Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 19 Feb 1915, p. 7

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Slim crowd trie picture last Friday Next Court hero on 2nd of March the and are lllmbury Names in Ih Bertha an Chris- Oil all Ross instead Teacher Club last it every months be held at on at arranged is more Cattle than Native will tin and Mr Mr lope All work are at this In- ii Belgian the Pine the sub stitute on a A Miss also ions of Fees the Maa jrrrat to art as Wesley a splendid program hi Proceeds men Belgian not one of this altera orders ice of foot there as You I NO I and short lime we have jj French China Sets a very nice neat at Hie Special Price of For wo have on sale the Quality Dinner Sets in three very neat herder decorations These sets M Extra Good Value pine Quality of English China Sets pieces at a ja our Window is a very nice Dinner at a Specially Educed Hint Correspondents woo to Seal their envelopes will place one cent stamp on the same be fore mailing as it us to of the when Box Social On Friday evening the CO intend a Box Social in their Lodge when all mem bers and lady friends as as visitors will be welcomed A program will be furnished Runaway in Town last Saturday Below- again yesterday morn ing V Police Court Police Magistrate Court here yesterday There were a number of cases and it was alter oclock when Court adjourned One man was fined 30 and costs being drunk down Town last night it mm Mr has removed all that part of the building at the rear his store that was damaged by fire and is building a- fine extension to- the store on concrete foundation The will be about double the former size a Direct Importer of Staple and Fancy China Brief I TheJ Ancient Order of Foresters meet next Monday night for im portant business The bear would have no trouble to see his shadow last Sunday morning A of boys and girls sink ing Rule Britannia passed through Town on Monday afternoon- Meeting Saturday Night Every property owner and who expect to lccomj owners should attend the meeting in the Town Hall next Saturday night and become in formed on the details of the proposi tion of the Town Council in connec tion with the ByLaws to be voted on next Monday Any objections will be answered and everybody will be given a fair hearing Chair taken at oclock China Hall Grocery j FOR LENT Fresh Codfish In tins Very delicious on buttered toast or with Butter Sauce Loaf Is appetizing when made from our brands of Salmon Prices from 13c can up to 25o Canned Thistle Brand a breakfast delicacy Also a strictly flfslclass line of Norwegian French and Cana dian 8ardlnes from up to per can Imported Kippered Herrings Imported Herrings In Tomato Sauce Imported Fresh Herrings Canadian Kippered Her rings at 10c per tin 8alted Codfish In pound blocks and In NOTICE There la a decided drop In tho price of Lobsters The Leading Quick CORNER OF f7afn Timothy Perrlns Greenhouses STREET New Hydro Line Suggested Plans for a new HydroElectric Ra dial in York and Counties will be discussed by a del Vhitchurch Township with the Provincial Hydro Commis sioners at Toronto shortly The dele gation will ask the commission to make a survey of the proposed line starting Whitchurch Township and extending northerly to Georgian Hay via Newmarket Bradford and Peace Sunday On- Sunday last in the sermons preached in the Churches Newmar ket on the centenary of peace between Great Britain- and the United States fitting expressions was given to the hope that the present decimating con flict in Europe would soon terminate and that the principles the gospel of Christ should so dominate the nations of the world that the horrors of war shall hereafter become a thing ol the past The prayers of church- going people were directed along peace lines Change of Rural Boxes Word comes from Ottawa that the Hon PostmasterGeneral has issued notices to all boxholders rural mail routes that as a result the establishment of the parcel post sys tem in Canada the Post OHice De partment has decided t adopt a new- rural mall delivery combined letter parcel post box It Is further stated that the new boxes will be is sued at a cost each King Edward box now in use cost the holders each These may be re turned for the paid up to May The new boxes have an automatic selflocking metal device WINT Plants I Flowers IVIiuIa Asparagus Ferns Aurloara Cut Flowers Funeral and Wedding Work on 8hori PRICES Very Reasonable PHOTO STUDIO Those old of and Mother are eery dear to you In bear In mind that your children cherish picture of you We are also prepared to take your In the evening Studio open every Saturday or other nights by Photographer One Door West of the New Post Office Died In Toronto Many of the Newmarket boys will remember Mr John P Morgan son of Mr Philip Morgan who was one of the Superintendents at the Speci alty Works before he moved to To ronto On the 3rd of this month John had the sad mistortuno to lose his dear wife after an illness of only a week She left two children one years old and another 