Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 8 Oct 1915, p. 1

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FOR A RELIABLE PLACE TO BUY SPECTACLES Try Watson Watchmaker A Graduate Optician The Leading County well as the Oldest copies eachweckirculatioa during Store IIP WH feS G JACKSON Editor and Proprietor e JACKSON Assistant-Editor- J rrrA t Vol No 3U Single Copies perils each Heres the place for it Wall Board oyer your cracked plaster r There will be no more repairing no more Unsightly i WALL ROM Made in Canada cracks You can have rich panels by using battens You can paint the white finish any color you wish Two other colors oak and burnt leather need no dec oration Comes in large wide sheets of substantial thickness easily and neatly put up low in cost permanent Use Neponset Wall Board in your attic rooms in bungalow or house Use it also for par titions in home office factory Send for our new free booklet Repairing and Building Tells all fibout Products Wall Boards Roofings Waterproof Build ing Papers and other Products- BINN8 HARDWARE NEWMARKET The Palm Store College Street Presbyterian Church She will be assisted on the- occasion by Mrs Score soprano Mr James baritone and Mr Harold Spencer pianist celebrated the eighth anniversary of his pastor ate Bond Street Congregational Church on Sunday last At a luncheon of the Bureau Research a few evenings ago it was urged that municipal budgets ling for the coming year should t pre pared and made public in November so as to form subjects for discussion on nomination days instead of per sonalities an local squabbles The chief officials of the Red Cross Society dined at Government- House on Saturday evening last with the view of meeting Madame Mrs Fritz P of who has been visit- LIST OF PRIZEWINNERS SPEEDING 218 and 215 Trot Mile- Heat J Tottenham 2nd J Sterling 3rd J Meade Toronto J Rose 3rd J v MotorCycle Race Sept John Knowle9 2nd Haines 3rd MotorCycle Race Oct let- John Kuowles 2nd 5Mile Race Oct IWohn Knowles 2nd Smith All Mile Heats Parks 2nd 3rd Collins 230 Pace or Trot Mile Heats Heifer Ramsay Kincaid Yearling J Bales 2nd A Ramsay Heifer 2nd M A Ramsay J P 2nd Hill Sons Best Two AnimalsM A Ram say 2nd J Bales 3rd Hill Sons GRADE CATTLE DAIRY Milch P 2nd J Bales Heifer yrs Fred Hill 2nd PDenne Yearling Heifer EN Penrose 2nd Dennis Heifer Calf Penrose 2nd Geo Richardson Herd Dairy CowB son with Mrs Roche at J Smith 2nd I Oakville came to Toronto for the 3rd End Lumber Yard weekend Sir John asked the municipalities of On- to collect fur lis for the Im perial Red Cross Society on October 1st The reported appointment of Mr as successor to the late Mr Aubrey White is denial by the Min ister of Lands Forests and Mines Harold Williamson was convict ed before Judge Winchester on Friday last of procuring 20000 bricks by fraud from the Toronto Brick He will be sentenced at the close of the Sessions j Report it that the Hearst Gov ernment is wobbling about the ques tion of closing licensed bars daily p Liquor men are fiercely ag- over the question I An old resident of the City and formerly in North Stock Judging Contest Harry Hill 2nd Leslie Ramsay 3rd Win Hill Jr Angus BRICK LATH LUMBER P PEARSON Order from CarteiJ Alf Bishop John E Murphy Office Phone INCORPORATED ofTORONTO Capital and Reserved Funds Making Prosperity Sure Future prosperity la a matter of present thrift Every man or woman who earns money can and should have a Savings Ac count into which dollars can be put readily Bank of Toronto receives de posits of and upwards Interest Is added to halfyearly era the Dally York in the person of James Dough- passed aw last week For seven years he was Reeve of ville- and for many years was a hardware merchant of that village A recent report of theSocial Service Commission declares that there is white slavery in Toronto at pre sent but that among the foreign there is organized system of vice The hew Knox College dedicat ed last week The w of special interest Several candidat es for honors were presented during the service The members the of Management were entertain ed at a formal banquet in the even ing The new road now under construc tion by the Highways