Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 4 Jun 1915, p. 1

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onto r V T G Watsen Graduate Optician i on Your It Property and WORK WARRANTED Wats The Leading County Paper as well as the Oldest and Best each Circulation during TERMS per if paid In advance lo United Slates No paper aunt- out of Worth York unless paid in advance A Graduate Optician JACKSON Editor and Proprietor JACKSON AsSislonllidUor FRIIAY JUNE v Vol LXIII No Copies cents J and yourself ou can do si through eel the in re for your PROVE IT And Learn Something About Canadian Brand Wall Board Made In White Burnt or Grained Effect ADVANTAGES OVER PLASTER CHEAPER than efficiently applied lath plaster CLEANER No dirt and mess as with falling plaster which yearly injures people REQUIRES NO LABOR TO APPLY Any man who is handy with can apply Wall Board in a multitude of ways It is a pleasurable rcreatiom APPLIED IN ANY SEA80N Expert labor for plastering is difficult to obtain in small towns and still more so in the country These worries and ob stacles Wall Board overcome It can he applied in midSummer the depth of Winter without skilled labor ADVANTAGES OVER LUMBER first cost and in time for applying Absolutely no Wall Board is supplied in sheets inches and in length feel or feel ARTISTIC Endless decorative effects may be had will Hie use of Wall Board and moulding A iinch half round for panelling or a wide and deep batten lo produce appear ance of heavy beam panelling COLORS With the use of a flat oil finish in any conceivable tint is be had Call for Color Card For Further Particulars a Information Call at OUR TORONTO LETTER FADS AND FANCIES It was a radiant morning and as the new hoarder sal down in The Ontario License Board expect I appointed place at table she very shortly to start on a tour of the impelled to pass the word on Province in order to become acquaint ed with prevailing conditions and as- in waste MORE THE PAINT STORE PHONE 28 NEWMARKET local public opinion It is reported that the command of the Battalion the new corps to be raised in Toronto lor overseas ser vice has been offered to Lieut- Col Harry A Genet of the Officer Commanding the Rifles Them is one thing sure about the Toronto abattoir It serves an ex cellent purpose as a strong defence against the exactions of meat condi tions in the City A few days ago two automobiles and a street car were wedged togeth er on Bay street when a man tempted to run his car out the sidewalk between a street car and another auto The man who was backing out had his car struck by the street tar and it was some min utes belore they all got separated The as well as the street car were all injured to some extent A young man named- Benson pleaded guilty to forgery with regard to securing advertising contracts ami was sent to jail for 15 days Judge Coatsworth Earnest Foster who pleaded guilty of stealing the motor car of Dr Mc- some time was sentenc ed by Judge to two years less day in the Ontario Reformatory Following Judge Coat worths of North To- The world is an enchanted land in this fresh snow she remark ed lo Iter righthand neighbor The stout lady shook out her nap kin us she replied 1 increase my walk to two miles this morning That ought to take off a pound or two You see Im under treatment for my flesh Good morning Mr Faxon Good morning Mrs Lover ing said the taking the chair at the boarders left How much nave you lost this week Five pounds Mr Faxon It ought to have been six by sche dule but I took sugar three times in tea I must be more strict Mr Faxon will you lake oat meal this morning asked the landlady Wheat berries please Mrs Holt Oatmeal loo heating for my blood Good morning Lewis Good morning No thank you Mrs Holt no Cereal Just my egg on toast please And have mothers hoi water ready Shu is coming as as she takes I her fifteen breaths How do you Hud one meal a lay agrees with you asked Homeaoekcra Special Train Leaves Toronto PM Back 1st For accommodation of Home- seekers and general tourist traffic to Western Canada through train carry- tag Tourist Sleepers and Colonist Cars will commencing Juno leave Toronto each day until notice through to Winnipeg Attention Is dirtcted to the re markably low round Trip Fares in connection with Excur sions to Western Canada via Canadian Pacific Railway Tickets are on sale each Tuesday until October the inclusive and are good return within two months horn of sale Apply to any P Agent or full particulars or M Murphy District Toronto REGINA LCTTER In view of the fact that last years experiment in cooperative wool marketing resulted in the sheep own- era who participated receiving from J to cents per pound advance ha the price of the year it is natural that the offer of the de partment to again act as selling agent should be much more widely 50 YEARS AGO From June MarriedRy R Bell on the Mr of Milton to Miss daughter of Phillip Esq of tt Whitchurch than it was last year Mr Merchant director of cooperativo market advertises for lbs of organizations in response to the clr- butter fur which he offers 17c per which were sent out to sheep owners received assurance The North York Agricultural will be