SS33a 1 V of- the Moving it the Strand arc for Field p Brief Iota Willing Worker A Rod Cross Cook Cook Makes a Christmas pres ent for a friend There aCebiily a few Getthem at were made for the Annual Sazaar which will be held on Friday We art now fl value In All yie and girls who wish attend or join the Junior Or Society will meetnext Sat urday afternoon in the Sunday of the Church J- Power Off eieclrio current was off for about Wednesday all over the Metropolitan north of Bond Lake only the second fame Since the Town was supplied by There Was quit a scurry for of a nice pattern with Is well worth Another line which nowaelirna freely a very She quality a very neat border pattern- The today for line Our for pleoee The above owing to war condition very source and to We would your early attention we look Higher Prloee Ha I Query What are you paying for bread tell lis can the staff of life any place Why dont your own bread That is besl way to our i 1 V a III effect importer of staple and Fancy China CM a Hall Grocery Home Guard The Banquet the Town Hall was a in ey6ry re spect For want of Urn and space we are unable to do justice to the occasion in this issue- and will hold our report over for next week tour Christmas Cake lYill be proclaimed excellent If If you use our New Fruits and Peels Seeded Raisins lb 3 for few Seedless Ralslna bulk lbs for New Seedless Raisins 15o pkg Valenola Raisins 2 lbs for New Currants 2 lbs for 2So HEW ORANGE LEMON AND AND We have the Finest Selection of you ever saw at and per pound MINCEMEAT In 10o In 12 lb WORT The Leading Reliable fipoeep Service OK Main Timothy Phone Delivery I ANNOUNCEMENT The War Although the new Canadian War Loan was sub scribed the first day it was put on the market Although it is ex pected that the whole will be oversubscribed the policy of the department will be how ever to encourage small sub scriptions by individuals and hey will be given first consideration when the allotment Is made Next Tuesday is the last day to apply Full particulars can bo seen on page four of this issue Vlelt to Aurora On invitation of Prof about members of the League and tlieir friends visited in Aurora on Tuesday evening His lecture was interesting and everybouy was well pleased with the visit Prof al so gave several instrumental numbers which were greatly en- Joyed Newly elected officers for the year Draper A Richardson Chaplain Booth Fin Secretary Walter Green Kirk Treasurer Geo 1st Lecturer James Marshall 2nd Lecturer Don McDonald 1st Committeeman Johns Tyler J J McDonald Outside Martin Will Proband When the late Sutherland an East farmer who fed October made his wilt directed that bis estate be given to a son Jiving at Toronto after been paid a of Sutton West and daughter Elista Foster of Newmarket The estate comprises a farm in Valued at The legacies to the two childrensballbe paid by Edward Sutherland withinthree months after the Postage or parcels to the Troops In France Though not quite so large as the previous Sunday the interest of the congregation was as keen as heretofore in the subject mat ter dealt with by the pastor in the peoples popular service From the topic Sign and Sigh a deeply interesting and profitable spiritual lesson was woven The preacher attempted to show that the asking for signs was the re sult of superstition and unbelief God does not work miraculous external signs to gratify idle curi osity or selfish ambition The sign God does give is the changed lives of men and women who have been regenerated by His grace and love Sunday next at the peoples popular service at pm the topic will he If Christ came to Newmarket wharf would you ask Everybody welcome Sunday Dec Mothers and Home The New Poet Office Owing to the uncertainty of opening the Post Office and the Postmaster received official no tice the public did not have a chance to obtain the keys to their boxes before the opening hence the mail had at the general delivery wickets causing great delay However this will soon be ovorcome and the convenience of the new building greatly appreciated by a longsuffering public What Opposition Does If it had not been for the of the new Post Of fice would not be opened yet This is practically what Mr Arm strong meant in his speech last Wednesday As a mat- of fact the formal opening of the building was planned last May but for reasons best known to Mr Armstrong and the Gov ernment and which have not been made public it was called off The interior of the building is the same now as it was it might have been opened just as well six months ago as now if they chose The Department in receipt of applications to to in prance sent or at reduced rates pf postage there evidently being ah impression that- the Department has control of these rates and could do it as it wished but is not so as the question of post age is fixed by International agreement so that it Is not with in the power of the Canadian Post Office Department to undertake to carry the parcels free or at a reduced rale of postage