Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 12 Feb 1915, p. 3

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Weeks to Prices entire stock Roche Co for at the Wholesale rtfco until Sat May 1 v league Slelghride Between and young people drove to Aurora on Monday night and tad a great time were about in one load- bay rack With and lots fun On their turn refreshments were served in the and games were kept lip till rood time Broken At the Hoctey Match in Sutton night while in the midst of strenuous struggle Mr Frank Dun- collarbone broken It was purely an accident and every- was for it but it be end of hockey this season for it was in a Metropolitan League game and in favor of Newmarket i- C sue give few by way of as follow Taxes School St- Mptys Perth V3068 Paris Aurora vV2333 31350 16757 Debt Genera School 74 18G505 Wff in comfort and 3364 invest in real es- in a score Business Change Mr Lyons bought out Starrs Bakery on Saturday night Is running the business in the premises Alfred Starr intends devote lis time to the Electrical Supply and business it being more to bis nature For the pre sent he has Secured accommodation in the Market where he intends 10 on hand electric fixture and full line of supplies Special at- teition will be given to installation motors and household electrical See ad on page four Valentine Social Valentine Social la the room the Christian on Moaday evening the 15th at Small ad mission foe for Boys Report react us a lively chari vari on St real a few nights ago- The neigh thought a of Germans was a arm house of wore aid the got a polite little note next to settle up Robes Stolon It is not safe for farmers to leave rigs under the Church sheds on Sunday in Newmarket Last Sunday evening while attending ser- vice in the Methodist Church robes were stolen from cutters The contest for the Biros Shield is getting exciting On Saturday niht Canes Factory won from Special by one point The standing the teams now is as follows Won Lost To Play Tannery Town Specialty 2 Canes 3 Last night Canes Factory was to play against Town and on Satj night C are to Pol held an court on wheti Burton before him on charge forgery con nection with marriage license She conducts a just ol document charged Mrs who is a widow charged with her name fl that of her late husband from the end inscribing in Place thereof the names Burton and Ida After faeartoa considerable evidence and ascertaining all abmt the transaction tho Magis trate allowed both of the accused to go on suspended sentenc Some say the was a lark the church shed The victims were Messrs Thornton Bales John Williams and Meiton Shaw It that a robe was stolen Iroro fee Christian Church shed the same eight this is not true The matter was reported to the ktefs of the Protection Society at who immediately put a detec- at work but no clue could be obtained by Mr Morritt over Mr Doyle by of to first round is just completed for the Gain Trophy and there are players left The second draw will probably be finished next week and then it will become exciting In the matches with Richmond Hill Wednesday Newmarket won In the afternoon and the Hill won at night Metropolitan League It if was going to the Silver Cup in trie Metro politan League At on Thursday evening week Newmarket had a regular the score being game was fast from beginning to end l Newmarket boys played ringd atoned the Thorns Their only tally was obtained in the last period tout two before the closo Woodcock and Smith were stars The lineup was as follows Goal L Left Defence P Duncan Right Defence Geo Rover Ernie Doyle Centre Hush Smith Wing Woodcock Right Wing Spot Lepard At Sutton on Monday night after a struggle Newmarket came out a top with a score of to Same as alove Prosbytorlan Guild Monday evenkig the Young Guild formed a sleighing party about of its memirs to visit Ae Aurora and were given a cordial reception The two spent a very sociable and en joyable time together After an address of welcome bv Mr of Aurora the entertainment the evening was provided by the Newmarket Guild Rev Thomas as opened the program by a address which was followed by solos from Miss Rogers Mr David- Sin and Mr readings by Miss Thomas and Miss Bus well and Instrumental by Misses Wells and After the singing of the National Athem we were served to an supper by our Aurora friends after our drive was fully enjoy ed by us Altogether our Guild lad a evening and hope soon to bate the pleasure of a visit from the of the Aurora Guild Com Free Methodist Church The usual Quarterly Meeting of this Church will be held at Newmctkot beginning this Friday eening and extending over Sunday the at which services the District Elder will preach Service will begin on Friday and Saturday nights at 8 ocock On Sunday the usual at am