I ISP mm I I be NOT FORQET Have the Necessary Sulpment Knowledge T Fit Proper T Graduate Optician Phone The Loading Paper as well as tho Oldest and Bee copies each during OUR Watch Repairini Has Satisfied Hundreds TRY US All Work if paid to Ho oat North York paid in A lTt Graduate A Editor and Proprietor JACKSON AssislanlKditOr J a I ONT FRIDAY MAY And Learn Something About Canadian Brand Wall Wade In While Burnt Leather or Grained Effect ADVANTAGES OVER PLASTER CHEAPER than efficiently applied lath and plaster CLEANER No dirt and mess as with falling plaster which yearly injures many people REQUIRES NO SKILLED LABOR TO APPLY Any who is handy with tools can apply Wall Hoard of ways is a pleasurable recreation LETTER CANADAS WAR CONTRIBUTIONS At present no definite statistical in- Sunday last Dr ad- can be collected which will an open meeting of Friends set forth the full measure ay ho near dear see from Thee mine hyliomc iciii free we be lice still ill aid and ine see vine mine Iced Ipo fast all past r cis y and HOW is Carrie roll divine made lie iri bill lb rough a ami in a irtMitoii IbC of Winter without skilled labor Si CHEAPER in waste dressed an Open Association in the Canadian Foresters Hall College Street on the subject ol Women in India Toronto Regatta Club is making large preparations for Dominion Pay- A cablegram on Saturday announced sale arrival of the steamship Metagama from at Ply- mouth with Canadian troops on board University students have returned from Niagara Camp Three German spies who have operating in the vicinity at Inhibi tion camp were interned on Jay The authorities are making in vestigation Some Austrian Hungarians and of Canadas effort towards carrying fair share the burden of the Mother Country during this time of great stress and strain and probably some of the most important measures a helpful nature have not been and cannot be at this time made public must be left to the Historian to set forth when a history Canadas share In the European war is fitly chronicled What is already known however is sufficient to prove that from every outpoufings of our Canadian point of the Dominion pcoplp whether directed through County and Municipal Councils voluntary organizations or ADVANTAGES OVER LUMBER ami in time for applying- Absolutely Wall Board is supplied in shoots no and in length foot feet be ARTISTIC decorative I Of Wall Board and moulding A jUing or a wide and deep batten to produce for had with round appear- were here individual bet such luh on and sent as to bring us all Austrian from on to the detention camp There was a frightful gale at Fishermans Island on Sunday A a nee of heavy beam panelling COLORS With use of Mellolono conceivable lint is to be bad For Further Particulars a A flat oil finish in Gall for Color Card Information Call at any deckhand on the Stewart Co dredge was swept off deck and drowned Last Sunday was set apart by the ministers Toronto Churches as a day of public mourning for those who THE PAINT STORE PHONE NEWMARKET End Lumber Yard lost their lives by the sinking the Special mention was made of Toronto citizens who were now with the lost Lewis was brought baek to Toronto- from Tweed charged with theft In her trunk was found a watch and chain a garnet brooch and the property of her employer in this City Theactiity of the ladies in var ious channels of help from Septem ber to of this mouU way aid to the allies was brought at a meeting the Patriotic League on passed through the thought that we an important in the mighty chain that binds the worldwide British to gether Without doubt our greatest contri bution to the is the thou sands of the best and bravest of our male population who have Volunteered for active service in the delence the- British Dominions and some thirtv thousand of whom now hi the firing line in France So man can jive more than his to a some eighty thousand a in To Move Cords of Short Hard Wood the Price haa been Reduced Cents per Cord FIRST COME FIRST SERVED P PEARSON Order from Cartel Bishop John E Murphy Office Phone cause brae hearts by Volunteering to tight the battles pi the have already uttered to male this supremo sacri fice but our ultimate tribute blood cannot yet be estimate As to our contributions in and goods few are aware cost to Canada of its expenditure for the equipment and maintenance of our troops is upwards three hun dred thousand dollars daily and the the No Copies 3 cents Si- 3t672183 has treasurers hands of past sums that are stent went for Belgian relief over in civic relief and In material and wages to the women work ers who would otherwise