y SKWf 0 MAY I 5 J i Thos J e Frank Duncan AND COLLECTOR Dr Wilkinson DENTIST B Terry Real or Sell See Me Dr R- Clark DENTIST aid almost opposite the King George Hotel NEWMARKET MAIN o Council meets at Baldwin next Thursday There is a bylaw against sot ting off firecrackers oh the i A am pm pm pm am i pm but Dr S J- Boyd Medicine of University also Licentiate ron College of Phys- member of lha Royal of Surgeons of England clinical assistant in Eye Hospital and of if a College former Moor a elds versify College Ear Nose and Hospital London En 1 and Main Newmarket Telephone HO Consultation Hours 8- Electric Factory Wanted Though it has been said times without number it is always worth repeating the cost of elec tric service keeps coming down while everything else is going up Food shelter clothing luxuries all cost much more now than they did ten years ago and none of- them has bettered in quality Ten years ago none of the utilities gave the service they give today and all of them charged more for it For less money you caii more sages talk longer and reach- out farther in all directions by tele phone today than you could in Electricity is the power that is moving the world The cheaper it becomes the more use ful it will be to the people With the cheapest electric pow er in the Province we should now have a factory making electrical household goods such as stoves bedroom and bathroom warm ers improved irons and toasters small motors for washing wring ing etc There is a big field for such utilities at a moderate price Ladles and Gentlemen jour hair is thin faded or dis colored or your bald if you would make your appearance attractive and youthful and benefit your health and comfort be sure you see the wend Companys wonderful display of quality hairgoods at the King George Hotel Newmarket on Friday May Switches Braids Transforma tions Pompadours Wavelets etc of unsurpassed quality hair and work- Also art hair- toupees for bald riien including famous sanitary patent You are ofTered a demonstration of style Remember the dale Friday May Our Toronto tetter ii S C CATCHMAKERAND JEWELLER ftmoved to Park Ave Oppo Methodist Church Bert Green PAINTER AND PAPER HANOBR Ave 2nd house from Queen Street Newmarket Bolton Hewitt Practical Painter Paper Hanger House Decorator RESIDENCE Comer Niagara and Street New- Market A Stouffer NEWMARKET Teacher of Piano Voice and Vio lin Dealer in all kinds of Music al Instruments aiid Repairs PIANO TUNING for Columbia and Records j Slock Prompt Service DRESSMAKING Latest Neat and Prompt Reasonable Prices MRS LEMON Church St Newmarket Issuer of LICENSES At the Era Office Newmarket Office Private issued at private re sidence if desired NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGN Monuments Head Stonesv Call ordering elsewhere Out for Building Purposes I apt hi Stock made to GEO Died In California We regret lo learn that Mr Er nest who was laken with a stroke of paralysis on April 5 passed away on May Hie 3rd He had been in fairly good health and had been actively en gaged in business up lo the lime he was taken sick He had just taken dinner at his brothers home who noticed that he was a little unsteady in his movements and who walked homo with him upon entering his own was stricken and though ap parently not much affected Oral lie gradually grew weaker and on the following Sunday morning sank into a deep sleep lasted two days and from which he never wakened Deceased was born in the town of Northampton shire on Aug and came with his parents lo Canada at the age of years We received the above infor mation from his only son Mr Waller who adds Fathers life In the new borne has been much the same as that in old home town where he with his family so many happy years for which he cher ished many many fond recollec tions While we are all deeply grieved at his sudden passing wo are comforted in the blessed assurance that he has gone to be with Jesus In his death we thai Heaven is nearer The funeral service which was held his late residence 1700 Park St Alameda Calif and which was conducted by Rev of 1st M E Church was largely attended The floral of ferings were many and must beautiful especially those of the League Maccabees and Master Painters The late Ernest was a fine type of Christian manhood gentlemanly obliging corfscien- I and devoted Christian worker and a firstclass painter He leaves a widow formerly Miss of Newmarket a son a brother and three sisters- to mourn their loss and we are sure many old Newmarket friends will deeply sympathize with IhO be leaved family The Landlord la Responsible The new regulation which came force on May 10th shutting off all tight and water where rales are in arrears is making some revelations in the municipal accounts In one place it was shown where a tenant had not paid for any water for four years Some tenants were two years behind for water and light In all these cases the owner is responsible so the Corporation This is un just to the owner if lie has been notified by the Clerk The sooner the Council gets down lo a business basis of