18 months Johnnie has decided to break up his home and reside with his father The children have come out on a farm be tween here and Holland to live with their material grandmother Our sympathies are extended to John P In his sore bereavement He is at present with Co general contractors Toronto following is copied from an Owen Sound paper A good many people were pre sent Monday afternoon at the Ladies Musical and heard with pleasure a pro gram by two talented visit- ore from Toronto The members of the Club had some de lightful treats at the this winter ana the numbers on J day were given in such a finished those I artistic manner by both and pianist that they won many admirers Miss al ready had many interested friends in the audience her work last year when she appeared be fore the Club being so promising that her return was awaited wki pleasure Many artists would have found it a hard task to an impression on an audience when confined solely to the music of the great Norwegian Master and that Miss and Miss McAlpine received so many compliments was a tribute to their abilities While name appears very high up in the list of famous songwriters of the world his piano composi tions are much more familiar to the majority of music lovers than his songs and nearly all of Miss numbers were new lo her hearers Perhaps no better interpreter could have been found however than this singer who is musician to appreciate and enters sympathetically into the moods of his various songs Miss voice shows every sign of care ful training and is very clear and true The soft sustained passage such as in the Cradle Song In dian Lullaby and Mother Sorrow were sung best by Miss whose voice was very flexible and met every demand of these numbers In the Autumn Storm again Miss had a strong lono and splendid ex pression which made this num ber one of her best while the three songs mentioned before were favorites each number was enjoyed the Others being Good Morning The Way of the World on a lovely eve in June all by Greig and Damon by Strange and ne from La which was splendidly sung Miss also consent ed lo sing Maggie famous song Your King and Country Need You which was greeted with the heartiest response Mr Green played accompani ments Newmarket is proud of her talented vocalist Miss being a daughter of Mr and Mrs J C shoes so close Charlie gave an Oyster Supper to Borne charivari lady friends The people In Williams hearty Mr George Ferguson and Mr Clifford White spent Sunday at home of Mr George Tvstaln Mr Craig of London Is visiting at Mr- H Whites The Ladies Aid held at Mr Roth- wells on Wednesday was well puts out the lights no Happy Jane The Ladies Aid meet at the home of Mrs J next Wed nesday afternoon The young people around here at tended a dance at Rob Ranks last Monday evening All report a very enjoyable time We also went down to T K Fergusons Friday even ing and had a very good time Miss Alma Hall ha returned home after a visit of two weeks Miss Laura Morning spent Sunday with Miss Gearaldine Brown Miss Clara has been visit ing with Miss Ferguson for a few days Say I has Clara found that foot yet that was lost up at Newmarket There was a big Saturday night out at the corner so we hear Never mind we havent missed it all as the Sapper is stilt in The Misses 111 A ma 7 to come- For a mere matter of Ten and Cento vn will put you In possession of an English Bemer wttfe lining and rubber interlining handsome Otter For and trimmed In Irreproachable manner M cart tor leas than Twrrty BS LINE ITEMS KVJEnSIEY The Stamp Aot Some people fancy the new Stamp Act is now in force and already are posting letters with three cents post age and attaching an extra one cent stamp to post cards The extra stamps are not yet called for and not be demanded until about the middle of next month The stamps are now being engraved An Ottawa press despatch dated last Monday says The color will be gold with the picture of King George and the words Inland Revenue War Tax This stamp will be used on cheques but whether the same design will be utilized for letters or a spe cial one be gotten up by the Post Office Department is not yet decided The denominations will range from one to fifty cents Dancing seems t be the order of the day or night A party of young people visited the house of Mrf Rank last Monday ingi and misled themselves tripping the Light Fantastic until the hour Mr Bruce Cairns and lady friend spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Harry Reynolds of Maple The dance which was held at Mr T K Fergusons last Fiidav evening was a decided success All turned out including old and young latest fad Is horseback riding One day last week a young couple passed through here a new kind of saddle How about the new kind of ride see some of the boys taking through TownT It la reported that Buster intends learning the carpentering We wish all sorts of luck Miss Elliott of Toronto visits log with friends for a short time Misses Smith and Thompson oi To ronto visited with their aunt Mrs