Wr s I P- For a short lime wo have on I6 Limoges China Din ner Sets ft very nice neat decor ation at the Price of For we have on sale the Finest Quality SemiPorcelain dinner Sols in throe very neat decorations sots are Extra Good Value Pine Quality of English Tea Sets pieces at a Special Is Window is a very Dinner at aSpeolally Price eg 1 B4T IS fit AOL2 entire stock Roche Co- for sale at the Wholesale Price until Saturday 1st- Brief let The Metropolitan deserve cred it or the way they have removed the surplus snow from each the track Queen St Owing to the condition of- the roads the Slock Judging Con vention in Iho Market Building here has been I I Christian Church The lantern service Sunday ev ening was great success The pic tures were thrown on the canvas by Mr I Atkinson am talks by pastor A Mistake In the case of the garnishee of Health Lecture Dont forgo tie lecture at the Strand Friday even- commencing at and to be given by Dr secretary of the Provincial Beard Health Brlof Lent Wednesday The water works men had a nasty job last Tuesday fixing a leak the Metropolitan station Next Sunday is St Valentines Association The regular Monthly Show will be held on Tuesday evening Feb Mr Jones by Starr Orpingtons and Plymouth Hocks will she desires to stale was a mis- lake and sorry occurred Direct Importer of and f China Hate Your Marmalade Hoi First arrival of Marmalade Oranges to hand No Quality per Doz rape Fruit Marmalade is Special Prices and extra largo Grape Fruit Bright Clear Fruit for and for Naval Oranges High Sohool At the last mooting of the High Sohool Literary it was announced that the prize of 500 generously by Mr McKay ExChairman of the High Sohool Board Would bo competed for this term The to bo awarded to the student who takes first place in delivering a pro- pared speech and also in dis cussing some topic extemporane ously St Pauls A P A Three sleighloads of people drove to Aurora- Tuesday night and the outing wade them ready lot the refreshments thai were served on their return to Ike It- was a occasion throughout The regular meeting of St Pauls will be hold on Ash Wednesday night when the members will attend service in church The Lord Bishop of To ronto J P will be the preacher There will be no other injecting of the on Monday as was announced owing lo the bishops being un able to be here on the previously arranged date Christian Endeavor The special services held pedal Attention I a slicing machine which will save you endless trouble In catting Oranges and Grape Fruit will loan the same to purchasers Fruit at a very small rental The Leading Reliable Phone CORNER OF Main Timothy 8treets Perrlns Greenhouses WINT Wants Flowers Primula Asparagus Ferns Aurlcara Cut and Work on PRICES Very Reasonable Phono this week under the auspices of the Christian Endeavor Society Keen well attended The addresses given have been very helpful and the singing very in spiring Bo sure you do not miss the last meeting to be held Friday night at eight oclock Next Tuesday evening the Meeting will be held as usual Come and hear the Girls De- hate Subject Resolved that every Christian should give at least onetenth of his or her in come to the Lords lead ers Miss Dorothy Miss Lulu Collins Com L Our County At last session of the Coun ty Council the grants by tho County to the different High Schools were announced Those grants aro determined by County assuming the share of last years expenditure of the High Board which the attend ance of County pupils warrants The sum this year is an amount nearly in excess of last years appropriation and nearly that of four years ago It is only fair to express in this connection a woru appre ciation of the activity of our able representatives Reeve Keith and Deputy Pearson in securing highest amount legally obtain able be on exhibition and judged There will a so be a discussion on lorming a local Egg Circle to attend to collecting grading and marketing eggs on the cooperative plan All interested cordially invited to at tend and take part in the discussion A Social Evening The Adult Classes the Methodist Sunday School with their friends numbering about spent very so cial evening in the Schoolrooms on Wednesday might An Interesting pro gram epeeckes music and eongs presided over by in his usually humorous manner was followed by airusements and refresh ments The lira went all too Independent Order of An intpoztait meeting the will go held Tuesday evening next at oclock A- special Installation ceremony of the officers elected for be conducted by Clar ence High Chief Hanger Central Ontario- Bell is also a splendid speaker and will address the members Refreshments will be serv ed after the meeting Every member the is requested to be pres ent Red Cross On Monday last the Red Cross Society shipped the following sup plies for the Canadian soldiers I scarves caps face night shirts I sponge bags pairs socks Vj bed socks So far the Newmarket ladies have knitted pairs socks Balaclava caps and scarves PHOTO Thow old clotures of Father and mother are very dear to you In faot- Just bear In mind that your children would cherish Just uoh pictures of you We are prepared take your picture In the evening Studio open every Saturday evening ether by Photographer Studio One Door the New Office FOR A quantity of Good Timothy en Lot in the Con of TSast Newmarket STRAY en lot 30 la Con Owner VAy THE HEN THAT LAYS THE HEN THAT Intended her t lay- eggs lay if the has the rigfet Farmer Producing Powder Is guaranteed hens lay when mixed with regular feed because it contains the system craves A will convince anyone Sold at Hardware or for by the manufacturers Stanford Co P t I Red 8oolciy There will be a meeting of the Red Cross Society In Council Chambers on Monday Feb at oclock All members arc requested to ho present Committee wish to thank members of St Pauls Drama tic Club tho members of the Or chestra the ushers Mr A the ticket sellers and all oth ers who so generously gave their services on Friday Feb in