preaching at 11 followed by the Sacrament of the Lords Supper Service again pm the ordinance ot Baptism Preaching again at pm A hearty welcome is extended to all LINK ITEMS MrKThos the tfth attended the and Sheep annual meeting Toronto last week The Ladies Aid of the 5th line Christian Church met at the home of Mrs Johnson on 2nd line on Thursday of last week Miss Mary Smith of the Co Toionro spent Sunday with her mother en the line A of our young folks journeyed to Aurora Skating Rink on Saturday night and had an enjoyable time Mr Fred Walton is again a in former winters in the swamp with a full gang of men Mr and Mrs Ed Blackburn of the line were the guests of Mr and Mrs Fred Webster on the Town lino on Sunday Mr Ed Blackburn sold three choice fat steers to Mr Knowles of Aurora this week Ed is A 1 PINE ORCHARD MS a for j and entirely to the Tic speak fi of cheek- It trying a party after i the- loot match of vs in your next issue feltidly explain- the word chie as 0 your reat era might possible be hot in of to your humble sell to understand the hereof and as you causing in thelittleburg your assertion with reference to such woiilrl better unpublished Now while wo heartily both Editors of the Newmarket Journals from all we advise the worthy to be more careful in the future for we are satisfied that no of this or any- other district wiU have any ob jection to conduct whereabouts or business transactions bring sent to the press for of truthfulness refer to the falsa of a equipped with class their upper equipped with the necessary to conduct a succcsslul business career such would be worth ng The Euchre Club met at the resi dence Mr aad Mrs Roy on Thursday last and report having spent an enjoyable ev ening successful contestants being Miss Veda ami Mr Ross Black Mr Fred are pleased to note is rapidly recovering from his recent- illness We congratulate Mr James Jr upon his matrimonial Ma all joy and happiness be Wo trust that more our bachelor friends may follow his example We understand there Is one who Is going to fall in line in the future Miss our popular school teacher was the guest of the Misses on Sunday- Mr Aubrey sister Miss Veda were the guests Rose llodgins on Sunday evening Now dear readers I am not get ting behind the stone waU to do any cause any whatever It you care to know who I am kindly call at the office and he will without any hesitation whatever inform you as to who is the writer of this letter The Skating Party on Tuesday ev ening was grand success there 1 a big crowd in attendance The skating was thoroughly enjoyed by young old About 1030 the par ty journeyed over to the Hall where a bountiful and most appetising lunch was served by the Indies and a very pleasant time enjoyed SPECIALS FOR THI8 Imported 2 for Trimmed Drawee 16o Trimmed Reg Table Linen Readymade Sheets made of Extra Heavy Cotton yd wide Readymade Sheets made of Extra Heavy Bleached Cotton 2 W yd wide each a Readymade Sltp In In 44- per pa In wide peg tor Victoria yd Fine Embroidery wide pet yd OF BARGAINS ALL ALONG THE LINE bundle this months sale W A OF- PEAOE For the cqlo- today A hundred years of peace ami amity Thousands of No fortress guards no display Of weapons who a way Have found to settle strife by methods free From wars redhanded ruthless tyranny Where common sense and mUlu- trust hold sway With and to God Who teaches men to love and so fulfil His law that Hellish in them may cease They join as citizens of com mon blood To strengthen and goodwill O happy harbinger wide John It Webb Newmarket Feb nth mm km 0 A Now Houses Allah Howard expects to move into his new residence on Prospect Ave within next two weeks Ho is to congratulated on having a wellbuilt structure Mr Isaac Rose being the contractor Nearly the floors are hardwood and the trim ming is In oak The and en trance to the drawingroom are ef fectively artistic The layout of the house is excellent and much attention ton given to household conveni ences embracing several Ideas hope Mr and Mrs Howard may be Spared many years to enjoy their and comfortable now borne Methodist Church Sunday evening the pastor a series sermons on Life and the excellent discourse fee series will prove very interesting mi Next Sunday evening is Peace a thanksgiving in recognition of the 100 of Peace between Canada and e United States During the service a short Song Service will be held at the commences of each service and on the last of each month Mens will lead Ijie The meeting took lace on Tuesday evening There was a good attendance Various matters were reviewed by A com- was appointed to act in coo- iinction vnth the Church in the continuation of union Mrvlees during the holiday season tbo summer P and Walter were appointed to church at the Dominion Alllanco Convention in