Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 31 Dec 1915, p. 8

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i I J l I I 111 r J t2SS V sp 1 T iV v held last wee tut giife Recess v and only 1580 ex- Oct 1st I bare lived InttuV city for more 3faaa years andfam well liufertd front Rheumatism especially la my hands spent a lot of money UwutaHyyoresalis- months now and am phased to tell youtluitaw My the enlargement has not left my and perhaps never will but the soreness is all gone and I can do any of wort I hare pounds in eighteen months a box for trial sire At ail dealers or direct from atWea limited Ottawa A on and Avenues Apply Newmarket TO RENT Ho St Town Water Immediate possession if Ja 1st FOR SALE OR TO RENT House on Prospect Ave of modern conveniences good stable and cistern Enquire Grace St Newmarket Mr Smith of the King who is going out business held a Tory sale cows last the bad weather there was a large crowd present and good prices One Hoisted- heifer brought and JJ2268 j Mr Davy Calgary for a few days bis cousin Mr J A arid other friends rt Mr Arch MacTaggart who called east by the death sister Mrs o Toronto called in here will be opened on Thurs day evening when a number of prizes will be for different contests including a hockey match the married andi singlemeii and bean his giIorvlsoa Allow no todecerrayoa thfe and tns a toinless subltttfe for Castor Oil Paregoric aid 6thiag It la pleasant It Opium- Morphine muttKaTCticabsncev M age is its guarantee It worms and allaysFevetlahnefis For more thirty it baa been in constant use far of I Troubles and Diarrhoea It regulates tfiemmacb aid Bowels assimilates the Food giving healthy and natural sleep The Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend Tie KM Yea Haw of mi Whatever the war fees done is knowledge have been extended Maps abound and the ends of the earth havo been brought nigh unto us Before Kul- lhrev down the gage Christ ianity he was an unusually or had remembered his CaesaVs Bel- who could have accurately pic ted to his eye Iheiqcation of of the places whose names cropped up in the story of the campaigns- of- the Aisne and war has chang ed arid now no one at either the locality or ion of Uheinis or any otherpf he hundred and one names of places in Western that day for the past year have plentifully besprinkled the columns of he newspapers from the Front I FOR 3d Acre Farm valuable farm- in and containing gravel and pits Good buildings some timber and some pasture possession Phone or write Armstrong Too for Mr Watson Fairies oi the at home Miss Barnes of Toronto Normal College is her vaca tion at her home here The School Entertainment was a decided success Miss Patterson is visiting her mothen were quite a number Irom here it the oyster supper at Mr Gilberts at on Friday night In Use Years j if WE HAVE FOR A desirable property siiualed or Prospect Ave A break Too Late for I Agt liaoWMillL Mr of Newmarket spent oer Sunday at Mr Merchants a Johnson loaded a car lire stock this week Homebody was kind chough to Whitchurch Council A iheeliu held at all hers anil arid the Reave hi IlKvchaiiv wen- presented from ftolicilors and But ton ami MDouglas advis ing the Council to appeal agajnsL the rendered by the rial court in the case were presented as follows for Sick Children lacksohlV A Topper 200 Mo Mrs Inslriictiiig the Clerk and Trea surer In notify the solicitors to an Appeal the decision in he instead case and to pay tiro Other helps to trie this sort of knowledge are the letters and the return of num bers of invalided soldiers from the fronts As we read those letters and see those brave fellows their crutches and tell how fields- were or making plans of the battles in which they hud engaged we are reminded of that- passage in Ovids Herdifjes the victor describes his ex ploits in the Dipping linger in the winestpup he drew oil the table a of the kneel Some grey some J ust praying always front line These cannot lead a sortie not oceans But their and cottage home poor man and the all form the Inner Wherein a common sorrow a Brotherhood divine can hear old voices quiver Tdu can sec the slow tears Yet the Inner Lire keeps England aad Honor Call They can measure such resistless They trust the Lord battles gviirdefend the right who Here flowed the is Plain Here sloml he stately palace of Priam Here Achilles used to stretch his tents HAD HER PIOTEft TOOK A onl Scotchwoman- who dwelling with an