Weeks Hall last V i- OX Millinery Opening Today rind iihU ford Co- short lime we Have on French Limoges China Dine M Sets a very nice neat Jdon J l Special Price of Fop have on sale Hie Quality SemiPorcelain pinner Sets in ilivt decorations Extra Good Value Fine Qualify Of English China Tea Sets pieces at a Special Price In our Window is a very nice China Dinner Set at a Specially Reduced Price very These ileal sets Entertainment The Town Hull was fairly well filled on Wednesday evening and presentations of The Major- by some 30 people from North Toronto under the auspices of the Young Mens Social and Lit erary Society gave excellent sat isfaction The stage settings were complete and all Hie pari were well taken The Society has reason to bo congratulated success of their I annual con cert on St Patricks night Concert at Town night to Red Cross The Metropolitan ear for the lied Cross Concert at Aurora this cwniufe Will leave about minutes to o clock to parry passengers having tickets for the Concert lion and pleasure the kind and friendly spirit of and good will that exists between yonrself arid us As a slight tok en of our keen appreciation your valuable services wo ask you to accept this clock Signed on behalf of class Sadie Urn- rock Alice Wesley Kltini Hoy Changed So as to clashing with Home Guard Prill night the In dependent Order of Foresters will meet on the Thursday of each month instead of t lie Wednes day Regular monthly meeting Thursday at pm- Full attendance requested- denims ft that are irmont They age Licenses Direct Importer of Staplo Fancy China and USE lone chants cat Manager ft poi it da part Such quickly relieve hen the congestion helpful to put hot bath or even- lot and loot lath tub hot water An stones can be a lath as hot as one ile waiting for the doc- in for nervous arc known whet of long standloj nlibtly cold water There Is g agent than of An of it the entire system fie action the skin lexical Care lie water dranf is free not hot or cold take cither at extremt- fruits are excel- as they help to tlda the larch I he tank adjoining the way freight yards Section of r noon today killed rioJsly injure The force of the 1 windows for a 1 blqcks The playing near the death Those injur in the street who wo The oil in to have been freight engine You BY U8IWQ i Product ill Convince Thoroughly Pans an Kitchen fe Grocer Mi For this week commencing Fri day March 3 lb cans of Apples lb cans Lobster Quality 2 cans Beets choice Canned Corn Canned Peas 3 fop 26c export 20c very for 2Jc 10c 3 for 25c 3 for Canned Beans 10c 3 for 3 cans Vegetables 25c Dried Peaches extra lb Dried Apricots extra 15c Celery Relish per bottle An excellent appetizer with hot and cold meats 75 lbs only Starch 7c lb- Presbyterian Church Miss the Conservatory staff has been engaged to take the soprano solos in the Cantata Olivet to which the choir have in curse prparainelaoin course of preparation for Friday evening This Cantata is attractive ami exceedingly tuneful from begin ning to end and with Miss whose work on has so enjoy ed will prove a musical treat for all who hear it Complimentary Banquet A complimentary banquet will b tendered at the King George Hotel on Tuesday evening next to the owners of motors in North York An address will be deli Dr durtig the evening on The use of the Automobile in le and War Just Opened The moil- stylish and up-to- date Millinery one door west new post Office Mark Ave Mrs McKewon Mrs was the guest of Mrs oh Sunday Mr and Mrs J spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Oliver Mrs Wilson spent Sunday with Mrs J vans Miss Aleta and Mp Ward spent Tuesday evening with Miss Gould Mrs Ferguson spent Thursday with Mrs Miss Sarah- J is of Toronto is visiting hej brother Mr lofiti Mr Clark of Aurora is visiting Mr McGIll Mr Sheard spent Saturday in Toronto Mr George Dove spent over Sunday with Mr at TOWN LINK ITKMS Heras Your Christian Church The annual Old Time under the auspices of the Aid of Christian Church be held the evening- of Marh when pancakes maple syr up baked beans and all of grand mothers oldfashioned cookery will he served Also there will views Halifax to Vancouver beautifully colore I All for Do not forget to Christian Church next Tuesday evening at oclock to hear Miss True a returned missionary from Japan All who attend will he certainly well repaid Everyone please bring a friend With you he Editor Away For two days past the editor has been attending the an nual convention of the A at Toronto If everything is not K in this weeks issue just blame the staff and say i more about it We haw done the best we could under the in stances Mrs I Jackson also in the city visiting with her son and other relatives Ex pected home today It Has Happened Just as we predicted Time and again we have referred to the dangerous habit