have been unemployed The citizens of Swansea may ask tor village incorporation at the dune session of York County Council The Canon Powell the new rector of the Church Holy Trinity arrived in the city Friday with his wife and family from Windsor in NEWMARKETS NEW POST OFFICE boon ready for occupancy for the past weeks all but the but word of opening and people have to still crowd in last Saturday night the old place as they heels every right happiness behind is II and do well ilihinjr liclc the laslC value though it is v Inwood dans all end this side i who loud You a thousand years SUMMER PRICES Tho Coal a Ton An incendiary fire the pre mises of Wm Cafe Street early Saturday morning A solemn requiem Mass was cele brated in St Michaels Cathedral on Monday for the repose of the souls of of the Canadian overseas contingent killed during the recent heavy fitting the el an front ier j The Chairman of the new License Commission has given that the licensee who disregards any Regulation the- makes will he this way will have to be augmented lor at least generation to come other sunisi for the maintenance of the wounded and disabled and tor pensions to the dependents those who will not return In addition the Federal has incurred ex penditures for the purchase of sub marines have provided our allies with over two hundred field guns have donated the sum of one hun dred thousand dollars for the Cana dian Hospital in thou sand dollars to the Belgium Relief and one million bags of Hour to the British Government for the purpose of relieving distress eminent has with its domestic problems did not superfluous on the stage but set an example that FIFTY FATHOMS OF WATER AGO From Eta Kyle May IMS Married In Newmarket by Rev John Edward to Miss Rolling both ol East Messrs and J are running the Newmarket Steam Joum- dry to its capacity Their and stoves are taking well the Province Foundry located at St bridge The Queens Birthday was celebrated in Newmarket Flags were living in all parts of the Town on everything put on holiday attire Ik the afternoon the a large gathering in Hall followed by Barker Belt and also by Messrs J Caldwell l Pearson John Terry J W J Collins ludah Music was ky Sharon Band An old resident anted Patrick was insulted by youths and he them betote Or lientley J P who fined for misconduct The American is still on with his family been captured in Georgia Aurora had a big celebration birthday Sharon Feast next Saturday Great preparations are being made on the event An attempt was made near Brad- lord to wreck an excursion train tle Three rails had lean moved a few yards north bridge over the Holland River a person walking along the track dis covered the ard gave alarm in time to save the wreck Later It was discovered the telegraph had also been cut No clue ol Villi an who thus endangered rnnocct peoples Uvea I J J Hunter is lack to New- US mm did llic lusituuiii lies in falli- oms of water will be remembered by generations to with of men come women and children A broken 0 0- mass of wood and once a market hut does not propose ing very long just now BOTHA CAPTURED CAPITAL OF AFRICAN III id and seem have dry- comfort ill its Like ports and iifuctiiViiig centers and vested in- Lht lliis merely whereas lie gain in lilt iMoiiitiitinii is on The Best Anthracite Stove Coal Tho Beat Anthracite Egg Coal a Ton The Beat Anthraolto Pea ft on SATISFACTION EVERY TON SCREENED LEAVE YOUR ORDER EARLY I W H V by Phone Nelson Miller or Walter Newton proud ship vibrant with graceful motion joyous with music color- COLONY lights and bunting lies in fifty fathoms of official water and a thousand and one statement made public at Cape To hundred human souls which says thai Windhoek in the honor of nations and received by the Telegram which had in Ibo conscience German Southwest Africa was tap- humanity arc marching in the yesterday without spirit land while civilization by Union of South Africa forces aghast stricken to Us hearts core The lies in fifty fathoms of water and the highest council chamber of a an umpire there is laughter and The lies 25 YEARS AGO From Era May 23nl 18J What the Federal done as alove set forth is but an population the earnest the sentiment of our 0 Europeas natives to uncomplainingly assume to took a extent their share re- quantity ol- railroad rolling several Provincial Martial law been proclaim- fifty fathoms of water and in throughout terri- dark caves ocean has struck her colors to an Botha assassin who crept up troops declared that the capture ly as a thief night Legislature have also Undertaken very heavy responsibilities