rj-r- 3i Vj w 1 iy i SMS ooks gay for Fair all the Beats are for both the Ag Concert New time table oathe Metropolitan week Special Thanksgiving eti3 Hew is all completed aroundithe new Post Office and neat tidy appearance opening erW M4 church decorated the for the use df the afternoon at f- public is U8ual v the regular lin j be held on Tuesday of in the home of Mss St comment- e would lite a if occupied hy the Rev P Ray- a of the Meano Conference vyas St in of the igiWuattedteT16glcai reference in Toronto Mr and Tf j A- r j j at5 PA ALL Under the auspices of the vllle Patriotic League grand rally Bowling There was great interest on the green last Tuesday afternoon held in Monday Three teams came up from A night the hall being filled cap- to contest for the Somer- good musical program had Cup On one rink been arranged and several rousing ket won on another it was a speeches were delivered and on the third Aurora won In Oliver of Toronto consequehce of the the demand tor men and losing Bradford wins the cop by made a stirring appeal for recruits one point The standing is as Private Hiehlanders follows who has recently returned from the splendid at j Bradford points front urged young men to- heed the Newmarket points cay of duty and join the colors Aurora points Prof Abbot of Toronto University Church games are on delivered an address on the of daughter of Toronto are guests at Miss friends a- Band Benefit Garden Party fast Friday moonlight night but cool The program was a out with entire Pauls Glee was specially Proceeds over Anglicans out with entire satisfaction The The Methodists have won the Patriotic League the Presbyterians the good meeting of the Anglican vine Peoples Association will Tuesday evening Oct the This will take the form of a Reunion All old members are not to forget the date and to bring along new members who will be cordially welcome Newmarket Lad Highly Praised A Mothers meeting Will he held on Thursday the of Oft hi flic of Mrs Albert on Queen St pm A tendance is requested inlrml to commence our fall would like all the ladies prepared Bring your needles and Press The marriage took place very at the Methodist Parsonage following is copied from a To- Hill the Rev James paper head of Mabel only On Thursday evening Sept a of aDd Brown Vic- Patnotic lea and Concert was toria Square to Mr John W Wilson Ontario The bride wore a which was crowed to the doors draped em A large number soldiers were pre- chiffon with necklace of real rent A very program w wreath of orange bbs- given including Solos Read In- was the strumental Music etc also full it in to corne please Red Cross Tea The next Knitting Tea for the He I Cross Fund will lake place the of England School at Tuesday aftcr- noon hoped Ihere will a large attendance as the of the are great were sent to the Head fice last Tuesday being the monthly payment for the al cot Friends On Sunday Oct 3rd si in meeting for worship under auspices of the Young Friends pm Gospel for the people The Alfred Young will deliver a spe cial patriotic address Subject Your King and Country Need You Soloist Mrs Young Come early to secure a seat Com Still Enlisting Two more Newmarket boys have shown their by enlisting Mr Lyons Inch went to Toronto last Monday and the Kings uniform This makes just dozen from the Class in the Metho dist Sunday School Mr Morrison son of Mr Morrison who went out about three months ago is now on his way to England with a battalion from Winnipeg worth The attendance at the league last Monday evening was not very large but the meeting was a good one Mr presided Miss rendered a beautiful solo and the Pastor gave a very instructive address Map of Middle Europe as it is today and what it will probably be like when the war is over The President Mr Staunton who is about to be removed to Sudbury was given a hearty New election next Monday evening grooms sister Miss while Guild representing be Allied ttWeB th best were was a very pleasing Hatch Torontos happy couple new and charming little entertainer for which was the last number on the lheir tp fc program simply brought down toe t fa be Maxwell Hatch was repeatedly Com encored to which he responded very trimmcd picture hat to cheerfully match At the close of the concert Master Hatch was given a very cordial re ception and received the congratula tions of the entire audience who pressed forward to shake hands with the little entertainer expectrtlvtbe properly owners of voted in favor of the authorizing the issues of debentures to the extent of to meet the cost of the extension of the water mains anH the instillation of a domestic water service iu the town Less than half the qualified property owners recorded their vote voting for the bylaw and- opposing the scheme A Fleming were almost unanimous ly favor One of the conditions of the annexation of Mount Joy to village was that a domestic water service was to be installed covering the annexed dis trict The additional Water necessary will now be obtained from a spring located the farm of just outside the corporation limits Five youths appeared be fore Magistrate Brunton Monday oh ia charge of disorderly conduct Resi dents of have long bad to suffer from their rowdyism and the local constabulary are determined to suppress the nuisance Only one- of the youths was convicted Alfred Butr- lerfieldhe being sent to Miroico In- lowed to go free with a caution The others were al- of Carpet Squares of all and at Leas than City Prices and In all and Cretonnes and AH teens In End fee Variety h Kate in all Rlattlna Cor and Verandahe Mone Footwear The Workmanship i Ladles Dainty uptodate Ougar Is a Canned Vegetables for Qood Teas are very scares