Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 8 Oct 1915, p. 5

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mzzzm ff0- f Sf Thos J- Robertson Pub St to Frank Duncan AND COLLECTOR Dr N Wilkinson DENTIST t Terry lir want to Buy C H Clark DBNTI8T almost opposite the King George Hotel NEWMARKET Keeks v Next Monday is aholiday f Vi If Proline Nature appears be best lo help the food supply A few days ago Mrs Geo brought to us samples from berry patch the twigs having blossoms green berries and luscious ripe fruit all on the same clusters Home Coming to the Fair Office MAIN Dr S J- in Medicine of Licentiate ronto of the Royal College of Phys- member of the of Surgeons of England Srmer clinical assistant F Eye Hospital and Maybe home to you is a man sion Maybe its a cottage but its some spot full of old time memories made sweeter by the passing years This tender sentiment brought many former residents home during the Fair The happy meetings and recount ing of old associations made the visit pleasant even if scores of miles were travelled to get home again for a day or two CANADIAN meeting Monday Canada Most Ami will hark and Ear Nose vers thy Telephone C fiA JEWELLER Churcl Bert Green WINTER AND PAPER HANGER Ave 2nd house from Industrial Home The Commissioners met at the Home last Friday and passed ac counts amounting to between and Si includes quar ters salaries of all the officials as well as the monthly supplies and also repairs to furnaces etc The Commissioners found every thing very satisfactory and by the end of this month the insti tution and all its surroundings will be in good shape for winter The supply of coal is oh hand and paid for A Good One Mr J A got first prize on his Imported Clydesdale Stallion Baron at Newmarket Fall Fair This is the horse that stands at the stables of the King George Hotel in town Queen Street Newmarket Presentation Mr Harry Doyle had an agreeable surprise on Tuesday of this week when he was presented with a beau tiful fumed oak china cabinet by the Foremen and Office Staff of he Office Specialty Mfg Co with whom he has been associated for a number of years Mr Schmidt in mak ing the presentation extended the best wishes of all his associates to Mr Doyle and his bride the of the the Bolton Hewitt Practical Painter Paper Hanger and House Decorator Niagara and Street A NEWMARKET Of Piano Voice and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds of Music al Instruments and Repairs PIANO TUNING Agent for Columbia and Records Complete Slock Prompt Service Recruits Wanted The Recruiting Tent on Fair Grounds was in charge Sergeant Major Porter of Princess Pats on behalf of York Rangers The soldiers had many calls answered many enquiries and distributed a large amount of literature There were no definite results but Ma jor Porter was confident that the seed sown would bear fruit in the near future Any young men who feel it their duty to enlist can obtain information at the Armories in Toronto or from Dr Hillary at Aurora Col Lloyd has opened a re cruiting office in the Town Clerks Office information may be received Winners at Newmarket poultry fanciers did well at Fair last week Mr with his Barred Rocks look first and second on old birds and second on pullet Also first and second on and Rouen ducks Mr A Trivett first on white Leghorns and Games Mr Norman Gibney with his les took first and second on hens and second on males evening Members all present Mr proctor Reeve of with to build a crossing opposite Ave Mr Stephens Was also heard with reference to a of his or else an outlet to lie Crossing In which would pay the of a walk in his premises Matter referred lo the Road and Bridge Com Col Lloyd asked permission to use part of the Clerks Office as station Referred Property Com- with to apt Mr Phillips was heard with reference to the new Shoe Factory accepting the proposition of Dep utyReeve Pearson for loan of giving property security for and personal bond for Council were unanimous to loan on a certain agree ment Following bills passed A Starr to F Com A reps 1505 F Duncan services G services G Curtis services Above 3 bills to Fin Com Arthur Simpson building lower To be paid on order of Property Com Eves cemeiut Bell Telephone service phone rent 3177 Toronto Co to will yp our I tjfs to see elegant magazine delights while the mind concerning the- pictures que doing of an interesting and highly hi n world Its war pictures alone worth the m6ney Each issued is literally crowded with the highest of photo gravures them worth framing It is the most popular meUp the waiting of the leading doctors throughout the Dominion and iij the big public libraries it is ally used up by the many who are attracted its entertainiojj and beautiful pages Its a love at sight publica tion and it has departmental fea tures of great interest to the young woman and the home mak er Of just to quote one mans praise from among thousands the Hon Lord wrqte The Canadian Pictorial is a publication which if I may he permitted to say so is a credit to Canada Signed On trial to New Subscribers- Twelve months for only cents The Canadian Pictorial is published by THE PICTORIAL PUBLISHING CO Witness Block Montreal Canada Try it for a year on above offers We commend this publication to our readers Ed Era and let him many exclusive features you A McClary dealer in every town BY J A ALLAN v CO 2G35 5210 Sibley GERMANS ARE ON THE RUN Jackson of LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Office Private at private ri- if desired N ill MARKED i LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- Call ordering elsewhere Out for Building Purposes left Stock an toad to Order GEO LUESBY FIRE TOWN AND FARM PROPERTY FOR Let know your wants P MORTON Ave Box Newmarket Increased numbers greeted the pastor on his return from Indi ana on Sunday last The evening meeting was very inspiring A splendid address was given upon the topic Your King and Country Need You Mrs Young feelingly rendered a solo at of the address a- filling ending to a bright ser vice Sunday Oct 1 1 am The Young Friends will be responsible for service and are arranging an at tractive program 7 pm Special address by pas tor subject Left Behind Praise Service at All seals free Everybody welcome Change of Time A Table went into ef fect on the Metropolitan yes terday The am car is put on Toronto but there is no o clock car except on Saturday Coming up from Toronto there is no car Cars leave Newmarket for at and am and and pm Cars leave Sutton for Newmar ket at and am 245 and 645 pm CURE DANDRUFF FOR GTS THATS CHEAP ENOUGH FOR ONE liUTLEDQE Ontario Oxygen Welders of all of Metala Cogs in gear wheels Also dealers In all kinds of Threshing Outfits Sawmills Cut ting Saws Belts Boxes Shafting and Pulleys The Pair The Town Hall was well filled on Thursday evening of last week and the program gave gen eral satisfaction Both Miss Wil liam and Mr Donald McGregor were repeatedly recalled and most generously responded Had it not been for the down pour of rain all the evening Iho Hall would have been packed on Friday night As it was there vas hardly a vacant seat The program was a perfect delight from beginning to end Mr Har old sustained his conti nental reputation as a vocalist and we have no hesitation in say ing that Miss Lyon is the host lady entertained who ever appear ed before a Newmarket audience The scene from Within the Law was captivating while her music al monologues were simply mar vellous Its easy and you take no risk Step in today and get a large 50 cent bottle of PARISIAN SAOB the germ killing hair restorer If it docs not cure dandruff in two weeks we will give you your money back PARISIAN SAOE is a pleasant daintily perfumed tonic and hair grower It guaranteed to atop falling hail or itching of the scalp and to cure all diseases of the scalp and hair PARISIAN SAOE has many imitators get the genuine J PATTERSON Druggist Newmarket Ont OXIDIZE WELDING AND MA CHINERY FOR 8ALE and Davis East of Toronto Bank Newmarket L Com A Howard gravel Newmarket Era Pay Sheet Fire Alarm Pay Sheet Pole Wire Pay Sheet Communication of asking rebate on taxes on account of building going under recon struction Communication from asking contributions for Red Application of J W Fierheller for electric current granted Application of for electric Might ref to the Com The Mayor was instructed call a public meeting in the Town Hall to deal with the request of the LieutGov on Tuesday Oct the Mayor Reeve Deputy- Reeve and Clerk to make neces sary arrangements Council adjourned at ooo THE NEWMARKET FAIR Attendance Loss Than Last Year XPR FOR Implements 1 BINDER TWINE 8TOVE8 PIAN08 AND OSTLEY r Opposite King George Hotel On Mar ket Square Newmarket COAL FOR Best Anthracite Coal at bar- pin filled at ail hour Telephone No FRANK GLASS lf Millard Ave Through Equipment to j Winnipeg and Vanconyer Leaves Toronto P Dally A One of the York Pioneers who Newmarket last week was Mr of who was born at years ago and la now the oldest resident of his township having gone there with his parents when only two years of age Mr Warnica is a law of Mrs Scott at The and it is Just years since his first visit to Newmarket that he can remerrmer He then years age and hie trip here he never can forget His father who a pioneer In ev ery sense of the word and helped to chop the road between and Bradford had three horses Ho desired to bring a load of wheat to the grist mill at New market then located at the foot of Main Street Nearly the whole was over a corduroy road and to keep the tongue from striking the the third horse was hitched to the end of the tongue and he rode the all the way to Newmarket and back Since that time he frequently passed through the village In its early days as ho teamed many a load of merchandise from Toron to to and put up at the old North American Hotel He members the stores of McMpter Bentley and Roe Each Tuesday Until Oct All the Way No Change of Care or Depots the I Coast Tours at Low Fares Including Particulars from Canadian Pa cific Ticket Agents or writo Murphy District Passenger Agent Cor King and Toronto ATKINSON Agent Newmarket All for countrlta TORS will tent A MAKION over years fend the Era to absent friends SSh Dcttone ft dUEo Ittxz lot New York St a a Weather conditions for New market- Fair were unfavorable Friday but fortunately it did not start to rain till oclock There were about people on the grounds probably 500 more than the previous day but the gate ri ceipts this year all through the Fair were slightly less than last year The speeding in the ring proved a great but the automobiles knocked the Grand Stand out of There were nearly 200 in and around the grounds and peo ple sat in these instead of occu pying the board seals In two or three of the racing events the finish was close and exciting In the pace 215 trot mile heats best three in five the re sults were Lctlic J Burke Clara J T 12 Blanche J Mead 4 Fred L George Soules 31 Time 222 220 220 In the three minute class winners were Thorn Patch G J Ha f fey Decorator Jr W Rose 2 Starlight Dan J T 3 Philadelphia Spring J Smith Hal