Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 8 Oct 1915, p. 6

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t4 ic v fc NEWMARKET FRIDAY OCT 8 1 k I If SI ill TINSDALE AGENT MOUNT ALBERT MOUNT ALBERT J THANKSGIVING CONCERT concert under the auspices of the Presbyterian Church Choir will be held on Monday evening in the church The programme- will be given by Mr and Mrs Ed mund Hardy of Vivian Mrs Stiver of Toronto and Mr Geo Young of Newmar ket All are invited 1 Ik GRAND CONCERT A concert under the auspices of the residents of Vivian will be held in the Presbyterian Church on Friday evening Oct 1 5th The proceeds are in aid of Mrs S of Vivian whose house was destroyed by fire on Sept An excellent pro gram will be presented bra num ber of wellknown artists A attendance is confidently expected RED CROSS Red Cross Society has been organized in the Township of East with Mr J Hopkins and Mr H Ramsden Secretary Committees have been formed in Queensville Sharon and Mount Albert to de vise means of raising money for Red Cross work The Mount Al bert Committee decided to hold a number of Concerts Particulars re the first one will appear in next weeks issue AUTO ACCIDENT Mr Sloan accompanied by Mr Tlios Hayes and Mr Geo Love was descending a hill near the Franklin Christian Church on Wednesday evening when in turning out to avoid a water hole the front axle snapped off close to the wheel and the car upset Mr Sloans hand was badly cut- requiring several stitches Mr Hayes had a finger dislocated and Mr Love escaped with a few bruises Fortunately the auto was running at a mod erate rale of speed The car was badly damaged A BRAMPTON PAPER Bronte on the Lake held a big field day on Saturday last in which a fine program- of sports games demonstrations etc was run off the proceeds of the day to be devoted to the purchase of a machine gun That the desired object would he attained was evi dent from the fact that worth of tickets were sold before the day arrived Great throngs people witnessed the sports Of interest to Brampton people was the machine gun demonstration which Lance Corporal for merly of the Dominion Bank Brampton won the first prize Corp mounted the gun sad fired it in seconds and dis mounted it in seconds The sight was described as perfect and equal to the Niagara test Lance Corporal is a Mount Albert boy Norman Harrison and Howard Morton 52 Allison Sara Woodcock and Boil ing Florence Harper eline Ross Vera King 25 These examinations on daily marks and monthly exams No on Roll 48 Teacher JOHN YATES AGENT BREEZES T INSTITUTE The next regular meeting of the Womens Institute will be held at the home of Mrs on Thursday Oct at 3 o clock The program will include The Beauties of Autumn in and in Our Lives by Mrs Watts and a reading by Mrs N Thirsk Air ladies aro cordially invited to attend of the PERSONAL Mrs M R is visiting at home of Mr Richard Harper Mrs B J Smith of Toronto is visiting at the home of Mr Robt Hayes Miss Laura Cook is spending a few days at her home in town Miss Marjorie Moore is attend ing- Toronto University Mrs of Swansea is vis iting her sister Mrs M Main- prize Miss Mildred is taking Miss place as teach er at Scotia Junction Mr and Mrs- of Newmarket motored over last Sunday and were visitors at the home of Mrs and Mr T Wallis both of whom are quite ill Mr and Mrs of Newmarket also Mr Harry Thompson and Mr Thomp son of Clinton nephews and a cousin Mrs Collins of Toronto attended the funeral of the late Miss A M Thompson last Thurs day Mrs Smith is the giiest of Mrs Hayes We are sorry to hear of illness of Mrs She had been ill ever since sisters death last Tuesday Sutherland resident the Con East GwiJUmbury departed this life on Saturday the residence of his nephew In Toronto was burled in Swamp Cemetery Dei ceased was severely frostbitten last aiid never fully recpv from the shock and amjuta lion of his lower extremities many years he was best timers as Tinker Billyh I un derstand that he was well cared for by his nephew The Eras report of the death of Vincent Joseph of Chatham a muchesteemed personal friend of ours was a surprise to me It is only some five weeks ago since he gave me a short call I remarked when that it was probably the last time we should meet He was a wiser man than far too many of us He had set his house in order ready for the call