v- 1 ROCK 2nd I hare benefit from taking I goffered for years from Rheumatism and change of life and I took every obtainable without any good I heard of and it a trial and it the only thai really did me good Now am entirely well the Rheumatism has disappeared and the terrible my body are all gone I am grateful to forauch relief and I hope that others who gaffer from such distressing diseases will try and get well MADAME The marvellous work that is doing in overcoming disease And healing the sick is winning the admiration of thousands and thousands a box for trial RICHMOND HILL The second annual exhibition Richmond Hill Society on Thursday of In the skating In- the several Vegetables and flowers entries were made- Compe tition keen in classes A couple of Toronto men were Judges who had difficulty in placing awards The Childrens Department was pi special interest The Red Cross So ciety took charge of the refreshment department Miss Mabel Hill visited friends in Newmarket over Sunday- the Stedy Class at Rev Scotts was veil attended Friday evening Mr Fred Skinner is visiting friends in Toronto and Port Credit Mrs Sidney Leonard spent the fore part of this week with friends in Newmarket Mr Fred Skinner attended the convention in Toronto Miss from teach er of the junior room spent the holi day in Toronto Mr and Mrs of Berlin are spending a few days with their son in town Miss K has returned and resumed her duties as teacher in the public school Miss Marion Stewart teacher in S No spent the weekend with her parents in Mrs Caleb Brown fell from verandah at her home on Tuesday night fortunately no serious in juries were sustained TH WjS KM if t i id no will book of assorted Fruit ad redy to pat and Kars will bag I Can get IwjbbIso or or 5 cartons As as the Red Ball Is on bag or package I know that the sugar within Is absolutely pure caoe sugar la quality granulation and Is why I Insist on having Sugar for ray Pears and Peaches and or pound bags in order t Atlantic Sugar Refineries to get the genuine cane a AURORA The dance given under the auspices ol the Girls Red Cross Auxiliary Aurora on Wednesday at Lake was a huge success and every person thoroughly enjoyed the even ing- x I Nothing i to I know a Utile A hunt as big as Who sighs ton times a dont know what lo She has new toys and games A baby brother And yet she still complains At all dealers or sent postpaid by Mr Aubrey of Limited Ottawa BRICK BUNGALOWS For or To Rent On Grace St Newmarket Im mediate possession Apply to Geo Barker Box Newmarket SALE OR TO RENT Brick House on Ave AH modern conveniences good and cistern Enquire of Grace St Newmarket WANTED I can sell your farm have good clients ready to buy Send full particulars to Win Ground St Toronto 3rnl8 STORE AND TO LET On Main Street three doors of Kirrg George Hotel Good eland for business House seven rooms with all conveniences Reasonable rent Apply lo who has been engaged to take charge of the north school commenced duties on Sept 1st Methodist Church which has undergone considerable improve ments was reopened on Sunday last Services were conducted by Rev A see- Opinion of Who Know P Addison A market of TO RENT Good House comer of Park and Lome Avenues also two Building Lots for sate on Park and Lome Avenues also two Mrs McMas- fter Ave Toronto or to W C Newmarket Acre Farm valuable farm ing containing gravel and sand pits Good buildings some Umber and some pasture possession Phone or Armstrong PO HAVE FOR SALE A desirable property situated Prospect Ave A dwelling with all conveniences nail in first class shape Quarter of an acre of grounds with apple and small fruit trees Frame liable and cement hen house we consider the best buy in so act quickly Terms can arranged to suit purchaser Apply to P Morton box BRADFORD Messrs Wallace John Piatt and Gordon McCormack enlist ed at last week making about thirty who have gone from our town Miss Nellie Reeves only daughter of Mr H Reeves was married quiet ly in Toronto on Thursday to Mr Waller of the Campbell House Mr and Mrs Waller returned home on Saturday evening On Sunday night some person broke into Mr Geo blacksmith shop and took a screw driver from it then visited the gum machines at Sutherlands a Douglas stores loosening and taking out both money and gum The Red Cross tea given by Mrs Peter Fads last Friday was well patronized by Bradford and Scotch Settlement people We understand that over was raised by the tea so that Mrs Paris is to be congratr on the great success of her venture Mr W J Walker one of Bradfords oldest inhabitants died on Wednes day evening as the result of a stroke of paralysis a week previous For the past year he has been confined to the house a good deal through illness suffering very severely at times Mr was eighty years old He was horn in the village and with his parents carnc to when he was about years old Mr Walker will be re membered as a cabinet maker and undertaker He leaves a family of two sons and three daughters Or J Walker of Kansas Mo and Geo Porter Walker of Detroit Mrs White of Llstowel J Williamson and Mrs Fred Porter this village The funeral of the late Hood of look place in the village Friday and was very largely attended Deceased wo- dont know what to do a pioneer of the village and had the unique experience of And mothers busy too lived under the reign of six lnink something sovereigns That this small girl could do A meeting was n Denning Moore held in fccouts room in last Friday night for the purpose of an am bulance corps