Commission between Toronto and Hamilton has been so far competed that twothirds will be open for traHic with the open ing of the coming sprlngl A repre sentative deputation passed over the road during the past week and pro nounced every thing quite satisfactory During September an average of eighty CARRIAGE ROADSTER AND SADDLE HORSES Lady Driver Mrs A M Davison 2nd Mrs Lloyd Roadster in Harness 2nd J Legato Team of under P Davis Delivery Horse 2nd J Pony in Harness Mi Shaw 2nd Mor rison Combination Horse T J Bales 2nd A Davison Span in Harness J Legale 2nd J GowlesOn Single in Harness under J 2nd born Single in Harness over J Bales Gordon BERK8HIRE 8WINE Aged Boar 1st 2nd Brood Sow 2nd Boar Pig 1st 2nd Sow Pig Wm Boynton 2nd Lemon Will post trie United 8tates Mil lions of From the Wilson The European war will prob ably cost people the Unit ed States several hundred million We shall ay the bills as it were unconsciously And we cannot evade the cost by keep ing put of the if let French dean of New York University of Commerce The first year of the war is now ended and Europe has spent in directrwar costs about Add to this sum the many oilier billions thai have been destroyed or lost through slackened production and you gel a sum greater than any man ever dreamed could be destroyed in so short a time The belligerent nations re raising the guilds necessary to prosecute tile war in creased taxes and through enor mous public loans With their productive agencies crippled they have not been able to realize much from taxation The loans wide calamity for which all nations must pay nil YEARS AGO r From Era Oct 18p5 Mr Is secretary of Tuscan Lodge A F A New market East Ag Society Show takes place at Sharon today Dug Hill Star of Division of Excursion from Keswick Belle and Roachs Point takes place tomorrow around Lake Sim- coe Sharon band has been engaged for the occasion Mr jeweller has given the name of Birmingham House to his store He has recently added im mensely to his stock Mr H Morton late of New market has removed his general store to Bradford Meeting of the Church will be Notice is given the Missionary held next Wednesday evening in the Christian Church and North Agricultural Society Fall Show list appears in todays paper i i raAfSSj ffiO ttt v I i Branches in Ontario Quebec and the West NEWMARKET BRANCH P A M LISTER Manager Brood Mare Geo Richardson Spring Coll or Wray TwoYear old Gelding or Filly Palmer 2nd P Davis Yearling Roadster P 2nd Turnout Rubber Tires R I 2nd Win Turnout Steel Tires Jno 2nd J Legale or Gelding in Harness Shropshire 2nd A Davison Spring Colt or Old Gelding or Sinclair 2nd Miller IMPORTED DRAUGHT HORSES Stallion yrs old and over A i Son 2nd Lewis Brood Mare Edgar Dennis Mare or over fohii A Son 2nd W recruits enlisted for overseas in Toronto Altogether over Wft enlisted during the past- W w three months Mare 1st Dr Lloyd one of best- loVn residents passed away list Arc you your Flour If not try our Flour MADE BY THE BRADFORD ROLLER MILLS All our Flour Is made from old vheat Try IMPERIAL The Best Manitoba Flour RELIANCE The Beat Family Flour known ROYAL The Best Pastry EVES Order by Phone or from Carters Jerry Harrington or Ben week was born Aurora seventy years ago Four Hoy Scouts residing in dif ferent Parts of Ontario have been honored for bravery by the Duke of and among them Nelson of the City Toronto University has adopted as its policy the giving of halfpay to unmarried men who enlist and mak ing up the salary of married men to what it Was before leaving for mili tary service Hon Justice lodging of the Su preme Court of Ontario has been ftp- ported to in- to the subject of medical education The ThirtyThird Annual Congress of the Salvation Army in Canada will be held in Toronto from Tues day October to Wednesday October with Commissioner Richards In command WORLD WIDE On the War I L DING OK ALL KINDS LUMBER LATH in ETC ALSO MOULDINGS AN TRI Our Inside Trim Is Put Through Our Drykilns Not After It Is Put Up THE WML NEWMARKET splendid weekly publica tion in performing unusually Important service to of all interna- warn of tin worlds history World Wide selects and senlH to its readers wavy ah I est