and higher in lay In a stock at our prlees I Quaker Bulk Tea all kinds 80s A ftR UN TON J A strengthen our comrades in the fight and how we can best help them and our country to emerge successful the war These are things which at the present time overshadow every other interest We are not to let our pockets or ambitionsor even onr- sons to interfere with our ties of service for the cause of the nation There is something better to trys liberties SNOWBALL id J CAGE DONATES ARMORED BIPLANE WlWMAiK TOWN LINE ITEMS are ANOTHER LETTER FROM THE TRENCHES Everybody seems to be busy cutting corn these fine days a number attended the Rally Service on Sunday Had it been fine the church would have been full Miss Muriel Mitchell spent Sunday at Mr J K Fergusons Large number from this burg The following letter was re ceived by Miss Mac Storks from Smith who formerly re- attended IJic Thanksgiving across the road from her at Sunday night mi Queen St The children seemed quite pleased with prizes they at the Fair in last Wed- Snowball School has me know a little news from carried Che highest number of I was very pleased indeed to receive kind letter letting Methodist Church There are lots of wet weather christians In Newmarket the last Sunday morning was ra ther slim Mr Lyons Inch s a at the evening service Tim Sunday School Rally a great success Nearly were pres ent The was line and the address by Rev Dr Daniels of Au rora was excellent The Dr Is av sored of a hearty welcome In New market any future occasion The collection for Mission was nearly 13 Fellowship Meeting next Sunday morning at oclock in the school room market There to be quite a number of young enlisting from I he town hut 1 should hardly have thought Mr would have enlisted as there are plenty of single men first I was sure Mr hoys would have u lis led and that young matt icross the road- Mr Pol or I expect will all he out in couiifry before long it was very til the Davis Leather Co lo five the North a machine gun They are the worst things we have to contend with out here am sending yu his let we have had of our men hit a machine gun think two of them are dead They wait till our men are out En front of our trench of night then they turn it on them hut of course we do the same lo I hem so expect we cannot grumble I have not seen any of the Can adian troops lately dont think hey are in the same division my Fancy the Home having lo pay cents for shots They can get as many as they want for nothing out lie re Things are about the name out here I expect to be home in a few months lime I hope to in by next December I expect Mrs Smith and myself will he in Newmarket apain early next year I have quite got over my wound now and juntas fit as ever I expect lythis lime my bother is in Newmarket She left on the 1 Kindly me to your mother and father and accept the same yourself with beat respects Smith for years There- fore this year got the silver cup to They also- carried the five dollars besides Miss Laura spent Sunday with Miss Cairns of Who was Hie pirl that her purse in Petes pocket Mr John has his coin hinder on the job these days Everybody wants it the same day Sumo of the hoys around here prefer Aurora girlies Corn cutting is now the order of the day Mrs Palton and daughter Miss Annie spent Friday with friends Newmarket Mr of Toronto is visiting his friend Mr Dove Mrs J Courtney spent a couple of days last week with her Mrs Mrs Terry of Toronto- visiting Mrs Cook Dove and Harry called on friends at fountain lane recently Miss Gertie of Schorn- spent Saturday with Mlak Laura OBrien Corn cutting and silo fitting the order of the day rhe School Fair at of last week was a decided success The Ladles Aid ol the Church met at the homo of Mrs Fred Webster on Wednesday last The Ladies Institute and members Christian Church met at the of Mrs Leslie Wilson on the Line on Wednesday last to finish up some sewing already planned out the soldiers at the front Business is humming with SI He made a flying visit to Hamilton in last and secured another new trbction enginef After some delay in waiting for material work is again rushing on the new Town Line bridge Mr Albert Shanks of the Line bought a nice mare at T sale to replace the one he lost two weeks ago We hope good luck will be the lot of Mr- MI Blackburn at the com ing Fairs as he has secured one of the best Shropshire ranis in the coun try for the Improvement of his al ready flock of sheep According to promise in last weeks issue of the I give the outline a sermon on Our Duty to the Empire preached In my home church in Scotland The Sin clair based his sermon on the passage in Romans and 1st verse Let Soul he Subject Into the High er Powers In the outset the preacher said that to him this war was a great spiritual demonstration ft was an effort on the part of sev eral nations Including ourselves to maintain the principles for which our Lord lived and suffered principles which are now so deeply rootcV in the mind of humanity thalthcy can never he dlstmyed It is the office- of the Preacher today to show the peo ple what there is in our Christian Faith to the spirit in the nation and the goal we have in front of us So long as we can such high Ottawa Sept An arrcored bi plane to cost has been offered to the Militia Department by Mr J Gage of Toronto wellknown and philanthropist It is for service at the Mr Gage ex presses the hope that it will be man ned by Canadians He further suggests that many er business men throughout the coun try might be glad to support the formation of a Canadian air squadron which would to the fight ing strength of the Dominion Ml Gages offer is much appreciated by the military authorities