Stomsch and Jhu latter from Captain Swan one the Mft known on- the Great tells how to get quick relief Stomach Trouble OUTf May jolt Vl man has a poof chance of living 4 life when be cannot eat Sit was wrong with ma of appetite and Indigestion was hi lit on by Constipation I hare trouble with diseases for aii I lost a great deal of flesh coffered constant For the last of year I hare taken hare been to pleased with that I hare recommended on many occasions to friends and I am sure that Fruit- have helped me greatly By the diet rales and taking directions person with Dyspepsia will get SWAN are sold alt dealers a box for or trial or sent postpaid on receipt of price y Limited Ottawa Annual Convention of the of the was held in May when Mrs Gee district Organizer presided- Most encouraging report were given from Auxiliaries Circles and Bonds V 1 NEWMARKET FRIDAY JUNK i J 9i5 FSB i m TO RENT Furnished house on Apply at this office I BRICK BUNGALOWS Fop Sale or To Rent On Grace St Newmarket Im mediate possession Apply to Geo ff Barker Box Newmarket Godfrey was charged by Miller of with the theft of a number of cedar trees before Magis trate in the Police Court He was allowed to go on sus pended sentence upon payment of the court costs The Concert on Tuesday evening in the Methodist Church was good suc cess The following talent put up a very fine program- Mrs Hand Kaae soloist Mrs A soloist Miss elo cutionist Methodist Choir and Orchestral ran FOR and you take risk Step in ami get si large cent PARISIAN SAGE the killing hair It cure in weeks we will give your money PARISIAN is a pleasant daintily and hair it guaranteed to stop fulling itching of the scalp euro all of the scalp and PARISIAN has many imitators get the genuine J PATTERSON Druggist Newmarket Council- met at Baldwin on Thursday am The following appeals against the assessment roll were taken up and dealt with reduced Geo BARBIE formerly Chief Constable of appeared before Judge Vance on Friday on a charge of malfeasance in Office his alleged offence being that he having been giv en a search warrant for a dozen geese did not execute it but in stead had a settlement made lor of which he The Con stable had to pay a fine of and refund the improperly taken WHITE ROSE 1 FOR SALE OR TO RENT Brick House on Prospect Ave All modern conveniences good stable and cistern Enquire of YAW MAN Grace St Newmarket FOR SALE mm newly hath A Coiwcnl Block House decorated rooms and Apply i STOREHOUSE TO RENT On Huron Street An old es tablished stand Apply to Ml The sewing circle met at the home of Percy Foresters to pack a bale of clothing for the of the Belgians This is the third bale that has been sent from White Hose the war began- The met at the home of Mrs T Foresters Wednesday after noon There was a good attendance Miss Louis was appointed delegate at the Branch meeting Toronto in June Miss Van sans a solo which was much appreciated d- VANDOIUV merchant in the north The matter is being taken up by the Grand authorities The third annual horse show of the Bradford Horse Show Association held in the rink here on Thursday last was a decided success upwards of people attended the afternoon Show and 1000 the night of the performance The proceeds 0 show after prize money and expenses are paid go to the Branch the lied Cross Society The show was hardly as as the previous ones held here there being fewer entries but the quality of the horses exhibited showed marked improve ment Mr II of Newmarket won in all classes of ponies and donated all his prize money to the Red Cross So ciety by so doing enriched the Red Cross Judge Sinclair claims that in a turnout the occupant of the rig must be dressed to suit the occasion This was his reason for awarding Mr I first In the gents turnout Witness AURORA One of the most respectful tributes to the memory of the late was that paid by the staff and pupils of lh public school who since I were lined up on Street while I the cortege passed through Crittenden reduced Clarks dismissed Jos Fosters jamds dis missed Canadian Northern Ex press Ob over for further consideration were hi the assessment of properties ow ing to change of tenants One dog and one bitch were added lo the assessment of Wes ley Snodden One dog each struck off the as sessment of the following parties Jerry Fountain Win Mrs Phillip Snooks Crittenden and J Shier Court then adjourned until Sat urday June at pm On taking up general business several accounts and petitions were presented and dealt with Corner laid Coun cil plan of a subdivision of lot Con as certain streets therein laid out were only 10 foot wide asked Council lo approve of same which watt done The Clerk was instructed lo write Hen Lobar and order him to remove all buildings and Other ob structions from off lb Con line opposite Lot The following accounts paid Donald Cameron STORE AND HOUSE TO LET On Main south of stand tor rooms with all three doors Hotel Good House seven conveniences Reasonable Apply to TO RENT Good House corner of Park and Lome Avenues also two Building Lots for sale on Park and Lome Avenues also two Mrs 12 McMas- Ave Toronto or to Newmarket Misses Warren of Zephyr spent the at Mr Madias A good number Horn here attended Richmond Hill fair others went to Mr Arthur and of Newmarket were at Mr John Walkers over Sunday Mr Charles Walker and lady friend of Aurora went to on visit friends Mr Powell and daughter