Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 22 Oct 1915, p. 8

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j f Sunday School Sup Tells How Frultatlnes Refined Toronto Okt Oct 1st I have lived id city for more thin 12 years and am well known from Rheumatism especially my bands I spent a lot of money any good results I have taken for months now and am pleased to tell that lam All the enlargement has not left my faamlj and perhaps never will but the is all gone and I can do any in of work I have gained So pounds in eighteen months A a box 6 for trial sire At direct from Fruit atives Limited Ottawa- I TO LET SNOWBALL- iv The Snowball Bible Clan will hold a Bazaar at the church on Friday October at 3 oclock Refreshments will served and in the evening good program music will te furnished Proceeds for Red Cross work While operating a hay lender on Friday Ernest Walker an em of Henry Hoover hear was thrown under the teeth of the machine and dragged a considerable distance by the horses which ran across the field Severe bruises are his only injuries and they are not con sidered dangerous His escape from death is regarded as mirac ulous BRADFORD KIDNEY Whattheyto bid House and Stable per month Apply to Box 350 New market Building Lois on Park and Lome Avenues Apply to Newmarket RENT On St Newmarket rooms domestic water I nun possession moderate rent Apply Scott North Main St Newmarket 38 FOR SALE OR RENT Houses one located on Court St one on Joseph Ave Possssion Oct Apply to J Box Newmarket FOR OR TO RENT Brick House on Prospect Ave All modern conveniences good stable and cistern Enquire of Grace St Newmarket TO RENT Two Houses on Huron St nearly opposite Hamilton Bros Grocery Each seven rooms town water cement cellar Eight dollars per month Apply Rev ThOS Huron St or ivy AND TO LET On Main Street three doors south of King George Hotel Good stand for business House seven rooms with all conveniences Reasonable rent Apply to CLOUTH 30 Acre Farm valuably farm ing land containing gravel and sand pits Good buildings some Umber and some pasture Im mediate possession Phone or write W Armstrong Newmarket PO pi AND LOT FOR SALE In Newmarket Roughcast House with Lot and Stable Situated on Church St Newmarket and owned by For particulars Apply to Ghasj Is Lewis St or to W Vend- Solicitor Newmarket WE HAVE FOR SALE Mr 11 and Miss spent Day in A party ot automobilists were brought up before the bench here on Monday on a charge ol being drunk and disorderly an offence which is becoming altogether too common About midnight Sunday a collision occurred near the river bridge from the same cause and one car was badly smashed though fortunately no one was injured of the parties on either case were residents of Bradford I SCHOMBER On Saturday Oct lost one of its pioneers in the person of Jacob of the age of years Deceased had been in failing health for some years and nature at length gave way and he was called to his eternal home The departed was widely known and most highly es teemed He always willing to as sist as far as he could in the up building of the village and gave financial aid to the church of his choice the Christian Church in pur chasing the present church and par sonage He is survived by one bro ther John near Lemoo- ville and one sister Mrs of The funeral took place Cemetery on Tutaiay and was largely attended FAIR The Fair at on Friday of last week was the best in its his tory of nearly half aceiturv about people being present The entries in all departmentswere equal or larger previous ex hibitions and for quality much bet ter Large entries were made in the light and heavy classes for horses and prominent horsemen such as W Graham of and M of Weston who were pre sent oave expression that in their opinion they were as fine a lot of horses as were exhibited at any fair this season In the light harness horses W Steele of Tottenham received the red ribbon in the class for handstand under with an extra goodlooking driver that has a nice turn of speed perfect man ners and conformation to stand long loading J of was second with of third The honors in the big class went to W Port Credit who also won the gentle mans turnout and sweepstakes with his good marc who has been fifteen times a winner this fall It J Tottenham third I got a sample of Pills and followed better after the first dose and I kept taking for a month One day Mr Simpson of this town me abbot the trouble he had with his kidneys and recommended him to TILLS and gave him one to take The next day he some for himself and both be and wife have derived great benefit from HERBERT H BAUER Gin Pills are a box or six boxes for at all druggists Sample sent free requested 7 National Drug Chemkal Co of Canada Limited Toronto Gordon Prince 3 235 Ma jor Day 