reading meters every month and ling off where anybody is three Months in arrears the better for the Town T BRADFORD FIRE INSURANCE TOWN AND FARM PROPERTY FOR SALE let me know your wants P MORTON Lome Ave Newmarket DAVI8 te Newmarket Ontario Oxygen Welders of all kinds or Metals Cogs in gear wheels Also dealers in all kinds of Threshing Outfits Sawmills Cut ting Dozes Saws Hells Boxes Shafting and Pulleys AGENCY FOR Implements ALSO BINDER TWINE PIANOS AND OFFICE Opposite King George Hotel On Mar ket Newmarket Spend Monday In Newmarket The Athletic event which is going to he held at Newmarket Fair Grounds May 2Uh starting at p m likely to prove one of the greatest Athletic Meets ever held in the Province Already over Athletes have entered for the different The Officials who will he in charge of the events arc the best known In the Province including Walter George Colliding Jake free man Elwood Hughes Harold Lee Dr McDonald and many others equally well known The first event which is the one mile walk will started sharp at one oclock At the same moment will be started the lacrosse game between Newmarket and the Toronto and from one oclock until five oclock there will be a continual string events run immediately succeeding each other without any delay and continuing from one oclock until five oclock both on the track and in the field The Victor Hand of loronto one of the best and best equipped bands of today will be in attendance throughout afternoon In the evening Hand Concert will be given In the Town Hall at eight oclock end in conjunction the band concert will be an illustrated lecture and the War Is considered the best illustration of th actual war conditions in and Northern Prance that has yet put before the public Forty views are given of the conditions In Belgium and Northern France of principal centres before the war started and one hundred and twenty views are given showing the actual War condi tions and the effect of the war ar on these same centres man woman and child In Newmarket should take advantage of this oppor tunity on night May The chair will be taken by Mayor Cane sharp at eight oclock For further particulars see bills Thieving to he a common way for some people in or neighbor hood to get a living Lately a num ber of hen houses have entered and fowl taken Tottenham town fathers are giving cash prizes for the three best kept yards both front and back within the village during the season of The local council have planted trees along main streets Let them go a little farther along Tot tenhams example and encourage the citizens to work with them During last nights storm which passed over town about oclock Mr barn on the east side of the river about miles north of Bradford was struck by lightning and destroyed Mr Iollings lost about 300 tons of baled hay and all his implements The loss Is estimat ed at about which is partially covered by insurance On Thursday morning last it was discovered that someone had entered Mr flour house im mediately east of the mill and had stolen bags of pastry Hour The thief made entrance to the flour house by means of arbraco and bit boring a nolo through the door to enable him to slide the bolt back The thief was evidently well acquainted with the flour house and knew exact ly where the fastener was At the horse show meeting held In the Campbell House on Monday night last each director was alloted his share of the work for the afternoon and evening performance Owing to the large number entries that have been received by the secretary Mr Hell every member of the board will have to be on the job doing his little share The attendance this year promises to exceed all previous years already upwards of general admission tickets have been sold Witness ooei A new electric fire alarm has been installed at Only two of the Victoria Harbor saw mills will be in operation this a Midland brake- man fell between two Cars and was crushed to death Under the terms of a settlement ratified at Hall Toronto the Grand Trunk will pay the widow and into court for Ibe one child The success of Ontario Jockey Club meet this spring is already as suredthat is from racing point of view The colors of nearly all the prominent American stables will again at the Woodbine The Sisters of St John the Divine have been granted a permit by the City architect to erect a twostorey brick mission house at a cost of on Main Street near avenue The section of the City ratepayers last week passed a solution asking the Mayor and Board of Control to dismiss all Germans in civic employment Fleming who collected sev eral hundred dollars as rent while janitor of an apartment house made restitution and was let off It does somewhat partial to let a thief who stole hundreds of dollars go free because ho rounds an then send a prisoner down for days for stealing some small article Some people placed in certain cir cumstances seem to fancy they own the earth In the Sessions last week Judge tough Drown a lesson along this line when he fined him J The case on St George Street on April when Browns car struck Gunner A J