Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 1 Oct 1915, p. 2

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Sir Wilfrid so jtotered from his recent operation as to Have the Hospital He has gone to hi old home fe and in a lew days go south for a few weeks to recuperate In Saturdays Ottawa Gazette it is announced that the export hides of cattle buffalo and horses and calf and goat skins- ejbept when of Canadian origin been prohib ited to all destinations abroad other than the United Kingdom British possesses and Amphitheatre Park at crowded on the occasion of Township School Fate he feature of I days proceed ings was the fine of School Section Snowball This school gained the prizefor carrying off most points competitions anl Bale- man a pupil obtained the award for the boy gaining the most points Gladys fustian who ob tained the largest number of points in the girlsdepartment also attends school COLLECTION OF INSECTS Flossie Evans Dove 1 1 Leonard COLLECTION OF PLANTS Ve Altogether there were over eight A press despatch from Ottawa this hundred entries Emerson Bate week states that a contract lor man was also iru the pairs of blankets and woolen shirts has been placed with mills by- the Italian Gov ernment Commission in London The out of the war According to a recent desptach from Winnipeg evidence has been ad duced in the case now on of the maladministration of the late Government which may- an the reported intention of the Crown to lay a charge of perjury against J Howden The despatch says the latter was paid but the contrary The teller of the bank swore he paid Howden the money It seems more than probable that the result of the investigation mow going on will disclose revela tions that will prove astounding to the general public oratorical contest There were over parents arid children attending Therewas a splendid exhibit of garden irder approximates field roots as woll as high are setting something to do class poultry A College sup plying he eggs for setting The girls exhibit of cookmg was remark ably good and every department was slated by the government experty J be away ahead of former years The patriotic concert given by the school children was a pleasing feature and netted a The Kettleby Red Cross Girls served refreshments the grounds and gave a fine- concert in the Hail J Newmarket district representative of tie Ontario Ag Department and Mr Walton of Aurora addressed the gathering i Lena COLLECTION GRASSES GRAINS CLOVERS FORAGE PLANTS- Pool 2 Grace 3 Davis Leslie Shear- down 7 Jessie Geliatly 2 COLLECTION OF WOODS Harry Wilson Ion 3 EmersoriBatemanv Harold Travis 14 visited relatives The Presbyterian enriched by the baritone voice of Lewis Col- wife and daugh ter left for Now York City Monday a holiday trip t Wednesday Isaac hold an extensive sale of and the Parkinson place Lot Con churchj at oclock Seven Smote credit Silver sides ami oredi 2nd Sale MMr Jacob is getting around again after being confin ed to the house for a month of Saturday Oct 2nd Sale of household furniture estalev of Late L Lehman at the resu dence on Church St commencing at Terms cash Headman Monday Oct 4 Mr i TO RENT On St Newmarket rooms domestic water possession moderate rent Apply to Scott North Main St Newmarket WANTED Woman for general housework know how to take care of milk Good Wages paid to cap able person Please call Tuesday and Friday afternoons MRS J H Florist Richmond Hill Durham Calves Brood Sow with Pigs I Reg Filly Draught rising Ray Gelding Draught rising yrs Apply to Keswick 2i6RenaSeaton 10 fr- Northern Spy five apples- Robs Lloyd 5 2 Rhode Webb Marshall 11 Harry 13 Bertie Snow Jive apples Webb 10 Harry Gould 13 3 Flbrehce Casey 10 21 5 Any variety- Marie Brydon 15 Janet Davis 11 J 3 Webb Greta Robert Sail Lindsay Hill Apple colleclion I son Clifford Brown Davis 5 No Name Ross Fohtain 15- VEGETABLES FLOWERS Following the prizewin Tomatoes I Bernard Sutton 14 HOUSE AND LOT FOR In Newmarket POULTRY Barred Rock Cockerel Geo Cutting No 9 Gladys 13 Borden Cherry Aubrey