jitneys operating north of the Street subway and to some extent relieving the incon venience caused by tho slopping of the cars at Ave are fast disappearing Last Saturday and Sunday the trains from Manitoba were more than half a day lute in conse quence of storm above Lake Su perior Sir Adam Beck again an- Will be pleasantly spent If you burn EVES GOAL I YOU ALL A MERRY AND HAPPY NEW YEAR I WH EVES Order by Phone 22 or from Carters Jerry Harrington MoKen- or Ben Manning i ESTABLISHED BOARD OP DIRECTORS H V MEMDttH KBAmu Cm EBCmAiUiE Sir Micltj C A Eaf B GWMi Eft Em- Ftren EH CapiUl Paid up 16000000 Undivided Profit Oct BANK MONEY ORDERS a itfc convenient of money to point In or the Koch Money of of Montreal G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch tffcwa AM KINDS LUMBER LATH ALSO ETC DOORS I I MOULDINQ8 AND TRIM Our Trim Is Through Our DrykHns- fthd Will Not After It Put Up WW CAN ARRET- a of to consumers of the power new sche dules of rates issued last frcek show that the commission lias recommenced reductions for nearly sixty municipalities the Niagara zone- The Acting Minister of Educa tion makes the announcement that the agitators and persons giving trouble fri respect to Ot tawa Separate Schools will he punished if they resist constituted authority The law must he re spected An- Austrian reservist spy was arrested in Toronto on Friday A Methodist missionary Just hack on furlough phoned up the headquarters of the National Council of Ihe in and asked what was being done on behalf of Canadas soldiers The Information was so gratifying Ihatthe following day a cheque or was received from him Now that the Don flats are coy red ice Properly Commis sioned wjll give Highlanders the use of part of St Lawrence drilling purposes At Fridays review- troops held a city parade Aconlrait has been awarded by he Mil I tin Department to a local firm for Hi manufacture of dummy rifles Co be used by ihe loops jn training in Canada 1 hey are to be the exact shape and weight of service ItOflfl rifle weighing pounds each of a highly contagious sind have been so serious among the community of Mount Dennis that Trustees have rinsed Ibree public schools A deputation of Toronto eiti- who have summer homes about Stony Lake near waited upon Hon last week and asked for a flail hatchery there Fish fry were promised over be It pumping station In that Town and is now supplying the railway with half a million gal lons of water daily That the circulation of books Is iota cause for the spreading of Unease seems to be the unani mous opinion of all those who are the habit of handling thousands of books Dr Hastings the Medical Officer of Health is also against any suggestion that tovthe circulation books can bo traced the origin of any disease which may afflict any Mr and Mrs of celebrated their golden wedding last week guests present were the bridesmaid and groomsman the building per- iritis issued by the City Architect during the past year which shows a total of over- e06oqo thai by far the greater num ber structure erected were brick dwellings say right here that a land of bright sunshine birds flowers anl delicious fruits The is ideal just about right or perfect I don I see how it could be Unproved upon at hast in wintertime but in sum mertime in of a duration it may be a lo warm left Toronto on 1st We stopped off at Buffalo for a then on to the beautiful City of Washington where we stayed one week- and visited of the many places of interest there Among them were the White House the home of the President when he is in Washington and the Capitol Building We went with a company Of others and we had a guide to show through Building who- explained things to us We spent nearly two days in the great National Museum whicb is very interest ing and also the National Zoo and Park also the Washington Monument which is feel in height We went to the lop by elevator and had a line view of the City and surrounding coun try for many miles We improved our stay at Wash ington as much us possible by seeing all could of that beau tiful city then we started south for Jacksonville Florida and here we stayed two weeks enjoyed our- stay there very much visit ing many places of interest Then we wena on lo Arcadia which is a great Citrous Fruit centre Ar cadia is the home of my brothers daughter She is the wife of Rev A Shore Rector of the Church of England of Arcadia We arriv ed there in the evening and Rev Shore Wife and daughter met us at the Station and escorted us to their beautiful home which is a veritable miniature Garden of Eden They have a large piece of ground which is beautifully laid Out and contains a largo variety of tropical trees flowering shrubs flowers of many pretty sorts and colors green lawns and an abundance of fruits such as Oranges Grape Fruit Bananas Strawberries etc be sides a line