and donated in cash or made produce the equivalent of several 1855 li the 15000000 in- judges what triumph ii liriglilesl- after paidup Capital Reserved Funds Savings Account s are the most approved and form of thrift They can be opened and added to at any time if1g to balances halfyearly Small Sums of Toronto receives deposits upwards Branches in Ontario Quebec and the NEWMARKET BRANCH A M LISTER Manager of can Interest The Ban and abso- as you it in Packages tions MONTREAL WE AT Lumber Posts ghiiiKlcs Latest Designs in Yeneerea Doors Stair Material and Trim in Oak Ash Cypress Georgia Pine All goods properly kilo dried Ceiling Pino Hardwood Flooring Maple Oak etc Verandah Columns etc NO BETTER LUMBER EVER GREW THAN THAT WE HAVE IN8TORE FOR YOU DRY AND SOUND AND NEATLY DRE88ED Tho Kind Thats RATED THE VERY BEST UY I T GANE answerable Now will they be good The License Board has asked to slop the sale of liquor during the war Royal clemency was extended last week to Harry Ruber the Toronto newsboy who was sentenced to the Ontario Reformatory lor a year for perjury A petition was forwarded to Ottawa drawing atteution to ex tenuating circumstances praying for clemency- lie was R was the afternoon police tourt or the amount of coal sen by the Kenney toal Company of other people- who may f stretched the truth on the same day got oft without paying a cent However inojng may havo its Influence During the past year the House Providence of this Oily has poor people Most them arc aged and are In the institution for life Some have been there for thirty and forty years the inmates are over years old of them ale over 82 years old In addition to Caring for the regular inmates the Institution gave free transients during the year Over troops are going to Niagara for training in camp The Provincial tax oh theatres has been reduced by fifty pec cent on account of the war A total turnover of almost mil lion dollars was shown by the reports of the Methodist room present ed to the Hook and publishing- Com mittee last week sum of was voted to the Ministerial Sup erannuation Fund and a vote ol con gratulation was presented to Rev William upon the success the year The new Book Room building at the corner of John and Queen streets is now complete and will be occupied in a few weeks A lad named six was run down while attempting to cross the street hi front of an ap proaching auto The poor little fellow received fatal injuries Children arc too venturesome at times Seven were fined each in Polite Court one day last week lor violation of automobile for exceeding the limit Two proprietors hi gum machines fined for allowing their auto matic gum machines to be In use on Sunday and yet people are allowed to play lawn without police Interference Law has some in terpretations lit dollars Our cities large end small have not been backward in welldoing and have contributed directly in cash or In the purchase artillery machine guns food and subscriptions to the Patriotic Fund and for other benevolent purposes several additional millions to help swell grand total Private however is the best ol our realization of our duty to ourselves and our and who estimate the weight our individual effort to Its full measure The ortnrcapluioToerni lies in Africa was one of th water and tlic men who portance to the and the and executed her destruction he Ion of South Africa in ton thousand fathoms Of The lies In flu the general dwelt upon Jim f llie responsibility of the army of l W no ler bones into Impalpa- Windhoek saying la lies in flf tt J horns water all to eyir and children this connection or to perform this responsible work well and faithfully The foregoing despatch meant that German Southwest has become British possession the waves over Ik hands that ever grave cleanse I ie of- those dagger her vitals mockery of the wails of women who wished them only good Galveston News a a mens Hospital and for the purchase batteries for machine guns motor ambulances and for other purposes We Know that our great in dustrial and commercial institutions and I The conquered territory has an a MILLION POUNDS area 3224U0 square mileaand the Orange Free State combined It Is only about 30000 miles small er than the land area of Ontario The have subscribed that many our wealthy Ijjjjjij arc Germans have abundantly of their means diamond and copper mines hut In my Judgement the outstanding lUl lne is sheep and feature all is the wonderful man- Which the individual flermil station high and low male and female old i British young have rallied to the flag control a result of conquest Tho war was first