in first class shape Quarter of an acre of with apple and small fruit trees Frame and hen house This we consider the best buy in town so act quickly Terms can be arranged to suit purchaser Apply to Morton- box 373 Newmarket 7 HI TO FARMERS The Celebrated Jersey Bull BRAMPTON MERGER Son of a Worlds Champion Milk and Butter Fat And also a Boar will he -er- vice on Half Lot Con Whitchurch DAN McARTiUJH Foreman SHAWS SCHOOLS Toronto The School The Central Business Oof- lego Tho Central Telegraph and Railroad and The Pour City Branch Business Schools All provide excel lent leading to good salaried positions Free cat alogue on request Write for It Presi dent HeafOrfiffiayYonga Toronto YEARS EXPERIENCE Mr window and one to last Saturday night The smart Mr for use of room for evidently removed with knives from window pane- working towards the top But when approach ing near the top of the window the plan did not work as be hair was held Vaii- Hall Dec with all mem bers present and the itneve in the When trying to pull pane top it Tote in two and tell a great noise I hen the burglars ran away that would alarm them within Suppose their inters t ions were to pull out window glass ait crawl in and get a big supply of small ware etc However that did not work Homebody- will get a dose of cold lead if dont be very careful Hope It smarts the smart ones Our blacksmith Hilly been very busy this week Work been turned away trade is heavy it seems ye know I suppose his nerves a unstrung to certain extent as ye are aware he was ladies along the road and he upset That happened few nights ago Keep up courage Mr took his Might the other morning for to aid the soldiers However he did not fill the bill and w rcjectcd Say Hill how a the girls around Pleasant Farewell good night Ill finish week Bleeping The- In- last regular and were read and Confirmed of Local Hoard of Health was presented An was received showing plank sold I Curry at and gravel bought him amounting the balance of was paid J Treasurer 1 Hennessey as agreed upon paid for small pine trees on flit Con presented a claim for l200iamnjies for wo sheep injured by dogs Claims were presented for refund of dog tax from Fred Hansom and A Lloyd Bills were presented as follows J A M Van rand Poland ami Similarly with regard to Poland Western and Northwestern Russia and AustriaHungary Although none of our soldiers have been fight ing in remote regions the campaigns waged by the patient troops of the Czar our stout and un dismayed ally have made the names of many places but littln known be fore the ir familiar now as house hold words Moreover it will go down in history that in name of the city founded by Peter the on the Neva because its final syllable was supported smack of origin was changed by fo ling in Russia not speak of Prof monumental honk he translated works of Tolstoi Gogol and other writers of fiction have made in recent years many readers more less familiar with that vast coun try hut the daily progress of he war has hanks to their teachers made even school children acquainted with he names the puzzle and scores of other places which a year or two ago were each a veritable lira incognita most Canadians had all entreaties her friends to have her taken was at last induced to employ the of a artist In order to send her likeness to a son in America On re ceiving the first impression she failed to recognize thereon de picted as herself- so card in hand she set out Tor the artists studio to ask if there was no mistake Is that me she queried Yes madam replied the artist And is it like me she asked Yes madam its a speaking shfsaid resignedly its sight mm a J fS FOR SALE BY A ALLAN CO A BINNS it A MAKING YOUR OPPORTUNITY Opportunity is really a matter of preparation There ale some people whose is so thorough that opportunities flash about them crowd upon them almost pestering them like a cloud of gnats It is impos sible to improve a hundredth of them- The nan who has a t for financial success has opportunities for making money in every mail The successful clergyman has calls from distant cities and States And at the same time the worker who no special fitness for any other line of work stands by lamenting over the lack of ch As soon as you are ready your opportunity will be like ly to appear It is probably your lack of preparation that keeps it back J v -FOR- LIME Tiuoc Dcaions Ac un on wtettr ftL WiflBOOT for Lata lip huso ft A Snider Geo Ratcliire and