shipped advertises its annual excursion this way as last ye I per Northern Railway to Belle land from present Indications a price iFwart thence per steamer Emily I of cents per pound is quite within the range of possibility The popularity of cooperation among the farmers of Saskatchewan May to the of Tickets A young man named at while in th Clothing outh End Lumber Yard BRICK I CEMENT LATH SHINGLES A LUMBER P W PEARSON Order from Carter Bishop John E Murphy Office rr- j INCORPORATED ofTORONTO Capital and Reserved Funds Hl7o7 Making Prosperity Sure Future prosperity Is matter of present thrift Every man or woman who earns money cad and should have a Savings Ac count into saved dollars can bo put readily The Bank of Toronto receives de posits of did upwards Interest Is added to balances halfyearly on the Daily Branches in Ontario Quebec and the West NEWMARKET BRANCH A M LISTER Manager BED of the soldiers is just as bo glorious the road he the tramp tragedy in the that past- suspected of they to lo leep out or at struggles for into the war AIJ the leading varieties from SO per bushel up also Mangel and Turnip Are you satisfied with your Then Leave Us Your Order SATISFACTION Leave Your Order With Us Now for Uie Best Coal in the Market Every Ton Screened EVE S casualty the heaviest- Order by Phone Nelson Miller or Carters Hen Manning Ihiyil NOW lO Lath Posts Sash Doors Designs in Veneered Doors lair Material and Trim in Oak Ash Cypress Georgia Pine All goods properly fciln dried oiling Pino Hardwood Flooring Maple Oak etc Verandah Columns etc NO BETTER LUMBER EVER GREW THAN THAT WE HAVE IN STORE FOR YOU DRY AND SOUND AND NEATLY DRE88ED The Kind Thats RATED THE VERY BEST B U Y I T found of perjury will he sentenced until September Sessions The charge arose out Whalers statements concerning his solicitors tecs in a recent action Rev Prank formerly of the College for the past two years field secretary of Methodist Sunday Schools lor Sas katchewan has appointed Sun day school educational secretary f Canada with office in Toronto He is a of Victoria College- He is a London Township Out and will assume his new duties Toronto early in August Oil who was arrested in a South American at the request of Provincial Police on a charge of forgery of oral thousand dollars in Toronto will hi brought here for trial day since the announcement was made in Ottawa that the he raised in Toron to the officers of the Queens Highlanders and have lietn with moil wanting to join the battalion In addressing the audience last week gathered at Sheas Theatre Sir Wil liam observed If the ex penditure of the Toronto branch of the Canadian Patriotic were to continue at the present rate for a year the raid out would amount to a dollars A few days ago was committed to the penitentiary tor two years for breaking into a postal pillar box at the coiner of and King Streets and removing Kome which was all in coppers The city Toronto Light Company aud the Consumers Gas Company will take concerted action regarding the refusal of the banks to collect their bills under the old rates of cents each The tanks have raised the price to fie cents a Hill which will mean an increase in tie cost of collecting the citys water bills from to Three men were arrested here last week as noted They came from Winnipeg and were held at the request of Winnipeg Police An officer from the Prairie Province Capi tal took them back for trial A postal employe named Wilfrid Graham was arrested last weak warrant charging him with fraud The Postal Department allege le manipulated orders Six young men of Ontario having completed their studies at St Aug ustines Seminary were to the Roman Catholic Priesthood on Saturday by Archbishop McNeil at St Cathedral A school for training Incorrigible is to be opened in this City Dealers in strawberries have been warned that prosecutions will follow where firstclass fruit is placed on top and second class at bottom o boxes or baskets The new Toronto Technical School building was handed over to the The Latest From the Front Since the opening of the European War last August llio cable service of The Globe To ronto has attracted attention from one end of Canada to the other owing to its completeness and reliability day the cable news is condensed and in terpreted mi the front page under Hie title of The War Summary This feature makes plain ami rapidly increasing and the number pond got beyond his depth and was agricultural cooperative drowned on Tuesday in the province is steadily I Henry is the climbing In a recent number of the this year The Council Saskatchewan Gazette announcement at Mariners Hotel today was made of the registration of no less than sixteen new associations The total number cooperative as sociations in Saskatchewan has now risen to that the time for the govern ment to take over all wholesale li quor dispensaries is drawing near the Saskatchewan wholesale liquor The Altar At by Elder selected strong committee to Clark on the Mr meet the government to make satis- of Montana to Miss arrangements for the transfer Norton of may remain on hand The Tomb At Hall an AC May 25 YEARS AGO June 1890 factory of such stocks as a fad with her Mrs oil may