Pratt El- wood Davis 6 Irwin 3 Pullet Grace Sharpe 2 Lena 3 Erwin Gladys Hull 13 5 Vivian Doane Winter 15 Best Trio Aubrey Pratt Grace 3 Jno Winter 15 James 5 Bernard Sutton 14 Vivian Buff Orpington Cockerel Dorothy Balernan 2 3 Maurice Clifford Reeves 21 21 Pullet 1 21 Clifford Reeves 21 3 Laurioe Luella 21 5 Dorothy iO Bessie Jen nings 10 Best trio 1 Gertrude little 21 2 Maurice 21 3 21 Clifford Reeves BEST KEPT PLOTS Oats O A No 1 Earl Edwards George Fox David Blackburn Clifford OConnor 2 6 James 19 BARLEY O A No 1 Kenneth Tat ton A Aroh- Gordon Chapman Bond 15 Percy Pool 2 Arthur Fox 11 Louis James Cabbages 1 Gladys 3 Monkman 4 Dudley Heacock 5 Emereon Ball 21 Onions Greta 10 Mary Mitchell 10 3 Willie Thompson 4 Cherry 5 Dorothy Bateman Irene 10 Bouquet of flowers Dorothy Evans 2 Bernard Sutton Birdie 10 Webb 10 5 Maurice Louis James 2 was visjtirig friends Town for three or four days week iheodore Simpson Of Vancouver BGi- is intown fpr a few -JjiOthV- visit relative Kesteriuct iliv and Mrs Alex Toronto spent yesterday witli Mr and Mrs land Ella Morton of Kes wick xanie down for Miss Thomas tea on Wednesday after noon Mrs Cane had a num ber of ladies to tea on Monday lo Mrs J P Belfry of We are now In our busiest season handling fruits of all kinds and varieties Foreign and nativo fruits handled In large quantities The berry season will soon be over and plums vissf one milo pears will be the leading fruits on the market hill will dispose of a We select our fruit at the Toronto Market and there- fore can have a large variety to choose from and- at lower horsey highbred cat tie pigs and implements at oneo clock mos credit 1 a pricey Win Pink Recruiting York Rangers and Lieut of Toronto attended the Fair Miss Edna Nichols of Win nipeg has been visiting her friend Miss Flossie Collins for a couple of weeks Miss Annie Megan add Chas Gallagher of Toronto were guests of Mrs McTtague during the Fair Mr J Norman Wright had the misfortune to lose his voice about two ago and it not returned yet 3 Russell Roughcast House with Lot Archibald 13 Arthur Evans d Stable situated on Church Leonard Dion St Newmarket and owned by Mrs For particulars apply to Lewis St or to W Vend ors Solicitor Newmarket 4w3H WANTED MOW Reliables alesrnan to as Agent In York County PAY WEEKLY Outfit free exclusive territory ami money making specialties Our agencies are the best the business for we sell the highest grade of slock at most reasonable prices and guar antee deliveries in first class condition Nursery slock is selling well litis year ami good money can be made this district For particulars write Sales Manager NUR8ERY CO Toronto Out SALE BY TENDER Sweet Com Golden Bantam Gladys Burling 2 Lennox Cherry 7 Joseph Proctor 13 Maude 15 5 Pearl Finley Howard Wells Field Corn Wisconsin No 7 1 Robert Carney Gordon Robert Hunt 10 5 Jack Davis 11 0 Alfred Page Delaware Potatoes Cherry 7 2 Jessie Smith 1 3 Hubert Butcher Ross Fountain 15 Ivan Lily Anderson Turnips Carters Robert Ball 2 Lloyd Wells 3 11 4 Willie Jennings 10 Kenneth Mount Mangels Yellow Leviathan Ball 21 Ross Ander son 22 3 Ross Lenore Cutting Roy Eddie 15 Beets Detroit Dark Red VVm Baldwin Cutting Gertie Hunt Ruby Florence Casey Tenders will he received up to Monday the day of mailed to Ihe undersigned lor the purchase of the easterly acres more or less of Lot No Con East known the Silas farm There is a hewed house and barn and other Out buildings thereon and the land all vorkabU Situated about from Alder P The highest any tender not necessarily accepted Terms of Hale per cent cash upon notification of ac ceptance of tender and balance cash within GO days thereafter For further particulars and con ditions of sale ypply to Clark or to Vendors Soli citor Newmarket CORN CUTTING wishing to- have Corn v if L a Com Should apply to Phone OATS A No Best Sample one quart James Karl Edwards 3 Frank Burling Scott Lindsay a David Blackburn 12 Vcnson OConnor O A No 21 Best Sample one quart 1 Russell 14 Marsha 19 Milton Keefer Archi bald 13 Leonard Doane