I i ro s Change of Time During the holidays ftgr Sunday School has held in the morning Next un- it will assemble at the afternoon as f Library For the next two weeks public Library which has been Sen all summer will in order to give the Librarian some holidays on Sept V Leg Broken Monday when Mr was driving a load of the load slipped off and Mich a way that his leg was S reduced the frac ture and he is doing as can be expected I The was packed on evidencing Tuesday night an audience- and the program was a magnificent success Mies of To- serves special aha the rorito deserves unbounded praise Whistling Solo for the proficient manner wasWnique eh the little people look their- proceeds for the benefit Red Gross Society amounted to Below we give will VoooPi Sabbath by the Pastor J which par Every number on the program was a gem and applause was well but the Fairy Play Ails Well that finds Well deserves spe cial mention The complacent Jacopy of the program so that hose who were not fortunate enough to be prfesent may have a better idea oMhe character- of the enlertainmnt manner distinct enunciation and characteristic attitude or Mabel The services of Mrs Rollings- Smith Noel Vale and Bruce Davis head as accompanist were very look the audience by complete much appreciated and Mr siirprise The scenic effects of very kindly loaned the piano the stage were also very appro- for the occasion God Save the King National Wilbur T League Owing to next Monday being a holiday the opening meeting will not be until the following week Special preparation is being made Further announcement next week Next Monday is a holiday Slight frost here on Tuesday Division Court here today The cool weather is making tinsmiths busy Mr Norman Wright- has three furnaces to in stall at once The painters brush is making quite an improvement to the ap pearance the residence of the Misses Fine New Mr Win Watson is building a beautiful solid residence a little off Huron Street aid almost directly North of Mayor Cane residence Mr John is the architect and is superin tending the construction which is being done by day labor The house is well laid out with all modern conveniences and wil have an attractive and substantial appearance By building in this manner Mp Watson will have the satisfaction of a well con structed residence at a minimum cost The carpenters are getting ready to put on the roof Newmarket High Tin school reopens at o clock next Tuesday morning and everything promises a successful Fall Term The names of the staff will be found in anothei column of this issue and the spe cial announcements concerning the work of the school new Principal comes highly recom mended has an attractive person al appearance and will do all in his power to maintain the effi ciency of the institution trance candidates who recently passed the should con sider the advantages offered in Newmarket before starting other schools- BY SEVEN GIRLS Whistling Lovely Night from Tales of Hoffman MISS KUMPF Kiplia 5 The English Flag Cast of Characters Kinp of the Winds Lowell Hewitt North Wind Bruce Davis South Wind West Wind Charles Lister East Wind John Lister Reading Lost in the Fog MISS GILLMA Vocal Solo Haymaking Needham MRS JOHN A WALKER A Fairy Play Alls Well that Ends Well Scene A Lonely Woods Scene The Witchs Cave Cast of Characters Re Fall Mass an interesting i on Sunday Patterson is Visiting her daughteif in Toronto of spent a fey days at Mr Mrs Mahon visiting t in Toronto Miss of Detroit also J Wbittiefc of Dakota have to their homes after spending a few weeks Mr W Stotrys School reopened on Wednesday of- Markfaam as Mr and Mrs- Watson of motored out and spent Sunday with relatives Princess Esmerelda The Witch Prince Sir 8 Vocal Solos Morning Laddie MISS KUMPF Mabel Smith Noel Vale Bruce Davis Angus West Speaks Threshing is the order of the day Alias Effie Do is visiting friends in Toronto Miss Edna of Toronto spent the weekend with Airs J Mrs Gould and Mrs spent Friday with Mrs Hughes Mr Earl spent Sunday with his parents here Miss Flossie Evans was the guest of Airs George Archibald Afr J Courtney made a business trip to Toronto on Wednesday Miss J Cutting spent Sunday with friends on the 6th Line Mrs Wesley