which surely comes to every one Ready or not- we shall be caught It affords Doe many friends here much gratification to learn that he has well night re covered He had a rough spell will veteran Crimea etc he got up in years helpless and homeless he would express feelings thus The usual attended Fall Fair on this week The were iwt quite so large is last there being a falling in horses and MT ALBERT PUBLIC SCHOOL Report for month of September Senior Division Class Total Anna Melzgar 316 Dike Edith Rogers Alma Madill Rachel Mitchell Annie Donald Ross Olive Gordon Beenice Cook lit Stella Rolling Kightley Arthur lit Merrill Harrison 42 Waller absent for all ex Senior III Ruby Woodcock Marguerife Shaw Mildred Jes sie Hansford Bruce Ross Kathleen Ross Ken neth Ivan Breen Ben Manners Jr III Total Edna Dike Florence DeOeer Eileen Rowland 218 Ivan Woodcock 211 Helen- Davidson Douglas Campbell Roht Harrison Clarence Jamis Rolling Missed one or more exams NO on Roll Attendce B WacGREGOR Teacher Report or Primary Room Total Bella Fisher Ida Dyke Winnie Little Ralph Charlie Morion Jr Total Esther Roll ing Mary Campbell Clara Rolling Cora Kightley Mabel Ada 230 Morgan and absent Total Evelyn ford Ross Cora Wilson Vefna Hayes Primer Class Total Angus Harrison Forest Took and Dyke Olive Haines Inn a Woodcock 219 Ruby Hayes Rowland Jack Shields Roy Manners and Clara 200 Hilda Da Vidson Stanley Madill Vera Lena King Ainslee Taylor absent Total Basil Thompson Marjory Campbell 121 George Wilson Arthur Harrison Hilda Kenny Kenneth Frank Ross I Battle Mitchell absent Jr Pr Total 90 Evelyn Law- son Frank Harrison Mar garet Harper Edwin DEATH OF MISS THOMPSON Many friends at Keswick and Roches Point will be sorry to hear of the death of Miss Annie Thompson who died on Tues day morning Sept 28th at the home of her sister Mrs Robert McCordick after a long illness with Heart Trouble and Bright Disease The funeral was held Thursday afternoon to ville Cemetery where it was met by a number of old neighbors from Keswick among whom we Hie following who acted as pall bearers Messrs Arthur Ira Morton Purdy John Mann Win Marrill and Win Ma- honey Rev T W con ducted the service at the house and at the grave Her last earth request was gratified when Monday her nephew Mr McCordick of Newmarket came over to see her and her niece MIjs arrived home from Scotia Junction where she was teaching Siie passed peace fully away in- her arms on Tues day morning conscious to the last moment She saw her Pilot face to face When she had crossed the Bar Holland Landing Council Regular meeting Oct 4th Present Reeve Messrs Bell Lane and Rout Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed Communication from the Lieut Governor asking aid for the Red Cross Society for the British Isles was presented Following bills ordered to ho paid Byron Thompson work on roan with team Bell work on road with team 1000 J Hodges work on road with team Jag culling this tles and rep sidewalk 120 Morris ii to Aug Harold Smith was appointed hell at per annum Moved by J Rout sec by I Lane that the Red Cross Aid have the use of the council chamber during the winter and that the clerk notify Wm Wrights legal advisors Mr Jas Wright and Mr W that owing to the deranged stale of mind of said Win Wright that he has become a menace to the municipality and request them to look after him In response to the appeal of the LieutGovernor asking aid for the Red Cross Society for the British Isles that a subscription of the village he taken up Car ried Lav striking rate was pass ed as follows School Purposes mills Village mills County 2 mills P S Debenture mills War Tax mill Total Harold Smith was appointea Collector with a salary Of Council adjourned TO TO Lots and in Wh Con of East acres Buildings Orchards and Wells All cleared and fenced in good order for crops Apply lo JOHN GREENWOOD P sure Billy Miller who was supposed lo be cured of his trouble had one of the severest spells he ever ex perienced last week He was in a field remote from any house digging potatoes when suddenly taken ill After a lapse of along time hewas found by Sandy Craw ford and taken home The in tensity of his sufferings is beyond description Those who have witnessed it say they never want to see the like again I under stand his physician thinks the trouble is stone in the kidney Poor Billy