Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 26 Nov 1915, p. 1

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3Wfrra Grandfather Clock for HO Westminster Clock for SEE THEM Jewelry No Copies a A Miss our St Casualties young Grangers anyof the other Newmarket boys fallen Well- I begin third Red Gross their purchases almost a month earlier than usual Because they know that there will be a scarcity of many lines of goods formerly from coun tries now at war The early buyers this year are the ones who are going have Prat call on avail able slocks Right now we have a complete selection of many lines which we will be unable to replace later on is par ticularly true regarding our stock of cutlery Make your selection sow pay small deposit and we will hold the goods for la ter de livery A few suggestions follow- Steel Table Cutlery Silver Plated Cutlery Pocket Cutlery if- During October Food Inspectors letters for says she thinks she will be and ordered tob anything after have discerning buyers of Xmas gifts started making 32 fowls and dozen eggs not id at my heart war She has to pass Over the also condemoed and destroyed Pounds of fish As a eesult of meat Steamship Office one can blocks of to officers and inspection six carcases always tell when a mail boat is block during the night to make were condemned and portions in as they always run up a second her rounds and I can assure you Canada aviation students flag are plentiful Only tf in will proceed their training the British A summoned to- Britain in of from We have about who was the first for the old minutes walk to Ferry a medical case land before year pay halfpenny fare to VailetU- theyll not send me Carving Sets Butter Knives Sugar Shells Scissors Chafing Dishes Coffee Percolators Bread Trays Oil Heaters Mirrors Electric Lamps Lights Electric Irons Electric Grills Toasters Skates Sleighs Doll Carriages Mechanical Toys Tricycles Guns and Rifles Food Choppers Alarm Clocks Tea Kettles Mops Safety Razors Boys Watches Reading Lamps Aluminum Ware Mitts and Gloves Washing Wringers Fine Tools Double Roasting Pans Pipes v r or JUSL SICK little garden called Bar- to a take elevator or homo ill Not of the TorontoHamilton Highway this costs halfpenny if Commission for the proposed diver- otherwise penny THE PAINT PHONE 28 NEWMARKET and said Now Sister long in you suppose it will be before I get back into action I dont want to have wait too long IF CON8CRIPTION COMES For the benefit of our readers population from to GO not ex empted or disqualified by law and British subjects by birth or naturalization may lie called on for service The male popula tion so liable to serve in the ni- South End Lumber Yard P W PEARSON The excessive amount of climb up a street of steps hack England will ithcy damages claimed by the property and keep on going up hill for Wouldnt the fellows laugh if owners along the Lake Shore Road about ten minutes through a had to go back Just sick 1 They was the reason advanced Chair- pretty little garden called Bar- seem to feel it a disgrace to be man George Square take elevator or homo ill Not so bad if wounded One of the an Australian was sent to sloa of the road at Street and which drops us feet at to recuperate from typhoid the and loms House which we pass New Toronto through rand take little boat Judge Winchester hi the Criminal which two men row to then Mr Miller of New York Ciimb stops of one year in the Ontario Oct Its about pm on Harry con- Most of my patients are of obtaining money from a You will see by the hour that of farmers by false pretence I am on night duity again We A statement is made in the City have only two Colonels in one press that the contribution of gelling over typhoid and we publish the provisions of the by the citizens of to the matter what one lakes him Militia Law as follows The male British Bed Cross Fund is at the its alright and down it goes The rate of per head of population is always just ajlitlle on the Fifteen convalescent homes have defensive But the majority of already been established in the City the patients are alrjght We for invalided soldiers have one Australian who Reports fie Union vote brought in four nil I It lIlAvUlUu si all 1001 I1UO of the Presbyterian Church in Canada to indicate much as to the loday he would be in- final result Both the a home but he said Ml get have decide id of the proposal but the result for the of the Presbyterian vote will no be things are fairly quiet on definitely known till the first of W- I December Wclji its a Over an It begins to look as if the coming municipal elections will he conducted with more than ordinary interest Six or eight candidates will for asleep on top of fc comprise the scats in the Hoard of Control j n of Hi age of and City is to be graced by a The first shall comprise- those of the age of years and up wards but under years who are unmarried or widowers with out children The second class shall LIVE STOCK TRY o for the markets of the there is no branch ot industry that exceeds in Import ance that of live stock breeding and raising Paraphrasing the old Jingo we have the land we have the will and we have the climate What is needed is he means and ever moremeans and simultaneously the ways of mar keting However divergent in yiews and theories people be it cannot bo denied that they are in a common effort to improve both agrioultural anil in dustrial conditions the one the other is being aided The interests are inextricably in volved If either is especially prosperous both ultimately must be although one may the benefits of extra demand and iigh prices before the other In the past few all the