fei TWO EGOS FOR HATCHING Pure Bred Barrel Rocks Single settings or per Ap ply to Ralph Willis EDITORIAL OUR TORONTO LETTER The entire German line A private dropped with a but- let through his neck the only one wounded Two others aid hi NEW TO RENT North End Newmarket Apply at Hamilton pros Store cor Main and Huron also Rooms at per month Two splendid Building Lots in the Town ot Newmarket one Irontfag on Ave and one on Lome Avenue For particulars apply to A Rice Sortf V St Toron CARD OF THANK8- entertain d a last day opposed to his One day last week 3i Varsity boys On the the Highlanders show- lion of voles for married wo- offered their for overseas and lived up Mr mini artillery to all expectations At the Street Mission on Ontario Government morning men got a free order from die f and were well the whitecoated workers Mr Irwin addressed the We are sorry to report that Mrs men I and music by the choir Heacock is suffering a spent Sunday with her parents Mr and Mrs Isaac Rose has removed tin war sons from ho literature in the render used in schools of Ontario In an soloists were appreciated KK1TLEHY OUR SOCim COLUMN Mrs- Hushes is 1 of Mrs were guests of Mr and Mrs last Sunday Miss Wilkinson of spent over Sunday wifh her cousins the Misses Richardson few a few days Mr and to thank their many neighbors for during the illness and death of then- wife and mother family wish friends and kindness and Minister ago Hon Dr of Education- 1 severe cold LET A FEW THINGS THAT YOU CAN BUY FROM US FOR J yearn of age Mrs J Morning of Snowball was who registered at the American Ho- the guest of Mrs J He acock on Stated The fact is perfectly from Winnipeg Sin lay was found Monday true Wo have ordered lib in his bed the next morning o j Mr Charlie West spent Sunday at to be stricken as a necessary result 0 inhaling illumining gas home here pari of our palriotictoaelnnp Mr Jackson is reprcsntin Newmarket A at the Lodge in Toronto this week It is believed that on he may We are all to sec have turned off the then turn- Charlie able to be down town Alexander of Ottawa it on again accidentally again Public School Over 6000 letters were received by Miss is spending calling on old friends in Town early Sunday morning mails from few days in the city In the Legislature on Tuesday filter- he overseas contingent and Mr Harold Murray spent Sunday at ONiRIO LEGISLATURE COAL FOR SALE Host Anthracite Cool at bar- alter having been confessed noon Hon 1 annas- action inj reinstating Mr as liquor jrain prices hours Sir Orders lllled phono No Miliar at all delivered next day secretary of the for North Essex was Laymens Movement states his The inspector had been reinstated that there will le no in contributions on count of the war J A litnev bus service from King his hoie here borrowing money from I Av Tuesday the bill to ried women the franchise in the Legislature was CARD OF THANKS- Mrs Mortimer and family to thank thoir many for their kindly assistance and sym pathy during tin- long illness death of a and mar- 1 Street to the Metropolitan track on street was on Tuesday The fare is 5 Only of the ex- The chiropractors bill to to be contributed in the new institution ah J lOnd the Toronto and give legal standing to York patriotic Fund still remains to was defeated it the on he raid February was sent Tie amount receive Mr has a hill aiming to limit the Messrs lames Archibald and Miss spent- afternoon with the sister Mrs Walls On Friday night of last the boys who made a previous a few weeks ago and shivorced and Mrs Hurler ami their lady friends gathered at home of the parents Mr and Mrs The was sient in music games und d the course of the an address and were made to Mr an J Hunter in the form Monday Mr and Mrs of To attended funera of late Mortimer in Newmarket last Friday I TO RENT The residence on corner of Park and Lome Avenues Newmarket For particulars apply to like A SonS GO Victoria Street Toronto or Mr Avenue Toronto of i basis J J 1 TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to oclock on the 1st day of April to supply the Industrial Home until March with Beef oread Groceries Pry Parties wishing to lender for any of the above mentioned supplies can get blank forms from the Home also necessary information respecting ten A Inspector borrowing upon a per Mr Mark Irish Toronto has hill providing for cent far on railroads in urban districts ily Ontario MpPs are earning indemnity money pretty part of lard Friday were at one in afternoon During change last the of a half dozen pearl handled knives since March the 1st with the figure forks Mr Hunter afterwards rc- mentioned makes the total up to on behalf of his bride 3rd alen The day preceding broudt The crowd left in the snwll sand dollars was received on March all report a splendid time in and with the came In reference to an item which Over fifty under Town Line of Miss Lukes of Bradford has re- turned home after