sound ed in August last we then knew to a certainty that had a ever decided to stand for freedom cause and from that moment individual has continued will continue Is it not inspiring when wc think how well the old adage many I make light has been exemplified our and Richmond Hill Ag Society will hold its Spring Fair as usual on Vic toria Day Tie list aggregates some seatoo A Joint stock company has been formed at Tottenham or the election of a skating and curling rink Stock mote than as beea suhscrlh- ready for season so ma more comfortable From the squaw operation next fall In Alaska to the Rreton The Altar At St Johns Church by Rev Father on the lust Mr John Lyons to Hits Marion all of At St Johns Church by Rev Father on the to Miss Mary Poo both Whitchurch The Tomb In Newmarket tho Sarah the beloved wile of Mr John Bradley aged years The of Miss Harriet Wright daughter of Mr John Wright ville took place on Tuesday On Tuesday last Messrs shipped carload cattla to Toronto As one animal was ing led out it turned upon Rhine- hart and threw him against tbe side ol the car lie was jarred somewhat in the abdomen The sudden death of Mr Robert senior is announced He away last Monday aged ears Rev Smith and Rev J officiated at the funeral Mr Ii Kclman of Midland was i town on Mr and Mrs Cook hae re turned from Toledo Ohio Mr Richard Gain of Toronto calling on old chums on Tuesday Mr J ol Newmarket took charge of the Methodist King City on Sunday Mr Baldwin Dennis has from York and Is visiting his mother Mr My Bowden is in Town calling on old friends Mr attended a banquet at the Queens Hotel To ronto last evening given by the ycarold graduates of the University After spending nine months in pounds of home for needed rest thus this new this week wash the OF A DAY It i only when one rends of the capacity of a sugar refinery like the new Atlantic Refineries In St John thai realizes the enormous quantities of sugar consumed by the people of today Canada has a population ap proaching million I he Atlantic Refineries have a ly of one million fined sugar a Pic ture the busy hands of hundreds t thousands Canadian to lh time and sewing in season thousand dollars h Son so soldiers may be J he fishermans widow and throughout all the thousands of miles between the the knitting needle has never ceased since the call to- arms and our women in this and other ways have set noble example The Home the Roy Scouts and school childrens contributions are only few more of the mi ay in stances that help to swell the volume achievement by a united peo ple When happily the war is and count cost enormous though be In blood and treasure we as a nation will have vain re grets We have come through the flames and while in many homes there may be tho vacant while many shrunk to emptiness the world will know that our young country far removed from of conflict MADE CANADA S and uptodate plant could sup- 1 A freight train had a ply pound of Mill about two miles north Sugar per day for every man wo- of Newmarket last Tuesday man ami in the Dominion Seven cars wrecked Only those who have been The Hook Ladder Co elected Mr through a modern refinery Watson Captain Mr this one In St John can appro- 1st Lieut and Mr James scrupulous cleanliness of Sutherland Treasurer last every of the process of day converting raw sugar into the Mr and Mrs David Lloyd snarkUnsr granules market spent Sunday with her father of Sugar And this keep Mr McMurchle at Woodland regard for perfect purity is car- King beyond the actual refining Chicken thieves paid Holland Laid- the sugar to the filling of the a visit last week Constable cartons hags Sugar Evans is the lookout for them to Madame House- An Equal Rights meeting took attractive place in the Town Hall two and fivejening with Mr Im pounds of sugar and the weights the chair Mr are guaranteed and in hags of j and Mr C Robinson were the These speakers packages are filled and weighed MP comes wife cartons COLLARS WILLIAM GREENE A ROME CO by machinery one of the wonders of refinery so that he sugar is never touched I hand from the time it comes in the raw slate from the southern sugar cane fields until the pack ages are opened in the home Phis is point well worth re membering now that the pre serving season is soon to open when pure sugar will be in great through delicious into of ANOTHER LIVES LOST London May 13 The battleship Goliath has been torpedoed in the It Is feared Jives have been lost Mr Churchill also announced that the British submarine had demand for putting up delicious mo Marmora homemade preserves Jams gunboats and a transport jellies