APIVIL i9 V -I- If imdred of People Have ad FnnWtive rt Their Only Help READ THIS LETTER W of SukUj School In Ho v- H Cared Himself After Suffer OVKRCOFRT ROAD Oct r a long time I have thought of regarding what I term a remarkable cure effected by your Fruitati I suffered from especially in my hands I spent a lot of money without I bavetakea ve for mouths now and am pleased to tell you that I am cured AH the enlargement has not left my funds and perhaps never will but the soreness is all gone and I can do any work I have gained pounds fa months R A v- ihf it Rheumatism is nolongerthedrcaded defease it was Rheumatism is no longer one of the incurable diseases Fruitatives has proved Its marvellous powers over Rheu matism Sciatica Lumbago in fact all such diseases which arise from 0me derangement of stomach bowels kidneys or skin Fruit fit a bos 6 for trial size or sent postpaid on receipt of by Limited Ottawa Todd or Village has third war order for J5000 from the Canadian Govern ment saddles and harness and has a force of employees at work on the job- Mr Todd has leased the old storehouse at the Woolen mills in order to get room to finish the con tract on time All the in- are sharing in a greater or less decree in the activity due to the war stt Mr of receiv ed word last week that his sisfter Annie wife of the late J Hamlin Kansas had died Mrs was a daughter of the late of Victoria Square She leaves to mourn the loss seven children three brothers and two sisters namely Heise Hcise Victoria Square AM lleise Ham lin Kansas Mrs Peter and Mrs Joseph of Mr Robinson student of College will be assistant of Rev for the summer at the Anglican Church Mrs Thomas Courtney died at the home of her soninlaw in wood on Saturday April Her re mains were brought tor inter ment which took place on Monday She is survived by one daughter three sons viz Mrs Iatton Col- lingwood J and Hamilton sold by all dealers our sympathy to the The Kind Yea Have Bought has borne the signature of Fletcher and has been made his personal supervision for over SO years Allow no one to deceive in this Counterfeit Imitations and are but Experiments and endanger the health of Experience against Experiment What Is CASTOR1A is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other substance Its is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays It cures and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency It as similates the Food regulates the Stomach and Boy el giving healthy and natural sleep The Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of I r In Use For Over SO Years THE CONfAftr TO relatives BRICK HOUSE TO RENT With all modern conveniences Apply to Richardson New market I HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE sixroomed On Ontario St with lot small fruit and doi Apply Harbor BRADFORD Mr and Mrs Mortimer and fam ily of Newmarket spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs J Green Mr Mortimer was formerly local manager of Hell Telephone Co to leave next week with the Signal Corps of the 2nd Canadian Contin gent Rev McLean the elders and their representing the Second West set the break While Happy Widen an the- son of Mr who lives at was about to enter school he slipped ami fell break ing his thigh bone a short distance above the Knee Wideman was removed to his lone where Dr ster of Stouffvilee set limb Button is building a fine resi dence on the old property on Main Street and Mr Fred VcU who recently erected a new house shortly after disposed of it is put ting down the foundation of another A forest fire is de astuting a fine timber region in Eagle River Valley He expects St Johns April In the Colonial Legislature tonight the Pre mier announced that the Government intended to introduce a hill during the session providing for a conjrega- SS the question of pro- fta t tie liquor traffic and FOR SALE OR TO RENT I lion gathered at the home of Robert afternoon and pre sented Miss Gladys with a handsome purse of gold Brick House on Prospect Ave All modern conveniences good stable and cistern Enquire of YAW MAN A enjoyable dance was held in Grace St Newmarket as Friday night about young people being SALE si A Cement Block House newly decorated rooms and bath Apply to Prospect Ave 5U sent mm STOREHOUSE TO RENT On Huron Street An es tablished stand Apply to MISS TKES GOOD BUILDING LOT Mrs Matthew died last Mon day night after several weeks ill ness from heart trouble Mrs was in her eightysecond year and leaves a large family to mourn the loss of a most devoted mother The marriage of- Miss Gladys Karris youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert to Mr second son of Mr and MrSi Jonathan teok place on Thursday afternoon of last week at the home of the brides parents Rev ofliciating The bride on Ardcn Ave New- looked very charming in her wedding market Cheap for quick sale gown of white silk and later in a Apply to J 0 MOSS Box New gown of navy blue On wii their return the young couple will of tie liquor and in the event of the policy winning the colony will become dr on July Acre Farm valuable farm ing land containing gravel ami sand Good buildings some timber possession Phone or write Armstrong Newmarket PO oMOUSE FOR SALE Church St Newmarket