Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 30 Apr 1915, p. 4

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A J fr -Wc- itii E WM ARKET ft Si DAY A I TWO WO SAVED OPERATIONS By table Compound Their Own Stories HereTohL Edmonton Alberto Can I It If no more than right for me to thank you for what your kind advice and Vegetable Com pound have done forme When I wrote to yon come time ago I a very woman from female trouble I bad organic and could not stand or walk any distance At last I was confined to my I 3 and the doctor said I would have to go through an operation but this I refuaedtodo AfHendadvisedLydJaE Vegetable Compound and dow after using three bottles of it I feel a new woman I most heartily recommend your to ail wocnea with female trouble taken Lydia Liver Pills and think they are fine I will never be without the medicine In the Mrs Frank Avenue Edmonton Alberta The Other Case Beatrice Neb after my mar riage my left side began to pain me and the pain got severe at timea that I offered terribly with it I visited three and each one wanted to operate a roe but I would not consent to an op eration I heard of the good Lydia E Vegetable Compound was doing for others and I used several bot tles of it with the result that I havent been bothered with my aide since then am in good health and I have two little girts Mrs B Child Beatrice Neb ROBT JONES Box Quean St Eart PAINTER all natural woods General House all tia Latest A Styles WALL PAPER And Huag oa tie Moat Rea sonable Terms you want the very PEST WORK AT THE LOWEST FIGURE You cannot better My paper hung at per aay other paper per Estimates Submitted and all carried out by our era and none but exper ienced men employed All Kinds ot Signs Just give Jones a Trial Satisfaction Is Guaranty Although friendly- She- Bor den Government the Toronto Telegram has particular use for Hon Sam Hughes Minister of Militia In its issue of March last it says was a sinkhole for lliis coun trys money was the scene of absolutely wasted weeks in lives of this countrys soldiers was the principal rea son why the equipment of the soldiers with clothing and boots especially hoots a rush job The soldiers had lo be equipped so that could leave lier before the weather became loo cold Consequently the Mi litia Department had no ability the manufacturers had no time The manufacturers made the shoes that were ordered If the wrong sort were ordered the fault lay with the Government The Telegram does not mince matters in pointing out where the real blame rests It says Even mischiefmaking pow ers of Hon Sam Hughes were en larged by possibilities of carlier and then it claims that Canadas soldiers went out from Valcarlier in September illshod and untrained in the sense that Ihe lime which should have car ried these soldiers a long way to wards the goal of efficiency was wasted in marching past and oth er exercises more suitable lo the rehearsals of a comic rehearsals than in the of an army adds The Bor den Government may survive but the country should not be called upon to tolerate the further mis use of Valcarlier as a stage set ting for the greatness of Hon Sam Hughes THE The patronage evil in Me Civil Service as demonstrated by the present Dominion Government stands without a parallel in Can adian history According lo a published statement issued at Ottawa last month the appoint ments made since Oct to- A Neighbor Told Him To Take kidneys If to want to know Gin Pills will do for drop line to Mr A Yorkc He will tell what Gin Pills did or lie had suffered with Kidney trouble for years Here is his fetter I offered til A me- TV- through lor I r up I a rod or vju o IS It i A half Tun Ibm I Si mo fJiM so I PlLT for U their REQINA In view the decision of the Saskatchewan to abolish the spirituous liquor trade the ALU OTHER WARS ARE It 2a Trial treatment If J Cfcieal Co of Canada Limited Toronto there ought lo be a provincial In stitution for the care of the class of children named J mi slit mm urn I PHOTO Those Id clotures of Father and Mother are very dear to you Price less In fact Just bear In mind that your children would chorlsh Just such pictures of you We are also prepared to take your picture In the evening Studio open every Saturday evening or other nights by ap pointment E ZURBRIQQ Photographer One Door West of the New Post Office In an article on Seasonable Hints issued by the Dominion Agricultural Department Mr Dominion has this to say to the Agricul turists of Canada The varie ties of Indian Corn which should be grown for ensilage in a cer tain district depends on the cli mate and soil conditions for the same For ensilage varieties should be chosen which are ca pable of reaching the glazed stage of maturity or that stage of 25613 an increase of when the kernels commence to form a hard crust over the surface in plenty of lime before danger of frost Ensilage made from corn which has reached the glazed stage contains