making entertain ment Our Hoys an unqualified success Seventy percent of proceeds which amounted lo was diverted to the Rod Cross So ciety Tho next Red Cross Knitting Tea will bo held in tho Friends Church Tuesday afternoon Feb from two until six oclock Tho Committee will be glad to a largo attendance Farmer The Patriotism and Production Meetings which aro held under the Department of luro throughout Country promise to bo the most interest ing agricultural meetings oyer hold Some of most promt- agricultural speakers will bo present and will address tho meet ings These men made a special study on how war is go ing to effect our Agricultural products to such an extent that will bo well worth while for ev ery farmer to attend these meet ings There will ho both an af ternoon and evening session at each place where meetings are held and as Department is making lo give the all roliahlo informa tion possible farmers others should make a point lo attend at least ono of the ses sions meetings In County of York are to bo hold at Markbam on Feb Wood- bridge on Feb and markot on Fob 25th Continued from The postponed annual meet ing of the Soci ety will lako place on- Tuesday the 23rd at oclock The cause of postponement was lo give the people of Mount Albert a chance lo have the Fall Show Despite the very inclement weather lasl Friday night the Oyster Supper under auspices of the Presbyterian Church was a fair success Presbyterian Ladies Aid will hold their monthly meeting in the hall for work on Thurs day afternoon and evening Feb Tea will be served by Mrs A and Mrs James Lin- skill from 5 oclock until seven after which a social evening will be held Everybody come and have an evening of thorough en joyment A large congregation greeted r Wilson last Sunday evening in the Methodist Church to hear him speak of his work on King St East Mission League Choir did well with Miss Vera as organist Miss of New market spent over with the Misses Atkinson A load of our Hockey Boys took a Irip out to Zephyr last Monday night to witness a game between our team and Zephyr boys The game was a tie till tho very last when Zephyr scored one mak ing score 2 to I in favor of Zephyr Tho prizes were as follows 1st Best Dressed Lady Miss Algerian 2nd Best Dressed Miss Cain Indian Princess- Williams Night 3rd Best Dressed Lady Miss Fastest SkaterRoss Cun ningham Best Couple Skater Miss Vera Smith and George Best Couple Race Nel lie Smith and Mf Floyd Cunning ham Two sleighloads of Leaguers visited the Keswick League on Wed night DAY A suggestion made earlier the session that the leaving York j County for the front be insured was turned down ay the members the County Council at their concluding meeting Saturday in adopting the re port of the special committee enquir ing into this question In this stand the members saw many difficul ties in the way insuring the men as a who left with tbe contingent would feel entitled the reams consideration as those leaving subsequently It not the ihten- of ths Council when discussing the question to Provide who left with the first con tingent and It was felt that this dis crimination would cause considerable illfeelisg It was decided however to arm the home guards and rifle clubs in county to this end it was rcended that the county purchase Roes rifles and rounds of prac tice ammunition The chairman in fringing in the report to this stated that the committee thought that it was most Important that those who joined these organisations forme for the purpose of home de fence should hays a knowledge of shooting They considered it unrea sonable to ask the individual to purchase a rifle and in their opin ion it was the duty of the county to provide the necessary means to per mit the recruits to improve their marksmanship The bridge spanning the Creek on Street near Isling ton which was recommended for re construction in the report pi County Commissioners forl9M was again to the attention of the by reeve Silverthdrnp of in final attempt to have the Council take action in tho mat- The recently in dis cussing the decided to leave the matter in the hands of the commissioners This apparently did not satisfy the reeve of unexpressed for immediate action on the grounds that the bridge was too narrow and the superstructure too light for the increased traffic on this highway- A motion by reeve Cornell to appoint reeve of Weston to act with the new commissioners in investigating the state of the bridge was strenu ously opposed by Reeve Keith of Newmarket who thought the com missioners had the confidence of the Council and could be trusted to act in the best interests of the county We are in a peculiar position said Mr Keith The engineer re ports that the bridge to light for the traffic which passes over it he reports that the Rountree Bridge at is unsafe and that he would assume no responsibility for it What I cannot understand is why this latter bridge which is unsafe should be passed over by council and yet this Islington one which the engineer docs not deem unsafe is the of so much trouble The matter was finally left in the hands of the wardens and commission ers The report of the Treasurer showed that the receipts during the year amounted to inclu sive of a bank loan of while the disbursements amounted to amount 000 paid off the loan- The levy of the year amounted to which showed an Increase of over the previous years levy net receipts of he county Goad Roads Byserp amounted to according to the annual statement of the commissi bile expenditure amounted to It was decided to request the Government for their grant of one- third of the total expenditure The Council adjourned till Monday Tune vv fern For a mere matter of Ten Frfty put you In possession of an English Beaver Overcoat whs lining and rubber Interlining handsome Otter Fur trimmed In Irreproachable manner that no tailor can fey lets than Twanty Dollars WE SELL ONLY CLOTHES THAT ARE MADE THE BEST LINE8 AND INSURE LONG WEAR AHD SATISFACTION The Overcoat hi what puts