I have grape fruit- instead of oranges are so much better for my rheu matism said the schoolmistress Ami I prefer Iriscuil to muf fins Bread twice toasted is thing remarked Mrs Lover Till taking Miss Boycotts treat ment she explained to the new and is the private gardens The scheme Spending outcome of a conference he- few days vacation with boarder pounds Russians Captured Seven Thous and Prisoners and Soventoon Guns her parents Mrs p Irwin and her daughter Mrs Davis left Tuesday to spend the summer at the with Mrs next general meeting of the Manning another daughter It is said that there are two I Miss has been visiting in TV thousand mote gardens under ronto the past few days and chit on Satur- gone off thirty Do you like cream in your coffee Why thats the worst thing jl Id rather go without coffee Mian lake it without cream Im so dependent on it broke in Lewis what makes you SO bil ious said the schoolmistress Why if I should with cream in it three mornings run ning Id he dead My stomach wouldnt stand it Mrs Holt could I have a baked apple asked the man opposite What course are you pursu ing asked Mrs Covering of the the new hoarder Im taking a few postgraduate studies Oh I dont mean that l mean what diet Course in diet Why none except to eat whats set before me and say nothing the girl wanted to add but she refrained Mrs Holt looked Up with a gleam of interest in her tired eye it Not even buttermilk she ask ed tentatively Not even buttermilk replied the girl Well Ive lost two inches round the waist since began the now arm ami hip movements said Mrs What exer cises do you take I walk and row and golf and rnd I dont mean that I mean for yotir health I dont do anything for my health returned the girl There was a note of savagery in her voice Really I exclaimed Mrs Lew is PonT get on to your feelings You dont begin lo suffer as I do hut OS long us you insist on thai disgusting steak you wont he well Mrs Lewis retired behind the steam of her hot water with a sigh At the weeks end the new boarder gave Up her room said Mrs Holt Uie London have May mini us The flus tered a severe ap pears an advertisement of The Globe offering the paper sent tween a- and the in Canada for 3 per of the vacant lot garden coin- year Orders received the mittee and will be outlined at the Office for I he convenience of subscribers It is said that there thousand gardens under the tion in this year than in Mr Walter Dennis wife previous year in the citys history dren returned from and as result it is expected that day vegetables will be plentiful in the The Christian Church has granted fall Under the proposal which is be- six absence to Elder advanced by the manager of a He is not feeling very well large plant in the city the gardeners and will visit sonic Atlantic water- forces advancing towards Per j all ingplace for rest on the San- diver front in eatables ttey may raise The Mr and Mrs Phillips leave It i officially icn on cooperative for their new home Michigan from tonight lo tliC fliul lveekl II cannon including six heavy scientific inethod of canning by On Saturday Mayor lack son have been captured fron a thoroughly sanitary and high and Woolcoek flic enemy and prisoners JAF guaranteed will the Session of liken ill tills- and K in Council and presented the claims of and Vienna officially shifts and may be regarded as the Line at has j announce- Newmarket for improvement men made by the vacant lot garden On Monday night a dwelling committee this year wrecked by lightning in Holland That the institution of the travel I- Landing The Methodist Church libraries in Saskatchewan met a also damaged by the storm very real demand is evident from the Rev p Addison of Aurora gave check the German and Austrian mil Hi Duration of War Shortened London May Field Marshall Sir French commauderinehier great success which has attended the an address in the Methodist Church of the British forces France in an effort as set forth in the report last Friday evening on Systematic address to the troops which fought of the Librarian which was laid the second battle of which the table of the Legislature recently by An Immense silk safe was installed described as one of the most the speaker Although It has been in in The Leading House on tights of the war declared operation little over a year sixty day weighing three tons that they had done much to shorten centres have already been Yesterday Mr shipped the war j hi the province each library consist- another fine lot o horses to You ma have thought he said of fifty or sixty books North West 17 in number that because you were not attack- fiction as well as other classes of I An entertainment at the enemy that you were not literature which are In general dethc was a grand success helping to shorten the war On the In ana As the different centres make Mr J occupied contrary by your splendid endurance application the libraries will be and bravery you have a great changed round o o IT CANT DONE deal to shorten the war In this second battle of Ypres Germans tried by means in their power to get possession that unfortunate town They concentrated large forces of- troops and artillery and further than that they had course Jo