fleshform ing conslituents of the greatest amount and highest quality En silage made from corn which has only reached the early milk stage is commonly sour and always de ficient as a food for stock as compared with ensilage made from corn that has nearly reach ed maturity He adds It is al ways wise to sow early rather than late crops During the same period the dis missals resignations and de serted members totalled 13466 and this too in the face of a promise made by Premier Borden at Halifax who declared that if elected he would institute what he called Civil Service Reform and added To use the power of Ail ing positions in the public ser vice as a reward for party service and without regard to the char acter and capacily of the indi vidual elected is a gross breach of a solemn public trust A private trustee so dishonoring his office would be subject lo punishment by the criminal law RUSSIAN ORDERS OUST J Why not give your boy and girl an opportunity to study and Give the same chances to win pro motion and as the lad having the advantage of WEBSTERS HEW INTERNATIONAL Dictionary in his tome This new creation answers with final author ity all kinds of puzzling questions in history geography biography Filing arts sciences Vocabulary Paa j Color Plate Put matter la equivalent to that of a 16Volume encyclopedia Mare Scholarly Accurate ConYenler and Authoritative than llU REGULAR AND INDIA- PAPER EDITIONS a Yes politicians can glibly talk on the Hustings but too many of them have a weakness when in office of forgetting their utter ances According lo Ihe figures published in the flysheet before us in three years and four months the Borden Government has dismissed employees of one class or another no less than 7994 resigned Of this taller number in all human probability with limited excep tions their resignations were dimply equivalent to dismissals Bui that is only part of the record for we are told that during the period from taking office till now the Administration has made now appointments and now In these expressive war times the country is supporting them from the Dominion Treasury NOT Returns to the Government show that last year was a busy one In the Division Courts of On tario The total number of suits entered amounted to an increase of over the pre vious year According lo a statement pub lished In a flysheet at Ottawa last month the Borden Govern ment since it took office in lias dismissed employes and made an increase on the payroll of the country of over This is the Government North Yorks present representative cheers for pockets his Com mons indemnity with serenity TOTAL Ottawa April 32 The contract awarded by the Russian Government to Canada Car and Foundry Com pany for the supply of live million shrapnel and howitzer shells to and advances amount ing in some cases to are to be made for plant extensions Sub contracts for 21724000 of the huge order have made to 37 American firms and a large share will likely go to other Canadian firms in a posi tion to handle shell orders The com pany is also understood to have an option on all future Russian orders on the American continent cultural and manufacturing commit tees the Hoard of Trade are engaged in an effort to promote the manufacture of denatured com mercial alcohol These committees thought that the distilleries the country easily be used for this purpose to great advantage The committees were of the opinion commercial alcohol could be sold at c a after a good profit had resulted to the manufacturer As denatured alcohol is manufactured from beets and potatoes the farmer engaged In raising these vegetables would be assured of a return of over per acre Denatured alcohol is now being used in the United States and Germany very largely a sub stitute for gasoline- In the former country the retail price ranges from to pet gallon and In the latter to 24c per gallon ac cording to secured The Board Trade the opinion that the manufacturing of commercial alcohol would overcome the unem ployment resulting from the closing of the hotel bars An effort Is being made to get the Saskatchewan Breeders Associations the Butchers Section of the Retail Merchants Association and he authorities cooperate with a view to the establishing of a pack ing plant and While all three of these branches have been en deavoring to promote the establishing of packing plant and each has been working independently of the other It is felt that if all three successful results will be obtained The provincial live stock commissioner J Smith is being consulted by the civic authori ties with a view of working out some plan of action is noted as a city of muni cipal ownership One of the latest moves in this regard is the establish ing of a municipally owned farm This farm will comprise land used by the city waterworks department tor the securing of water for consumption in city As water sup ply is derived entirely from- artesian wells considerable