I I wish he could get relief Mr Moid Chapmans remodel led residence is going to ely when completed It is ce ment imitation brickveneered so nicely done as to almost de ceive the very elect This is some of Billy Millers extra fine work manship Stephen Hart is doing the woodwork hes doing it right A handsome verandah makes il look cosy and modest Mr Joel LaChapelie is making house to house calls with fruit and as he is very moderate in price and the fruit is fine quali ty he is about sure of making a sale If hes in it next year hes almost sure to monopolize the trade I heard a short tale tother day that well exemplified the truth of the saying theres many a slip the cup and the lip A wellknown threshingman was crowing that he had secured some 300 worth of work in a neighbor hood in One of his promised patrons flunked and se cured Tomlinsons machine to do up his work whereupon all the rest of those promised patrons flunked also and Charlie scoop ed in their threshing How did North York Fair pull along without the patronage of Uncle Owl Did she worry through Uncle Owl wanted lo go mighty bad hut the conveyance wasnt handy and shanks mares lire getting old- Geo Crittenden has gone out into Scott Tp to assist Johnnie Taylor with his fall work John we regret to learn is not feeling extra well Esq now resident of Scott was here for a few days visit amongst friends Ernie is now sailing with a contingent of lighting men bound for the war Prior to leaving he pre sented lite household with a handsome bannerette orna mented with maplftlcaverf and Canadas national flag This will be a keepsake And the heart would break in Should he neer come back again J J filling the silo He has a No outfit Satisfactory in all respects Glover took in North York Fair hut I could gel no satisfac tion whatever when I axed him Did you see any pretty girls there The cals got his tongue I Owing to the continued wet weather our Tommy Coomers corn field was flooded and a largo to be cut by hand Manyhapds make light work so my good mother used to sa A large force was put on includ ing Uncle Johnston 81 who declared he could do much as any of those cubs The corn was soon siloed New recruits many of em personally known to rne are en listing daily Thats right Id do the same If l could quajfy But a soldiers life is a rough one and usually of an immoral tendency A has been busy cutting corn in this neigh- He thinks his corn beet ho has cut this season It most certainly Is a Uptop crop pretty uppish lo the liplop Jas A wants to go over and lake a squint at John crop Its worth bis while and while hes about it glance at Johns rootcrop but dont gel envious If II heats all others Potatoes are gone to pot or rot Oldtimers about Queensville my head off Bob An un grateful iidlion Forget thee Would you see the smartest lit tle baby iii aU this broad king dom Just direct your footsteps lo Fern Villa Little Salons or as it better Pringles and enquire for Sylvia OBrien Thers you it- She is one constant series of surprises When in a talkative mood she spins off a lingo quite equal to a gramophone and experiences no apparent dif ficulty in finding words to proper ly express her ideas Ive seen some smart ones in my time but this one takes the bun and only months old I cant afford space to give you a sample of her i is the song of a host of Baldwinites Raspberries on the bill of at Tidy Toms Fresh flavor is OK Ill not further news up on you this time So long yarns You must take it by faith Hurrah for Fair apples Cattle and better than usual- aid Roots were splendid The school games on Tuesday alter noon were well contested and greatly enjoyed by the children ihe crowd oh Wednesday was quite up to last year Mt Albert Band was pre sent and gave an abundance of mu sic The concert in the evening was a great- success The house was full even to standing room and the pro gram gave splendld satisfaction Everybody went home happy The list of prize winners will be given next week ft 1 if MOUNT PLEASANT The Young Peoples Bible of the Presbyterian Church will hoi a Humbug Social at the of James Stiles on Thanksgiving night Refreshments and a good program will be provided All are cordially invited to the rain last Friday night we hatf no meeting but will ex- eveey boy out on Friday of this week topic which was to have been given last week will