I J i i I a tinsdale Mmgw BE 8 A v e T I 1 WAITED buy horses or cattle Apply at Mt Albert CROSS AH those who have bee sew ing or knitting for the Society are requested lo their work at the Library Room Saturday i l and Part t of and J V SKAROri Toronto FARMERS A meeting of the Mount Albert Club will be held in the Hall on Wednesday Feb at pm The meeting will be addressed by a of the United Farmers of Ontario All farmers and fanners sons are requested to be present jz- RAD FEET A man about years of ae whose name is Sutherland a farmer of Holt was found early Monday lying unconscious in Ml roadway and both his feel frozen He was taken to Toron to on a train and removed to tbe General Hospital It was found necessary lo amputate both feet and he now lies in precarious condition Jtfauil of spit at Miss Dally calling on friends last Week Ramsay left for their JioiiHi oh Monday Miss the with her sister Mrs of Holland Several old landmarks the spruce trees in the Meeting yard which have the of winters or more arc being removed this week Mrs Jerry of West visite a days with some friends in the- village this week This Week- Mrs and children are visiting in This week Evelyn Farr is home from toronlo Fred says tin snow is awfully deep between here and Jt I town I ft I I is invited to present as very interesting to bo discussed I OBITUARY Mr Cornelius one of j our oldest residents passed away on Sunday evening after a lingering illness in bis For a number of years the do- J censed carried I did not write last weak to tell you of the storks visit to Mr and Mrs Leonard on laa a fine boy Hiss Rogers spent the with Oil a blacksmith l Violet Williamson which he retired A I though the roads were bad quite CEDAR BRAE to the roads blocked with snow things began to look serious The was stalled for twentyfour hours Mr section foreman says eight tons of snow in eight hours Mr McLeans teams were all off work this week during the storm Mr loaded a car of this week Wo Sinclair of through here quite frequent- Josh wishes good luck The carpenters are busy re- pairing Mr Doyles store was the cause of the damage amounting to about Co contract ors arc getting ready for busi ness They had some trouble getting thoir supplies in owing to the upset A quiet wedding took place at on Feb 3rd Mr James A Tripp and Miss Claude were united in the holy bonds of mat rimony They passed through here on honeymoon or as the French say a Mr Bert and family were visiting his brother Bill on Sunday Mysterious Lad mi business from about ten years ago and lived a from around here attended the At Home in Sutton Wed fa quietly with his wife at their home on Main St Resides the widow two sons and one daughter sur vive Clifford of Walter of Proton and Mrs of look place lo Mount Albert Cemetery on day PERSONAL Miss Taite principal of the Continuation School Sutton spent Saturday in town calling on friends Miss Mabel Kightley of Toron to was home over Sunday Miss Gertrude Moore Spent tin weekend at her home in town Messrs Clifford and Walter and Mr and Mrs at tended the funeral of the late on Saturday Mr Jewell of New spent a few days in town calling on old friends Jf lK l OBITUARY Mr James a of Scot Township died at his home on Jan in his year He came lo Canada from Ireland In the year He spent a number of years in and Pickering Town ships In the year ho set tled on the first concession of Scott where he lived until the time of his death He was a member of Franklin Church for a number of years in poli tics he wai a Reformer Be is survived by one daughter Mrs John Leek evening and report a good time Better tie your horye Howard the you come to the Point Glad to see Mrs J Cole home again after two weeks visit in To- hd Suaek SonrebodyVs ducks were lost here Saturday Emma Young is at i resent visiting in heaps of snow around these parts yet the Hoo beat reported an It takes tlian banks to keep the school master away from our general store Mr Knights gave a very interesting talk at the Church here last Sunday He announced that the Ladies Aid would meet at his house Thursday Feb The S is pro gressing There talk of the two classes giving an oldfashioned in the near future each mem ber of the class to take part in or forfeit The old foil are able eh Oliver Mr wears a very Ileasaat smile He has good reason to proud of his tittle daughter Mr Ernest of Newmarket Sunday with his school friend Thornton Mr Fred 1arker at his brothers SHARON The Sowing Circle met at the home of Mrs Shaw on Wednes day of larx week lo quilt for one of our fair young ladies who is shortly going to leave us next Two big attended Iho Oyster Supper at on Friday evening and report a good time Mr- Geo Soules of Newmarket spent Sunday at Walnut Farm Mr Crone spent Sun day in Toronto Ada Gardner a party lo her schoolgirl friends last Mrs Herb Hall Mrs Lloyd and Mrs Kitely enter tained friends last week We are sorry lo note that two of popular young men hap pened with a very sad misfortune while attending service In New market on Sunday evening Wal ler lost his whip and had a good excuse to drive slow while Mer lon had to fast having had his robe