Kenneth 11 CORN GOLDEN BANTAM Bent six ears Frank Dorothy Evans lain 10 Geo Edwards 14 Sadie 10 Dudley CORN WISCONSIN No 7 Best six ears Victor Bowman Emerson 10 Jack Davis Wilbur 11 10 S Robert Hunt 11 DELAWARE POTATOES Bent sample of ten potatoes 1 Bertie GIRLS SECTION BAKING Tea Biscuits girls under 10 years- Lenore Cutting Ruby Myrtle Auckland- 2 Irene 5 Marion Fawcclt Gladys Lewis Dozen Cookies girls under 10 years Elsie Phillips 21 2 Edna Morn ing 10 3 Myrtle Auckland 4 Marion Fawcett 6 Loaf of Bread I Florence Casey Dorothy Dove 3 Elsie Snider 19 4 Mary Mitchell 5 Deacon W Pumpkin Pie 1 Flossie Evans 2 Birdie 10 3 Black burn 12 4 Maude 5 Marjorie Curtis 12 Maude Palton Layer cake Vera 3 Nora Hill Eva Campbell 12 Dorothv SEWING Patchwork girls under 10 years Sadie Oliver Bovair Storey 10 Edna Morn ing Elsie Warren Centre piece Cutting Jean 4 Deacon Helen 2 Florence Casey Fancy apron Jean Paton Dora Morning 3 Gertrude Doo Hazel Thompson 21 Cherry 7 Maude 21 Specimen of knitting I Dorothy Evans Shanks 12 LIVE STOCK Spring colt heavy Arch ibald Percy Pool 2 3 David Blackburn 4 Myrtle Terry Dairy Calf 1 Gladys 10 Arthur Evans MISCELLANEOUS Drawing below III Marion Malloy Jno- Morning 10 Dora Morning 6 Marshall Drawing III and above Mary Mitchell Lewis James 10 4 Greta 10 Wilbur Kaake Edith Spraggll Specimen of penmanship under Ill I Bertram Wilson 12 Annie 3 Mabel 7 Beatrice Lewis Pearl Essay Ill and above Birdie 2 Dora Morning Luella 21 Gladys Tiislin 10 Maurice Bertha Fox Boy winning highest number of Prizes Lennoxs Cup to bo won three years won by Emerson and by Emerson S 1915 Girl winning highest numbers of prizes won by S COMPETITIONS ON DAY OF FAIR Darning Competition 1 Bertha Fox Fox Farmer 4 Janet Davis 11 Five minute address Irene 10 Victor Bowman 4 Black burn Grace Arnold Thompson Weed and Insect naming Mrs Laurie Cane has re turned home after spending a month with her parent- at Brampton Mrs Skinner and two child ren of Mitchell are spending a month with her parents Mr and Mrs Cane f XXL Tuesday Oct 12 Mr Acel Draper Lot Con 3 will dispose f Horses aid Cattle and Implements at oclock mos credit Kcs Auctioneers Tuesday OoL Mr Smith will have a sale of 105 head of Cattle and Pigs on yesthalf of Lot in the 3rd of East mile South of credit Sale at one oclock Thursday Oct Mr A Stevenson will have a sale of slock and implements on Lot 23irj the rear of the 5th of East about miles East of Queensville the Con crcdi Sale at I sharp Kav Auct n v Saturday 2nd Sale of houshold furniture stoves etc on Ontario St Newmarket III house East of Main at p in J D Roadman This years Honey just arrived in and 10 lb Also in the comb For a nice cool drink try some of Gallons Lemonade Orangeade or Raspberry Vinegar For a good cup of tea you cant do better than try some of our own blend PHONE s J PURITY Mrs and Miss Addie of Bradford were visiting Mr and Mrs on St this week G Proctor was home from Niagara Camp last Sunday for the last time before leaving for the Old Country THE LEADING House can bay your FnrMtnre For Cash UNDERTAKING EMBALMING A SPECIALTY attended to at residence John Millard Hbonea 17 AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes J WD MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Agent for Cameras and Photo Supplies FreBhHuylers Chocolate Weekly G OFFICE House Phone No Store Phone No ft Minder 15 Marshall Wells Archibald Calvin man- 10 Lulu 10 BLOWER FOR SALE Complete 1 YvwMiai i 7 If P- fUwomoJyulM 1 Small Tiirehr for di Mitchell TURNIPS pnU a on lace watt cbool winning the highest num- sample- of Jive No Robert Jonhjifi 10 ftcnncll Mount LFVIATI1AN of Gor don Chapman I by lire I In 10- whole and 10 Were LenoreCuttiuO rMiss and Mrs Bert Henry Beach Toron to spent the weekend with Miss Maggie Jones Roachs Point Mr and Mrs Arthur Evans spent the weekend Sept at Kettleby it being the occasion of Christ Church annual Harvest Festival Mrs Hen Ross and Miss Bes sie Ross Have returned home af ter spending ten days very pleas antly at Bench County of Simcoe Messrs