of riding down hills on the cement walks in those little express wagons that children use Last Monday afternoon a hoy and girl were riding down Main St and wlun opposite Sutherlands store Mr was taken by sur prise and jumped out of the way prevent having his legs broken He stepped on in the ditch fell down and broke two bones right arm which will lay him Up for some lime and the par ents will liavea heavy hill to pay Only last week a lady in St An drews Ward was knocked down and had a very narrow Leading Reliable firocep Quick CORNER OF Main Timothy Street NOTIOE r Ad he season is coming on for cleaning up you will no doubt have soma old Copper Brass Iron Rubbers and Rags for sale Lei know by mail or otherwise when you want lo dispose of it and will call I will pay you a fair market price We also buy Fowl Wool and Horsehair We will pay an extra price if goods are delivered hi our house I have no buyer on the roads but myself Box Phone Newmarket RHODE ISLAND COMQ first Pullet and Second at Newmarket Poultry fed winter for for Greenhouses OTEEET The way will be for the Council to forbid their use on the sidewalk at all S Convention The following- is the Program of the Newmarket and Aurora Sunday School Convention to he held in the Methodist Church Aurora on Wednesday March i Afternoon Session Devotional Rev Mr Allen Aurora Music Our Years Work Presidents Report Secretarys Report Our Seven Day Oppor tunity Mr P How Have Fulfilled the Trust Imposed in me by the Last Convention Dr Wil kinson Secondary Rev Addisonv Adult Mrs Dr Stevenson Home Mrs Rev Thomas Missionary Miss M Phillips Temperance Mr Bow man Round Table Confer ence Rev P Fletcher Adjournment Mr Thomas of New market was visiting old acquaint ances in this vicinity on Monday last Master Roy pollock of Newmar ket weekend with Mas ter Gordon Webster on the town Line Mrs Isaac Webster of the Town LOO WINTER Plants Primula Asparagus Out Flowers- Funeral and Wedding Work on Short Very Reasonable FOR GALE At Rutledoe Davis Oxygen Welding Gasoline near new engine at half flraall Thresher hew fsr lip engine at half price Bell Saw Mill near I Perry Mill near new I McLaughlin Cheaper A number of Steam I Slack in diameter ft A number of Buy Sawn Bells and Pulleys Any people in their logs can have them cut unit Sunday School Convention If you are a Sunday School student or an officer or a teacher you should make plans be present at the Convention in the Aurora Methodist Church nil the afternoon and evening of Wednesday March The Superintendent of the Sec ondary Division Mr Preston considered the ablest loan in Canada in his work will speak at both sessions The speaker of the Evening session will be Mr Irwin of Toronto These addresses will be inlereting inspirational and instructive In addition the above there will be special music reports of the work as di rected by the different superin tendents and the appointment of officers for the coming year If you are interested and everyone should be you will come and help the work ajong Choir Concert Apparently Hie people of New market do not appreciate a good thing when they have the oppor tunity There was a line con gregation at the Methodist Church on Tuesday evening lo hoar the free Choir Concert but there was room for 200 more people with out being in the least crowded The program was firstclass throughout the Choir of voices under the leadership of the organist Mr I K ac quitted themselves admirably- equal lo any we ever had from the city The selections were varied sacred secular and patriotic and everyone of them was well rendered The chorus Come Where the Bloom with duett by Mrs- Western was choice The duet by Mr C Young and Mr and also the male solo and chorus are worthy of special mention as well as the organ solos by Prof Cumcr which received hearty applause The elocutionary part of the program by Miss Maud of Toronto was a long way above the ordinary She will- always draw a crowd in Newmarket Tennysons Flag of England was probably her best piece bill The Family Plate and The Music Practice were excellent character sketches The collection than paid expenses and the program all throughout was a rich treat Mr Williams of Newmarket pre sided at the piano which was kindly loaned for the occasion Mr At the Of the concert Iho Choir were served refreshments by- Iho Ladies Aid in the School Room which compliment was duly ap preciated Evening 820tDcvolional Exercise Rev Dr Daniels Music Sunday School Quartette Address Kings Business Mr II Irwin KC Report of Committees Installation of Officers Music Methodist Orchestra Offer 06 Address The Ags Teacher Mr P Orwig Music Methodist Orchestra Closing Exercises Line has been indisposed for I he past week Mr Alfred of Lite 1 Line lost a line steer three years old this week from indigeslioh Ladies Aid of the Line