Dove is visiting friends in Toronto Miss Laura is visiting nc sister Airs Herb at A large number attended the Ladies Aid at J on Thursday Complete fltook of nlshlhfli of all Kinds and Sizes at Less than Prions 3 and yds tit all widths fluaiow and In all prices end qualities Damasks and Art teens In Endless Variety Cocoa Mats in mil sizes MatUhs tor and Outside Verandahs Dainty uptodate Foot- wear j Vegetables for iv j Good Teas are getting very eoaroa and higher In lay In a at our- low Quaker Bulk Tea all kinds I SsMl Reading Whistling Regiment MISS ELLIOTT Midsummer Nights Dream Act Scene Act Scene In Part Act 3 Scene In Part Act Scene 1 In Part Cast of Characters Edgar Pope Shakespeare Quince Bottom Snug Snout Starveling Fhite Bruce Davis Charles Lister Willie Proctor Angus West Lowell Hewitt the Fairy King Harvey Soules Puck I John Lister the Fairy Qiieeii Grace Fairies in Attendance on the Fairy Queen Violet Alexia Noel Vale Mabel Smith Vera Lock Elsie Simpson Mabel Wcddell J A Substantial Job The new eminent wall at the West side of the New Post Of fice lot is now under construction by the contractor Mr Hartford It will certainly be a piece of wrjrk The wall will i inches at the bottom Inches at tin lop surmounted by iron railing The wall when completed will he feel high only feel above level of Hie ground piece of work The wall will be and sidewalk on both ft and Park Ave will also be cover ed with cement making a job r When Ibis dirty job in over is hoped our citizens may have the Use if the new Vocal Solo A The Bond to Ballyshee Birthday- MBS WALKEH Ye Mariners of England Campbell Will Proctor Harvey Edgar Pope Choruses Rule Canada QOD 8 AVE THE KING J Aocompanlst The recent heavy raias have made the farmers late with their harvest- some not being through cutting yet purchased a tine five passenger automobile- On Saturday August there passed to the great beyond an old and highly respected Citizen Hastings Deceased had been in poor health for a long time and about week before his death was taken- worse He was- man of in tegrity and uprightness a life long resident of this place having been born and brought up on the farm where he died He was a member or the Methodist Church and always at tended that place of worship when health permitted He leaves to mourn their loss sorrowing wife three sons Dr Elgin Hastings Toronto Beverley and Stanley at home and and daughter Miss Kibble at home The family have the sym pathy hi the community in their The funeral w held on Monday af ternoon and interment at the ville Cemetery Mrs John Stewart of Toronto her cousin Mr Mafias last week SNOWBALL Threshing is order of day in this neighborhood Hazel Thompson and Miss Lilly Smith two- or three days with Miss Bertha Ferguson Miss Bertha Mount of spent Sunday with Miss Laura Mr Mrs Henry motor ed from Toronto and spent the day with friends Miss Greta Slosa entertained a number of girls at a birthday party on Wednesday afternoon Quite a number from Snowball at tended the Guild at on Thursday night The topic was tak en by Hon- Mackenzie King Mr and of spent Sunday at the home of Mr Daniel Casey Mr Andrew Hutchinson spent Sun day at Crown Ridge Farm Mr- Lindsay Ferguson spent Sun day with Mr Will Morning Mr Elgin Campbell conducted the services ah Snowball Methodist Church on Sunday J Everybody was glad to see Miss back from her holidays and able to take her class at Sunday School Miss Dora and Edna Morning are spending a few days at their uncle3 in Newmarket- Miss Bertha Mount spent over Sun- da in our berg Whats happened all our sports at League Kettleby seems to be trie attraction Mr Lindsay Ferguson was a at John Mornings on Sunday Miss Greta entertained a few friends at party on Tucs- Mrs James Davis and Mrs Howard called on friends one day last week NEWMARKET i I Heavy Ribbed In all sizes Tan and Blaok Reg 26c for 19o Fancy Shaker 38 Inches wide for Reg 10c for Fancy Tweeds for Odd 8klrts or School Dresses Reg for 39o diagonal In Grey Garnet and Brown In wide Reg 75c for 39o CLEARING ALL SWEATER C0AT8 AT COST 4S5 iT J Rev H Halner Estate a will bearing the date June Hum Mrs Grace Haul er i given a life interest in the estate of her husband Henry of Stouffville who