that mean and dastardly practice hitherto unheard of In civil ized warfare namely the usq of as phyxiating gases v You have performed the most dif ficult arduous and terrific task of withstanding a stupendous bombard ment by heavy artillery probably the ft fiercest artillery fire ever directed iM against troops am you warded oft the latlprs thought If vol enemys attack with maniflcent bra- ft ft to ft ft by cost cost Board Education last wee contractors The structure though the original was figured at only It taken almost two years to build It A youth named John Miller was lined in the Police Court last week for hanging to the back of an automobile while rid his bicycle This is the first case of tuft kind but the Magistrate said I wish to make table It has tin- name of very hygienic dont want to be hygienic re turned the new boarder I want 16 be deadly I want to eat on my raw oysters and jam onions if I so desire The man who says It cant lo done have great deal to an swer for some day for his own fail ure in life and for the pessimistic in fluence he has exerted others The man hi whose mental dictionary can bO found the- words Cant and Impossible has never yet quali fied for the degree of M As a man so he is Prentice says that it a man begins to success or failure chair The Sharon Association re ceived their first consignment or beet on Friday last OPPORTUNITY INVOLVES DUTY Fellow Young People did it ever occur to you that whether your Society is strong or weak de pends largely on you have Ihe best possible executive but the officers cannot do it all They make a mistake when they try to Their duty is to direct Ihe policies and form the plans but unless you assist their best ef forts will be sadly handicapped and hindered That is why the q PATRIOTIC FUND Resumption Canadian Pacific Groat Lakes Service Passenger Via the Great Lakes Canadian Partita route will be resumed com- meming Saturday May The service this season will be l hv the Steamers I several committees are that end if you think failure y at whole League once create a owe to that end j linn Society and The successful man is the man he successfully part firmly believes be cm do whatever ho hold back That to a recent report the wants to do Me will run up i before long and Canadian Patriotic giving the mountains of dlflicuHy but all the j rations arise and house divided various amounts subscribed thereto more to he has scaled itself- cannot stand It under the the height we find the following Toronto JouW Pel ever have invented he and York County Branch of the if he had not thought that Canadian Patriotic is for the County h said things good of your PresidentSir William j fear have upon me In other for SecretaryMr L p words he had been thinking disaster Treasurer- Mr K Wood fought disaster upon him Head Scott St Toronto- not l W your This has secured sub-scrip- not too late even now at payable during 13U1516 eleventh hour to another to of which had collected the Magistrate said I wish to steamers It known at further offences will be Tuesdays Manitoba Wed- more severely dealt with must llPS Alberta Thursday and save human lives I on from port Tin Grand Jury in the May at LOO P M The Court In their present ment on Thursday of last wok They retorted that of the cares which bis Honor Judge had WO dd be brought- before them true bills had been found- They had visited the Jail the In dustrial Home at Newmarket and the Mercer sailing Wednesdays will always call at Owen Sound each sailing dato at PM Special train will Union Station Toronto at 45 PM PM Daily except Friday reservation or informa tion regarding this- service consult any Canadian pacific or write Murphy District amounting to the 16th of March This rc filled airmen smashed port goes on to say that coutribui plant on the tions from the Ladies Aid Church and from the A Danish Steamer was torpedoed Sharon Ladies Aid in the North Sea by a German su at Ottawa- marine Upwards of Canadian shells have already been sent England The military auth orities have pronounced them the best received from any source Ottawa May 38 Canada will have an army of men overseas by Jul- 1st according to a memoran dum issued today A warm tribute is to the bravery of the in CAST For Infants and In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears Signature of was wise policy which prompted I he equable apportionment to ev ery his work and it is so still If you do nothing for the Society you will welfare and it will cease lo have any attractions for you if you work for It Ihe value of it will increase pro portionally lo your devotion to interests Therefore I appeal lo get into life working forces of your League lo bo of some useto organization Ihei Dont be a critic of or condemn their lack of hut pass honest judgment yourself When you want to fault do so in your own room be fore the mirror then give the other fellow a piece of your mind He deserves it your dress ing down will doubtless do him mm 13 WS sis Sa v raB mm fe KiSM SK SJ isi j fc j kg a J 2i Ms Rough on Rats dears Hals Mica etc Dont Die In lh out House and at and Country Stores Send the Era to absent frlonds 2s

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