finishing of am I UOU DAILY THOUGHT It Is well pause and ask wast perlencea we aa rassloK through Do we let them fclanee over us and glide by us or are we earnestly en gaged their meanings In their In modifying our conduct a harmony with their teachings If former let us never hope that others can by our experience that which we have never learned we certainly can never But the latter then an ex perience valuable to ourselves will be valuable to others and whetner wo frame It Into words or simply let It shine through our lives will ever and vigoratlHg Era to absent friends now Al- I REQINA LETTEH The of has definitely decided on method striking the aBissmcnt for together two hundred and forty of most representative business men will he asked for an estimate of the value of various sections ol pro perty and from average opinion will be struck equitable assess ment Once the opinions these men have been secured as to the sections of property decided upon It will be an easy matter for the city assessors department to work out the basis for the entire civic assessment of property been sot aside upon which the two hundred end forty business men selected will give their estimates a new and thriving in dustry Saskatchewan Broom Company having commenced opera tions in the City Already six men are employed and provisions are be ing made tor extensions in the im mediate future Saskatchewan Is out to carry oft the honors In the grain competitions at the Panama Pacific Exposition at San Francisco according to an an nouncement made by Thomson of the government service at recently No stone will be left un turned to have the best ex hibit from Saskatchewan at this ex position It is planned to have pro vincial exhibit for ejection the best samples to sent to San Francisco In an effort to get the farmers Interested in the exhibit a circular letter is being sent out to farmers throughout province ask for their support The depart ment Is prepared to pay transporta tion charges on Individual exhibit and expect between and ex hibitors to contribute For the first timo in the history ol city woman has full powers of an ordinary police con stable This person Is none other than Miss Allen the deaconess work ing under the Bureau of Public Wel fare Much interest has been taken In the statements made by J Bruce Walker Dominion commissioner of immigra tion to the effect that there rt a large of American farmers during the present year HOUSEHOLD HINTS Dried fruits are i safer bought in packages than In bulk It is a good idea to have regular days for each kind of work If the shoes are too tight the feet will get very quickly made with an egg has a rich flavor which alone can Whenever shoes are not in use they should be put en trees and put away where they will get plenty of air Pots and kettles should not he scraped a piece of sandpaper to removed any burned particles or dls- colorations When silver has become discolored with egg dip a damp cloth in salt water and rub the sliver tho will disappear A slice ol is an excellent thing to lean white oilcloth which has become disfigured by the cooking utensils Equal parts turpentine and ammonia remove paint from clothing no matter how hard the paint may have become If the teapot becomes musty put a lump of sugar in it before putting it away It will smell sweet when you want to use it Keep folded newspapers handy upon which to place soiled pots and pans and save cleaning smutty marks from the tables tub of water placed near the house plants in a room where you are afraid ol frost will draw the frost and save the plants fl-ooe- The assembling department one the largest of the Singer Sewing Machine Works New York has an nounced a return of all men on full time this week last tall about per cent of the employed there were laid off A gas well has been struck in the village of near London On tario the is be enough for Considerable damage was done at the Brampton Press Brick Cob plant on Monday morning when weight of snow on the root two large kilns to cave In Feb lOTbe Queens Ho tel the largest town was completely destroyed in an early fire this morning All guests escaped in jury Loss The military authorities have another invention le try out It Is a trench invented Lieut Harold of No 2 Co Canadian front of trench is just ground and from this extends back and up at an angle It Is mounted on the Idea is to Rive men shelter cith er while they are moving to wards the enemy or while they are digging- I hove part car Of stock for and would to communicate with somebody to competition be an Incentive to your energy and The imagination is a precious faculty which well directed can rend er the of oui duties easier by enkindling Is our souls a holy enthusiasm for virtue aid inspir ing a honor evil That most dreaded In working out a pure intent A man arrayed for mutual slaughter Yea and Carnage Is ler Wordsworth BE For February UP No Met MtM m long it the Tfcay I A The name Columbia stands today for the best records on the market And that in every detail In a Columbia Record you the beat record it is possible to get at any price You have- tho finest recording years ahead of any other You have many- of the bigfeat and best and bands most of them exclu sive And in Columbia you have a record which will unfail ingly WEAR TWICE AS LONG aa any other makeno matter what you pay It is those combined pointa of that have made Columbia supreme today the beat records and tie biggest value only cents No other records dare make such specific claims because no other records can prove them If you are not acquainted Columbia Records get the demon stration double for cents extra for postage J y Returns All Double Disc Records a q z Sister Soues Sewing Shirts for Soldiers A Tip Top Mary When Yen Wore a Tulip the Ball When Youre a Long Long Way From Home Arrival British Troops in France 8 This is a St to it Dane 85 as 85 A Including latest Fox Trots One Steps Tangos etc Columbia Records Made Canada Fit Standard ARCHIVES OF TORONTO