Ferguson last week Mr and Mrs John Edwards of King City spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs James Walls Mac spent everting at Forest Home What happened to Florence Sunday night We are glad to he informed that the slim attendance at the first meeting of King Township Patriotic Associa tion Was no criteimn of the Town ships Patriotism as the canvassers who started out on Monday morning are meeting with the greatest Although the weather on Sunday was somewhat inclement a goodsized congregation greeted Mr Pales our popularyoung preacher Mr Martin Shanks spent Sunday at Mr Robert Cooks Someone says Earl of the Line spenb Sunday evening at Mr Pattons Wonder what happened Harrys sor rel horse on Saturday night many oats Mr Albert of- Toronto accompanied by little son Bert ram spent last week with Mr Fred Webster on the Town Line Mr and Mrs Myron spent Sunday at Mr and Mrs Fred Websters Mr Fred Smith Line is with Mr Jack Archibald and his sawmill gang The thaw has suspended operations in the swamp tor the present Mr Thomas M Blackburn with usual alertness has been successful in procuring one of- the best thorough bred Shropshire Rams available for improving his lock of sheep so that competitors at future shoes not have much chance of the first prize Tommy has obtained the big gest share of them in the past com petitions Our good friend and neighbor Mr Jas after the most of his life spent on the Line expects to move to his new home in Richmond Hill early next week The best wish es of the community accompany him and his devoted daughter Miss Gertie Isaac Webster of the Town Lino gave the Ladies Aid of the Christian Church an enjoyable sleigh- rlde to on Wednesday where the day was profitably spent at the home of Mrs Skinner OAK III DOES Big at the formal opening of the new School House on Wednesday evening Building crowded to the doors Splendid addresses and good program The Section was highly complimented on its magnificent school The new school Which was built at a cost of Is one of the finest rural schools North York It Is a twostorey af fair constructed of brick and Is lo cated on one of the finest sites in the section on Yonge Street WE SELL ONLY CLOTHE8 THAT ARE HADE THE BEST AND INSURE LONG WEAR AMD SATISFACTION The Overcoat what the touch VMM mm 1 man completion to the the welldressed man Just now Dollars and Ninety Cents Invested here puts you In possession of a really Fur Coat madfrom variety elegant goods In the reasons best style and trimmed and finished handsomely The Main St Weal Nov market the To- Tenyearold Elsie of Wyandotte Mich who was kid napped by of same place was rescued in and the man arrested The Ontario tele graphed Premier Borden protest ing against the retention of the wet canteen Nearly two million dollars the estimated cost of carrying the high and public schools of Toronto during the next year Almost citizens were up in the Police Court on Friday on charges of failure to remove snow from the sidewalks They were fined each Sadie and two young girls who came from to Toronto some time ago in search of work guilty before Judge Winchester to charges of theft or a number of articles from a department stoic and were sentenced to 5 days in jail An order was passed last week Ontario Railway Hoard that from and after a date lo ho Axed by the Chairman street allowed lo carry Prof Coleman returned last merits had been distributed dur- from his trip around the world bringing with him a wealth of specimens of rocks clay and prehistoric relics which ho gathered on his journey Second and third year stu dents at Hall had a dis graceful row last week The celebration of of peace between the United and Great Britain was the year including testaments lo the Canadian troops going to the front and in fourteen languages among the interned alien prisoners at To ronto and Kingston The Coroners Jury has ren dered a verdict that Charles A came to his death on Feb as the result of a pistol shot fired by Carrie who IS served in the various churches of with malice aforethought did kill BADE SOLDIERS GOOD-BYE- 1 cor Scientific ftier ay New York The Masonic Grand Lodge of On tario has I i 1 to the King of the Belgians for the relief his dlstresed subjects ant an ad ditional WOOO is ready to send The pastors sermon last Sunday morning on The Providence- and in the evening his second sermon in tho series was made doubly attractive by an historic account the war of when the Boys In Blue to the south representing a population of seven and a ball million attempted to capture Canada with a population of With a flow of oratory he referred to the years of Peace that have followed and not without occasion for contro versy that several times verged on the brink of war but were averted by levelheaded statesman was listened to with great attention The selection by the Quartette unaccompanied Stanton Coulter and Wil liams entitled The Wayside Cross Was exceedingly well executed A The Pastors subject next Suit Li evening is Hope Aurora Headed by the