Mod- era in every way 9 rooms besides and wash room New Convenient to all down town centres Will be sold at a bargain easy terms Apply at this v HAVE FOR SALE young side en the grooms farm Scotch Settlement oo the JEFFERSON A property situated Ave A largesized dwelling with all conveniences all in first risijc Quarter of an acre of grounds with apple and small fruit Frame stable and cement hen This we consider the best town so act quickly Terms be arranged to purchaser to P Morton 373 MM a fiivenAway In Laud Value lo the man who wants a Farm acres of good land some choice clay This has all uptodate Build ings consisting of a modern House also Hip Roof Barn from all new material with modern Stables together with all other Outbuildings in good re pair Rural Mail Delivery We aak you to go over this Farm Put a fair value on Land also Build ings then come down to New market and we will satisfy you as the amount away We must wind up this Estate Busi ness Will accept a Mortgage at per cent for tun years with a deposit down You must act quick In his matter or miss this chance mile East of Ml Pleasant on the Centre Road known as the Tommy Glover of North Gwlllimbury This farm has plenty of Water Orchard Good Bush and Pences convenient to School or Church also Metropolitan tion at MORTON Lome Ave Estate Building Go Newmarket On Thursday morning April 1 Miss Katie Elliott passed away after an illness of about one year and a half At times her suffering was ver and for the last few she hud been very low but longed live if it were Gods will for the sake of those who had nursed her with such loving care She will be missed in her home by her many friends who loved her for her kind and amiable disposition The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon to Aurora Cemetery There were many floral offerings from her friends and relations The Rev conducted the service at the house and spoke feelingly of the groat loss sustained by the family it being less than three weeks since their brother Mr Forbes Elliott was laid to rest He also spoke of Katies Un selfishness and her thought for others not of herself and of her perfect hope of home in heaven Mrs Raker of Toronto sang very solo That Beautiful Home On and Mr A of Toronto presided at the piano Physically and Mentally Worn Out Tells How Nervous and Crying Spells Were Ended by Monmouth III I was weak worn- out and nervous I had no appetite and was getting so thin and discouraged one day I just broke down and cried when a friend came in and asked me what was the matter I told of my condition and how nothing I took Seemed to do me any good Vinol was suggested I got a bottle and before It was half gone I could eat and sleep well I continued use and now my friends say I look ten younger and am well healthy and strong I wish I could induce every tiredout wornout nervous woman to take Vinol Mrs Harriet Gale Monmouth III There are many overworked tired- out careworn nervous women in this vicinity who need the strengthening tissue building and vitalizing effects of Vinol our delicious cod liver and iron tonic and so sure are we that it will build them up and make them strong that we offer to return their money If it fails to benefit Vinol is a delicious preparation of the cod liver oil and peptonateof Iron and contains no oil W J PATTERSON Druggist Newmarket Out A striking feature of Important position which Saskatchewan holds as a province of the Dominion Is contained In a table of statistics published recently at Ot tawa showing the stocks wheat held in Canada on February 8th The table divides this into two class es transit and the quantity of wheat in hands of farmers them selves It Is estimated that en date named there were bushels held in elevators etc and held by the farmers of the Dominion Of the latter amount it is interesting to note that onethird Is credited to with bushels which is the best showing made by any of the pro vinces Alberta conies second with bushels arid Manitoba third with a total of 5791000 bushels Despite the fact that was a backward vear the immigration to Saskatchewan totalled of whom were Scotch 275 Irish The most numerous of the other nationalities were the who numbered 80S and the Rus sians In the immigration figures reached which were not quite so high as in Con sidering the great reduction in im migration to this country last year only as against for Saskatchewan seems to have well maintained her reputation as a land in which new homes might be sought Alone among the chief inlustriesof the province the milling business has shown an Increase in the volume lis business in as compared with the previous year Since when the bureau of first to collect statistics this industry has shown a steady growth In that year there were operating in the province mills with a gross produce of In there were mills operating three less than previous year and employing men instead of and less capital but the number of working days in the year was increased on the average by and the output was as compared with for An which seems to be making progress in this pro vince is that of the and machine shops and though until the year it had not been considered sufficiently important to include with the other industries by reason