taken from his cutter Never- mind hoys we hope the P will bring to Justice By the way the gravel is being heaped along the side of the road it looks as if we will have some good this summer KKSWiOK A Fancy Dress Carnival will Km on the rink on Thursday Feb The gentlemen who attended the regular meeting of the Wo mens Institute at the home of Mrs Frank gave a col lection amounting to to lh Red Cross Fund The Embroidery Club at the home of Mrs Davidson on Tuesday evening A quantity of which had piled In heaps on our busi ness streets was carted gently This will lessen the cbarcr f any damage by floods when the spring thaws set In A number of new scats haw recently been placed in the Con tinuation School The increased attendance made Miss Nellie Ross passed the n mm ATTENTION As he winter will soon bo over and we have been- talking war and Other things that have of very little use to us Now let us get down and talk business I have a few sets of sleighs a band that I will sell cheap and on easy terms and for a Gaso line Engine I can surprise you All sixes new and Now for a square deal Coma and sec me or phone H MOUNT FLOUR Do as our neighbor says buy flrstolasn Flour You got it at the Ml Albert Flour Mills Cus tom Grinding per bushel Wheat taken in exchange for Manitoba Flour Manitoba and Pastry Flour always on hand Chopping day Axes cut ting box knives and skates Mount Albert EAT Bad Bread and Buy Hi or Five takca Chop and toctalo at to he the village the ill lately Mr Jesse Stone- bouse who has been very ill for the last two weeks has passed away Ho had a great number of friends which was evident by the great interest shown all through his illness We are glad to say thai Mr Alfred Morton is some belter these days Mr Arthur is slowly Improving ami Viva Cole is also a lot bet- lev The Methodist League visited lite here Wednesday night when of course a great lipie was enjoyed The Ashing is exceedingly good this yearj and many people are enjoying good feeds of trout these days Should anyone want to procure trout apply to Hill Co Limited Hill Davidson Bill Warner and Ross A few of Ihe young people braved the rain last Friday night to hear Ihe Holuaven Concert By the way when is an umbrella not an umbrella Messrs Hoy and spent Sunday in their home The Racing Carnival which was advertised for last night was postponed until Thursday Feb Idlli Tlie Silver Cup donated and now held by Cunningham will he for A Ladies Race Roys and under Potato Race Relay Hue- mixed which will cause a groat deal of fun ex citement Sweater Coal exchange and a number of other races so as lo in everybody who is game for a little fun Some who did not moke it for the first conceit heard the repent concert Tuesday night All who heard this concert say thai it was well worth while- The play en titled in Charge and the Hoys Drill and morns were espe- eially enjoyed Fames returned to the city after spending a few days with her faUieiv and Isnt very kind that gels a ride out every morning Larry The Keswick branch of Institute will hold their next regular Too late for last week Mr Franklin took busi ness trip to one day last week Mr Mrs George Molds Mt Pleasant visited friends here one day last week His many friends of Mr Hiram Rose will ho sorry to hear of his death which occurred at his home last week a brief illness The funeral was held at his late resi dence Thursday afternoon conduct ed by the Rev Mr of when the remains were con veyed to Sutton We extend our sin cere sympathy to the bereaved ones in their hour of trial Mr and Mrs A Watson of shoe visited relatives here one after noon last week Mr Jones of Toronto University conducted the services here on Sun day night but owing to the severe inow storm the attendance was sather small Miss A and gentleman friend spent Sunday a the of Miss Collins We understand that has been confined to the house with a severe cold We are pleased to state that Mrs Is able to go around again after her fall some time ago- her she had enough to see her- through Ho was answered in Iho If you havent so and I wilt you have wasnt he This world la not all There are souls who use thole wealth as their Creator designed they should In relieving the needy A city gentleman- a friend or the Owl which assures uft would save the ne cessity of an operation and con sequent heavy expenses He says virtues have been A brief visit home to see the Missus and the and John Oldham has returned lo his High in the Hub that those who do not want to go have to go and thoso who long lo be called on Jury dont gel the chance is said the rollicking Irish song Its a long way to rnry is a great favorite amongst the campaigning In Ger many ft up spirits The American Civil War Iho North and the South rise to many most beautiful songs as John Brown Th faded coat of Blue Just before Hie mother Marching through Georgia etc etc The present war shows a most re- advance In military science methods from over fifty years ago I think wise old Ger many has need for all the wirt- at her commhnd to through her empire intact The ice harvest is being reaped on Lake Reports say there is quite a army of harvesters