iT iT sta- John irnenc will before proved to Prop an that or icrs arc ow While Farm same them 1 lie I J i fc tfil SEVEN a gee Our Window a at a ascot Excursion to The will bold annual on Thursday June P- Arrangements are being made to have a special J carbon the Metropolitan connecting with North Toronto Particulars later Wo- are showing an entirely noWj line and ono of the most hand some and useful assortments of Silver Deposit Mi Postponed Oil account of weather Festival under the auspices of the Mission Glffife has- been postponed The regular meeting of Circle will lake place in ihe Methodist Tuesday evening when the dele gate to the Toronto Convention will give her report on English Ware Tea Pots Sugar Bowls Cream Jugs 8ugar and Cream Sets 3plece of Fine English China Inlaid with Silver They are most suitable for WEDDING GIFTS or for any special presentation Have a took in our window and make an early selection A First Prizes Mr 1 MatlewsOn has every reason to feel proud the record his line bay driving horse At the Bradford horse show he won prize for gentlemans turnout He al so took second prize for single road horse at the same show At he won first lor single road ster and first for gentlemans turn out thus making fiftytwo first prizes which is- an excellent record KnlulriB next held lliPresbyterian School June The District Meeting Of the York Womens Institute ho held in the rooms over on Thursday Juno at pm the Sight- Master Walter Johns son Mr timothy St an eye shooting qB crackers on the morning of the of May Is getting along all right tils alter a very painful experience prompt medical assistance- sight was saved i Social i the date Wednes day June for Social at the home of Mrs Direct Importer of Staple and China China Hall Grocery FEED I CHICK FOOD And Fresh Water aid you will raise a larger per centage of chicks than with any other food on the CANS FOR Corn Peas Beans Tomatoes Pumpkins Apples Beets SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY April 24 1915 Tillsons Quaker and Robin Hood Oats 30o for Red Cross Garden Party The ladies of the Cross Society are holding a Par ty on the lawn of Mr Cane corner Prospect and Huron in the afternoon and evening of Wednesday June The Newmarket Band will in attendance in the evening it is hoped the citizens of Newmar ket and surrounding country will avail themselves of lliis oppor tunity of helping the Red Cross work The Leading UptoDale Phone Quick CORNER OP Main Timothy Streets The services last Sunday were well attended and the sermons by the pastor especially the evening sermon from the text If ye know these things happy are ye if ye do thorn were listened to with interest Next Sunday morning the annua Childrens Day ser vice will be held at 1 1 oclock The girls choir is now in line shape and we expect the singing will be line Therewill also be several recitations exercises and solos The Sunday School will start at next Sunday morning previous to the- Childrens Day services We trust all parents will make a note of this so that the children will attend The S picnic is planning to go to Centre island on July I Mb Com Baseball The Ball Team and Newmarket High School Team met al Exhibition Park oil Wednesday afternoon in the first of the series of the Wed nesday HalfHoliday Schedule Some good work was done by both learns but the feature of the game was the batting of Rick Sanderson for the Counter Hoppers When batt ing for Smith in the eighth in nings he knocked Hie ball into north track for a bases being full at the time thus scoring four runs ries for High School and Maw Counter- Hoppers West and Price Score High School Counter- Hoppers 35 Umpire Mr Next game June at pm Bankers vs Coun terHoppers Court of Revision Mayor Keith Dep uty Pearson Councillors Tench and Forester met as a Court of Revision on Wednesday and dis posed of appeals against the Town assessment as follows John assessed loo high- dismissed J Brown business as sessed too high- reduced Philip Gardens should he changed to Geo Webb sustained Following names were added to the Roll Vaughan Soring Thos John Johnston Miss Lillian Johnston Court adjourned till Monday evening June The Ladies of the Christian Church are asked to come and bring their bazaar work in the afternoon A Social follows in the evening Tea served from d oclock Com An Auto Trip to Newmarket Saturday the of June will be next big Club event Mr Schmidt one of the non resident members of Hie Ameri can Club of Toronto has placed bis bouse and grounds on Eagle St at the disposal of the Club There are tennis courts and a bowling green Send your to the Secretary if you wish to join the party They want to make this the biggest ever The plan is to lake a hampersupper from the Club with a reasonable charge to each person Register as Soon ss possible by mail or it the Club- i- f J JBBBsb L Find Invictus Shoes fill in YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Hi DESIGH3 Copyrights 4c r certain whether an probably without la tbe Scientific A it ion of any for 1- iM feaicli OS V In SECU1 our TOliS will be sent MAIlieX UiverIty St Newmarket Boy Killed The awful sacrifice of life this terrible war comes closer home to us when we learn of the death of one of our own hoys Word was received on Monday