ftOGOfl Brown and White Towelling Beg 12y for 10oI Heavy Full Bleached Towelling Red Border Reg 12 for 10o Bleached Tea Towelling Inches wide Pure Linen Red Striped Tea Towelling 24 In 12y Pure Linen White Crash Reg for Half Bleached Table Linen 20 J Bath and Linen Towels Full Range from pair to I I Hubert Wheeler a young plumber of dffed as a of be ing hit on the head by a baseball In a game on Saturday the Era to absent friends LIVE STOCK MARKET Highest prices in Toronto this week Choice Beef Cattle Good Butcher Cattle Blockers Milkers Veal Calves Sheep Lambs off cars v J Toronto Markets If you cannot trust your friends you cannot be trusted with friend ship George Packard aged was killed by a Michigan Central freight train at Niagara Falls while walking on the with his wife going to visit their son Wilson- called on Mrs I OBrien oh Saturday Mr and Mrs spent Sunday with friends at A number from here attended the Pair at on Wednes day Mr Henderson spent the weekend with his sister In To ronto A umber from here attended the anniversary services at on Sunday last leap Children dry FLETCHERS CASTORIA Wheat per bush Oats per bush Hay per ton Butter per KgRS Chickens per lb Ducks per lb Potatoes per bag ft Sept 30 0 tl 15 0031 0 300 34 0 25 0 0 80 Newmarket Endeavor The Literary meeting which held on Tuesday evening was enjoyed by all The and works of Paulino was subject it Collins the leader gave a- brief sketch of authors Several I- cf her most popular given by Wiss Mr Harry and Mf Morion ftohih were also render ed by Miss Dorothy and Mrs Stephens and an by fllss Bessie Morton Hie next week Ik in the hands of the Outlook Committee and it in also Let all members live up to their pledges and not forget their duly to the Christian A meeting of the Executive called at to which all the committee are urged lo be pres ent The IWO be held in Ion m Oct to We expect have onie delegates from this Society Com of JEWELRY MAY BE MADE HEBE In full assurance that no matter what the amount of your large or email you will re ceive a VALUE In your selection We to win and are determined to merit your confi dence and Jewelers and Opticians P ft TICKET jroiind get religious sanction for our aims and hopes we shall not only with but with the full of final vic tory The the pres ent lime stand by the statesman He might not always do so but this war was in spite the protesta tions of the members of the Crown and after they had exhausted means to preserve the or Eu rope the eloquenco of the pulpit must he devoted to strengthening the handa of those on whom the now lies and in exhorting the people to be loyal and dutiful We must trust our leaders We must not al low any low suspicions to Interfere With our confidence in them must not hamper them by refusing to consider any suggestions they make If they Counsel us to he calm sober thrifty we must be so It is for them to instruct us to obey must hold ready to do the part we are fitted to preform at this moment woman must be deeply with the spirit of service Our country has a greater claim on us than we have on ourselves We are not our own All we ate and have should be placed unreservedly at the disposal of our beloved land We be pleased to suffer all sorts of Inconveniences if only by our saO- the cause which effects our Uvea we can advance In the least and liberties It Is be poor and free than our property to be slaves It Is better to die for our countrys honor and the homes we love than to keep our homes unbrok en because we are too to dare We must imitate the heroism of our bravest men We must all be wholehearted thinking it too childish to complain allowing no selfish thing to come between us and our duty How can anyone escape reproach who leaves It to others to strive and bleed when there in nothing to prevent them standing shoulder to shoulder with them on the battle Held We must consider what we could do to Wheat per Hurt wheat per bush Oats per bush Barley per Shorts per tony per ton per Aoi per lb Potatoes per bag Chickens per lb Sept 33 0 0 0 29 0 Resident and Day for Boys and Girl s Preparation for Matriculation and Examinations IN TYPEWRITING I Preparatory Course Leading to Collegiate Department ART Address P FIRTH A Principal I- I I f 26 0 230 0 0 BO 35 00 30 Gerhard Player Walnut Case Louis fully guar anteed for sale with 20 rolls of muslo Boll Piano Walnut Case like now Williams Son Upright Walnut Case Great Snap Organ six Rosewood Case 1 Shaws Business Toronto beg- to announce Fall Term Opening from 1st of Sept and to state that plane for giving Individual Instruction the way for the admission of students on any day during the session cata logue sent free on request by mull to H fi Toron- to Ji Sewing Machine Bargains White Rotary Family Latest Improvements Lovely machines on smell payments month Also a few White and Wew Raymond Machines slightly used from up fully guaranteed Other Mason and Pianos Columbia Laval Cream Separators Capital Separator GOO lbs fully guaranteed 2 For onl J PIANO NO TUNING We Handle All Our Own Notes GIVE U8 A CALL MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS I GRAND Double Traok All the Way TORONTO TORONTO MONTREAL FOR Leave Toronto pm and pm daily FOR MONTREAL Leave am pm and pm daily Equipment the finest on all train PANAMAPAOIFIO EXPOSITION Reduced Fares to Ban Los Angeles and 8an Diego Full particular and berth aervationa on application to the Agents J GALBRAITII Depot Agent Phone J Phone 38 t The New Transcontinental WESTERN CANADA cU GvC Trunk By TORONTOWINNIPES Cctnmeoclog TuUy July KTlSuRN Wed Sub At JgtBl Ar Winnipeg Mff I e TKiou A their CmiJvw Roe at to Print Rue oa VitoriSIU Grand i a iff I y I V i I