of the probable smallness of the figures still the amount of business done la has been recorded are such establishments in the province employing altogether 54 and the gross value of the output was An amusement park operated in connection with the Retina municipal street Railway in order to make this utility a revenue producer is a sug gestion that is receiving serious con sideration at the present time lames Wilson a farmer of was fatally injured by be ing run over by a seeder It is the old story oer again The town papers of Walker ton have been advocating the tradeathome idea and recently an item for publica tion was sent in on stationery print ed of town This was a grand climax to the efforts of the local pub lishers whose ardor was damped by the disloyalty of citizens they were trying to help It requires call for the business men to expect the sup port of the newspapers and at the same time send their printing orders out of town We have them here hut we hope they are few Durham Chronicle mm The efforts of the Village Council t secure the land necessary or en largement of tho Congregational Cemetery which was recently taken over by the irAinlcipality have been the owners of suitable properties being unwMllog to sell About four acres adjoining the burial ground is required and it is likely that the Council will be compelled to take proceedings to expropriate the land if the owners do not change their attitude in the matter Although the Is yet quite early the village Is experiencing a building boom and already there are about ten houses In course of erection while permits have been Issued for several more Realty values are being maintained and It reported there is not a vacant house In the Ullage Harry the 12yearold son of Jacob a wellknown farmer at sustained broken leg last week while playing In a game of football at the school grounds He was running down the Held when his right toot caught in a hole throwing him heavily to the ground and fracturing the limb midway be tween the knee and the hip He removed to his home and The childs delight The picnickers choice Everybodys favorite POTTED MEATS- Pull flavored and perfectly cooked make delicious sandwiches W CLAPK Ltd Montreal J CANADA g COLLARS GREENE fl ROME CO It Is to get rid quickly of ailments of tho organs of diges tion of headache languor de pression of spirits tho troubles for which best is COAL FOR SALE Beat Anthracite Goal bar gain prices Orders tilled at nil liours Telephone No FRANK GLASS WANTED Carpentering or millwright work by J VnnAllon York Radial Station Newmarket Many for Vaoatlon at midsummer Our dous not PROMPTLY SECURED In all countries for our will be MARION MARION Unverslty St Mongol OVER EXPERIENCE called was who and Charles Toronto Is strictly first-class- None bettor In Canada Enter now so as lo get a position in early fall free J ELLIOTT Toronto MM lr JWBife or lot 1 j mi Got Sugar in original then you are aura of the genuine The inherited preference for xkts In to many thou 1 of today based on faction for three firit ya Sugar Loaf la CaAada by John ago then with Canadas firat Granulated Sugar by the Redpath Refinery la 2 lb and lb SoeUd of Cwiadaa favorite at its CANADA CO 7 THE SCHOOL OF SORROW I In the school of sorrow Master was leaching Ihcro Hut eyes wore dim with weeping And my heart was full of cure Instead of looking upward Ami seeing His face divine full of the For weary liearts lilvpmine I only of burdens The cross that before me lay So hard and heavy to carry That it darkened the day So could not learn my lesson And say thy will be done Anil the Master came not near me As the weary hours went on At last in my weary sorrow I looked from cross above ways lj What has been done once can again Miss Teddy thought it queer that his mother should say the same filing when he held transformed card before her tv some lime later the strangest thing nil Teddy when lie foiintl himself also repealing words whenever he was have at school until In very lu would have been as for him In IuivlmJI obeyed the rules as il before had been for him to he good If you know you can of course can is he motto that Teddy is very fond of using When his mother hears him she usually as- sorts with a twinkle in her eye Gun is term but my It Ho son has proved In that he can buck it up The Child Hour me 01 AinM saw Ihe Master With a glance of tender love He turned the cross before me And I thought heard Him say My Child thou must bear thy burden and ask today I may not tell he reason enough for lice to know- That the Master am leaching And give his cup of woe So I stooped to the Weary sorrow One J 00 at that face divine Had given me power lo trust him And say will not mine And thus I learned my lesson Taught by the Master alone He only knows the tears I shed But He has wept His own And from them came a brightness Straight from the home above Where the school life will be ended And the cross will show the love THE WORD THAT TEDDY PERKINS BACKED UP CRITICS AND CROCODILES A crocodile is not a thing of and case one establishing it jeering Huh you cant The voice had a pleasant to listen can Teddy Perkins emphasized the lie beauty whether lying in the water or in glass be is not an attractive reptile and no would