provincial governments it well as llio have liit much of their energies the Improvement and lnskn Of agriculture While a deal of scientific effort has devotod to lite of the lund and of pro duction the sight has hot been of the needs and neces sities of that other branch of in estimable woi Ih live stock thereby horses sheep and swine In the latter di rection animals have recently been placed in- various districts where their services ware previously difficult to obtain the registration of pedigree has boon nationalized and subsidized grants towards great ly liberalizing the premiums at exhibitions have made special branch has been estab lished in connection with the Farm system at Otta wa to investigate the cause of r rr- 50 YEARS AGO Era Kyle Nov Mr Kirk announces that he has removed bin blacksmith shop from Timothy- Street Note The premises were- occupied later by Mr fall wheat is quoted in ilUu to per bushel butter and 30c and eggs to Dr delivered his annu al lecture last Friday night as Local Superintendent Public Schools The attendance was fair and the lecture of Superior merit Mr farmer of King Township met with a accident on Friday evening He was returning homo fromthe- residence of Mr T Street and while passing out of on horse got one hind foot in a hole in the crossing and fell over backwards upon Mr Chap- pel down an embankment of about four feel Mr failing backwards received serious in- juries Or was called- but while ho thinks he willrecov or he will be almost helpless remainder of his life Prof Kent lectured before Ihe Mechanics Institute on Friday evening last It was good and fairly attended I said the last Have been l0Sl W Ih rounds a couple of I upwards but undo- got one of he wdOWrt without children 25 YEARS AGO From Bra Kyle Nov The At the residence of Ihe brides father by Addison of Aurora on- the 2t 41 proRorly For It bust of A resolution t that effect was adopted by the Hoard of Control test week bus I to cost Four of Ti INCORPORATED 1855 BANK of Florence to convalesce Lady Ive her names has turned her castle into a convales cent home for officers Most of my patients arc Australia ChrlTtroasnffi are an amiable crowd to care for One new patient has a evicting Frank Green- of the Pome a farm in exposed our men have gone lo but under to years who to convalesce and refrigerator and paid for grants have been made under Ihe tremendously beneficial Agricultural instruc tion Act Willi its ten million dollar years In Tovn on the 15th on relict of the Walter Dudley in her year At QuoensVille on the is The Toronto Star will ajain have a Santa Fund to give poor kiddies of the City a Holding that the defendant was justified in Wood from W000000 Paidup Capital Recurved are the most approved and convenloDt form of thrift They can be f opened and added to at time Interest ddod to halfyearly Tin Small Sums of Toronto receives deposits of and upwards Branches in Ontario Quebec and the West 117 NEWMARKET BRANCH A M LISTER Manager Are you satisfied with your Flour If not try our Flour MADE BY THE BRADFORD ROLLER MILLS All our Flour Is made from old wheat Try IMPERIAL The Best Manitoba Flour RELIANCE The Best Family Flour known ROYAL The Best Pastry W EVES Order by Phone or from Carters Jerry Harrington or Ben Judge in Co last week dismissed lion for damages by Greenwood agalnet the proprietor Walter Ray Village Council has decided submit tie question of union with New Toronto the two villages to form one municipality to a the County l the fecarlydinhi for nor tonight told the day Sister lie had had only a milk and soda loday I expect to meet him wandering around the block somewhere I have posted the orderly outside his door In case he does lake a vote of do something rash poor chap I is busy the electors next January ft 1 Hill Registrar for Fast typhoid York as one of a nl l l holler citizens roasted the epRinoors and a while ago decided get up and and West lion of a 100 Hoard of Control for not having solved the transportation question on Street from to the street car of the subway It looks as If very few people in North Toronto will for the reelection of present members of Hoard of Control up go himself However- finally got him to talk about something else My Ihsl on duly hail just a Voluntary Aid on with mo and she was very nervous poor girl and the fact that the men are children The fourth class shall emu- prise those of is and under do And the above shall be the order in the male population shall bo called upon lo servo Those The following persons only are exempt from enrolment and ser vice fudges of all Hie courts of jus- lice Clergymen of all denominations Officers of the revenue Those employed in rics and public lunatic asylums Professors in colleges and uni versities Teachers in religious orders Quakers Tunkors and others who from the doctrine of religion are averse In bearing arms This lust Is exempt from balloting under conditions as the iiiaj proscribe attachment for the daughter of- Mr of veterinary education and aged years search and everything possible flic vide on the proposed new has boon done for the develop Model School Building takes placo moid and increase of coop Monday ion A box Social was hold last Fri- important and valuable as of the as and have boon the efforts above rated in the interests of live slock breeding lb- devotion of the department and ih ha by moans limited to In fact as far as present human jn can travel itile has g Royal Templars and was the most successful affair of the kind over held in Newmarket Hill occupied Ihe chair Dr T of Sutton was in Town two or throe days this Mrs Carpenter of Atlantic City J and