land is available for the farming scheme and it is proposed to raise oats and hay to feed the horses used by the street cleaning and other depart ments and owned by the city The daylight savings scheme as worked out last year was so successful that the City Council has decided to allow the bylaw pro viding for the establishment of this measure to stand and will again be on fast time this year It is likely that a one block in length will be constructed under the Canadian Pacific Railway tracks at Hamilton street during the present year The model industrial section owned by the city of has attracted considerable attention in other muni cipalities The annual financial state- meat of the City of shows that the move on the part of the city of Regina to recreate this in dustrial district in not only a good one from the point ol the general ap pearance of the city but also a very profitable one The statement shows that the city owns properties valued at over but these figures include sewerage and water works systems pavements etc Af ter deducting these Items which are considered unsaleable there still remains that worth of realiable assets war drama widens first was in Belgium then in France next in Austria and Ruh- Our Motto QUALITY Then at sea all about the- During Cleaning Time British Islands and on the lio Coast Widening its zone it Sun and Wind Bring Out Ugly How to Easily Heres a chance Miss to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee of a reliable dealer that it will not cost you a penny unless iC removes the freckles while if it does give you a clear complexion Ihe expense is trifling Simply get an ounce of double strength from any druggist a few applications should show you how easy it is to rid yourself of the homely freckles and a beautiful com plexion Rarely is more than one ounce needed for the worst case He sure lo ask the druggist for the doublestrength as this is the pros crip II Ion sold undor guarantee money back if it IS Best Money Can Buy took in Hie German colonics in China- in Africa in South Pa cific then the Sea Egypt Mesopotamia Valley of the Tigris and Euphrates the Persian Ihe Dardanelles And if the area widens oven more does the number of en gaged increase until millions of soldiers arc in field How Modern Warfare Exponas Then as lo munttiono and equipment siege guns motors motor trucks by the thousands and thousands army kitchens on staff officers racing about in automobiles eraUinchiof making miles in a afternoon from one engage ment another point of opera tion aeroplanes waterplanes Zeppelins bombdroppers tele phones and wireless equipment at land and sea submarines sink ing great warships and merchant men and little trawlers Search lights everywhere Hospital and Red Cross equipment and doctors and nurses and chaplains enough lo make thousands and tens of thousands their branch alone Railways and locomotives and cars and trains sufficient to car ry half the commerce of Ihe world Money being spent in the niOas uremejil of millions and millions of dollars daily Widespread Devastation The killed wounded missing captured running millions already Thousands and thousands of square miles of agricultural land devastated and factories mines fisheries shipping put out of business Herds of cattle and horses everywhere destroyed Millions of women and children and old people left without the protection of fathers brothers sons Little for them to do Countless homes destroyed And this thing is only begin ning I The area is widening the lighting is increasing the navies are coming into action on a great er stage the misery and destruc tion wells up and widens in every direction- What German Essays And most of it can be put down to the Germans and their lust for power for dominion for world wide supremacy Not that they sought to get into the sun but to put all others out of it Military rule to replace rule by the peo ple Threefourths of worlds industrial plants put to the man ufacture of war machines muni tions the destruction of com merce trade Civilization checked and it may be put back for years and a new development of savagery suddenly projected into the twen tieth century Xerxes Darius Alexander Atil la Napoleon put into the inferior grade of the conquerors class And what wero the deviltries of the Iroquois nations to one day of the German Huns in Belgium Britains Task Into Armageddon the peo ple of the British Empire And lheniselves directly and ably projected They must go in they contribute they must suffer they must endure and we believe they must triumph But it will be by the sweat of the brow and through carnage by strength of their courage and their devotion to ideals that his tory has proved to he the only lasting ones by faith that links with right and by the cross of ouv own moral We will win out as rise above- our moral indoleuceaur sensuality our long pursuit of things that do not count We are in the fifiy