Pons Vs Pike A Clarke Win Thompson Williamson were passed instructing he Treasurer pay of amount of sheep claim the hills as presented and refunds V 1 flmericatt I W si In for will be lit MARIOS MARION Montreal a New Year Fares good going 1MB and Jan limit AHO good going 1WI inclusive fitum limit Jan 1M Return he issued oetween all stations in Canada east of Port Arthur and lo De troit and Port Mich Buf falo Rock Niagara Timet are in these parts sleighing and lack and Si arc both plodding along with their threshing outfits It will be well on in the New Year before they do their last job The Christian Church Sunday School entertainment in was quite success Mr and Mrs purse Browning of Sharon spent at the home of the at teas parents Mr and Mrs Cook of the Line Mr Albert seized with an attack of asthma or Christmas re the at tendance of Dr Scott Newmarket through whose Kood treatment he survived the attack Mrn David Dales of the Line a gathering on Christmas and all with their husftands were present viz Mr and Lloyd of Newmar ket Mr and Mrs Isaac Webster Town line Mr and Mrs Fred A I Ant Mr and Mrs John of the homestead and Mrs Dalies only son Tom No service in Christian Church on Sunday last Mr Dales having gone to spend Christmas with his Drayton Mr Chants nied by his Miss Maggie with their sister Mrs Albert Shanks of the Line We are sorry to hear Master Vance Webster somewhat Indisposed We wish him a speedy recovery Mm Smith and family Toronto spent with old friends In the neighborhood Councillors and are on the war path this week know us all if never before Mr and Mrs George Blackburn of Cherry on the Line had family reunion on Day when all the members their present John his wife of Wlllam and Mb wife Toronto of fax Claimed and Hie sum of as Walter for destroying do worrying The time for collection of the years axes was extended firsl of- Feb Council adjourned Sine P BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR CATARRH THAT CONTAIN MERCURY mercury will surely destroy the of smell dud completely de range the whole system when fil tering it through the mu sill- faces Such tides should never dried except on prescript ions from reputable physicians as the damage they will do is ten fold to I In good you can possibly derive from hem Halls Catarrh manufactured by Cheney A Co Toledo contains no mer cury and In taken internally act ing directly upon the bipod iid mucous surfaces of the in In buying Hairs Catarrh Sure he u re you get the- genuine It Is internally and in To ledo by 1 free Kohl Price per Take Family for Con stipation Bridge Fall and Mr Mrs AfWftl Messrs Maty Barbara and Gertie A Happy Year to an readers tfie Town Fast Daily Service TO WINNIPEG AND Via Leaving Toronto 9A0 pm Trains No Change Sbs that your ticket reads it v from Canadian ticket Agents or Murphy District Cor Kins and Macedonia Just Hie eyes of he whole world are turned to Salon Ik has a interesting his tory which might have remain ed in its obscurity had not the Allies made it the base of their operations for the relief of Serbia To Canadians it is particularly in teresting as the headquarters of a unit of the Fourth Base Hospital many of the and nurses wo dare say will have time dwell on facts this Greek city formerly Thermo was the ancient so culled by in wife but more wide ly renowned as the second place in Europe whore was first proclaimed To il SI Paul came having first visited he neighboring city Macedonia and to his converts there he Infer address ed his I wo Kpisfles lo lie Thoxsulon- Many a reader has indulged in a over the old ladys enthusiasm for thai blessed word just now the region Tigris and Kuphrates is an occasion for hope rather ban exudation The retreat is only temporary and he boy WIN soon be aide peruse Tho Vision of with a personal of which not even Ihe Arabian Nighty could ever give him after the war the returning victorious initial soldier may he allowed lime lo vlsll Hie sites of Nineveh and other famous daces which enterprise of and reveal the modern world and whose cuneiform inscriptions decipher Pos sibly also future tyro in Greek may En imagination for a similar reason accompany at least us far with more est Anabasis has recently evoked his ONIONS FOR A LIVING The profession of onion peeling is not one thai obtains much notice there are at least women in- the London earning their living by removing on ion skins With practice they can make or Schillings per day Often they have