Baldwin need a hustle on Our young men are having a great time courtjng sparking this winter rink gives scope for their public exhi bitions Were I in a humorous humor I conld relate many amus ing episodes observed by Dame Rumor Tho boys delight in toll ing tales out of school Jealousy perhaps Meanwhile Merlin Cora and that old sorrel mare are having enjoyable drives Oh for a Kodak Now dont you cry for me Im bound for With my banjo on my knee Sung in a delightful style fifty years ago by Cool Bur gess Susan skates alone Are not gentlemen boys Our young folks engaged in the manufacture of Valenlinesuo to their eyes Winter is pretty well worn away Our miller wants to extra precautions at flood time else therell be bad news The Tomb Died on Jan at his residence New Lowell Co James years Deceased was a former resident of this neighbor hood was a respected and honorable citizen a couple days in the city last week Mr At- Was his house a few days week bat pleased to hear Improving Mr and e siding them Into our midst Mr and Mrs of Bra spent Sunday with here of Knox Col lege pulpit hero Sun day evening and preached a vary ac ceptable and Mrs and Utile spent Sunday with friends in Zephyr The young people their social evenings again The on Friday at Mr Mar- Proceeds In aid re- pal fund of the church Everybody invited Mr Harold Rose who has been seriously ill from hi we are pleased to say improving- slowly em a mlsr A KQERT Qnerai Manager Capital Pat Of tad SUTTON You Can Start a Savings Account with for you to wad until you have a of to atari a Savings Account with this Bank be opened with or more on which twice a year MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH a TERRY i delayed in you The next Womens Institute will be held at the home of John hart on Wednesday at 30 All ladles cordially invite The following was the mail last week Tho spent most of Tuesday in a snow bank at Vivi an pleasant quarters to have to spend the day J has recoived his samples of spring from the Art Tailoring Co also from and is prepared to measure you for that spring suit Call in and look the samples over The ice cutters had a holiday on Tuesday on account of the storm fee is inches thick The Sutton had a par ticularly interesting meeting on Monday night It was decided to buy a couple of sets of carpet balls for the amusement their members Mr A is away in Detroit for a couple of weeks Mrs Lake Miss Hose Lake and Mrs spent a portion of lust week in Toronto Miss Wilson of Port Credit is the new teacher engaged to look after Ihe third room at the Public School The Masquerade Hall given by the last Friday night was a success About was realized which after deducting expenses will be divided be tween the Free Hospital and the Preventorium for Tuber cular children at Weston There is no doubt in the minds of the people hero that the failed to see his shadow on Tues day as it was almost impossible for human beings lo across road lOj the severe blizzard blowing About twenty inches of snow fell during Mon day and Tuesday and on account of the heavy wind blowing some blockades were caused Mr Stanley has ar ranged for an auction of his blacksmith tools etc to be held on Saturday Feb Terms cash The Methodist Choir are ar ranging for a concert lo bo held in the town hall Sutton on St Patricks March the The program will consist of mu sical selections readings plays lite nmember the dale The Sutton Continuation School ore having a Concert in the hall on the evening of Friday The proceeds aro to be devoted to the decoration of the School Room Tho program will consist of readings by J Im Toronto and ertalcnl The price is and cents I We have scoured In Sutton for the Walker make of Overalls and 8mooks These garments are made of the best denims and are guaranteed against any reasonable tost With every pockets are stamped that are returned to us wo will give you a new garment They are sold at per garment I OUTFITTERS Issuer of Marriage Licenses SUTTON Worn they escape the skin pimples black heads facial bleniihej duo to indigestion or bilious ness At times all women need help to rid the system of poisons and the safest surest most convenient and most economical help they find in i This famous has the entire system It quickly relieves the ailments caused by defective or irregular action of the organs of digestion headache backache low spirits extreme nervousness Purifying the blood Beechams Pills improve and The Complexion direction with box Ytatl to duty by Thorn Sc CmaJ sod S A Freezes of Mrs the hour of and Physical Form of Music by No Eras readied Baldwin last week but we expect that like a tardy schoolboy they will bo on deck by Mondays mail Tuesday mornings storm Feb 2nd was an heavy one here was Quite out of the question for the kids lo get to school so of a neces sity they had a holiday The old kids Billy goats thronged the stores and enjoyed the rapid wan derings of a dullwitted chap wlio was delighted to show off for a treat of mils candies and such Awfully hard times are war limes Some that have a large amount of sale notes due have to allow an extension of time A hockey match between