Mr well Jr ard wife all of To ronto were visiting at Mr Nelson Powells Miss Wilkinson of Toronto and Mr A Emory of Montreal visited at their uncles Mr Richardsons over Sunday sO f Acre Farm valuable farm ing laud containing gravel and sand pits Good buildings some timber and some pasture Im mediate possession Phone or write Armstrong Pp SALE OR TO REWT acres in the of West half of Hast half of in Con acres under plough Dwelling house good orchard One barn x cement walls and floor un derground stables One barn 33 stone walls and underground stabling Also acres west or in Con Dwelling house barn stone and cement walls and floor under- ground stabling 2 miles from Sutton No incumbrance Apply lo John M Stouffvillc Out Miss C Robertson of Newmarket visited Miss Marion Davis over the holiday Miss Margaret Leonard graduated this year at the General Hospital for a nurse Mrs of is visit ing her daughter Mrs Thos Trainer Lloyd town Mrs J Street is Visiting in New market Confirmation services were held in the Anglican Church Thursday night Miss Skinner attended the graduating exercises at the General Hospital Toronto Miss Norma Sloan of Elliotts Business College Toronto spent the holiday with rer parents Mr Russet and friend Hamilton visited the formers over the holiday 000 RICHMOND par- Trips TO Lakes Algonquin Park Georgian Bay LeVes French River Etc Lake of Bays Baganelewan River Round trip tourist tickets now on sale from certain station ill Ontario at very low fares with liberal slopovers Toronto fun daily Sunday for Wharf Algonquin Park and North Hay Connections arc made at Muskoka Wharf for Lakes and at JlunUvfUo for points on Lake of Hays car Algon quin Park ParlorLilnaryCafe car and firstclass coaches to Worth Hay particulars and ticket application to agent f 0 Depot Phone- 10 J Phone lipTown Ajrent On tiie Fair grounds on Monday six teams took part In the football com petition Richmond and played first Richmond Hill winning then faced the latter being Aurora next won from Malvern In the second round Richmond Hill drew the Aurora defeated and afterwards defeated Richmond Hill thereby winning the cash Tuesday evening a phone message came from stating that three men had stolen hoots and other articles from the store a that place County Constable and Thompson got busy and late in the evening arrested the trio In the neighborhood were brought to Richmond Hill and kept in lockup all night and next da appeared before Magistrate We have to record the- death of Walter Alexander Pearson youngest sou of the late Benjamin Pearson J P and brother ol Pearson of this place He died in St Lutes Hospital in Spokane on the day of May His oulv sister Mrs John Hutch inson died here Oh the of April Walter A Pearson lived here for years in his early youth was educat ed here and married Jessie second daughter of the late Henry They lived in Hamilton or several years and then in Port Huron after wards they moved to Detroit tor a of years he was engaged in building and contracting business in that City from which he went to and carried on the building trade there The widow is now living in Detroit where her son Percy is in the same trade father was en gaged in They have three sons Percy P Norman and Henry who are married and well settled Walter was a member ol the Battalion for years and played In the hand He was a good rifle shot and was in the battalion ride team sever al years in competitions at the On tario Rifle in Toronto lie was buried in Detroit on Monday Inst His was end lie was horn on lot 11 in the second of King- At the annual meeting the Wo mens Institute last Friday the fol lowing officers were elected for the ensuing year President Mrs A 1st VicePresident Mrs 2nd VicePresident Mrs Has- sett Secretary Mrs Charles Treasurer Mrs Hancock Arrangements are being made in this town to install about of machinery for the manufacture and munitions of w It is es timated that the output of the three local factories undertaking the work will be about shells daily The new Industry will provide employ ment for over 220 mechanics In the case of Imperial contracts the Gov ernment will supply the material and pay for making Representatives of the three factories arc now on their way to to close contracts with the British and Russian Gov ernments for large orders of shells wire fence bonus R Station wire fence bonus L50 Charles Park wire fence wire fence bonus wire fence bonus Thos labor on Town Line J McKay search on Deed Airs drills bill keep of Morton 1 foods furnish ed family A milk furnished family Mapes family Council adjourned meet at on Saturday June at pm School Reports May pass y Ruby One of them was days Liberal sent to jail for ltRADKORD MUs Wesley of Newmarket spent some days with Mrs J A- Wood Mrs J Cane and Miss Clara of here WE HAVE FOR SALE A property situated on AW A largesized dwelling all conveniences all In first Quarter an acre of with apple and small fruit stable commit hen This ve consider best town so net Terras bo arranged- to suit purchaser P Morton box to he part spent the holiday with Mrs L Mrs peaceful ly away at Burlington on Monday May her year The de ceased was for irony years a resident of Bradford ad previous to death had resided with her son Mr Albert at night someone In to a freight cor at the depot and stole a number of things from it At an hour Monday mornlnc on party to the river found a ho of and a