spending a week with her sister Mrs Eves The baby was christened while Ferguson was in Town Mr Rogers represented the Orange Lodge of this District Lodge in North Hay last week ami Mr Ward represent Newmarket Lodge The Misses who have en tor sor n weeks visiting in Philadel phia arc now in Their brother Mr Frank and ter of Waterloo arc there also last half over The court has given judgii eat favor of the of Ontario on the against the Canada Life lnsurane neither of the Co in the tax notified c GlenYille Roller MILL Flour Manufacturer of the famous MOSS ROSE PASTRY FLOUR WATER LILY BREAD FLOUR CANADAS PRIDE MANITOBA FLOUR These brands make the most delicious Pastry Bread and Huns Also ask your grocer for our WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR for Brown Bread and Gems ROSE MEAL for Porridge All Made From the Choicest of R0BIN80N Proprietor Phone 181c week in the succession duty law we announced Hon providing for the amount of estates exempted from taxation Hereafter it is proposed that only estates under shall he exempt instead of Mr Ham South Brant has a hill to lower the property quali fication of candidates for muni cipal offices When the item of transferred from the consolidat ed revenue to make up the dif ference in interest not paid the Railway was the Public Accounts Commit tee with the for North York in the chair Mr Bowman called attention to the fact that it did not represent actual cash It is you in the state ment said Hon Mr McOarr It means said Mr Bowman that this committee degenerates into absolute farce If we are not going to have any rights hem we had hotter appeal to the House eoo l mm BANNER FOR Seed Parley O A 21 Good clean seel J Proctor Pure bred White Wyandotte Pullets Laying strain each Ijvjd If VauNostrand Lot Con Vandorf FORALE Imported Poreheron Stallion old dark iron gray Apply on Lot Whitchurch J II No Aurora I SEED GRAIN FOR 8ALE Di A Bailey No also White Oats clean and free from all fowl Apply to phone 164 HOWARD No BALE UNDER POWER OF IN MORTGAGE OF LOT NO 10 ACCORDING TO PLAN TOWN8HIP OF Parliamentary Notes In event of a general election the question of giving Canadian sol diers the right of the franchise oc cupied attention of the Committee on the Election Law last Friday While committee felt that the right of voting should be extended to every Canadian soldier under arms the concensus of opinion seemed to be that there are really no practical by which this could he arrang ed for Mr Henry Bast York has a bill to amend The Local Improvement Act It provides for construction of bridges over ravines separating muni cipalities On Tuesday the Premier gave of morning sessions of House beginning next Monday is a hint of the session drawing close IE weeks Im I say on the men who killed their dogs evening of said to their dogs and that it is yet proved that dogs which were illed were the cnS fgiind among- the sheep As to the pig of Mr IM Blacks which is reported worried it was worried on a Sunday evening where as the sheep were worried on Thursday It would be well it the correspon dent of the im vi be more positive of facts before Send ing them to print King Christian Church Aid met at the home of Miss lessie Davis on Wednesday At the time of going to print Mrs Robinson was making and practically a natural septic tank He they were very good indeed as they advises that he done to sampled by the correspondent Quite a moving sensation in town on Tuesday morning Kills Pratt has moved on to the farm lately vacated by Mr Crco Williams Mr Williams having gone to Aurora to reside pay- The charge that Deputy Chief used the services of a fireman in doing private work on houses owned by him has not only been proved the evidence said ludc Denton but much more of a like char acter Gordon Lennox from West Hill was on Tuesday found guilty of ofTcnce a girl He will be Sentenced bv Coats- worth the Sessions on March After consultation with Dr Hast ings Parks Commissioner Chambers has reported to the Parks Committee that Catfish Pond is Miss Toronto home oor Sunday Her brother Mr ones continues very He the she killing has almost constantly confined parties had ever to bis bed since the middle of De- make away with cemtor March to Battlefields Cans 25c lbs Prunes 25c 3 Bottles Essence 26c 3 Boxes D Cleanser 25c 3 Boxes Lye 3 Boxes Ammonia 25c 3 Boxes Cornflakes 25c 3 Tins Salmon 25c 2 Tins Salmon 1tb 25c 15 Cakes Toilet Soap Castile 25c 3 1 Good Broom PROMPT SERVICE OUR MOTTO Pure Clover Honey In Bottles also 10 lb Tins PHONE or Canadas on Way no- the This to a ONE CONTINUOUS BATTLE Sutton Reservist Thue Work In the Under and by virtue of the powers coataincd in a certain Mortgage will be produced at time of the sale there will be offered for s by Public Auction on Saturday the day of April the hour Noon at No Carlton Street Toronto by Messrs T Company Auctioneers the follow ing residential property in Township