furnace and we must pot our selves out We must save our selves Britain will survive she is born again House Wl red for LIGHT to Have r By Our Modern We Can Wire Your House Without Break- Any Plaster or Taking Up Any Floors Have Your ELEOTRiO LIGHT INSTALLATION Designed Who Has Had FIVE YEARS EXPERIENCE In this work All work guaranteed lo pass Rules and Regulations HYDRO OF ONTARIO Agent for IVagner A I I Barbel Building ALFRED V WRITE FREE 5 Mr 11 MASS I m For Your Spring Cleaning Be Suro and Ask Your for Can of Diamond And hasnt the situation got Furnace Work Plumbings A cable from London Eng last week says thai a Colo nial Institute meeting Karl Grey look occasion to say I agree that it would he a sin lo pray for peace until the barbarous world- enslaving pretension Ger many have been killed No peace will be acceptable to us which not also acceptable to the over seas dominions which rallied so gallantly to the flag If we arc true lo ourselves we shall at the conclusion of the war he more powerful than ever Let us see that we give the wide world rea son for its confidence fails to remove freckles o pi in I CO 3 of Our See Bathroom at Shop THE TINSMITHS SONS Next to Smiths question of establishing a school for the feebleminded children of- Toronto In order lo segregate them from the others was brought before Hon J Banna and Hon a few days ago by a city deputation As a result the matter was hand ed over to a committee composed of representatives from the Pro vincial Secretary and Departments Board of Con trol Board of Health and Board of Associated Charities Dr Helen MoMurchy will represent the Government and Hastings the Board of Health In reality a a a a a a to o Of life NOTICE q CO Irt i- 4 J u In cities towns and villages no more two loads of manure shall be allowed to accumulate All manure shall be kept enclos ed in a prool receptacle construct ed as follows The portion below ground Including the floor shall constructed of cement or brick mado water tight That above ground shall be tongued and grooved lumber securely fitted as to be There shall be a suitable ventilator to carry odors above the building or windows adjacent bulldlpgs There shall bo an opening from the stable directly Into this receptacle through which all manure shall bo conveyed and when not In use this opening shall bo kept closed by a proof door All manure shall be removed from this receptacle and properly disposed of at least once a week between first of May and first of Novem ber DR STUART SCOTT Medical Officer Health down to about this That Germany herself in an unmoral position seeks to in by denying ethical values as of any account and by maintaining a highly organized murder machine as a setoff That Britain finding herself in a desperate position seeks a way out by groping toward moral re generation and by a new and sur prising military reorganization That tho United State if we are to believe President Wilson is satisfied to uphold Neutrality and sidestep morality if big can bo discreetly helped in the process AND London April 25An official port issued last night tells of heroic by Indian soldiers at a position in East Africa afcainst Germans The Indians held hill until their ammunition ran out and all but twenty their num ber had been killed The failure the British expedition against German East Africa as previously announced in Berlin also is mention and against this is offset the suc cess of the British in several engage ments on the frontier and on shores of Lake Victoria Wisdom Is of times nearer when wo stoop than when we roar Words worth FOR CASTORIA Send the Era to absent If you want to get your Route Bills and Cards printed In the most attractive manner and at a reasonable cost give THE ERA atrial We have an excellent stock of Horse Cuts and every facility tor doing work expeditiously cheaply and In the best style of the art A free notice of route Is also given In the widely circulated columns Of THE ERA with every set of Newmarket PLAIN AND WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN CEMENT AND PLASTER OF PARIS Concrete and Slono Foundations Collar Floors and Sidewalks BRICKWORK ROUGH CASTING A SPECIALTY I Repairs of Any Descriptions Distance no Drop a Card Why Not Telephone If you telephone him first you may not have to go at all I If you would just remember to observe this rule of first using the Long Distance Telephone you would save yourself and your staff many tiresome trips unnecessary disappointments and much expense Many progressive business houses have found that by a systematic and persistent use of the Long Distance Telephone travell- expense can anywhere from 20 to 80 per cent Why not adopt this principle in your business Telephone first I Try to figure out where the Long Distance Telephone can save you precious time I Xrrt Urn Lent SUtloiu The Bell Telephone Co of Canada ARCHIVES OF TORONTO

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