Boys Scouts and the Band an enthusiastic procession composed the Mayor Council the Cadets and No Company of the 12th York Bangers paraded through the streets last night to the Arena to say fare well to the Aurora residents Thomas CrossWU and William Stone who are leaving with the second con tingent V Each man was presented with an address by Mayor J Baldwin and a purse money Ten men from Aurora left with the first contingent six with the second and four more have already volunteered tor the third oo OUR TORONTO LETTER the city last Sunday Sunday afternoon 1600 men of the Own attended service at St Pauls Church The new war tax on postage rates will reach on the yearly postage bill of the depart ments at the City Hall Mollie Martin aged about ten years of Berkeley shot James aged years on Friday last with an airgun while he was silting on a back fence The girl says the was teasing her Toronto is benefitting through the efforts of the British Govern ment to secure meal supplies for the British army The cars will he full seating capacity plus per Co Ltd and Ltd cent On that number entering are rushing surplus stock SNOWBALL Hello People Snowball where have you all been this last two months Wake up and be a sport Miss Alma has returned from A very enjoyable evening spent last Monday when about eighty assembled at the home of Mr and Mrs Robert Rank They spent the evening In dancing and card playing Miss Brown spent Sun day with Miss Laura Morning Miss Maggie Morning spent the weekend at Mr K- Fergusons About one people attended the dance held at the home of Mr K Ferguson s on Friday evening The happy but tired bunch returned home in the morning singing Whats matter with SnowbalL Miss Dora spent a week with Miss Laura Morning What was wrong when Laura did In the City Polico Court Rhodes was charged with obtain ing from J by fraud and false and was sent to Kingston Peniten tiary for years Frank Martin tt despicable beggar was sent to Jail for days on Friday He had his arm bound up and then wont out beg ging and used a card as ho pre tended to bo dumb A double fraud- Mayor Church stated on Fri day that ho would give immcdiateTy that no more Coun cil dinners be held s6 that the members that body will have to go home if Council adjourns at six oclock in future This is proper there is no sens In giving Aldermen an indem nity- and then paying their I bills the oar a sign will be flung out with these words Car Full No will bo allowed lo stop on board when the sign is up Tho bailfor and wife on the high treason charge was placed at Adam Beck stated a few days ago that Iho end of the present month the Hydro- Electric Power Commission will hove passed sandhorsepower mark In pow er consumption Power should be lessoned It is given out that Mr Al bert T Leake inspector of tech nical education for Province of Ontario has again won a prize at the University of Chicago His paper on Agriculture won the second prize Last year ho won first prize with his essay on Technical Education which amounted to Mr who repre sented Ontario at celebration of the centenary of the of New Orleans reports strong est feeling of friendship towards Canada and in- United States A good many Americans in To ronto observed last Friday as 1 holiday it being Lincolns birth day The will pay for form in Markham Township expropriated as an ad dition to Toronto Industrial Farm Tho claimant David Boyle valued the Hi 5 acres in area the offi cial arbitrator places the value at lesser amount Mr Frank I and collector Of customs says The war tax on spirits champagnes coholfc beverages and medicines of all will net about a day in the Toron- across the ocean A relic of history states it the widows cap Is as old as the days of Julius Caesar An edict of Tiberius commanded all wid ows to wear the cap under penal ly of a heavy One and imprison ment At Iho annual meeting of the Upper Canada Bible Society this week it was reported that a total of Bibles and Testa- him Aliens of various countries in vaded the registration offico on Monday as it was the last day for recording their names without compulsion On Tuesday squads of soldiers visited haunts of foreigners to round those who had neglected to register The annual automobile exhi bition is announced to be held next week The Red Cross Society will send twenty orderlies or mole nurses to the front guarantee Ing one years expenses Two cases of are reported at Exhibition Camp Special precaution loprevent Ih spread the disease is being taken The thirtythird annual meet ing of the Grand Council of On- of Iho Royal Templars of Temperance is being held this week In St Lawrence Market on Sal- butter was selling from to 35 cents lb Eggs were from 10 to cents a dozen and chickens from lo per pound- Send the Bra to absent t I mm J Dont Trust 9 The who fears to spend And never advertise With little be While others take the No what your wares may be Nor worth the selling Tho world will none the wiser he Except lis by the

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