Mrs Hounds of at M officers I think scared her too House for the first time on was kept on the run There are Thursday of last week The rooms and on the lop were crowded all afternoon uid throe floors a Captain w to is likely to have a made any minute I had large number In khaki were welcome Rev Dr has received the stairs names of sons of Methodist hell rang Violently J Ministers who have gone to the front flights of stairs TO MAKE AEROPLANE8 AT After rumors and rumors have circulated the starting of the Is how assuming realistic Apportions says the Banner The plant has loft him sound asleep and been taken over by the Ontario Aero plane Co of Mr A Dean of Toronto is head of the new concern The factory w taken over seas service All money for I OF AM KINDS LUMBER LATH I HOLES f or volunteered for overseas something serious hut Ml week and men are now employed nl It is thought as many Mln ho said Oh cleaning up and preparing the plat sons of tie vvoiild you mlntl changing Church have also entered the over- WOJ under my it does ache HO Of course I was glad that was the only- trouble and machine guns in Canada will he spent could get a natural breath for that purpose Ho says a press lhc humorous side struck despatch from Sir Hughes time Minister of to the military JUBlnt minute there authorltieKin this City was a most horrible call of Dr Graham and family escaped Injury last week when floor I rushed down to 1st their auto stalls on the lltl a patient track of the street railway at the wanlcda drink 1 bus ones night Mr Dean Is now In town superintend ing the work The first- move of the firm will be to turn out one machine the active work on which will start in aVout ten days The tying wonder is designed to revolutionize the lying world The midline will be known as the and tits Hying powers are quoted an being beyond even the fondest dream of the POSTS ETC ALSO MOULDIFIQ8 AND TRI over the head inted role and he suddenly stopped and In the of ft where do you come from I Hoi Trim Put and Will Klafut itU corner of and streets PJ I Was an llmiikfiil llio The motor was thrown several Wit lo have a graduate and badly imaged I WW Cross and 1 lower cattle drivers at the Civic Abattoirs f fined Court on charges of More ho wat tle by fitXtlng them over the head the Chart with a long sticking their lingers n Km- V TV eetetary In tl J to r Campbell White I lok HI of th Laymens A Toronto last i UW j to tour Manitoba in the Infants mm fairly flared the Association In that Iokcc llio llio morning Mr MmYred f In probpbly suing ii Ibo owe Ibelr to their cat Was loo rougb for the iy tie fer- cralQblnK tlelr door inn forcnoo The on lire and totally Well I know now what petrol but the cat gave the when on flreV- I alarm In lime the to WBaw In a No machine of this nature has ever been design or equipped with the mo tive power which tills one will- It will have five powerful mo tors and will be equipped carry a large storago gasoline The inven tors confident- that it will prove an small models tested ha proven successful In Way One machine will be built at once and If this fulfills expecta tions of those Interested the plant will be enlarged and many men em ployed It Is expected that the first machine will he completed In about a months time It the machine approved by the military authorities we reason to hope the plant will develop to a industry Mr Dean jyili the first in and Is recpgnlzed asan au thority aerial work toon left undone otic of the guests of llrsOf has vol lo he mentioned namely Simpson of inarkoting and facilities While Ids object has never been sight of constant attention hav ing boon bestowed upon it in va rious ways it remained for lie market gave several recitation at teaparty at Hill oilier evening Miss sister of Mrs Dr loft on Saturday for a visit Trenton Dominion Minister of M from to take the matter bold- Wl8t on Saturday into his own hands and with the assistance of a capable slarfi nro vsitlK tfSSSt l lo devise a policy calculated to definite and I lit I advancement Without investigation nothing can be methodically and torily i Wilh this prinoiplo in view a marketing commission was ap pointed the duties of which wore lo uncertain advantageous points of sale and to effect and bring about the most convenient and oa SEND WIRELE88 TELEPHONE FROM TRAINS A- Stockholm Nov Two army arrangements die- have Invented an apparatus and carriOK to J whereby telephone messages can be ft was in following despatched from speeding railway this policy negotiations were car- train or automobiles and fee rccciv- rled on for lhc purchase by Intelligibly at- distance of of six and a miles half million pounds of meat can ned in Canada Owing to high freight iis in shipping and scarc ity of boats unwonted difficul ties have recently boon experi enced exportation and oven in handling across continent It is inwards remedying those id placing matters in a much bettor Experts declare the Invention will revolutionize the railway signal tern It will also make possible communication between and their base between warships BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR light and on a greatly Improved footing that the commission has as mercury will surely destroy the boon created In many ways there sense of smell and completely do is evidence that this is bo J tig range the whole system when en- although undoubted Hiring It through the mucous y Ihmo are obstacles to faces should never that will be continually used prescriptions up Is of the aforesaid marketing himage tin- I ipjiolntccrio go into Lite whole upon the bloudVt of the

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