quantity of syrup near warehouse he re It apparently was left for safe-keep- of the is the Report for No of marks required to uo following is the Report for M Gutting i Lolift III Jr- Hernice Webster Keefer Grace Velma Milton Keefer Dunham Dudley Jr Vivian Webster LyJa Kccfei Cutting I Gamble Aeofe Irene Vivian Thilnia Jr Primer Maude Gamble Reggie Carol Black and Mael Miller Teacher addressed to steamer Princess Irene which was built last year for Canadian Pacific British ColumMa coast lee and was over the at the commencement of the war was destroyed explosion while at anchor at ness where she was under going repairs All her crew number ing about seaman and besides dockers who weld aboard at time lost their lives FOR FLETCHERS ASTORIA Send the Era to SUhiMER COTTAQES Win a youth of Oine- and a companion were be fore Police Magistrate Clark Saturday charged by- Chief looting the summer collages of Mr Haywood and Mr C liltoll cottages were en lered during the winter and quantity of furnishings of one kind and carried oft liven clue I tie cottages were opened a short lime ago ami Hie thefts discovered Chid Reid followed it up and soon found some of the dishes and stuff in possession of a Mr Nicely with whom has been living and she also was brought before the magistrate charged wilb receiving stolen goods and and the woman as well pleaded guilty lias a bad record this being the or sixth time lie has beer up on charges of theft in each case previously being leniently dealt with There has been an noying amount this sort of depredation going on and the magistrate felt it his duly lo im pose an exemplary penalty on and gave him twentyJive months in the Penitentiary at Kingston The culprit had he roine so accustomed to being let off lightly that lie was much sur prised and upset Mrs Nicely was sent to the Mercer Reformatory for six months The other young fellow who had inlisted for ser vice and did not appear to highly culpable was allowed lo go with a caution The Police Magistrate is deter mined to put a stop to the prac tice of breaking Into summer collages while closed up for llu winter ami other lightfingered gentry will do well to heed this warning Orlllia Packet Suspended Tor Boy Walter a boy of sixteen years was charged Judge Vance on Thursday with the theft of two rings Stew art of Thornton The from the home by Mr and Mrs Stewart who used him as if he hud been there own child Me was a worker clover and bright and promised exceedingly well Alter some months a criminal tendency developed and finally he stole two rings and a gold piece and then disappeared This was last September and only recently It was learned that he was working formers in North His arrest followed and the gold piece was re covered but the rings had been lost The farmers in North for whom he had working had no complaint against the lad At the trial the agent ap- for the boy anil asked leniency His Honor released sus pended sentence upon receiving the agent an undertaking that the boy would be kept at the home lor a year Examiner Pure Cane Granulated Hermetically sealed against moisture and impurities No spilling no waste just cut a corner off the car ton and pour out the sugar Sold in 2 and 5 lb sealed cartons Weight Guaranteed LIS pur Cane 0 Pure Cane KxtraQualitr Extra Quality aim hi ted Lantic granula ted is also sold in 100 lb jute bags provided with snowy white cotton linings and in 10 arid 20 lb white cotton bags Look for the Red Ball oil each bag Weight Guaranteed us Powdered Absolutely pure powdered sugar the sugar for fruits and cereals The cartons have a moistureproof inside waxed bag which pre vents the sugar from caking Sold in 2 lb sealed cartons Weight Guaranteed Icing extra fine ground for confections icings and cakes Absolutely pure sugar with a moistureproof inside waxed bag which prevents the sugar from caking Sold in 1 lb sealed cartons Weight Guaranteed Lantic Sugars are refined exclusively from Pure Cane Sugar No hand touches the sugar from the refinery to your pantry Original Packages and look for the Red Ball on each package I Buy in Atlantic MONTREAL QUE Refineries Limited ST JOHN it Deserves Medal- worked j London May The steamer tons Captain of Newcastle has been sunk by a German and the and five of the crew drowned by the capsizing of a boat while it was launched and the engineer was badly the bursting of a hell in the Twentythree survivors ol the have landed at The was bombarded by eighteen- shells itod from the the and then- finally lour Whoever the dcdails of the war stamp idea certainly iiorvtfs a medal instead giving us one stamp to nut on our letters threerent stamp Willi l he words war tax printed across it they have given us two stamps one the familiar twocent postage stamp and tins other a onecent stamp with the war legend on it we must all take two Clicks to the job in stead of one and neither the Government nor the war guts any benefit from the additional and unnecessary lick are uni versally willing to put in as much limo as we can licking the Germans hut why fritter away our energies licking postage stamps when we train nothing by Krost did damage to grapes tomatoes and other fruits and vegc- tables also to clover crops the Niagara District the Western penin sula and other parts of MAIN SOUTH ft NOW ON SOME EXCELLENT BARGAINS BE SECURED OUR SALE COME AND OUR STOCK YOU WILL SEE SOMETHING YOU NEED 3 Doors of J