for the village Great interest was manifested and a strong class will in all probability be formed Jacob a well- known citizen of was stricken with paralysis and condition is regarded as very Farmers in immediate neighborhood of stile that the potato and vegetable crop generally is practically Railroad men throughout the United Stales haw received a document dedicated lo the being of the general public ft is from the pen of a safety first advocate It is a New Year pledge circulated by the Frisco system it is follows Alcohol It is had compaiy unsafe to he with If throws a j switches wrong reads orders failure owing to the presence of wrong It receives orders wrong rot in i ful ly thai of any other year nearly a dozen bouses in course of erection being On Friday night last the jew- store of Mr K Wilcox In Oxbridge was broken into and about worth of watches chains lockets and rings taken The loss would have been much heavier had the thieves been able lo break into the safe where most of the valuable jewelry was stored point to a local gang being responsible for the act The police are investi gating and arrests are likely to follow shortly Although had made large contributions lo the various patriotic funds since the outbreak of the war the citi zens organized themselves into Committees a short time ago and selected three captains can vass the town After holding two patriotic meetings Style went to work and the result has been that about was subscribed and added to the funds and calls red while It never calls white red It makes caution orders without and makes slow flags without color It makes one meeting point another it makes wakeful men sleepy It makes duties danger ous hot boxes cold rough jour nals smooth It makes pilots and footboard traps It makes good men bad men it makes I wo limbs one and make widows orphans is against unsafely is its name Statistics show that il has killed more people than all the wars of the i world since the dawn of history ft has been said and proven that it sank the Titanic The Railroad Trainman mortality per cent higher than the average of the group that the mortality among those who had indulged inocca sional alcoholic excesses previ ous to their application for life insurance was per cent high er than the average means the loss of four years to such lives men who ac knowledge the habit Of indulging somewhat freely but who were still considered acceptable for in surance showed a mortality per cent higher than the ay- erage That alcohol increases fatigue is now commonly recognized by athletes Alcohol gives no in crease of muscular power It is not what we can properly call a stimulant hut a It is apparently a stimulant because it puts to sleep the nerves that indicate fatigue so that the per son thinks himself relieved of fatigue What it does is to make one unconscious of his fatigue Various kinds and exer cises have proved that alcohol is a decided hindrance to muscular or athletic power If personal hygiene is a duty it is the duty of every man to re- cognize the danger from alcohol to himself and lo society In stead of copying the habits others Ire may consider the re sponsibility of causing others to copy his Today this requires very little courage For so- far has the antialcohol movement in the proceeded that a man who frankly opposes its use is more respected than the man who condones it The big hotel at Bay was burnt to the Monday To win success a farmer must be as a NEW A R K till T G TERHS8 CA8H ST Phone i27 i Efficiency One a way which fy lire DO SUDDEN DEATH AT RIOHMOND HILL CIOHMLKY Given Away In Land Value to the man who vrante a Farm acres of good Hand some choice clay This arm has all uptodate conaifiting of a modern Brick House also Hip Roof Barn fenllt from all new material with Stables together with all other Outbuildings in good re pair Rural Mail Delivery We you to go over this Farm Put at fair value on Land also Build ings then come down to and we will you as to the amount away We wind up ihla Estate nesa Vill aecept a Mortgage at per cent for ton with a small deposit down You must act quick in his matter or miss tJjie chance mile East of on the Centre Road nown as the Tommy Glover of North This farm has plenty of Water i Orchard Good Bush and convenient to School or also Metropolitan at P MORTON Lome Ave Estate Building Co Newmarket WOOD FOR SALE Slabs and Hardwood at reasonable prices J A CODY We are glad to report that Mrs Mary Ann Baker is again recovering from a hard attack ol inflammatory rheumatism Margaret Baker widow Geo Baker is In a critical condition Samuel Doner at the cider mill is down with typhoid lever Levi Is down with on the membrane the lungs and rheumatism on Improving David Hilts who ha also down lor month with rheumatism on the nerves but is Blowly recover ing- Mrs Elizabeth has bought a lot in New and expect commence building at once Business is quiet at the Our enterprising baker has his dwelling by putting up a large verandah Win who spent the winter In Florida returned in July and has been kept busy at the trade Samuel Heine who has sold his farm to Mr Walton of again bought an acre Is setting up a bouse retire In Elmer Horner happened with a painful accident a short time ago While Lyons who was the barn was taking down tome plank for a heavy slab fell and as it struck the side it glanced and struck on the head rendering him unconscious For a time he bled freely the mouth and Mr Lyons thought he- would die in a tew minutes but as Dr was In