be given by Miss Ada Stiles Glad to seo so many out to Church on Sunday evening last Remember the service one week from Sunday Oct VIOCfftlttDlKT A Manager Use The Mail For Banking You need not a special trip to town lo cash a cheque a or draw some money tho malls Instead You will find our system of Banking Mill a safe and convenient way of transacting all your banking business Deposits may bo and withdrawn by mall without delay or trouble or write tha for information In regard to By Mall MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH TERRY Manager Tire Stum me your Auto Tires pay Express way Charges Moderate Give me a trial All sizes of Tires In stooK Nov and Rebuilt Gasoline Oils Accessories General Repair Work i Main Street Oarage Sutton 8TANLEY A BREUL8 Prop HOLLAND LANDING School Reports Kettleby Report For the of V Class Marks Possible Janet Davis Dor othy Dove Marshall Joy Class Marks possible Lulu Gertie Hunt Bertha Fox HI Class Marks possible J Beatrice Lewis Kenneth Mount Bertie Victor Bow man Dorothy Fox Wil bur Kaake 707 Hazel Dove 675 Class Marks possible Edith Gladys Burling Jack Davis Frank Burling Arthur Fox Kenneth Tatlon Ed na and Burling Robbie Hunt 588 I Glass Marks possible Gertie Builing hon Gladys Lewis Percy Klihk Primer of Stars- Marian Foster Dorothy Pax- ton Jennie Lewis Elsie Warren Tom my Primer A Florence Mount Grace Burling Lewis Primer Walter Walter Bain It China Teacher No 3 East The following is the standing of of the pupils for I be September Verne Arnold Kath leen Murray Smith III Arnold Greta Smith Greta Norton Smith Clifford West- Willie Mc Millan- JrlILGYorgina Bailie Bruce Howard Mary Martin Cecil Smith Clar ence Newton Jr Lepard SI Donald Emily Bailie Primary a Kathleen Kelly Irving Vernon Be atrice Primary- h Marion Curtis file nee Freddie Newton Hoy Martin Howard Lilly West Doris Archer Teacher Vanderburgh Report of the Pub lic School for the of lemher Sr Class Total I be ob tained Irvine Rose 55 Mag gie Sanderson 39 ah Annie III Class Total to be ob tained Knights 78 Harold Georgia 73 Belle Phillips Carl Hose Delhert 17 Sr Total to he obtained Eddie Max Hover Myrtle Wilkinson Ernest Dennis Jr Total to ho obtained 100 Knights John Elinor Pollard Knights 223 Jr I Class Enoch MacKinnon Delia Phillips Wilkinson Jr Primer Helen Crouch Harold Wilkinson May Pollard Susie Teacher KESWICK The annivcrsar and Thankoffering service and p the Pastor be held on Sunday Oct At p re Rev Henbest will the service and at p the Pastor will preach special music both after noon and evening Dont forget the concert under the auspices of the Red Cross Aid on Friday evening Oct ly Sharon Hani and Holland Landing Orchestra Speeches by Mr and others I Singing by Quartette Readings by Miss also both violin piano anil vocal mu sic Admission cts Mrs J Fuller has returned af ter spending a few days with her daughter Miss Inez Hamilton who has successfully passed her pro bation examination and has been cepted a nurse in training SHARON 9 Too late for last week farmers around here are busy getting their corn put Into the silos Mr Wilson has returned alter taking anextended trip through I Sound District Mrs daughter i of visited at Mr It Terrys a few days last week Mrs Major Way ling and son of Toronto are uniting at Co Way- lings Mr Walter Tate and Miss vifilUvl In Toronto Iftflt Sunday Miss Marsh and Miss McDonald of Toronto visiting at Mrs Waylings Mrs had the misfortune to fracture her hip by a fall Iron her chair on Sunday alter- She is in a very critical con dition Miss Muriel Shropshire at Pine Orchard a couple of days last week Mrs 1 of visited at Mr has Crones one day last week i are sorry to report that Mrs 1 I Graham is still under the care Our Hand Hoys played at the Odd- Fellows Hand Concert In Newmarket lust Friday night This Weeks News Corn cutting Is still on go around here A number from here attended that The guessing the nearest to the cor rect number of seeds In the squash in our window will be presented with a Sweater Coat valued at A Is allowed with every purchase The seeds will be counted on Oct 16th Now Is your chance to get something for nothing J OUTFITTERQ Issuer of Marriage Licenses Gerhard Player Walnut Louis Stylo fully guar anteed for quick sale with 20 rolls or mualo Boll Piano Walnut Case like new Williams A Upright Walnut Case