Under International law provision is made for the free transmission of parcels for prisoners of war but this privilege does hot extend to for troops engaged in act ive service nor Is tt within the power of the Department to so extend it The of postage required parcels- addressed to the troops depends upon location of the addressee If the addres see is in England the rate on parcels for applies which is twelve cents per pound whilst if he is in France the parcels are to the rates applicable to parcels for France which are as follows i lb 32c- lbs 3 lbs lbs 5 lbs lbs 1 lbs 88c lbs ail t i If you want to buy the beet finished durable shoes at deoldedly leas than actual values it would be wrong for you to mlea this offer GEO BROWN Collars Faced Harness and Grips Repaired NOTE THE ADORES Main South of King Qeorfle Hotel 3 NEWMARKET Futeif AND- IV Lady OddFellows The OddFellows had a big time on Monday night at Hall when a Rebecca Lodge was instituted here with Charter Members Mrs Campbell of Gait- Presi dent of the Assembly District Deputy Smart and Staff of Toronto and some- other OddFellows from the city also 20 from Aurora were in attend ance The Degree work was on by a team from Friendship of Toronto and there were in are the officers of the new Lodge Noble Grand Mildred Vice Murphy SetMiss Collins Mis Simpson Trees Mrs I On Tuesday evening Pyramid Lodge No confer red second degree on several candidates before a very large attendance and also nominated the prospective officers for the ensuing term After conferring the degree addresses were given in Ihe degree team captained by Ho worth congratu lated on the very able manner in which they put on the work Next Tuesday evening is set apart for of officers and for conferring the third de gree Special request is asked for all members to he present lbs ii lbs These are exactly the same charges which existed for years between Canada England and France before the and are the result of an agreement or convention made between these countries and Canada and as these countries have not agreed to lower their rates between Eng land and France Canada has to them the same rates as before the war and must charge the same postage In all cases parcels for troops must he addressed Care of Army Post Office London this does not in any way affect the rate of postage which depends entirely upon the location of the ooo 1 TOWN LINE ITEMS know samples are and without going Into figures here we ask you to Have faith enough In us to come and see Just what we mean by saving you money In the best of wild leather shoes i Notwithstanding the faot that prices are so low we stand back of every pair bought of us guaranteeing satisfaction with every just as If the fall price paid for these floods- Thp WlensWear Men Wain 8t I is if I promptly attended to town orders CUT ON HAND On the conclusion of the cercl Salvation Army On Sunday last Nov a Salvation Army Motor Troupe Envoy ftlco Brothers Marshall and Robinson of the Tem ple Corps Toronto conducted the meeting throughout the day refreshments were served and it was one oclock when the visitors left for home on a pc- Metropolitan car 8 PHONE WANTED NOW Reliable to Agent In County PAY Outfit free exclusive territory land money making specialties agencies best in the for we sell the highest grade of stock at most prices and guar antee deliveries la Nursery slock is well his year I good canbe made in this district For particulars Write Hales Manager CO Toronto Out v A One of pencil Carpet g Cost WJ sell for No further use having JgW an electric sweeper Ar- T at Office Obituary death of Mr John Gill in his year occurred in den on Friday last Nov at the residence of his sonfnlaw Mr Deceased born at Hill Whitley County March and therefore had Attained at the lime of his death the remarkable of years nioa and days It will probably he of in terest to note that his birth took place more than two years before the birth of Queen Victoria and that he a young man at the time of the death of King He had lived in the reign of four British Sovereigns includ ing the long reign of Queen Vic toria tie came to Canada In M and later chose to reside In where he married Miss Charlotte Hunt who became de voted wife They sill resided In until fourteen years ago when they moved to Mlnden He was a member of the Orange Association and In alm- servatlve Mr Gill was predeceased by his wife who passed away ago but is survivea ny three daughters namely Mrs with whom he lived Mr Hogg of Toronto MiHg Gill of The funeral took place to on Monday In charge Rev A of the Methodist tot church deceased was a These comrades certainly things go ihoy are the good oldfashioned type of and the meetings were full of life spirit and Interest The comrades of the local corps appreciated very much the Visit and were greatly encourag ed helped and strengthened by their speaking singing and pray ing We hope the time is not far distant when they will come again Those who were not pres ent missed a treat- Revival services