articles by the ablest writers hi and Oil the war situation and Us It thus reflects lie current thoulit of both in these critical men and women nil oyer the country acknowledge its great worth Who can ho it Almost every article In almost Very Issue you feel- you would like to put away among your treasures or send to some friend c Hate per annum or on trial for throe for only 25 to JOHN HON pub- WitneHH Block Mont real Hill Sons CANADIAN DRAUGHT J and over Pair in Harness It 2nd John Brood Mare Win Henry A Son 2nd Colt or Filly llichardsini 2nd I Yearling or Sinclair 2nd J or Filly 1st A gild Horse Hen Manning AGRICULTURAL Span I if Harness A Ham- say 2nd a Petoh Brood Mare i Spring or Armstrong Gelding or Filly yrs old 2nd M W Hotbain Yearling Ooldlng or Henry Sons 2nd A Sons GENERAL PURPOSE Span in Harness Hose Brood Mare Grant Oldham 2nd Black or Filly Wm Henry Hon Yearling Gelding or Filly Mflleiv CATTLE Hull any age Ralph Willis 2nd J Yearling Bull J Milch Cow 1st A 2nd J Heifer 2 giving Ralph Willis 2nd J Yearling Heifer 1st 2nd J Heifer Calf Ralph Willis 2nd J Bull Calf J Cowieson 2nd Ralph WHIIrf HOL8TEIN CATTLE Bull yrsrK Penrose 2nd Fred Hill CHESTER WHITE SWINE Aged Boar John Brood Sow 2nd Sow Pig IMP YORK8HIRE WHITE Aged Boar Brood Sow W I Kincaid 2nd J A Cersweli Boar 1st 2nd J A Sow Pig J A Cersweli A Ramsay SPECIAL SWINE Registered Boar Win ton v Registered Sow Win Six Bacon Hogs M A Ramsay GRAIN AND SEEDS White Winter Stephens Red Winter Wheat SlftJ Wild Goose WheaUT Ste phens 2nd Young Black Oats Young 2nd Stephens While Oats W Stephens 2nd Young No Oats Ste phens Large Peas Young 2nd Stephens Small While Peas Ste phens 2nd Young Blue Stephens Buckwheat Fd Johnston Stephens Yellow Corn Young 2nd Stephens While Corn Young 2nd Stephens Beans Large Young 2nd Slephens While Beans Small U Young Slid Hugh Beans Any Other Variety 2nd Stephens RedClover Seed Young MEOHANI08 MANUF Team Harness 1st 2nd J Single Buggy Harness 1st 2nd J Bedroom Furniture J Dining Room Furniture Parlor J Farm Wagon Terry I Single Buggy Rubber Tires Covered Steel Tires K 2nd Terry Road Wagon J Nesbitt Road Wagon Rubber Tiros 1st 2nd J Democrat Wagon Ter ry 2nd J Nshltt ft 2nd J AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS of Plows G Curtis 2nd Terry Agricultural Implements Curtis 2nd J Ladles Work Kylet Miss Wil- mnt 2nd Miss Punch Work Miss Fisher 2nd Miss- A Murray Crewel Work Kensington Mrs Kersey 2nd Airs Hamil ton Kensington In Silk Mrs Ker sey 2nd Miss Fisher Ribbon Work Mrs Fred- Bo- Miss Fisher Roman Miss Mo Cuteheon Miss Fisher Laco Stitches on Linen Mis Fisher 2nd Miv Kersey have been for the most part in two Ways by inflating the paper money circulation and by selling bonds or treasury notes Some of great central banks of Europe have more than doubled their paper circulation During the last three months England alone floated a loan Russia Germany and France have been plunging into debt on same grand scale Before the war is over and paid for there will lie im posed upon the shoulders of each man woman and child living in belligerent countries a debt of from to 350 At the same lime their will be burned their best artisans killed and their Holds and vine yards torn with ruts It is clear I hat they cannot buy from us as much as they have in the past and that cannot produce and sell to us so cheaply as before the things we have been accustomed to buy from them Furthermore will noil be able to provide us with capital for the development of our indus tries to the same extent as before the war in fact she may quit sending us now capital and actu ally demand that we pay back what we owe or oven ask us to begin lending to The governments of are bidding high to attract that cap ital away from us and they will bid higher us the war goes on Tho last British loan was sold to yield four and one half per cent the investor Other nations are paying as much and even more In most cases As a cold business proposition on both sides it will be Hard for our railroads and in- dustriai corporations lo complete with such an interest as that But it is not a cold business proposi tion The nations of will add lo the attractive rate of their