Qreat Snap Berlin Organ six ocatlve Rosewood Case Sewing Machine Bargains White Rotary Family Sewing Latest Improvements Lovoly on small payments month Also a few Whitp and New Raymond Machines slightly used from up fully guaranteed Fair Concert at Thursday night Mr and Mrs visited at over Sunday Mr and Mrs- The- bylaw voted on by the rate payers of the Township of Gwillimbury on Saturday last lo raise by debentures Ihesum of lo build a now over the Jer sey River was carried by a majority of The vote stood for the by- law 42 against bylaw 2 The Mr Newmarket was Newioarket last of Jerry Graham Sutton West spent Sunday at Mr 1 Grahams Maud and Mrs Terry of King visited at Mr Fred Mackrlll over Sunday Mr and Mrs I M vislUd at Mr Wcddels St- north on Sunday Mr Blackford of Toronto Is spending a few days at Mrs id Rev of T w call ing on friends here last week Mr Hoe Crone- and Miss Myrtle Lapp of Mount Albert visited at Mr Crones on Sunday The Misses Kershaw of Queen St south visited Mr fa Ramsays Sunday Mr Lundy of Newmarket was calling friends here on d lb Mrs Marshall was here one day last week Mr and Mrs of Toronto at Mrs Harrolds on Sun day Mrs Col visited her daughter at Bradford a few days last week We are sorry to report that Mrs H Wayiing la In a very Critical condition Mr and Mrs Lloyd spent the weekend at Other Bargains Mason and Rlsoh Pianos Columbia Laval Cream Separators Capital Cream Separator lbs fully guaranteed 2 od For onl PIANO MOVING T U I N RENTINC Wo Handle All Our Own Notes GIVE US A CALL I MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS I Phono 38 AURORA forty years ago conducted the Teachers Convention at Toronto this vice Thursday and Friday and the school is closed until next Tuesday Monday SUTTON being a public holiday I Furnishing Store are al- Drew of Aurora will In w to the front with new ide the Methodist Church here next Sun- They have made arrangements with day evening at p and Rev the New System Neckwear Co to Madden will Thanksgiving supply them with ties every month at the Aurora- Church On After thirty days ones the following Sunday Oct the in stock are shipped back and new the Rev Mr of Mt Albert ones take their pl thus leaving n will preach In the Methodise Church stock over one month Call in here at p m As Mr will be at Virginia to pre the an- and let them explain their system to you Mr and Mrs left on Tuesday for where Mr has secured a situation A Patriotic dance is advertised for Monday night Oct and round dancing will be indulged with music QUKKNSVILLB bridge will bo at once and a temporary bridge will bo erected for the convenience of travellers Tho counoll will neat on Saturday visiting friends here a couple of days this week There was a crowd at the Methodist Church Sunday night Rev T brandy who preached here services on that date at a and pp it was thought best to change the hour of service here so that he would be able to apeak here thus the afternoon ser vice Mr Robert was away In Mt Albert this week helping I Brooks get his store started Parks good horse got first money In the freeforall at The Rev Thomas of New- Newmarket Fair and A will conduct anniversary third money in vices In the Presbyterian Church on the Dr has dccld- Oct The ladies have all to send his horse Hilly Sims made for their home Toronto to the Pie Supper on October track for the race 0a Thanksgiving service in the will go In class Church Sabbath morning at The Patriotic League held a oclock very successful tea on Saturday even- Service will be held In the for good for their first effort cry successful lea inc over forty dollars being realized Church on Sunday evening ilafc or patriotic purposes ThlsJs pretty 730 oclock A representative was here last Fri day night to explain the workings of the Home to the wet night and the event being poor- Buggies and Plows on hand I advertised a audience greet- will them now on special As I have a number of Wagons an on terms and prices Now as this is the lime of the year for Cas ed him However officers were ap pointed a work put under way We regret to report thai Mrs M line Engines I suit- you in Hamilton is suffering typhoid He fever She Is at Newmarket being Fair if unable to get home want to see a nice The teachers are all away to the H ALBERT t ite9 i i v ft-

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