Church met the home of Miss Jessie Davis Bros on the fiine on Wednesday last Our sleighing has disappeared Every indication of Spring Squir rels playing birds singing and crows cawing A good sized congregation greeted Mr Dales in the Line Church on Sunday last The preacher was in good form taking for his text 5lh Chap and 2nd verse Pharaohs asking was the Lord that wc should obey him He treated the in a clear manner and portrayed some nice illustrations very applicable to all his hearers and the world large The correspondent gives you as near verbatim as I can an inter view I had on Saturday last with a Tory I was confronted on the outset with the question did I not think it was time there was a change in both houses of Parlia ment was somewhat aston ished considering where the question came from but listen ing to his remarks pro and con I acquiesced and thought it was time for a change and he wound up by saying just imagine our MP appointing a friend who is credited with not knowing any too much a salary of five dol lars a day to drive from to Aurora and sec that the new post office at Aurora is in its place Mrs David Dales of the is somewhat indisposed this week we hope to see her around again soon Mr George of Fair- view Farm is placing a large num ber of fine hemlock logs in mill yard from which he ought to have some nice lumber For a mere matter Ton Dollars and Fifty Cents we will put you in possession an English Beaver Overcoat lining and rubber interlining handsome Otter Fur Collar and trimmed in irreproachable manner thai no tailor can duplicate for less than Twenty Dollars WE SELL ONLY CLOTHES THAT ARE MADE THE BEST LINES AND INSURE LONG WEAR AND SATISFACTION 9 The Overcoat what puts the finishing toueh of HP mmm if LI completion to the costume of the welldressed man Just now Seven Dollars and Ninety Cents Invested here puts you In possession of a really Fur Coat made from variety elegant goods In the seasons best style and trimmed and finished handsomely The Men Sri Main St Weal Newmarket mm i IF SNOWBALL Mrs Lane is visiting at Mr They talk about people too alow to catch colfi isnt Hes caught a dreadful one So have others around here Mrs Hell and Mrs Lane were guests of Mrs Fred Mills on Monday Minn Laura Morning and Miss Bertha Ferguson spent Sunday and Monday Id Newmarket Mr Leonard Hsll sprat Sunday at Mr Archie Mitchells Mr and Mrs J Morning and Mrs liana spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Calvin of We guess gone around hog hunting again Several around here are con- lined to their homes with mumps- Miss yerria is spend ing a couple of weeks at home Last Thursday evening the members of the Young Peo ples Bible Class met at the homo of Mr McDonald The evening was spent In music and games after which Miss Starr read the following address Dear Mr McDonald Wc the members of the Young Peoples Bible Glass of to express our sincere and warm Of the excellent services you have rendered us as teacher during Iho two years Bo assured we have valued most highly en thusiasm you have shown and the ardent efforts you unfailingly manifested to make our class success- We wish to acknowledge with thanks the kind and gracious manner in whlob you have given us the benefit of your talents and the earnestness and zeal you al ways to make the les sons interesting for the members of your class We notice loo with The constant drop of water Wears away the hardest stono The constant gnaw of Masticates the toughest tone The constant cooing lover Carries oft the blushing maid And the constant advertiser Is one who gets the trade Farmers in Livingston county have decided hlint than dispose of their potatoes at thir ty ccnta per bushel it is more profitable to feed them to sheep The sheep will eat the tubers if they are crushed and sprinkled with some kind of feed It is said that the nourishing of potatoes are fifty per cent greater than much of the coarse feed Wilson Star Q Sale Register THURSDAY March Mrs Oliver hold a sale of house hold goods at home of her bro ther Ilurlae Virginia at oclock Terms cash Hester Auctioneer WEDNESDAY March sale of- farm stock and implements on Con East the property o John Hodge Sale at one Credit until Nov 1st Kavansgh TUESDAY March J Wight will have an extensive sale of stock Implements grain furni ture etc Sharon No j reserve Sale at one sharp rcos credit KaYanfth Auct WEDNESDAY March Al bert Lehman will have a large sale of stock implements etc on lot con Whitchurch credit Sale at one J THURSDAY March Mr Manning west half lot 6 Con Earft hold an extensive farm sale at oclock months credit J K ester Auctioneer When bills are not print ed at this ofllec notices under this heading are charged at for- one insertion and for each subsequent insertion cash to accompany order ALL READY roup of men casually came- together