Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 31 Dec 1915, p. 3

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j fcj h s MP St Meeting A Mothers Heating The Regular Mothers I I on Queen St be of Jan commencing A full attendance is Supl Christmas Donation and Mrs Cane sent jLary of 100 books totti indedsoldiers at aV of giving presents and ing cards to relatives friends Christmas is worthy of nutation Christmas A REDUCTION OF ELECTRIC LIGHT BILLS AD POWER BILLS per Wail The people at the Post Office that Chrfelmas mails year were the heaviest ever ok till nine on Friday the mail Had it been in the old post it would have been a fright ever about the Nomination in Town Hall last Monday evening only about electors being present quite a contrasted a Clerk Anderson presided while the lowing nominations were made j Brief lets Mi Eves presents his to his customers by very pretty calendar fool of snow on Christinas the our merchants report a Christmas in of year Uvular Monthly Meeting the will he held home Mrs J McManus on Prospect Ave On Tuesday the ill of Ian in A commencing at full attendance is re quested as business of vital is to be discussed Another Indication of Loyalty The hoys and girls of Newmar ket who are making good under the Stars and Stripes have still warm spot in their hearts for he Maple Lear and the Union Jack when there is anything spe cial that calls for sympathy The President of the Red Cross was greatly surprised to rc- a cheque on Monday for from Or and Mrs Ernest Dickson of California Such a practical expression of loyalty is sincerely appreciated A Last Monday night the follow ing were elected to fill the offices or the ensuing year Alfred Harris John Moss Ayers J Hro Ernest Kyte Williams J R Trusty J Trustees Bros John Will Collins and A J Gold smith Auditors Bros Fletcher J and A Parks Andrews is the lat est member to enlist Several others have already gone Friends Church The attendance at morning meeting was not quite- up to its usual standard but a goodly gathering was present in the ev ening The Pastors topic was The Now Kingdom The Angel proclamation Peace on Earth Good Will to Men ushered in the New Kingdom which was to he found in mens hearts The New Kingdom was to be created in peace and love as opposed to strife and hatred It- called for loyally to a spiritual principle rather than loyalty to a material- power Sunday next if Meeting for Worship pm Peoples Popular Ser vice Preachers topic Things Old and New SoloistMrs Young Everybody welcome All seats free Endeavor The weekly meeting of the Society the Christian Church on Tuesday evening was well at tended The meeting was in charge of J Hall and a most helpful talk was given by him on Work for the Coming Year The meeting in will be- held next Tuesday evening at clock and win be charge of and Flos- Mo MoArthur and the topic for discussion will be What is Con secration As this is a topic of vital importance to each a full attendance is It will also be he monthly consecration Society r Tree- The Chrislmus free of the- Christian Sunday School was largely attended on evening Dec The ttnJ Woroughly enjoyed the lantern of the Good jna appropriate address by J Hall A short musical program vas lh0 consisting choruses Ar nold Clifford West Sink Pi which were children and distributed rifts- s nominated by Keilli and seconded by Widdirield Jteeve by DeputyReeve v- and Manning hi Dr J wHEves Tench For School Trustees Manning Davis Mr Forester declined to quali fy as he has some idea of Town hence all- the aioelected by acclamation On motion Mr was requested to act as Mayor Cane was received with He dealt at some length with the Light and Power Agreement showing how satis factory it had proved for the Town When the balance of the old plant is disposed of it will be found that the system was completed within the estimates from the statement of the Treas urer he fell safe in promising the a reduction in the rate of house and commercial lighting from to per kilowatt and per cent reduction in power bills for lit also explained the agreement entered into with the Office Specially Co regarding he wells on their properly By removing the pipes that were placed across the pond the Cor poration an annual rental of SI per well for a period of five years tin longest lease the Co prepared give dealtalmosl en tirely with County matters The changes in Administration Of lei Magis trate and Commission were beneficial the and he to the splendil work be ing one by Major run Ion County lie alo reerred to the large in the cost Education Newmarket School reived from the while in 1016 it received over total cost of- Fduca- linn the County last was 38000 He also spoke of what done and to do In regard die Purposes Fun for the maintenance of dependents of pi fillers was million liars and Hie of lief re care of wounded soldiers jlorned rent front instead of soldiers gat ing to the war The of Good Roads for North York and the advantages of the County passing such ByLaw were also explained Mr P Pearson told the that Ihe motto of the County was one that was truly descriptive of the work of the Newmarket Council for Deeds Speak One year ago Candidates who were afterward elected slated to the people it would cost to install the new electric power and who the results would be Their plans had been adopted and the years work completed Results the local taxrate reduced by three mills the overdraft paid and now the Mayor could an nounce a reduction in the price Independent Order of Foresters- A