Dan ford Roche P Pearson and Dr Wesley at tended the big patriotic meeting in the Toronto Arena last Mon day night Rev Pi Thomas is in To ronto all this wek attending the Synod and opening of Col lege Alumni He is expected home this evening Mrs Mackenzie loftlast Wednesday for Greenwood to visit her son Mr Lester Mac kenzie Mis Donne accom panied her as far as Toronto Dr and Mrs J Coborne formerly Miss Ida- Kllorby find aunt of- Mrs the latter last week also called friends in town Mrs John Graham of Mount Albert ha been visiting her niece Mrs of for the past three weeks They were both in Newmarket on Mon day calling on friends Mrs Rev J of Toronto was a on Work at the here During her stay in town she was Hie of Mrs Hewitt and called on a number of obi friends Miss gave tea at the Manse on even ing in honor Miss and Miss Jean both of whom leave week Ihe Sick Childrens Hospital to train as nurses Mr and Mrs Newmarket ounce the engagement of their Winn to Ross sen of Mr of to The will lake Quietly on Saturday October The Cradle Hoar On Sriglcy St Newmarket Sept 20 to Mr and Mrs Fred Hoar a daughter The Altar KlddHutohlnson At Weston Sept by Rev Wal ler Amos Waller John Kidd of Golspie Co of Oxford to Ma Hutchinson of Aurora At Bradford on Aug i015 by the Rev Thos Scott Mrs Helen Ridge lo Mr John Shear- down At the of the brides parent Out on Sept 22nd by Rev Dean Florence May second daughter of Mr Aaron Whitmore to Dr Thos of Aurora At the New North Church Washington Heights New York by the Rev John R Mackay PhD Agnes Marguerite Daisy eld est daughter of Mr and Mrs A Queens Sutton West Out to Mr Win Raphael of New York City 1 Call and Inspect our now Sept Mr If Sandy Station lost hid elevenroomed brick reshjence large barn stable driving SEE oun 8HOWINQ OF SHOES SWEATER OVEJRCOATS AND ALL MENS Ever In Town WINDOW The Mens Outfitter bark hep The lire n the tabc but its origin mystery There Bestfiample jnuranceund Mr- Archibald 13 i cr4Wioe before Mr suffered ittikes than a to Brook Baldwin 23 in he deatli art Cecil r of his Wife I U OF SCHOOL called upon to do hardest work In Eyc- often a result of condition Is a to and may con- optician TORONTO Phono North 2824 The Tomb Thompson At of her Bister Mrs Robert McCordl of Ml Albert on Sept 1015 Miss Annie Thompson formerly of Roches Point Onl Funeral Thursday Sept oclock Interment at Queens Out Boddy At on Sept Laura youngest of the late John Hod Interment at on Moil Jay Vincent Joseph of died sud denly on Wednesday morning from heart trouble He had only list return- home after visiting his daugh ter and many old friends North York St New market on Sept 1015 Mai- viu sou Mr A IV aged months IN MEMORIAM Mr Clarence Caldwell of I Toronto took in the Fair ln Memory of Kenneth day Mitchell who died Oct 1 8 J Main St North Newmarket All 1914 One year has gone but pot for gotten Nor will you ever be So long as life and memory last We will thee We miss lhcooh we miss thee From thy familiar place We do not bear thy footsteps near Nor see Ihy cheerful face Now the days seem long and lone ly And its sueli a lonely wail Rut we know our dearest Youll be waiting the gate 1 often sit and think When I am all alone is 11 only thing That grief ran rail its own- Likeivy In the oak When all things else decay My you will Mill keep green And never fade away Hut danr we know well meet WheiT the Lord shall call His own And in heaven Joy to greet tears my known Mr Win of to visited friends In Town a few days Mrs Alf Manning of ton visited relatives here during the Geo Mortimer of To ronto visited Town yesterday Mrs of Toronto was falling on friends in To a f Mrs Mrs John Crone and Fred Hughes Who have spending a week or so with rea- lives in Town and vicinity their homes in Buffalo lerday Written and Family Sept driving a- toad of for the local ward Cox a well known resident of was Friday and died today Mr W was endeavoring to proven of his load on one 01 Ihe hills when he was For Salo at this Office I

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