night that Lieut Harold Br unto son of the esteemed County Police Magistrate If was wounded in action with the Hit Battalion of the 1st Overseas Contingent and next morning Hie sad announce ment came that he had died of his wounds Lieut loft for last summer he longed to the Garry Light Horse At Valcartier he was transferred to the Battalion when he arrived in gland he was placed on the reserve list of officers at Lieut was very anxious to gel lo the front and on April he was transferred lo Trance Prior to leaving for Valcartier he was travelling for the Hiram Walker llrm He has a brother in California and a sister in Europe When he left school here he commenced bis business career in the Hank of Montreal here but at the outbreak of the South African War he enlisted for ser vice Oft his return be joined Ihe Northwest Mounted Police He has also served on the Canadian permanent force Womens Institute Meetings under the direction the North York Womens Institute will be held as follows Vand Mechanics Hall Thursday June 17 Pine Orchard Friends Church June Mt Albert Saturday June Keswick Monday June 21 Methodist Church Tues day June Newmarket Wednesday June 23rd Aurora Mechanics Hall Thursday June Friday June 25 Baptist Church Satur day June King Bast Mrs A J McDonalds home Monday June Laskay Methodist Church Tuesday June 23 Methodist Church Wednes day June 30 The above meetings will be at p in and will be of special In terest to woniea and girls The speakers will be Mrs J and Miss Collhis Christian Church Quite a large number attended the Consecration Meeting of the Society on Tuesday evening last which was led by Miss Frances Miss Willis gave a splendid paper on Why I Be lieve in Christian and interesting readings were given by Misses Lulu Collins Annie Knowles and The topic next week will be a very interesting one being Christs Call to Young Men and Young Women of Today The part of the subject will he taken up by Mr I Hare while Miss A Knowles will give a paper on Call to Women The Social Committee is plan ning to bold an Ice Cream Social on Tuesday evening June of which particulars will be giv en later and the Society also in tends to have a picnic at Bonds Lake on July 1st Com Next Sunday evening the Pas tor will preach a sermon espe cially appropriate for students setting forth some educational ideals and touching the subject education front many stand points His theme will be Passed A cordial welcome lo all LLOYDTOWN Anniversary services will be held in St Mary Magdalenes Church Lloydlowp on Sunday June at and pm Rev John Bushel A rector of St Clements Church Toronto will be the special preacher at both services KETTLISBY Mr and Mrs Will Cairns- spent Sunday with Mrs Calms brother Mr Albert Shanks Si is wearing days because he is the proud posses sor if a dandy line baby Mar garet Eleanor Miss Nettie Weldock spent a lew with her father here last week prior to her leaving for their requirements In good footwear to a nicety Trim uptodate yet consistently In good the main features of Invictus 8hoes but quality Is also an Important consideration with those men who value a distinctive appearance and Invictus Alls this requirement most satisfactorily a ft if WM Has been given the place of honour In our store and our suggestion Is that next time you are In need of Shoes you give us an opportunity to show you INVICTUS The MensWear Men lain St West j A Montana Miss Saskatoon Mrs McCutcheon and Miss Evelyn Port Arthur Miss Miss Wilson Mr los and Mr Cordon Campbell Toronto Miss and the Misses On Friday evening a large number the Mrs Harris and family and Miss met at their home and presented Mrs Harris with a clock and Miss del with a sunburst and hand bag Pollco Court His Worship Police Magistrate belt Court here on Mon day which drew an crowd of srfeciaiors Hector McDonald was charge with violation of the Ontario i Miss Newton Toronto prior to leaving here form of paralysis They are Harris at Wavy Lake Alberta about afraid to start for fear they will lulv 1st The address was read by Ol hold out afraid to try for Mrs Clark a both Mrs Harris they will fail afraid to and Miss responded to the anything for fear of making mis- address obsession lf vampirelike is draining Tho Fear of Making Mistakes- and courage away Of course you will make mistakes but that is nothing intakes art things to with the fear of but the fear tff making is more Of a handicap than the oo mistakes themselves Some pen- Hope is a pneumatic tire that pie suffer continually from this is frequently punctured I i Stallion Act not having a license The case was dismissed as no iVidcnco could be produced that BRADFORD J Sunday last the Church this Village had the plea sure of listening to the their new Karn tubular pneumatic pipe It was Installed and op- mod during the week by Mr Harold l organist of Church Toronto assisted the Misses A and 1 Allen I hurchfli Miss elocutionist And Mrs I soprano of Toronto A most enjoyable was contributed The expectation re- Krdlng their new organ being more than realized in its beauty and tone of power The June Anniversary services In with Trinity Church Brad ford will be held on Sunday next June with services at a p hi and 7 p I he afternoon services will be Patriotic service and though specially