ever associate him with Biblical or turn to him for help in Scripture facts is said to have use ami we find that the crocodile is no exception to his rule According to recent reports he rev erent student of the Bible has found in him an ally not Jo be despised and for that- reason our respect for him has increased considerably Those of our readers who took New Testa- menl under Br Henry Alexander will recall the endless discussion about being Governor of Syria at the time was taken The bible states that he was gover nor of Syria at the time of the birth of Christ while Roman history says hat he was governor of Syria many yearsafler this event The critics have ruled out Lukes statement about upon these grounds First it was not a Roman custom to require the ants of a province lo return to their native place lo be taxed second there was no census for the purpose of taxation at the lime men lion- in Luke and lastly was not gover nor that time Prof 1 Hope an eminent archae ologist of has been lecturing his sum mer in on what he world has learn Jed from Egyptian Rubbish Heaps lone that was not vear some workmen have opened a tomb in Egypt in which they found mummies which were found be ftSSOPtion by a slum of Lis little foot nies will wrapped papyri mother lie appealed as Mrs Pot Kins at thai in mother said use son Honed Youll see whether can back it up I lit tie boy declared straightening himself Teddy was mischievous and apt to be care- an VE ordered bolli ii Syria ami 1 1ml a pre t strong lerm to I m f6m logo K yon smile Ilit Know is an VB mnn WM po lo his own native unless you can back 1 up she o lllu ra sent to Syria first and then to for the same purpose I the The defenders of the accuracy of i i I i owe thanks first Ihe crocodiles for- so carp- xU lu preserving heir valuable Bluffing Of I quite upon the cards hat he earned theories and show lliat the sacred writers were wide awake and wrote as dredby the Holy Ghost not have erred- tcrin for his signatures His brother Donald was little jealous the readiness with which Teddy mastered his lessons for Donald was not so quick to learn ffiiJSSfrl us his wideawake little brother although excelled him in conduct If Donalds could have been transferred to Teddys curd a Western town not long ago pastor or Teddys to Donalds result would have I largest church said that there was no been card to delight eye of any fond par- for social work of any kind for young or appreciative teacher in the church as there were few The next day Teddy started to school withal all in fact A look at the street corners a new light in his eyes Ho walked directly any night in the year a glance in Ihe pool to his seal oven before the school was bars throughout tho town would to order which was a very unusual thing forgave shown easily enough whether or not here Teddy Perkins to do In vain Dick Jones stuck pins in his arm ami tickled his neck with a feather from his seat behind Teddy kept One of the young fellows quite a man about lown slated that no one seemed to care what was were any young men in the place his eyes studiously fastened upon his book until done for the fellows of the community A his tormentor got tired his efforts and also social agency or two had been tried owing went to studying the lack of efficient leadership they had Once when Teddy raised bis eyes he caught been forced close No one seemed ogive Miss watching him approvingly hang about the fellows the young man encouraged he managed to a couple of weeks ago a parly of out of mischief for onehalf day at least young fellows started club of our own The afternoon easier to get through be- We hurt do much shoot pool and have Ilia cause il was shorter and there was not and have a place to go Much bet- prouder boy in Spencer than Teddy than hanging about the street corners when ho rushed into his mothers presence it four oclock and triumphantly held up his rcj A couple of weeks after hat four boys ranj- port card where VG stood at the end of eighteen to twentyone years of line Bravo I urn indeed proud of my little son his mother asserted A thing which has once been accomplished spent the evening in a certain saloon drink ing They wore heard to say they would burn down the town that night They were in a high way to accomplish this for before ready for another hour of quiet study when the bell again called the class to order When Friday night came ho could realize that a whole had actually pussed without a single disfiguring mark upon his re port card I said I could and I did Teddy replied throwing back his shouldors when his teacher questioned him concerning It And then he and they bought their liquor that night in local saloons though the saloon authorities to prove that they bad obtained it some out side source The fact hut liquor was con stantly being sold to minors did not seem concern these good townspeople at all There are young men in this town as well as in many other towns up and down the country who left to organize their own clubs or societies n wont on to explain why boon led to maicyjthoy havoany This leaving of a serious and so a statement- difficult task alone isnot to be by any mean solution of that problem ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TORONTO