specially important meting of the members will be held on Wed nesday night next at in the Lodge Room over Miller Bros Bakery Alex Stewart of To- Supreme Court will be present and conduct the election and Installation of of Court for Refreshments will be served at close of business A big rally is requested Let every member be present ill be I Palri and cent results been ob tained- by plain busiiieslike Town af fairs con gratulated ort having a man of he ability Cane as Mayor and also for having in iheRpeve Keith a man always took a leading part lit the work of the County Council Other members of also addressed the meeting which closed in and orthodox The Canadian Order Forest their next regular on evening Bros WGSlrong and A- Wiley of ihoHigh Court will be present to perform the duties of installation and deliver interest ing addresses op the work and progress of the Order All hers and visiting brethren are gently invited as a profitable and evening is promised Christian Church Next Sunday morning the preach text But what things were gain to me those I counted loss for Christ 37 The regular monthly communion service and reception of members will he held immedi ately following the morning j vice It is especially desired that as many members and Christian adherents oflh Church as pos sible be present at IhisserviCei In the evening the pastor will preach on the question What must I do to be saveo Acts 31 This will be a sermon A cordial invi tation is extended to all who arc not Christians to come to this service and hear what the pastor has to say on the way of salvation You surely are interested in your souls welfare you may be great ly helped by this service Every body welcome to of la grippe throat since Christmas Mattfe llcwSeV baltl built a new tot which adds 6L Sunday matter here Ted is home the mm- GOOD a 1- I and Myrtle spent Sunday with Uncle Ben at Sirs- Penrose and fctThomasaiso Mrs and husband of Toronto spent their parents atV Pine View Murray and of Toronto spent their parents hereJ Mrs Charlie were the guests of Mrs on The deep snow nearly stopped- Jim from getting over to see girl- 0 Sunday You will have to get that cutter nipt again Jim Ben and wife of Aurora spent here at their brother fid- wards Owing to cutting his foot with the Brad has had to the holidays at home Frosty Our Stock of Xmas Presents Even Better than Fane Handkerchiefs Fancy Lade and And Hundreda or Xmas Gifts SHOP EARLY Aft NONE J The Methodist Chiijcji well on Sunday evening last The Rev Honey- occupied the pulpit and gave a profitable and lag the Second Coming Christ or Xmas Gifts BE SURE TO SHOP EARLY AS OF OUR XMAS LINES CAN BE REPEAT ED iliiil A Another f The services in connection with tin Methodist Church last Sun day were in keeping with the Christmas Season and were very helpful The special feature of the Christinas music was at the on Friday Evening well A good program was the evening passed very Pleasantly A collection was taken in aid of the Red Cross Fund which amounted to over Grove has lemon tree which grew a lemon weighing lb and foot in circunference It is a beauty Who can that Misses Marie and Jessie Lemon of Winnipeg are visiting their sister Mrs John Brown Mr Alfred Holloway of Ernfold spent holidays at Mr gi t ook s The teachers and scholars of the Public School held their closing ex ercises on Tuesday afternoon of last week A nice program was rendered by the pupils after which they pre sented the teacher Miss Cook with a beautiful hand bag and a took She was completely taken by surprise hut replied a verp feeling manner The usual treat of candies and oranges was passed and everyone ex pressed themselves as delighted with the afternoons gathering December TOnUelectora of Kinjr Dear In view of the- that arc made Against me wish to make clear my views and took at the have been a of the Kliig Township Patriotic aiid Re lief Association the time Li organized I have one of their official collectors and have made two official collections In the first case by Mr Ellison in second case by Wesley tor My was as large as could it and I have helped in every possible No one could have done more or have been more willing to help than I HARTMAN fc Id estimate for is million told Soldiers evening service when the Choir New Cantata rendeeed Lord of All After the regular Opening ser vice the Pastor introduced he Cantata showing the three dis tinct divisions of the same the Cantata way opened by a full Male Chorus followed by the Mixed Choruses Solos Du etts and Quartette and for minutes lluj story of the Birth of Christ was portrayed in song It would hardly be fair to dis criminate between the ones taking individual parts all doing bis or her part most efficiently The whole Cantata was ably rendered and adds another score to the successes made by the Choir in the past Mr the and Choirmaster has received many commendations on the music and very kindly turns the credit to the worthy members of his of which lie is justly proud The Choir are taking a wellearned tbiri Week and will re peal parts of Cantata next Bond ay Quite a snow storm on Christmas and every pleased to see such fine sleighing Havent had skating yet but hope soon will i Mr Howard Toole was home from for his holidays Miss Oldham is home from Toronto spending her holidays Mr lagger Oldham spent over Christmas with relatives here Miss is with us again and we are very glad to see her well again and looking so- Pie spent over the holiday with his parents Glad to sec Leslie around again