at a dinner party the other evening and one happened lo over the table which the women hud just left and commented on little that had been consumed And here is these men said The first was a business man or large interests I wouldnt think of voting for State Prohibition but let National Prohibition come on and it will have my vote in a has become an eco nomic issue and I am willing to give up my whiskey and soda the good of The second was a large employ er of men some eighteen thou sand I am ready for National Prohibition up to this time it his seemed a faraway ideal to me now I see it as a pure efficiency measure The third was a clearseeing Irishman Alcohol has been the curse of my people I have stopped taking it after forty years of occa sional drinking and my vote is ready for National Prohibition Go ahead said the fourth man a railroad official of high standing 1 am ready for it personally and so are all the officials of our road A physician was the fifth Med icine can do without it science is against it the old idea of alcohol as a food is exploded am ready for my vote for National Prohibi tion It was a club man who spoke next When see drinking caddies at our club and our caddy master silly with it I am ready to give up my cock- tail and vote the whole business And lnsfof all was a wholesale dealer in liquor who started the talk and who finished with this sig nificant statement Youre right we are seeing the handwriting on the wall I said at a meeting of our wholesale liquor dealers other evening that we didnt have years of life ahead of us Strange as it may seem to you would vote for National Prohibi tion Its for the best all around Not a Voice I Ladies Home Journal A FEW REOIPES From the Red Cross Cook Book Dark Cake cup butter cup white sugar eggs cup sweet milk cup hot mashed potatoes cup flour teaspoons baking powder tablespoons melted chocolate cup chopped wal nuts teaspoon mixed spioes and a pinch of salt MRS J SUTHERLAND Please notice that Christ is to be not only your wisdom but your power If you decide to exclude from your home amuse- montsof doubtful character you will need a depth of power that He alone can supply Many a Chris- Man coming to some unpopular decision and standing trembling before the of it has cast herself upon the strength of Christ and been filled with joyful amazement over the ease with which she has taken and held the despised position Cake Half cup butter scant cup brown sugar cup sour milk 2 eggs Mi ours flour teaspoon soda nutmeg grated tea spoon cinnamon teaspoon teaspoon cloves Hake in a moderate oven MRS F STEWART Peanut Wafers Cream tablespoons of but ter Add cup sugar and egg well beaten Mix and sift flour I teaspoon baking powder and teaspoon salt Then add tablespoons milk and cup finely chopped peanuts teaspoon lemon juice Hake minutes in a modern oven This recipe makes i EVE Almond 1 lb almonds dried and put through fine mincer eggs yolks only teaspoon rose water teaspoon bitter almond icing sugar to make stiff paste Damp he cake and spread icing on after rolling out MRS T J ROBERTSON Vanilla Wafers- Cream cup butter and lard in equal proportions Add cup sugar Well beaten egg cup milk teaspoons vanilla Mix sift cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder teaspoon salt Add to first mixture and chill Take of mixture at a time on the board and roll very thin Bake on a sheet of paper in moderate MRS J One Egg Cake I cup granulated sugar cup sweet tablespoon butter baking powder scant cups flour Use any filling on lop and fresh MRS GEO FORESTER Oatmeal Cookies eggs cupful sugar clip butter teaspoon cinnamon a pinch of salt tablespoons sweet milk cups oatmeal cups flour 1 teaspoon soda sifted with flour Drop from spoon into baking tin to bake FLORENCE VERITY Cookies cup sugar cup butter eggs tablespoons milk sweet 2 teaspoons baking- powder and a dash of nutmeg Mix as soft us pos sible to roll out MRS J STEPHENS Rock Cakes cups flour cup butter or and lard mixed cup sugar cup currants eggs I teaspoon baking powder I teaspoon ess Mix all dry ingredients together Beat the melt the butter and mix with eggs then turn into dry ingredients and mix well Drop on butter ed tins and bake in a quick oven MRS I milk pint sweet milk cup white sugar tablespoons butter teaspoon salt Put on stove and let nil come to a boil let cool as for setting bread then add flour to make a sponge Dissolve cake yeast in warm water and add to sponge and let stand over night in a warm place In the morning add flour enough to knead and when light again it will be ready for pans Make into small rolls and when light bako a quick oven minutes MRS ADDISON Hot Potato Scones cups flour tea spoons teaspoon salt sift Mix cup mashed potatoes rub lightly in shortening add wellbeaten egg and milk to roll Fry or minutes dp 42f- mm Mm