ot in the of York and Province of On tario half a mile north of the Village Kigia Mills and So Plan No County York TO with of way over fjt Number Twenty four CM said plan acres upon which is said to be situated a two- storey unfinished house tore stible and driving shed Well Pump and about Trees Said property in five minutes walk from Yong Street and the Metro Car The property be sold to reserve bid Terms Ten per cent price to bo paid down at Urn within SO daytf thereafter For further parti cular conditions sale apply to McWhltmey Brown Sua Lite Building Toronto for Mortgage DATED at Toronto tWalOth day Of March That tho situation at the front is just ono continuous battle is the way Sapper P A Clarke formerly ol Sutton writes to his friend Mr Newmarket Sapper Clarke Is a reservist and went to England last August to his com pany 0 the engineers He writes Tkinge are much about the but although no changes have been made In the positions or practically none one must not think that every thing quiet It is Just one long continuous battle We have had a very wet two months which renders by substantial advance practically Im possible We are occupying an area that ha once been occupied by the Germans Tho inhabitants were treated shame fully one Is to place reliance in what they tell us anyway they all tell about the sarce tale They were only a few days here before they were out to the line they now hold which is about two miles from the billet Our organisation here Is splendid Every day we receive Our mall and rations without fall and an supply of clothes and equipment I am keeping very fit We have a comfortable billet a cafe we are not overworked Just now My bed In a straw on a tiled floor and near a door but not too bad for all that clean it out as soon as possible If this is a sample of going in with the Government on the pood roads movement we had tetter not have any more to do with it said Mayor Church to the Hoard of Con trol today when the action of Highways Committee of the Legisla ture in committing the city to the perpetual maintenance of the To rontoHamilton highway was discuss ed The annual meeting of Grand Lodge of Ontario of the An cient frder of United Workmen is be ing held in Toronto this wcet clos last night A parade of practically all the sol dier In Toronto who have full equipment will be held on Saturday afternoon it was announced at the Exhibition grounds today The march will be in the nature of a farewell spectacle for the citizens of Toronto A massmeeting of liberals was an nounced last night in Forum Hall Yonge Street A general attendance Is anticipated I am very comfortably settled in a farm house with my men writes Major A of Toronto who Is at the front with the service detachment of the Queens Own from Little 3ye was instantly killed on Monday by being knocked down by a street car Tho motojman was arrested on a charge of manslaughter Major Church appears to have tho notion that a judicial proie in tho Works Department will reveal graft Things are getting warm in municipal circles lb A fine of was Imposed ft factory linn for neglecting the of a bylaw to abate amokc A London give credit Field Marshall French with hav ing The Canadian force in one of the finest bodies of men he has ever seciii and that they arc fully no to standard of the Imperial troops O I R I A M Canadians Wore When a Flare Shot Up Northern France March The which wont into action some two weeks ago buffered but few casualties during the opening experience of active service The first half of the battalion supported by British troops marched from headquarters through a of trenches over muddy roads to silent dugouts on the front line Tho entire night and the following day were very quiet The only relaxation being firing rifles to prevent them freezing The second night a party bent- hack tor experienced a few worm moments on their return trip The moon gleaming on the biscuit tins betrayed them to the Germans who turned loose their machine guns The men dropped the tins and ran a few yards to cover None were wounded Later the rations were found but everything was cut to pieces by the ball bullets The following night a party of five sent out to repair the barbed- wire entanglements cut by shell and rifle fire There was no cover be tween opposing trenches The night was very dark Suddenly the Germans sent up a flare figure stood out the dayk- 5 Madden Lillian young est daughter of and J Madden of Sutton West was bom at Jan of a loving disposition was led in early life with an elder bro ther and sifter to accept Jesus as her personal Saviour during special services conducted by her lather while stationed at at the close of which she with many others received into Church Fel lowship her aged Grandfather as sisted by her fathoc During the Alexander meetings held in To ronto she renewed her dedication to the service of the Saviour whom dearly loved Doing a cheerful