who was marching in a church parade The steamboat service between To ronto and Niagara this summer af ter the of May will embrace four trips each day During the past ten days many people are leaving the City for their Island homes Mr J Ross Robertson has com pleted half a century as a member of St Andrews Society He was made an honorary member last week The Toronto Howling Club liquor licea has been cancelled by the Li cense Commission Board Directions have been issued for mail communications Canadian soldiers who are prisoners of war Ger many Chas sued York Township Council for neglect to protect a bank on avenue from which grave was being taken which caved in when his son was playing about it and re sulted in the lads death The court awarded him and costs On Thursday last discussion ex tending over five hours was held be tween members of the Commission and the County Board of Highway Commis sioners on the transfer price of the strip on the Lake Shore Road extend- from the westerly city limits to the Creek No settlement was reached Everywhere that women are con gregating these days for sewing knit ting or rolling bandages a petition is circulated for signatures asking for removal of the ob jectionable features in the Midway at the Exhibition Beach Park opened for the season on Saturday last Vaudeville attractions were provided and music by the Home Guard Band Hon Cross of Alberta was in the City on a business trip last week and register ed at the King Edward hotel He says that business conditions in Ed- are improving City papers report an Instance in which a moneylender charged a ma per cent on borrowed money and in another case he charged 4G and twothirds per cent out the back door SHRAPNEL SHELLS WILL WOMEN CEASE PATRIOTIC WORK With spring gliding summer arid the long sweet days June and the sleepy midsummer months coming on are Toronto women and Cana dian women going to work with the same energy arid enthusiasm which has been ttjo winters record Do Women realize that Just as there is no relaxing for the men at front so there can be none for the women As someone who has been working hard all the winter said in dignantly Does General Bay to his men shall we go on fighting or shall we take rest Then why Should any womens organization con sider for one moment stopping work Women have done a lot but there is still as much and more ahead of them What happens if we slacken our efforts I Men go without the socks they should have they go without dozens of little comforts which women can provide If ever in this woman could prove her usefulness and her pendabllity now is the time Let us in fancy bridge the dis tance between us here in our homes and our soldiers fighting in France There they stanJ a heroic lot ol men battling tor their very lives dirty so tired that they almost stagger as they plunge forward to meet the enemy Their uniforms covered with and often Soaked with blood yet not for amoment do think of giving in They almost outlast human endurance Now suppose those same men sacrificing their live on the altar of patriotism bridge the distance and look upon us what do they see Do they find us Simply intent on our own pleasure sitting back and thinking we hare fulfilled our duty because we- have helped to them a few socks a few shirts and comforts a few pounds of toiacco and sweets What irony it would seem to them that the women they are fighting Tor should be satisfied with having done so little Mo just as long fighting the men continues the ceaseless work of the women must go on Some womens organizations are announcing their last meeting for the season and then they tell with what they have done since the beginning of the war How they disband with so much work still to do Hospitals will be more and more crowded every day There will he more and more urgent need every day for and all the hospital requirements And specially does this mean so now after the tragedy of the For the first time the Ger mans have killed Canadians To ronto women and children Those who went down on that ship are killed by the Germans as truly as though entered our city and si reels Men cannot j stand by and see these things go on Many men who had not before thought of volunteer ing for service have now felt that call Helen Hall Ford Runabout 40 I Prices of other Ford Care are Touring Car 590 Sedan AH cars fully equipped iuchuiingeleclric headlights Prices F OH Ford Buyers of all Ford cars will share in our profits if we sell 30000 cars between August and All Ford Gars are on exhibition K ROBERTSONS Ford Dealer a jji mm FOR J TART Throw f i it I Sudbo i I l PRICE The is the only Starter on the Two mar ket A real Starter for the Ford Positively guaranteed call in and il work Newmarket nt RBI i mm tfBSTS ftS ID SIB or X5 iSS -AT- C mm I Conscience went GEORGE FORESTER I TERIW8 STRICTLY CASH Phone of Ohio City of Toledo Lucas County Frank J Cheney makes oath that he I senior partner of the firm of Cheney Co business in the City of Toledo County and Stale aforesaid anrl that said will pay the sum of ONE DOLLARS for eaoli and every