after being ill or some time Mr Waver ley left for Monday to enlist He has been successful i passing and now is training of Oxbridge spent over Christmas With his parents Quite liurrJbcr attended the Box Social at the new school house on Tuesday evening which opens after lie New Year Miss Is the teacher in charge Sorry to hoas that Mr Thomas has been very sick with and asthma the past week What has happened to the Ballan- tr items I guess they are busy skating- on the pond and they havent lime to give us the news Say get busy Sunny dim was and am At the nomination did hot voice any objection to municipal grants to Patriotic or War Funds but did say that in view of other neighboring townships not imposing levies in that in future be levied by the Provincial and Federal so that all municipali ties would bear their equal sharo and I woujd not fa vor taxation by Township muni cipalities as some would bear the burdens and others would avoid it hi view of experience gained this year think the position I take is fair businesslike and Patriotic My opponent for Dep uty Reeve Mr is making his canvas through the Township under a distorted statement of facts I have done all I possibly could for Patriotic Funds in the I past which is all he has done and for which I give him full credit and I will pledge myself do as much or a little more than in future and then some Yours respectfully Cornelius McCabe CHEAPEST LIGHT AND POWER IN THE WORLD The Toronto World on Wednesday stated that the Toronto Hydro Rates were the lowest in the World but it had not heard about Aurora Hopes of the people here that the Toronto A York Radial Railway Company would the lead in VewnVarket of Toronto Hydro electric Commission in reducing rates were realized on Tuesday when an announcement was made of a cut of 25 per cent In the rates for resi dence and commercial five HEAD OFFICE NAD A Capital Paid Up 7000000 PELEQ HOWLAND President When all the world sleeps one lbn the flight of time THE VOICE OP THE CLOCK I The ordinary de livers its message sharp unpleasant sounds A Striking Mantle Clock We speak softly and with sweetness of a hsrp FOR AND PRIOR AND and SS 8CHOOL IN 8COTT hast Tuesday evening a very pleasant gathering of ratepayers and others interested assembled in now school recently erected at the corners of the four Town ships Scott Fast Cxbridgeand Whitchurch The new Section is known as Union No The trustees a re Messrs imp David They de serve great credit for erecting such a handsome at so small a cost A splendid pro gram given Inking part were Miss Moorchcad Mrs J Messrs Walk- Young and Reeve chair was occu pied by Mr J of Newmarket High School staff Mrs Thos Moore head kindly loaned her beautiful for the occasion After the program a Box was held makes a splen did auctioneer You pretty near ly know if yon do not bid you will have one saddled on yoii anyway of the audience Some boxes brought as high as but prico was They were prettily decorated A neat sum was real ized and this be used to a library and furnish a peat and comfprtablo teachers room this modorhschool contains i section be on having One of the hand- most rural schoolk InOritarJoVj Pat Iruntees on the back lighting and Cent In the street lighting and power account Aurora too declared for an elec tion acclamation Mr J Ross is the only new member of the Colin taking the place of Murray who retired from municipal life Robert Hacking dropped out the School Trustee election allow ing an acclamation Reserve Fund 7000000 HAY General Manager Drafts Money Orders and Letters of Credit Issued available throughout the World Dealers In Government and Municipal Securities Dealers in Foreign Exchange Savings Department at all credited halfyearly at Current Rates opens an SMYTH Manager Newmarket FARMERS NOTES DISCOUNTED TERMSSUPPLIED ON APPLICATION GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED r A rf S U T D Royal Household Flour r The Leader for Bread Made from Old Wheat I MONARCH MOSS ROSE and K ARK CHOICE PASTRY FLOURS ALSO f hose I NEW8 FROM THE FRONT The following letter has been received from John Mc Donald France Doc Dear Don OnIyu lines to let you know how things arc going ort with mo over hero It has been very wet this couple of weeks but wo are used to it now I got the parcel that Mrs Ah sent mo and also some others and they came In very handy I got them whom was in the trenches I am going to answer Mrs when I gel out of the trenches I will send them nice cards that they sell In Franco I forgotten what they sent but will answer them all for me so kindly Those socks that Mrs knit were best ones I ever had for some we got wear out so fast ffay Don I Just soonSimon Wilson He is in Third Rait I was so surprised to sco him talking a couple of hours and thon ho had to get back to bis are riht beside r expect see him from now on We arc in trenches now but out a couple of days not much- nojy J am in a hurry as mall now goes In Wishing you all at homo a Very and Happy Yoaiv Jack the BUCKWHEAT FLOUR BRAN AND All Kinds of Feed for Fowl CALL AND LEAE YOUR ORDER I Prompt Phone A HOWARD I ALL KINDS OF CARTING A TEAM WORK ATTENDED TO I A MAIN 8TREET SOUTH ARE GIVING f BIG INDUCEMENT FOR OUR CUSTOMERS BENEFIT ft FOR CHRISTMAS ARE A FEW OF THE LINES Mens Undonvonr Kg Mens Heavy Rubbers to Ru Mens Rubber Boots Boys Rubber Boots Ja Mens Sweater Coats SM Ladles Patent Leather Top Slaxo Mens Suspenders AT OUR STORE AND OTHER Bargains Which oo man is torn me v v u

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