SOsborne 4 dr Time 223 223 222 In the freeforall mile heals best three in five purse the results were as follows Parks Sutton 1 The Indian Whytock Toronto 2 Mansfield W A Collins Newrnrtrkol Time 216 210 The winners in the race mile heats best three in five for purse were Eel Jr J Smith Toronto 1 1 Vory Direct N McQuarrie Orangcvillo Sutton 3 Time 222 The was about the best ever on course The officers of the course were R Newmarket starter Newmarket W Toronto and time keepers and O Sheppard and W- A Mc- cullough of Toronto judges When the motor cycle race was In progress the two mon were only about 3 yds apart on the lap Suddenly balked rjder was thrown head heels Fortun ately his injuries were not seri ous The Concert receipts this year were loss than last year to the wet night last Friday I The armies of French and a veritable hell for the The onslaught of the allies guns has been terrific In these words Marconi wireless investor ami lieutenant In the Italian army returned to London yesterday from a five weeks trip to the British French lines spoke of the awful havoc of the allies advance in the western theatre of war Mr Marconi for six days was an eyewitr of the offensive of the allies and saw the huge force British and French soldiers upon the Ger man trenches and observed the slaughter the Germans that ensu ed DIFFICULT TO He gave his expert opinion that the eventsof last week on the west ern front presumed a more insistent advance by the allies He is in spired with unbounded contidonce after he has seen of the ability of the allies to push the Germans out of France but he feels because of the advantage the gained in their quick entry into France at the start of the war that it will be some time before they are entirely dislodged He predicts that eventual ly the allies will drive every German out of France and keep going across the German border occasion de mands it GERMANS SHOT THEIR BOLT I agree with Kitchener- he said that the Germans have shot their bolt The events of last week show beyond doubt that the allies are now able to take the offensive with every sign pointing the ulti mate victory of their arms After all long weeks of living in the trenches while the Germans have gradually driven their way into Rus sia the reverse the allies favor In the west is Inspiring to everyone who is hopeful ol Germany being crushed The spirit of the allies to beat the enemy was- brilliantly in the charge that began the morning of Sept The advance is still on and from the way it was going when I left the lines Tuesday it is pretty sure to keep up One might say the allies have the Germans on the run SHELLS ARE POWERFUL Mr Marconi added that latest guns of the allies are more powerful than before and they have shells enough to keep them going night and day without a lot up Doom has sounded for the Germans ho added Mr Marconi with a stall of the Italian army climbed a tree day during the lighting and witnessed the efforts of the German aircraft to fight ofl the British and French aero planes which were dropping bombs on the German lines SUPREMACY OF AIR It was a thrilling spectacle to see that air fight while the and allied guns engaged In their ter rific duel below Mr Marconi The allies themselves to be superior with aircraft While the Germans to drop some bombs on the British and French fighters the allies aircraft chased them away and kept the supremacy of the air while their men afield drove the Germans to retreat Mr Marconi Bail that bis wireless apparatus Is now working perfectly in the field lJ MADE IN CANADA Car ANNOUNCEMENT The following prices fob Ford Ont effective Aug 1915 Ford Runabout Ford Touring Car Ford Town Car 78000 No speedometer included in this years equipment cars fully equipped There can be no assurance given against an ad vance in these rices at any time We guarantee however that there will be no reduction in these prices prior lo Aug I 1916 CALL AND SEE K ROBERTSON Ford Dealer Newmarket S vi vf Ki fftij tail VJ ESTABUSHED BOARD Of DIRECTORS H V Tl i A GrJ DrMiiKvJ Wo McMutr Capital Paid up Total Savings Department Deposits of upward received and at rates Savings Department accounts given special attention 1 KaJ G Ross Manager Newmarket Branch GRAND TRUNK TIME TABL- Leave GOING NORTH Children FOR FLETCHERS CASTORIA Bond the to absant friends HAW Toronto Canada The The Central Business Col- logo Central Toleflraph and Railroad and The Four City Branoh Business All provide excel lent leading to flop salaried positions- Free cat alogue on request Write for It Presi dent Head Offices A Toronto Toronto 550 am pm pm pm Newmarket am pm pm pm 80UTH II pm Allandale am am Toronto am am 1240 pm pm pm pm Arrive 335 Arrive am am pm 800 pm -v- 1816 CANADIAN PACIFIC GREAT LAKES FIVE 8AILINQ8 WEEKLY 8teamors loave Port filo- Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays and Saturdays for MARIE PORT ARTHUR and FORT WILLIAM Steamer Manitoba from Port Wednesdays- calls a Owen Sound pm leaves Toronto 1245 pmfj dally except Friday making direct connection with steamers Port McNicholl on sailing days SUMMER TOUR8 TO PACIFIC CALIFORNIA EXPOSITION Also to Atlantic Co nut hlassanoga Bon Eoho Lakes and Pickerel Rivers River Lakes Lakes Eto 8UMMER NOW IN TIME CONVENIENT TRAIN MODERN EQUIPMENT Between Montreal Ottawa Toronto De troit Canadian All the Way to Winnipeg Vancouver No Change of Cars or Depots Particulars from Canadian Agents or write a Murphy Dlatrlbt Agent Toronto MURPHY District TORONTO ATKINSON r is A I

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