case of Catarrh that cannot he cured by the use of HALLS CATARRH CURE FRANK J CHENEY Sworn to before and sub scribed in my presence this day of December A Seal A W Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally and nets directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system for testimoni als free J CHENEY Sold by all Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for constipation home STUDY SUMMER SGHOO L QUEENS UNIVERSITY KINGSTON ONTARIO ARTS EDUCATION SCHOOL OF MINING CHOWN Shrapnel possess mankilling than kind of ammuni tion used in modern field artillery and that Is why more than a month being used by the Euro pean armies now in the field Thous ands of shops and factories in this country and Europe arc working night and day to supply this demand A superficial examination of a shrap nel shell discloses little to indicate its destructive powerit i s small steel shell attached to the end of a brass ease but when adjusted and fired from modern field gun this steel becomes a veri table demon of destruction Within the brief period of seconds has travelled over one mile and sec onds later It is nearly miles dis tant from the gun At time dur ing this rapid flight it can he made to explode with marvelous precision and de effectiveness Each shell has a time fuse that is made with the accuracy of a watch This fuse is graduated in seconds and is set to explode at a given range as determined the panoramic sight or oilier form of range finder As soon as the gun Is fired the fuse is ignit ed automatically and i when the ex plosion occurs In the base of the shell Itself the forward end Is blown out and shower of lead bullets hurl ed forward in conelike formation the shell acting as an aerial The velocity of these bullets exceeds the velocity of the shell at the time of the explosion by from to 300 feet per second and they cover a zone about yards wide and yards long 08 A GRANDMOTHERS RULES Somebodys grandmother has given lo her descendants these admirable iiiles of conduct AHvays look at the person to whom you speak When you are ad dressed look straight at the person who speaks to you Do not forget this Speak your Words plainly do not mutter or mumble If your words arc worth saying they are worth pronouncing distinctly and clearly Do not say disagreeable things you have nothing pleasant to say keep silent Think three times before you speak once Have you something to do that you find hard and would prefer not to do Do the hard things and get over with It If you have done wrong and confess It If your lesson is lough master it If the garden is be weeded weal it first and play afterward Do first the thing you dont like to do and then with a clear conscience try he rest Ex ESTABLISHED BOARD OF DIRECTORS KEREOrrU I Sir Willi Sir C Em A H Em En- Sir i riugW Paid up 6000000 Undivided Profit Total Oct Savings Department Deposits of upward received and Interestallowed at highest current rates Savings Department accounts given special attention m aS mm C- Ross Manager Newmarket Branch mi OOO- BOOKS There would bo more people at top if wasnt easy to slide back again According to the Sun the police Sound have adopted a new method in dealing with boys who ride bicycles on the sidewalk Many of the worst offenders are boys from ten to fourteen years ol age and the police do not like to lay an Informa tion against boys of this age end have them up In court bo they have decided to Impound their wheels lor a certain length of time police feel that this method punishment may have desired effect as In in the case of a fine It la usually the boys father and not the boy himself who has to ray the fine and boy docs not feel thepunlshment To be deprived of the use of wheel for few though punishment No book is worth anything that Is not worth much nor is it serviceable until it lias been read and reread and loved and loved aKQ and marked that you can refer to the passages you want In it as a soldier can seize the weapon he needs in an armory or a housewife brings the spice she needs from her store Dread of flour In good but there la bread tweet as honey If we would eat it in a good book and the family must be poor indeed which cannot once in a while for such multlpHahle barleyloaves pay their bakers bill John his real COLLISION ON LAKE HURON May 13 The steel steamers Osborne and both owned by Detroit parties collided on the Corsica shoal in Lake Huron during a dense fog this morning and as a result both on the lake bottom In feet of water In a badly damaged condition A misun derstanding of signals Is said to have been the cause of the collision None of the members of cither crew suffered mishap The Osborne was bound up with coal and the Val down bound with a cargo grain Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS CASTORIA Plasterer Newmarket PLAIN AND FANCY WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN CEMENT AND PLASTER OF PARIS and Stono Foundations Collar Floors and Sidewalks BRICKWORK CASTING A SPECIALTY Repairs of Any Dosorlptlons Distance no Drop a Card mm isms ARCHIVES OF TORONTO