3 Tod Brown Frido Sunny Jim The Aurora Band supplied the music during the afternoon AN AURORA MAN BECOME LIEUTENANT London Oct Cap I 5th Battalion was vested the at Buck ingham Palace Kenneth Taylor Campbell is a member of Company Battalion formerly of the 2nd Regiment He is a Canadian and resided in Aurora Ont where his mother Mrs P Campbell is living at present He was en rolled at Valcartier on Sept tbe right help is sought at right lev Bihonsnesa causea Either la to lead to worse and weak ening- sickness The right help the best corrective for disordered conditions of the stomach liver addneji or bowels is now known to t- a k and the right time to take this fa mous family remedy Is at the first of coming trouble Pills have so immediate an effect for good by cleansing the system and purifying the blood that know after a few closes they flJ lm ml fa PARCEL PAY From the Canadian Grocer In a recent issue o a Toronto an item referring to Canadas Post appeared as and proceeded to England I lows with his battalion as sergeant A desirable property situated on Prospect Ave A largesized dwelling with all conveniences- all in first class shape Quarter an acre of grounds With apple entries in the several show of cattl also ood one particularly in Durham and Jersey classes Sheep swine were among the best exhibits and AURORA BUSINE88 MAN DIED FROM PNEUMONIA Waller Collis manager of the Leather Company of Auro ra died on Saturday the Western Hospital after a 3- illness from pneumonia He was one of the bestknown men in Aurora coining to that town years ago from New market where he was associated with the Davis Leather Company In conjunction with T Lennox and a number of Aurora capitalists he established the Leather Company which has attained great success in the enterprise involving more lhap a million dollars in last years operations The late Mr Collis came ori ginally from Boston and was re garded as one of the most expert authorities on the chemical pre paration of hides and leather in America He was a member of Rising Sun Masonic Lodge Something over a million dollars lies unclaimed in the va rious Canadian banks For at least five years no interest lias been paid on that substantial sum and in some cases it is years since the banks have had a transaction with the rightful owners of the money The total amount is made up of sums rang ing from to and rep resents the unclaimed deposits of no fewer than 25000 of the banks clients The Bank of Montreal leads the list with a total in un claimed balances of and in certified cheques drafts or bills of exchange of in a time when money is so valuable and when the financial burden upon the Federal Government is greater than ever before could not soun arrangements be made to apply this cash directly for war purposes asks the Peter borough Review small fruit trees Frame stable and cement hen house This we consider the best buy in town so act quickly Terms can be arranged to suit purchaser Apply to P Morton box Newmarket Given Away In Land Value to the man who wants a Farm acres of good land some choice clay This Farm lias all uptodate Build ings consisting of a modern Brick House also Hip Hoof Barn built from all new material with modern all other Outbuildings in good re pair Rural Mail Delivery We you to go over this Put a fair value on Land also Build ings then come down to New market and ve will you as to the amount away must wind up chin Estate Busi ness Will accept a Mortgage at per cent for tun years with a small deposit dovn You must ct quick in his matter or miss this chance mile of Mt Pleasant on the Centre Road known as the Tommy Tp of North This farm has plenty of Water Good Orchard Good Bush and Peaces convenient to or also Metropolitan Sta tion at P MORTON Lome Ave Estate Building Co 33 Newmarket Tills fair always had the reputation for large entry and excellent work In womens and fully sus tained past record this year vegetables and roots were extra good quality and a large show A good pair of road owned by Ad of Tottenham wars awarded first honors with Hast ings second Phillip Palmer Rich mond Hill landed first for two-year- old and roadsters with an extra good pair the 2yearold carriage class first Sinclair Bradford Patterson was the winder with agricultural team extra good draft teams were shown with A Brad ford first I Vray and list ings second and third In the 2year old draft Vray wa with 1 Ness of second Brood Mare Ferris Bradford Single Carriage A Adams I Weston Leg- in that order ft real interest was centered the driving class for the fair sex The prize known as special a beauti ful set of silverware was award ed to Miss Myrtle M McCiain of Mi ton In the open class Miss Calhoun of was the winner with Miss McClafn sec ond Judging all through was very