dis position entered into lifes plea sure with great eagerness striving al ways to add to the enjoyment of others Possessing a good voice and being a lover of music she gladly em braced every opportunity to add to the interest of church service by as sisting the choir In the service of song In League and Sab bath School work she was always ready to do her part while In homo circle she was a loving and be loved member Looking forward to a long life many were the plans she laid for years of useful service in the Saviours Kingdom and when told that Tubercular had attacked lungs long hard she fought to shake it oil For sixteen months she struggled but at last It overcame and during the last four weeks of her earthly life she w fully resigned to her Heavenly Fathers will still hoping that in life she would bo able to serve the master On Sept after leaving a fatGwelrMnossagQ to the absent ones and bidding goodbye to those around bed giving them the that she wan not afraid to go and still leaning upon her fathers arm she peacefully fell asleep in Jesus The funeral service was held on in the Method- isl conducted by Partridge chairman the ILxbridgc Dlsl assisted by J Humphreys of A McKcnzie of Toronto and A I Addison of Newmarket The remains were conveyed by Metropolitan ear to Mount Pleas ant Cemetery where they were in terred awaiting the of the just Revs A Bedford and of Toronto as sisting at Ihe burial service The above is the title given a pic ture that will for many to come be a highly prized treasure It is a photographic reproduction showing the men of Canadas first contingent- breaking camp and on tho march to join the- Continental forces It shows miles and miles of Ifcej white tents and the- marching men It is a most inspiring sight The size is inches reatly for framing This picture is sure to ho a popular souvenir of the war as far as Canada is concerned and will be in groat demand It owned by the Family Herald and Star of Montreal and a copy is being pre sented to all subscribers to that great weekly newspaper The Family Herald Montreal whose sub scription of one dollar a year is re ceived from this date for a limited period THE LOADING Undertaking House can buy your Furniture Cheap For Cash ft UNDERTAKING A EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Night calls attended to at re John Millard and PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All Physician and Family Recipes NEWMARKET Photo Supplies Fresh Hurlers Chocolates Weekly Store Phone Plasterer PLAIN AND WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN CEMENT AND PLASTER OF PARIS and Foundations Collar Floors and BRICKWORK ROUGH CASTING A SPECIALTY Repairs of Any Descriptions no Obstacle Drop a Card Th Altar MARHITTKNIGIITSOn Wednes day March 1915 at the homo of the brides parents Doris May second daughter of Mr and Mrs Arthur Knights of to John Addison youngest son of and Mrs John Marritt of Kswick At the home of the mother March l91o by Rev J- Hall Mr George Albert Penrose to Miss Arlie Evelyn Smith all of New market Tomb At on Tues day March 3 John Grant ham in his year MORRIS At on Thurs day March Mrs Richard Morris In her year At Toronto Hospital on March 1915 of Mr of Newmar ket aged 63 years HENRY In Newmarket on March James Henry In his Interred at on Wednes day afternoon McCLURKAt Holland- Landing on March aged years Interred at King City on Sunday- SOME OF OUR FRESH MEAT SPECIALS At Alton the Home day some time our v The kepi in memory day their hands shall our hands Just oyer In Morninglaud I 4 A newspaper of average clrcula lion visits more people in one day than a single canvasser could In five years Or again suppose you had to send letters to the same number people you reach by one newspaper thfck what It would cost News paper advertising is least expen sive and the most productive of all forms of advertising Mrs Susan widow of the late Robert and only surviving sister of the late J year WEST In Newmarket on the Inst Mr West his year Funeral on Saturday from his late residence Lome Ave to Newmar ket Cemetery at p At her residence Aurora Sunday morning March after a long illness Mary dale beloved wife of J Bailey BEEF I BEEF I BEEF Rib Roast of Young Beef 16o per Id Rolled of Beef 16o per Shoulder Roast- of Young Beef per lb Blade of Young Beef 16o per lb Rump Roast Half or Whole per lb Wing Roast of Beef per Brisket of Young Beef to Boll per lb Plate Boll of Beef per Round Steak per PORK Lean Roast of Young Pork 14o per IB Pork to VEAL 100 Lean Veal per lb Oho I Rump Veal 18e lb Fillet of Veal to Roast and per LAMB A Full Line of Young Lamb at Very Price P PORK Rolls of Pork 15o per lb Hams of Pork 1So pertb Shoulders per SPECIAL Dunns Shortening per lb Pure Lard In 1Ib 1b Beef and Pork Dripping HomeMade Sausage lb ORDERS FOR ON OR US BY PHONE I ARCHIVES OFONTARI im Main North Newmarket All Orders Receive Careful and prompt Attention