the neighborhood he was Im mediately called and dressed the wound doing well three aged veterans Peter Baker Forester and John are still with us and we are always I glad to tee their smiling Caeca as we Richmond HI people were shocked on Sunday morning by l lie announcement that William A Sanderson one of the bent known residents of the town bad passed away at the family resi dence during the night following an attack of apoplexy Mr San derson while not in his usual health had been bUslly engaged around bin office and store till after midnight and shortly after he retired Mrs Sanderson notic ing heavy breathing tried without success to arouse him Or Langstaff was hurriedly summoned but Ijo late lo ren der any assistance Mr Sander- sou having passed away a few nerve but before late Mr Sanderson had for many years conducted a general drug store and was the local representative of the Bell Tele phone Company He was promi nently Identified with the Meth odist Church having been libra of Sabbath School ana treasurer of the Public Library Board He was at one time a member of lbe village council He Is survived by his widow and one son Harry Deceased was actively Identified with the Lib eralConservative Party and prominent In every movement for the advancement of the village Children FOR FLETCHERS A 1 A case of smallpox has made Its appearance la their Jo time of trouble canned by ting from Inactive bowels la certainly the most of I sty by one the defences been swept for of all the theories by many men sought to habit none are lefl Medical science has demon strated not merely the but the positive danger drink indulgence Social has shown the habit and traffic to be the potent causes of penury misery vice crime degradation disease and death science sfinws that the manufac ture and consumption of intox icants both involvo- impairment of wealth and prevention of men hy their action have everywhere corrobo rated the conclusions of the sci entists who have demonstrated the badness of the business All this is apart entirely from tin moral aspect of IIk question in which the case has been con for many years The drink system how stands out in Its naked deformity It is patroniz ed by the selfish and the greedy for the personal pleasure personal gain which It brings and this pleasure or gain always means injury to some ono Evidence of all this is piling up day by day in business manage ment in scientific statements in press despatches An interest ing article published in the North American em bodies a statement made by Irving Fisher professor of poli tical economy In Yale University wlio has summed up In a pam phlet some of the conclusions he has arrived at In studying physi cal practices and their relation to general efficiency He says in part In studying the conditions health and efficiency during the last ton years the conditions that enable an athlete for Instance lo be at his best I have hod oc casion to examine Ihe conflicting popular ideas concerning began to study quite willing to he convinced that alcoholic bev erages have some virtue Hut I have ended In the conviction that they have none and I have found that this conclusion Is almost universally reached by those who have examined facts Those facts demonstrate that a man who takes alcohol in even a moderate degree is harming physically mentally morally and economically The Lest recent statistics that moileratc Is harmful The- results- of the medicnactuarlal Insurance com panies on experience of twentyfive years show I that individuals who took two glasses of beer or a glass of whisky or an equivalent amount of alcohol in Constipation- not to cured by tfveB they rather aggravate the troubla For a but ion Stomach TabUU up tbn and an Internal bath Mew Goods are arriving so we Invite you to take advan tage of making an early selection Brown shades will again be popular AN INSPECTION IS SOLICITED TAILOR Phone 160 J Main St NEWMARKET a 4 peg Womans best friend From girlhood to old little red an tfuJ loan liver dean normal tomtchj Take a Tablet at lad IK and and hive all or from Main m Tin Newmarket PLUM WE ARE BUSY WITH HEATING 1 ft J I s 1 Toronto has a wellearned reputation for superior business and shorthand cducution and for stulcnts lo choice po sitions Commence now Cata logue free J ELLIOTT St Yonge OF APPLICATION FOR NOTICE Is Given That ROBERT WILLIAM THOMPSON or the City Toronto in the County of and Province ot Ontario Broker will apply to the Parliament Cana da at the next session thereof for a bill of divorce from his wife Ida Lola Thompson of the City ot New York in the State ot New York of the United States of America on ground of adultery and desertion DATED at Toronto this of August 1915 CAMPBELL JAUVIS Yonge Street Toronto Solicitors for the applicant NOTICE GIVEN that Nora Louise Jackson for merly Nora Louise of the City of Toronto In the County of and Province of Ontario a married woman will apply to the of Canada the next sossion thereof for a BUI of Divorce from her husband Ar thur Jackson of the City of To ronto In County of York and Province of Ontario on the grounds of adultery and DATED at Toronto this day of Juno A D NORA LOUISE JACKSOX By her Solicitors Roblnotte A Adelaide St West Toronto J i AND- WIRING IF YU THINK OF DO- ANYTHING IN THESE I LET GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE WRIGHT STREET i l O r Th HI OK j SO 4 Hi VI f 9 V 1 SECURED AT J OUR COME AND INSPECT OUR YOU WILL SOMETHING YOU HEED j i i South of King Hotel Main v uii i