satisfactorily done by P K Row- en of Albert and A Cheltenham In light horses and John and A Russell Ifl the heavy class The speeding events resulted to an for our will VA Montr as follows and good racing Open trot or some pace When you In Toronto It will be to your advantage to visit our store for furs Our fura are manufactured on the premises assuring greater values than else where assoKment of the lat est designs Is very assuring of Fur Trimmings a Specialty Booklet Bent Upon Request Royal Fur St Toronto People no how easily and cheaply parcels can be sent i by parcel post in said of Vinnipeg who has practi cally the urisdiction of the whole post system from Ottawa to Dawson City The department stores are alout the only institutions that are really making a thorough use of the system and they do so because it pays Mr that the small par cels from 8 pounds down were most sent Maximum limit is pounds in size up to feet inches by three feet inches- Here is an admission from the Post Officials that the Parcel Post system is a failure Last year the then PostmasterGeneral P Pel- in arguing for increased nue for his department stated that the Parcel Post was not yet paying its way The Bill establishing it forced through Parliament after set backs the fight extending over a number of years It was strongly opposed by the business pns3 of the country which showed that It was only to a few big stores in Montreal Toronto and Winnipeg and that it Would build up these cities at the expense of the other centres and particularly the small towns and villages which are so essential to satisfactory rural conditions The Post ce and others the Bill finally overcame the op position b representing that under the zone system the Parcel Post system he of no the big departmental stores that it was really in the interest of the smaller cities and towns The Hill was based on one adopted by the UnitnJ Stales but neither there nor here has the zone system been found of to the public fat large Instead the mall order houses and their goods and catalogues hv express to Post Offices in zone centres from where II arc distribut ed at a lower rate than the efficient ly managed express companies can carry them lit Is apparent ly not in the States A af one of largest mall order houses In Chicago volun teered the information recently that the system great advantage to them but some day the country would employ good cost accountant who would discover that the business was being done at a heavy loss the country was paying much more to carry the parcels than they received from the Shippers The value of the smaller centees to the farming population of the country is often overlooked The tearful lone liness of farm life in new districts in Canada where villages With their churches schools stores and halls for entertainment have I not up is clearly depleted in a story recently published In London by that clever Scottish authoress Miss The stoty of raral England with its numerous caecs of Insanity and murder due to Isolation are ample confirmation of this Euro peans often build their homes in the villages and out each day to work on their farms In Canada the week- visit to the town to the church or to bring the children to and fro from High School brings a change that makes farm on which our future bo much depends worth living fact that it is the local business man who Is the main support of these public Institutions must not be overlooked Such profits he makes arc expended chiefly In this way His taxation goes entirely to local objects The present Parcel system If clearly transferring the business ntrrs to a few big cities and If this business Is being done at a loss it Is up to the Government and M Ps outside the big cities to deal with this matter If these are tacts as they undoubtedly are in these of heavy and Increasing taxation It would be a great- publl economy to abandon the present par cel Post system entirely and selfsustaining basis Heaven measures wealth by the love we invest in other lives Children FOR FLETCHERS THE FUTURE OF THE I wish the of a Editorial might read by cannot sidestep the issue must move for ward with Other nations or we will imperil our very existence a nation commendable prompt ness after the Vodka in Russia came the virtual prohibition of se of Absinthe in France The free so cial use of alcoiol beverages con notes much besides drunkenness over devotion to sports to gam bling to frivolous social func tions and much else that is worse than any of these things Eco nomically Russia will come out of the war practically unscathed and Germanys recovery from losses may be alarmingly rapid if her people continue voluntarily the selfdenial now upon thorn by duress How shall a be with the whole British Empire made up of far flung