died Auk After her death the properly will shared by six children Levi John Fred Herbert Whitfield and Mrs Mary Mann The assetsinclude real esiate valued at a hit in household effects and in cash Police Court One day last week a lad named Wilson year of ago was by Magis trate to Mifnfco School for two years to learn bow to be have himself He bad repu tation of iiiffirfgjblr Willi other trails- of character Monday Cbeade and Win were charged with perjury before Magistrate Hrun lon The arose out of the recent of for being drunk in a option district Both men remanded until Thursday and the meantime they were advised lo Ibiiik over jueslion as where they obtained the in Newmarket blind ar said to jjtill flourish Nov Gymnasium Mr I Itose has just com pleted the contract of flooring he large Skating Ring at Pick ering College and lining the sides with spruce making a fine Hall which is to be filled up Tor a Gymnasium for the students year the College Hoard makes some improvement for till I O The third degree which Pyra mid Lodge No intended to put on last Tuesday evening wa postponed for one week owing to the lied Gross Society holding their Concert On the same even ing All members are earnestly requested to he present Tuesday evening next Christian Church The regular order of services will be held next Sunday The Sunday School will meet at am At 1 oclock morning and sermon by the pastor Theme ilmprcKnabio The regular service will be held directlyal Ibc close In the evening at o clock the topic of the sermon by the pastor will be Discounting Duty The music by our organ ist and singing by our Choir is of the very best Visitors and strangers in Town as well as all Boy Drowned On Friday of last- a fatality happened at Baldwin When Floyd only child Of Mr and Mrs Alex of Aurora years of formerly of New market wan drowned He had been visiting bis mother at the home of Mr Obtaining permission from her to pay a visit to a neigh bors be child started out but upon enquiry later It was fouid that he had not reached his be had been Paying by the river for the body found floating in shallow water towards evening wan a grandson of Mr Scott at The Cedars ana also Mr John McDonald both or Newmarket Interneat took place at New- market Cemetery on Monday af ternoon benefit of the students The interior of the College is others will always find a hearty being repainted and decorated by welcome lo any and all of our the artistic brush of Mr Hew services Come next Sunday and the wainscoting of the Coin halls finished In burlap a homelike effect Send the Era to absent friends THE JEWELRY LINE ELR has long been and will ways continue to be THE POPULAR LINE from which to make Selections for a No other affords the variety No other gifts afford the de light the satisfaction Always In evidence useful and durable Make Your Here JtA and Opticians TICKET AOENT MARRIAGE Mr Campbell the pit in the Methodist Church Sun day evening Rev J Fox will have charge of the service on Sunday even ing next Mrs Hurst of a couple of days last week with Mrs Miss ot Toronto has been spending couple of weeks at her home here Miss Aggie has returned after spending two months at Cornet- ton Mr Sibley and Mr and Miss Loe of West Franklin were guests at On Sunday Is spending a couple of weeks with friends in To ronto if you want extra special threshing done this year engage and Morning with the ma chine Shes a dandy Mr Mount and Mr Reynolds of the spent Sunday at their homes In Aurora Christian Ladles Aid met at the home Mrs lack Wednes day TOWN LINK Harvest Is now past The rush now Is fall wheat sowing We are glad to hear Mr Albert the present tenant of the Clinton farm Town Line recently purchased by Mr Thomas has been successful In securing a seven years lease of the farm on- the Line of King situated in close proximity to the Public School be ing on the farm Cur School No reopened on Wednesday Was It on account of extreme darkness on Sunday night that some body could not find their buggy Someone said they saw Feed com ing the In the moonlight It must have been near morning Pearl Black of Toronto Is visiting her grandparents Mr and Mrs fKehas Blackof the ithLlne Miss Shanks of the Line and Miss Pearl of Toronto