kitchen garden in which are grown all sorts of vegetables which are available for use all the year round And just think of it all this has been accomplished in the short time of roe years for I was there my self three years ago and at that time they were building the Rec tory and all the ground was in a raw stale Nothing on it Mien but wild grasses which never had been broken Up or cul tivated I mention this as an ac tual fact it having come under my own personal knowledge which Illustrates Hie very rapid growth of all sorts of vegetation here Of course the Orange trees were all large trees when trans planted They were all donated by he members of the Church and every tree some of them now are loaded which we have been using right along since we arrived here and we have enjoyed it verymuch It is so nice pick your fruit your self direct from Ihe tree We have just returned from a little trip the seaside own of Boca Grand which is on the of which Was the home of the noted pirate of that name- who plied his hor rible trade many years ago around those coasts and the Island was named after him Reports are still in circulation hat he buried large stores of money and other valuables in secret places on the Island and although it has been bunted for over and oyer none has ever so far been dis covered We enjoyed ourselves there very much The air is so pure and fresh ami our morning along the shore of the Gulf of Mexico were most delightful We would stop to take a rest at some pretty spot and sit down for an hour or so and smoke a good Havana Cigar and look out at the huge breakers as they come rolling in and break on the shore with a roar like thunder carrying with Ihem millions of shells which they deposit on sands Some of thorn are very pretty Yes these experiences are among the They enjoyments long to bo rememborpd In the afternoon wo often wentto some gopd fishing resort lo look at pulling out of the water the shin ing beauties There is very good Owe and some kinds are You owe to your country and to the Empire of which you are a part either to fight yourselfor help to make it possible for outers to fight In this supreme struggle As a you have enjoyed the protection and privileges of British Citizenship and have never yet been called upon in the de fence of the Empire The Mother Country has for years practically borne the burden of your protection In this hour of trial we desire Great Britain lo realize that every Canadian Is sup porting and upholding her cause The war In which we are engaged is a righteous cause a struggle for Truth Liberty and for the of the Treaties and the given work If you cant go yourself you can help to make it possible for others to go by guaran teeing that their families will be provided for their absence The object of the Canadian Patriotic Fund is to make provision for ALL families of soldiers going from Canada to take part in the present war Those who have gone to the front are making greater sacrifices than anything we can do at home When the war Is over what answer will you make to the question How did YOU 10 An unparalleled crisis in the worlds history calls for supreme sacrifices on our part MarriedrrAl life residence of Ihe brides father liarric on the ult is Rush of King to Miss daughter of Mr Peter V On the 2nd by P Methodist Mr David Lewis- of to Miss Brown ihe adopted daugh ter of Mr John Steel of Messrs Trent and were elected school trustees this week The tannery of Mcssr J Son of was by fire on he The Newmarket Brewery on Street owned by Mr A and rented by Refit- Simpson was destroyed by Ire on Saturday morning Ififtt Loss The ReUnion at Aurora last Wednesday evening was a grand success Among the tenders and Speakers were Dr NJ Peck Mr K Mr I and Mr Wilson Mr Lewis of Toronto is an nounced as the entertainer before ihe Mechanics Institute next Wednesday evening The dissolution of the partner ship of Stephen Webster and Johnston is announced They were builders and contractors Dr Chief Superin tendent of Education is to lee- lure in Newmarket oil the insl rif J L I ff vSS I lf tWir 1 ft WE DO OUR DUTY 25 YEARS AGO From Kyle v try hands We were teat to sit the shade and look on We have had many beautiful auto drives by friends- of the Shores and visited many beautiful Orange Groves Yester day we had a drive out into country miles and we pulled up at a grove of acres None of Ihe fruit the grove has been gathered yet is a love ly sight to see for all the trees arc heavily laden with the bright golden fruit which contrasts so beautifully with ihe deep green foliage of the trees and to stand between rows of trees whoso houghs almost meet in the centre and look all the way down through a OS acres Is indeed a sight lo be remembered- Tho whole farm contains I 15 acres of which is in fruit and the remaining acres contain dwelling barn natural