loans an appeal lo the patriotism and pride of their people I believe they will be able to se cure a large proportion of the available capital in and that they will pull away from us a large pari of what we have bor rowed unless we are willing to pay a much higher rale of In terest limn in the past when the renewal date comes Then will probably suc ceed in inducing American cap italists to invest over there If these things take place and I fear will because capital inevitably goes lo the highest bid der if he is of our own capital needs may have lo go unsatisfied Some of those needs will be pressing In at least half a billion dollars of railway securi ties ore maturing in this country The railways in the United Slates Mexico and Canada will need at least of new cap ital during the next five years How much will be needed for in dustrial corporations cannot of course he estimated for their needs will depend upon market conditions whirl now be foreseen new Federal reserve sys tem may revitalize our credit so that we can meet the situation More important this tin American people must learn lo save We cannot hope to profit ulti mately through the Impoverish ment of our neighbors however much we may he deceived for the time being into selfcomplacency by the strength of our position an compared with theirs A merchants success lies in the prosperity bis customer Europe has been Uncle Sams best Next Tuesday and Wednesday North York Fall Exhibition takes place Mr Rowdens oyster is now o for the season Society is offering an Electro plated Butter Dish for the best Tub 50 lbs of Butter K s en Miss A Murray 2nd Mrs Kersey Embroidery oil Scrim Miss 2nd Mjss A Murray Mrs Kersey Modern Cross Stitch on abroad With Europe after the war is over it probable that our exports will fall lo a minimum Then the American pooplo will realise that the world Is one economically and that war however is a J Continued 25 YEARS AGO From Era Oct 1890 The Altar At Mount Albert by Rev on the 1st Inst Mr Henry to Miss Emma King all East At St Johns Church Newmarket by Rev Father the Mr Richard Miss Lucy all of By at his resi dence Kettleby Mr John Storey to Miss Emily Shropshire all of King The Tomb At Aurora the Mrs H Wilsonaged 31 years In Kinj the ult Pottage aged years In Newmarket on the 1st Inst Marin mother of Mr lames aged 86 years Messrs Sutherland and Mr J Davison have double column ads In todays paper Fall is quoted at per bushel today and spring wheat cts and eggs to Mount Albert is erecting a new school house Mr Yates of Egypt lost a valuable mare last week The anl- fell into a well Alderman Starr spent over Sunday In Mr left on Monday to takd a our years University course at College Kingston Mr Peter Toronto Miss Maude Crone Buffalo Miss Bessie Arm It age Yonge Street Sarah Ann Crone Miss Meads- Whitchurch and Mrs Emma Manners I Franklin visited at the Water Works this week Mr Ed Manors who completed his apprenticeship ft the Era last week left for Toronto on Monday Tho evening before Weaving lor North Mr Montgomery was taken by surprise when his many friends in Town presented him with a gold ring John Gardner was brought home from on Wednesday from material Miss of Bradford is visiting with Mrs Walter Sutherland this week Mrs left for her home In Denver Colorado on monday Mr I A Montreal spent over Sunday in Town Mrs John A Bell nee Miss Jackson ol N is home at The She ox- to spend October in Newmarket Mr Frank Roche of Toronto was in Newmarket over Sunday last visiting with his brother V f s U I r jZI r I J r i i jr I J SPAIN TO REMAIN London Tuesday Oct ie Morning Posts at Madrid the following statement lo the Spanish Prem ier Spain to observe neutrality res peeling both and places at the disposal of Dither her services should A hey be required neutrality will be preserved until the end of war It Is Spains doslre to do cry thing possible lo promote cans peace No other nation has a greater right lo exert Hint role It is my hope by the King that the world peace bo signed at Madrid an event which is not Improbable Taxi drivers a to by acting as fof hotels FOR FLETCHERS SS me fifc WSSK

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