Bald win and was set for Friday last but tho Brownie Babies fought shy of a game not pulling in a showup apparently Inching the lo meet the Baldwin Tons Mrs Tommy Counter writes homo very and hopeful was a serious one in deed four hundred and gallstones Wore removed from her liver wealthy gentleman her Too Late for Mat Week Well weather was rather rough There is enough snow now for sleighing The men will have some roads to break now Prof J Dales conducted the service Sunday evening night was not very favourable Mrs Will Nixon and baby Jack will leave Grandpa Brooks this and after spending a cou ple of weeks In Toronto and Mono Road will return West to their home In Saskatchewan Good bye Jackie Come again The Concert in was a great success though the wealji- was not very favorable The Miss has passed her second year examina tions at the Toronto Conserva tory of Music with honors We ore pleased lo make this report and extend congratulations Smellers Furnishing Store has secured the agency for Walk er Overalls and Smocks and every garment is sold under a guaran tee to satisfaction Save pockets in these garments as tamped sir pockets you lo free garment Masonic At Home last night Feb 3rd was a big success guests being presort from Toronto and oil er points Music cards and done- lug whiled away hours and wont home fully- satis- Married StewartNoble in Toronto on Saturday Feb Miss Margaret Stewart to Dr Thompson Noble Births In Sutton on Wed Feb 3rd to Mr and Mrs a daughter Dr Smith who is here every Tuesday except the first Tuesday of each month when ho is at All Albert- was here as usual this The Dr has been laid up with a severe cold In his head and chest Dr Noble and bride are ex pected home this week Both parties are iweH and favorably known here and wo Join with the many friends In wishing every Dont forget the school concert by the proceeds amounted to 52075 On led with the evenings entertain Tuesday night the proceeds amounted to Total pro ceeds young took a great interest In the concert They wish to thank outside people who helped Any one who missed it missed a great treat The market is still progressing good and lots coining The funeral look place on Tuesday at home on Fifth The bereaved has Ihe sympathy of the community Mr Mumps is around He is visiting with the how bride Wo donUkuow ho will MOUNT PLEASANT Owing to the last the postponed their usual meeting until the following weok Owing to the snowstorm lust week postponed their usual mooting until the following week The services Sunday afternoon wore well attended At the evening service an excel lent address was given on Mis sionary Work by Mrs Atkinson Keswick Methodist League is expected to visit Iho of Mt Pleasant ahd give the program next Wednesday- evening Feb Refreshments will he The program almost exclusively by local latpttt was very good Rev MacLeaa of Bradford was on hand and was very much enjoyed in his hut Instructive ad dress The proceeds amounted to over A number of ladies of our knitting socks for the Quae Mary Sock Fund in London Tho Fancy Dress Carnival on Tuesday evening was a success a- number were and the costumes wo could say they had quality If not quantity Miss of To ronto is visiting Miss Vera Smith Page FOR At Oxygon Welding international Gasoline near now onginc sleighs at half price Small Thresher new I engine at half price I Bell Saw Mill near new Pert Perry Mill near new I McLaughlin doubleplaUd Chopper A number of Steam Stack in diameter A number ofBuu Saws Baits and Pulleys DAVIS people bringing in their logs can have them out to suit A te who Interest I Drawings wood Is all the go around here these days Mr Harold Hose la under care he vlll aoon Mr and Mrs spent of Mr William Abbs Skating la the favorite past tune Quite a number took in the hookey match at on Monday night tonight in the Town jlall Thy have promised a pro gram and receipts are for a good to the high room A box social and concent is to bo hold In tho Hall at Virginia on Tuesday evening Feb the I A dramatio and mu sical program is arranged Ladies bringing boxes free and othors will ho charged and Tho have commenced work on program for their on of March promiso something good Newmarket beat Sutton at the rink here on Monday night by to Those teoms are evenly Sutton to at on Thursday night and Hits- winds up their games FOR FLETCHERS Sorry to report Mr Chas Ste phens while tilling- a lank with water lost his footing and fell receiving a badly sprained ankle He was missed very by Sunday A of our boys took in tho hockey match- at Sutton Mon day night Presbyterian Church News The Sacrament of the Lords Supper will bo observed in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning at I oclock Mrs At kinson will address women of congregation at evening Work The Womens Missionary and Ladies Aid will meet in Ihe Hall on Thursday afternoon at oclock Tho Oyster Supper canm off very successfully on Friday oven- testis You HELP BY Positively a Canadian product A Trial will Convince Womens Missionary That It will Thoroughly Your Polo and Pans Knlvoa and Forks and all Kitchen to be Ml four Groc for For a a