park chicken and cow runs lawns flowers etc The present owner paid ior tin whole property two years ago and he has sold this years crop of for lb- snug little mi of net on the purchaser 10 ga ther tin- himself at his own expense How does that sound for an investment And this Il lustrates the actual condition of affairs all through this section of country Tomorrow we leave Aiwarlia and go farther south Imyn of llradentown f And now with kindest regards and wishing you the compliments of ln season I am Yours truly Theodore Simpson the Era Developing tho Boy and Girl the fourth Air lour divisions of ihe work receive substantial support in every province from the grants de rived under the Agricultural Instruc tion Act In Prince Island the sum devoted to these purposes in the first Ihe Act was in operation was in third year or in it is In Scotia the sum thus employed unier the Act in was it is In New ia the first year it In the it is- In Quebec the first year It was 1500 he third year In Ontario it it is now In it was it is this year In Saskatchewan it is 2100 In Brit ish Columbia 1000 was so used in 191311 but this year for boys and girls competitions fairs etc- and instruction in public schools 17000 is to he spent from grants It must he understood that while- la Pome of the provinces the money is directly employed for the purposes set forth in others It is used in other ways ad the sums required for school gardens and so on are received from provincial and municipal sources The how ever arc In themselves in dication of the farreaching benefits conferred the Act Of 8EVERE LOSS TO THE FRENCH London Ian War Office announced this afternoon the have recaptured the trenches south of the much contested llarlmnnnsWrllcrkopf near in Upper Alsace lost them to the French on December Twenty officers Chasseurs and I machine guns were captured with trenches The strategical importance ot the The AltarOn the 15th at the of the brides pa rents by Rev J Wilkinson or Sutton Mr Webster of Whitchurch lo Miss Mary Ellen eldest daughter of Mr Hugh Dow ling of North By Rev at the Parsonage Newmarket on the Win Nash of Toronto Minnie Amelia The Tomb In Newmarket on the Samuel II eldest son of Mr A Mc- aged years In Aurora on the 3rd An nie beloved wife of Mr John Ash- ton and sister of Mr 1 Muir aged years The Battalion Band had grand lime serenading since New Years On the night of the elec tion they visited residences of Mayor Jackson Reeve Wood cock Deputy and Brown Bennett and Donne The newly elected officials of Methodist Church Ladies Aid are as follows President Mrs Ambrose Cane VicePres Mrs Secretary- Mrs Dr Scott TreasurerMrs L Jackson Executive Mrs lydia Lewis Mrs Hewitt Mrs W Triyclt Mrs Smith Jr and Airs Ceo The Com- chosen worO Mrs Wismor Mrs Miss Miss Jackson Miss and J Stephens Mrs Timothy of To ronto is spending a fev days iu I town Seven people tended a hall in Hnrrii on Wed nesday night Miss Campbell of Toronto has been spending a few days- with Miss Hasted her cousin Mr Ceo loft for I this week where lie has taken a school for the current year Miss has gone back to Strange for another year Mr Frank left for Brit ish Columbia on Friday to make his homo in New Westminster Mr of Toronto i spending Now Years In i i i position as well as the number of prisoners captured render todays the activities encouraged promoted by funds provided under September The Agricultural Instruction Act of tho none is more worthy than the improved means which have been made possible for the develop- Corners a comedy of of the Juvenile mind There l acts rendered the Dramatic but one way that the and girls can be vetted ho the soil and that v is by tlicir for it This can only fce accomplish ed by the Inculcation of knowledge presented not altogether in utility fashion but In a manner that will emphasize the brightness the wonder and attractlvness of the works of nature This hoys and clubs are doing this lle school the nature will be given in J tho Hall Kettleby Evening under the of the Red Cross Auxiliary Kilty Canadian missionaries are withdrawn from posts China while revolt is spreading An Italian steamer carrying Montenegrin reservists from the was sunk by a mine with the loss of lives ket With his son Mr Wright Mr John County En gineer spent over Sunday with his daughter Mrs Ronnie- Mr Cnldwell who was at Toronto Hospital for almost four months undergoing treat ment for displaced bono in his was during week On Friday evening a party from Keswick gave a surprise at his home in I King Reeve J Stokes Deputy egg was elected of Cwillimhury Deputy i i fairs are doing This study classes In the jhiVRc are doing this tue school gardens mm Q A are doing They encourage f and the first In stance for yej For second a favorable for not only of the manoU i man A and Smith North Thomas Scott reeve Glover Doputy 4 r