fragments scattered over every part of the ocean The to this must be as widespread as the Empire The iited Kingdom of Great Britain Ireland will have to become sober so will the overseas Dominions so will all the Crown Colonies so will all the Naval Stations trading posts police headquarters all the even the minutest which the British Monarch reigns the British Government rules and the British waves The penally for continued selfindul gence will lie of British civilization the forfeiture of British economic preeminence ml the irreparable loss of Brit ish moral and political influence OH the direction and rapidity of human civilization As unprece dented as this war will be its un paralleled results A new world in the most significant and sober ing sense of that term will emerge with the coming peace and that is near enough to serve as a motive for honest selfexamination and resolute action M 9 TO ARRIVE THIS WEEK ri lOveriiuioBl Standard From the Oakvlllo Association Thla Is an exceptionally fine oar They are the Klnjl of all Canadian Fruits We are Now Order early QUICK DELIVERY QUALITY GUARANTEED GEORGE FOREST Phone TERMS nd Stove I Main St Newmarket FLU WE ARE BUSY WITH INC HEATING -AND- HAT it was such a pretty bouse yet The visitor a school friend long absent from the town wondered a little Everything was so sim ple so cheap frankly daintily unpretentiously and charmingly cheap but still cheap She had supposed her hostess af ford about the same kind of fur nishings her other friends had Her expression betrayed her No we havent lost money lately and Frank isnt parsimo nious said the mistress of the house glancing about her see what youre thinking of Louise and I can explain it in two words Marys Hat Marys hat echoed Louise Why what on earth Everything Mary was my maid two years ago a capable neat pretty girl and I thought a sensible one for I knew she was saving money Then she bought a large velvet hat really handsome and loaded with love ly long ostrich plumes was becoming to her too as far as looks went she was a picture in It but it look all her savings Well I spoke to her about cautiously for after all it was her personal affair spoke She answered me quick as a flash Yesm I suppose it was a bit extravagant but then Ive been wanting a hat like it ever since I wax a girl and Ive earned it fair Most or us are a hit extravagant for our fancies once in a while I suppose but we pay for I dont see but were in our rights Our rights said I Oh yes Hut some lliiiiKs may be suited to our scale of living and some not Thats a really beautiful hat Mary but Well I stopped there One maid in a house cant help hear ing and knowing a good deal and Marys eye had wandered ex pressively to a new eightlegged table wed just bought Wed been pinch I and planning and rouging for months to buy it loo and it was a beauty- but but Marys look was a revelation Mahogany is permanent and vel vet Isnt salary is more than Marys but after all does old mahogany furniture since were not lucky enough to Inherit any suit scale of living The incongruity less flagrant the extravagance was less extreme but after all was it not the same folly in essence I couldnt lecture Mary on her I told Frank how I felt end he was delighted And that was an other rovelatlon hed been planning with me willingly for the table wed bought and other things we had meant to buy that Id never dreamed what relief it would be to him to drop It nil and be con tented with she laughed onoe again Just this Just this cried Louise en thusiastically from the depths of deep basket easy chair I Just think you might contented with Just this Your house Is Just charming Wo It and wo are lentcd and if a while we tempted to buy something loo expensive to ho sensible its quite enough for either lo admonish the other Marys Hat CTRIC WIRING IF YOU THINK OF DO- J ANYTHING IN THE8E LINES LET US GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE V WRIGHT MAIN STREET SOUTH I Ordoi LADIE8 AND UNDERWEAR CLOTHING BOOT8 RUBBERS To make room for a big shipment of CALL AND THE BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING 3 Dooro Couth of Kino Hotel Main Street Proprietor GRAND TRUNK TIME TABL- Leave GOING NORTH Toronto a market am All m pm 1 p pm I p m i pm Leave GOING SOUTH am a in tronlo it am 855 a in 1240 pm pm 1 i pm pm Arrive 1033 a pm 815 Arrive a in am pm p to Order Effootlve tl There a member of tho family need rorTer from indigestion sick headaches biliousness fermented etc if he or she will take Stomach and Liver They cleanse the stomach and and stimulate the liver to healthy activity and tone up the whole system Take one at night and youre RIGHT In the morning A ii ChanUrULa Medicine Company Tronto Our It A v i i

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