Sunday next at am and pm Adult Bible and Sunday School at pm you are welcome to these Com In Christian Endeavor A Treat Store The topic Increase and Effi ciency was ably given by Miss and Morton last Tuesday evening Our So ciety is attaining its by an increase of members and ef ficiency standard is gradually gel- ting higher A solo was given Miss The was taken by Miss Gertrude Next Tuesday evening a- great treat is in store for all young peoples thrown or anyone interest in young peoples work Mr Canadian Field Secretary for Christian Endeavor Is to be present The members and their are urged to be present to enjoy his Inspiring speaker- A nominating Committee con sisting of Miss Cora Trivotl Miss Dorothy Mr and Mr Will re ap pointed nominate the officers for the next yearCom Stormy weather with of snow prevalent or the last week Mr Frank Griffith of Aurora ac companied by a little niece were vfstjtors at the home of the formers parents Mr and Mrs John Cook the returning home on Monday Mrs Hacking of the th Line spent several days in the city last week Mr Dales occupied the Line Pulpit on Sabbath fast Not many In attendance- are on the way for a tea and entertainment In the Ketr Hall by the Sunday School the Line Christian Church on Wednesday Dec 22nd A good time may be expected the program being la good bands Albert Shanks of the Line sold a batch of hogs fit for Christmas meat lames Crocket of Aurora on Monday James thinks they are choice ones Although Saturday last was rather inclement a largo number attended the Red Cross Auction Sale in Ket- Mr Fred Smith wielded the hammer with his usual ability and acquitted himself with great satis faction to the- crowd Ho acquired good prfces for all articles on sale We were to- hear the handsome sum of sixtyone dollars was added to the treasury Copy or a letter received from Lance Corporal John Shields who a townsmen my own town and was home on furlough for a few days but left again for the front He calls it the Road or the Attack on the He came through all advances as yet without a scratch and reflates some his experiences in the big battle When the fusiliers in this attack charged the German trenches we had an did not lose a man at this stage But the exciting part of the opera tions began when we advanced to wards the village The Germans had the especially with guns and the fire from deadly Weapons mado progress slow for some time At last the village reached the Fusiliers commenced to hound out the Germans who were hiding In every house and cellar The were bombed out and the Fusiliers had busy time of it with the bay of the Germans who were not bayoneted surrendered without any compunction downing their rifles calling for mercy and the prisoners was a witness of an incident saw Private Morrison our own town collar horse by the forelock and from it a banging in the Cm the following Sunday morning while the Fusiliers were lying dug in about fifty or yards from the top of the hill the enemy at tempted a surprise attack in dark about three in the morn ing- They came on in three lines and the Fusiliers allowed the first line to come up within a short dis tance of position they opened a deadly fire on the ranks of the advancing Germans who mown down to a The second line was dealt with and the third line profiting by the example of the fate of their retired without following up the attackWhen daylight cam the Fusiliers saw that the Germans had been within twenty yards pt their position and the dead bodies of the the front of the Fusiliers line On Centre Sunday afternoon we took part in another charge on the enemy and as in the morning came out victorious In this attack we Toronto East will Uxbridge Pickering and Acacia were cheered on of of by our Captain shouting they were to and six of those now meeling retiring but ihe Fusiliers never re- J in the Temple Building Toronto tire so we nobly backed up re- Centre to include other six in solve and gave no ground whatever Temple York Thornhill now and then we would see a Aurora Newmarket small signpost bearing the name Sutton Schombcrg King Maple The Red and it was a red Toronto West lodges meeting in road sure enough before all College Street Hall High over lodges meeting in West Toronto DEPUTY Woodbrfdge Bolton Brampton East Port Credit and This will make districts If a made to approximately twenty in the Masonic Grand Lodge at J P- don is acted next presided i a to ilia a s July the two Toronto Masonic Iricts will be rearranged and position ana oi incts win no y enemy covering the ground along made into three East West and Ira to friend AT 12 OCLOCK BONUS OF VOTES FOR LAST WEEK MONDAY Sweaters and Underwear Books and Mufflers ON EVERY WEDNESDAY and Rubbers 100 FOR EVERY THURSDAY W l tf W TUESDAY Shirts Collars and Ties 100 ON EVERY CENT Hats and Caps VOTES ON EVERY CENT i FRIDAY AND Any article In the VOTES ON EVERY site I 1 us Extra on votes on every cent Extra Bonus of votes on every Suit or Overcoat sold Busy Boost Your Number -v- r rt I i