were the guests of Misses Alice and Grace on Sunday Mr Mervlll Dales brother of the esteemed pastor of fith Line Christian Church occupied the pul pit on with much acceptance The Ladles Aid of the 5th Line Church met at the borne of Mrs David Dales on the Line on Wednesday i Send the Era to absent friends TWELVE MONTHS GERMAN HANDS Montreal Aug 31 Alter enduring twelve months at what he himself described as martyrdom at the hands ol the Germans a Montreal mining broker J T ached home today from Germany where he had been kept a- close prisoner- An Alsatian by birth Mr left Montreal In June he pay a Visit to his patents at and was at with two Ameri cans when war was declared He endeavored to leave Germany but found it impossible At Appanweller he was held as a suspect being as a British subject and was carried off to Thanks the Influence of some Americans lie received permission to leave th fort ress but it did not take the Germans Ions to find an excuse or his further apprehension Threatened With Death He was again arrested and brought before a German officer who threat- to shoot him or having trans gressed military orders Mr Armand protested Ignorance these tary orders and after much privation he was permitted to have a respect able room hut was kept under sur veillance In an order was given that all British subjects In Germany must be Interned and following out this order Mr Armand was taken to the iortnsi at The Ameri can representa tions to the German Government concerning the conditions In which the prisoners were let and Mr Armand had another move this time being marched under the eyes ol an armed guard to Here af ter being In prison for twentytwo days he was brought before a court martial of the corps and accus ed of being a spy For three hours he was closely interrogated by the German On March 24 he was brought before them again and the lit command declared you must he ready tomorrow at six oclock Passed a Terrible Night Mr Armand took this nessage as his death sentence and he Bays that he will never forget the terrible night through which ho passed prior to what he would be his execu tion When six he fold that the judgment passed upon him was being restudied and that In the meantime he would be kept under close guard at Nobody can Imagine the sufferings I went through declared MrxArm- cannot recall them myself without the greatest emotion My captors treated me so badly that often prayed that I die H was at be con tinued that the of British In Germany The following prices Ford Out effective Aug Ford Runabout S Ford Touring Oar Ford Town Car 78000 speedometer included in this years equipment oth- cars fully equipped There can be no assurance given against an ad vance in irices at any time We guarantee however that there will he no reduction in these prices prior Ford to Aug I MHO CALL AND K ROBERT80N fwmarket rearer GRAND TRUNK TIME TABL- Leave GOING NORTH Toronto Newmarket am pm pm pm pm pm pm Leave GOING am d13 am Toronto 800 am 55 am pm pm 1 Pm pm 1015 am 340 pm pm pm Arrive 730 am 1018 a 256 pm m pm train does not leave Toronto on Saturday night leaves Sunday turned following the declaration of war Life there is hard nourishment poor and ventilation insufficient and bad This Is the menu Morning cups of coffee grammes of read made from flour bran carrot and turnip soup rarely peas or any other vegetables and rarer still meat night supper two cups of tea and that Is all Beds Clothing Filthy Altogether there are between four thousand and Interned at and that Is how they exist The barracks are unhealthy and the beds and clothing filthy It was through the intermediary of his family at that Mr Armand was released LIVE MARKET Kingston Jamaica Cayman a- dependency of Jamaica according to informa tion received here suffered by cyclone has asked Hie Governor to send aid A ship load of food and clothes Highest juices In Toronto this week Choice Milkers vVv blockers Veal Calves Sheep Lambs Hogs off Newmarket Markets Sept 2nd i Wheat per bush per bush Oats per bush Shorts per ton 32 per ton 09 a 0 Butter per lb Potatoes per bag WM per lb ie Progress Is never or 100 7 irogress is never eased were In- was despatched there yesterday with theoid of downward i