peeling since child hood the daughter mothers It hi not a you can learn In lesson for the skin must be removed by hand or the on ion Juices and Is no use for pick ling The are always peeled In water not to save the eyes of- the I peeler but Is done to keep tha onion j A TIGHT understand that Mr has been operated on for appendi citis Miss Yes its the first time any one was known get anything out of And even then thev had to chloro form him to get that BAKERS GROCERS BLACKSMITHS OR ANY OTHER TRADE On Quick Order Saskatoon ie Northern Storage Companys build ings filled with furniture etc stor ed by private Individuals was burned yesterday Loss 80000 AT LOWEST PRIG Samples Before Ordering Elswherc PRINTING OFFICE Newmarket i GOODBYE TO MOTHER SANDY AGAIN den III of his wife out rune writer on the early Quakers thai the mother of the famous Isaac Hopper when he was leaving home to begin life said Ah to manners remember hoy Ihoii will never meet a man in llje world whose plaet- in it is higher than thine own or lower The who was going out into the world was then only fifteen years old How many hoys of that age would have wisdom enough and tact enough to form a of manners on the great of equality of men children of God The Spartan mother had narrow duty to fulfil to her departing son He had but one business in life- to fight At parting she gave him his shield and bade him hurry Return with it or upon it Life is more complex in these modern days Brute courage Is no long er the virtue or the highest one that is now needed in struggle it is disheartening lo recognize your rte- Oue of the most successful men of business in if you stop there Possibly your country once said ton friend When I left was what it needed to he to fil home a poor hoy to begin work my molhcior he place life which yoi aspire ion to me Gome back to me with clean blunders yon Joe- with clean hands and with Gods help I words in common use If you realize these -V- tried to keep hem clean for her WW go no further you will grow Sandy on on her tomb The light of my life has Sometime afterwards he remarried and those words seemed- somewhat of place Mint ing his crony at Ihe entrance kirk lie said Man Tan mas Ive got pass Hint tomb stone every lime I go in or not kirk anil ma wife like it but I see I100 I can niter the words What could ye advise Sandy if wad be a alter words and forbye expensive Id lei it bide as it is and add Ive match- CORRECTING YOUR DEFICIENCIES A picture by a famous artist was exhibited at Hut such deficiencies ran be wiped the Worlds Fair in Chicago and was constant- you bring to the task sufficient surrounded by silent crowds whose Dictionaries are cheap Tor showed how deeply it touched them It showed may buy a hook whiehwill leach you how the kitchen of a farmhouse the son of j pronounce all the words you are likely family was starting out to begin life alone the ordinary conversation And by imitalm wagon was ill the Safin his little box was pack- speech people and reading good readv to be carried out His mother ft poor you can correct vagaries of worn woman hold her hands upon bis should- stamp you as uneducated The looking straight into his eyes There Wore wj be he no tears in her own She had no time for cars correcting thorn 7 What will you do out yonder her eyes asked with desperate pleading Will you re in order A man doesnt have to he a detective member your home and your find trouble come back to me the honest good boy you are now is the watchword of the of men looked on timt picture world made any comment on it but Hie Opportunity it is said knocks hut hardened faces would grow lender and keen dim as they looked Before each of them another woman face rose the mother whom o of Qtf he bad left long ago who had built such high hopes upon him What bad he done Had he kepi faith with her In the background of each of our lives there is such a shadowy waiting faceT-tho- mother who gave us life al whose Knee prayed believed in us and loved us us no one What can we tell her when wo again Have we kept faith with her a pessimist knocks all the time Do what you can do well and do well-whit- ever you do do J The fellow- who the courage of W convictions never gets into game wortli cent DonVworry about the goodness of other people It quite sufficient to see that your own Is up to the test A grindstone- had it taken to sharpen an man who always on up in It a

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