lor children ev erybody is invited to attend The Sal preacher at all three services the Prof A It Trinity iTriiversIty About oclock Wednesday morn- spark from the stove started a in kitchen Mr residence at the north end f town A strong wind was blowing from the south east and at It seemed impossible to save building to the limited Ply water About halt an hour- the lire was extinguished amount of damage done will amount to about Witness Out Mu M the and 10c is of the mercantile business wants to devote his time to larger interests He is about to launch in Ihe line He has been engaged for some months getting out Sample Me chanical Toys similar to what was formerly manufactured in and to this country The samples produced and the prices quoted were exhi bited to some of the Toronto I wholesales and Mr has already received over worth of orders He will commence next week to install machinery for IheirhianufaolUro and will start with ftve men From assur ances that ho has received he feels confident lhat ho will em ploy at fcasC ftfteen men by the time next winter in We have bad Ihe privilege of examin ing some of the articles now ready and are confident thai at the prices- quoted they will have a ready sale AH the iron castings have Made in Canada upon them The factory will be locat ed in Con naught Hardens and will be installed with electric power We feel sure that Mr will receive the generous support of the Town Council and citizens in his enterprise In order to make a sale of his online slock this mouth all goods will bo Bold below cost with special discount to store keepers Bee ad In Ibis issue the horse bad been used French was chrfrged with using bis auto without a license Case dismissed on payment of costs providing Ihe date of his application for license pre vious the dale of bis sum mons Leonard Parker was up on tin adjourned charge of maintaining a nuisance within the Corpora tion He asked to be tried by jury but while the bonds for his ap pearance were being prepared he arranged with the Magistrate to pay costs of court and abate the nuisance within days A Toronto man was summoned on a charge of using a motor cycle In Town without a license I hut he failed to appear and a warrant was issued for bis ar rest Brief A jitney service was started be tween here and Toronto but it only lasted day The gives service The motorists are enjoying many trips these fine days Cars from out side points pass through Town al most every hour of the day Mr J Knowles won first money at on Msy for mile motorcycle race The time was minutes seconds Mr Ceo took first money at In the pace with his horse Mr Rose also took first with his horse in green race Yesterday was a Hank add Post Office holiday If your pa per is late in reaching you this week that is the reason The Ladies Aid at their meeting on Wednesday noon decided to paint the exteri or of the Methodist Parsonage Hoy Scouts had staff drill Park on Wednesday ev ening The public schools had a holi day yesterday in honor of the Kings Birthday Children FOR FLETCHERS ASTORIA spent over Sunday here also Some class to Hoy and Edith com ing home in a car Sir Half yard was the special Preacher at Church on Sunday night Miss Aggie Allan is guest of her sister Mrs A J Marshall Mrs of Is with her brother Mr Walton Whats the matter with Mr McMillan and Mr Lloyd Maple were guests ol Mr Cordon on Sunday Q A business meeting of the Womens Institute will he held on lune to arrange for a garden party Mrs returned home on Saturday after visiting friends in and Richmond Hill for a week Thos Scott will take for the subject of his sermon In the Metho dist Church next Sunday The Pow er of Hope Two fishermen appeared before Magistrate recently and were given option of a lino of and costs or days in jail for illegal fishing Inspector Green and Constable relieved them o their canoe a quantity of fish nets and fishing tackle years Mr Fallalse came here from homo with his daughter Mrs Book on the line of King died on Thussday May at the ago of years Mr cam hero from Durham eleven years ago and his re mains were taken to that town lot burial on by daughters Afrsr a former resident of tbcSth line of King passed away at home lUchmond Hill on Satur day It Is- about eight years since she moved with her husband to place where she died The funeral look place on Monday Interment tak ing place in Aurora cemetery The following friends from here were among those who attended furoral Mr arid Mrs Ralph Davis MrsWm Edwards- Mr and Mrs Ira Shaw and Sir Norman fe Among those from a distance who attended funeral of the late Br William J here on Satur day last were the following Mr- Ottawa Dr Crystalclear Glass Gold arid pure Silver wrought together into a bewildering variety of beautiful pieces arc shown in our display of WARE We are showing tumblers vases creamsandsugar nappies salad and bonbon dishes in glass- ware as well as a full range of china and earthenware with thc6anie exquisite decorations worked on the surface in pure silver No more beautiful or useful gifts could be found for weddings or anniversaries and wide range of designs and prices brings Ware within reach of everyone MADE IN CANADA Si Si 1 I WE i- 1 I ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO mm feUi TORONTO