Toronto next A limitation Was extended to Iter A P Addison to remain term which was accepted and the pastor took to thank the for kindness and courtesy extend ed to him by all the members of the It was to Rev J I Simpson a former to pieach anniversary as as the date can arranged choir are putting on selections for ft In the near future Burglary at Sunday morning store of Mr on Main St was into and and HO worth of tobacco cigars smokers sundries stolen Entrance was obtained by breaking a large pane of glass in the back door Mr made the dtovecy when ho went to the store to- fix fire on Tracks in tho snow that only one deed One show case cleared out entirely partly and contents of several shelves carried except the boxes on a man who fre quented the billiard parlor and Was tkere Saturday night A search was obtained in Whs of his boardinghouse sev eral empty ciar were fouad and A warrant was then Issued for mans arrest when It The regular monthly meeting the Pine Orchard Institute will meet at the home ot Mrs Van ou Wednesday Feb 17 at p m A paper on Canadian Authors and works will be given by Miss I lope There will also bo demonstration of Salads Roll Call for salads and marma lades Tho young people of Pine Orchard intend holding an entertainment in the Friends meeting house on Tuesday Feb at p An excellent pro gram will be given consisting of solos dialogues readings and drills Proceeds in aid of Relief Fund Come spend an enjoyable evening On Saturday about of representative farmers in this community met in the Friends Meeting House and with the help and counsel of Mr J Sleek ley organized a Farmers Club were elected as follows lres Wesley VicePros Brandon Rope Directors Ash ton Lloyd Frank The Club will niect again on Friday 1 111 in the Friends Meeting House Besides I ho regular order of business there will ho a discussion on ho benefits of Farmers Clubs led Mr also a- discus sion on Corn Growing and Silage led by Hope All who are in terested lit this work arc very cor dially invited tobe present KETTLEBY Mr Gordon Hunter of Toronto spent over Sunday at FCWaltons Anglican Ladies Guild met at the home of Mrs Walton Tuesday Mr and Mrs Stevens spent fever Sunday with the mother Mrs of Toronto Rae and company built a new icehouse for Mrs Stephenson this week The members the Sunbeam and the Onward and Upward Bible Classes will please not the regular class meeting on the at the home of Miss A new carpenter at Tory Corners ha ha I Mr Dan McMillan and gentleman friend were in town an Sunday night Miss Fife Is visiting friends in Toronto perpetuate of world- January White Goods Sale Ladles House Dresses Gale Price and Ladles Caps Price 12 Childrens Rompers and Ladles Corset Covers fine Nainsook wide Lace and Ribbon trimmed sale price 25c Ladles Crepe Corset Covers lacetrlmmed NEW WASH GOODS Prints Ginghams Cinderella Cloth Fancy Crepes and and New Towellings fen Newmarket Markets BRITISH MADE DIG CAPTURES A representative of Wheat per bush interviewed offleors Barley per lsh Feb 1915 140 SI CO Toronto Markets Feb- of tho lmbria which arrived to- Oats bush 0 CO bush day Naples from Alexandria Buckwheat per They say the battle near the canal ran per ton lasted three days and that the Shorts per ton British made big captures in lon eluding a number of German The residents of Cairo and Butter per Alexandria are now forbidden bag leave the cities per lb I Ducks per lb Geese lb Send Era to absent friends Turkeys per i mm Wheat per bush- Barley per Gates per Rye per bush per ton Butter per lb 30 P GO Potatoes per bag 0 is- i72a 0 Turkeys per lb 0 2ti 27000 18 im1 lltb M60- 0 I ft7 0 ft 35 35 M- IB- It 0 ft yL 5 Oyer the signature of Sandy wo notice a sort of reprimand to the concerning the which have sent in to the proceeding issues for publica tion We strongly advise worthy friend to take a their own advice as they at commence with statements which were found ho had taken untrue Just mistake 0 our car tor Toronto The pity worthy friends news police were the men and shortly given a description ol to the wrong Dont imagthe his arrest anticipated iou your many readers capped with dope I 1 FINE R WATCH CLOCKS DIAMONDS CUT ENGRAVING extra WHEW YOUR EYEGLASS WORN It has outgrown Its usofulnoca Come here for a now I your Glasses do not suit your out- Come hero for now ones If youve worn Glasses but ought to US I Mrs J Evans spent Sunday with Mrs- Hughes Mrs returned home after spending a with her Mrs Toronto Miss and gentleman friend spent Sunday at Mr ba tons Annie spent Sunday with her parents hero mad to report that Master Garten is Improving after a ser ious attack of pneumonia What kind of Halt did George and Karl have on Sunday night Mr and Mrs were the guests Mr and Mrs Cutting on Mrs Gould has returned home What is the attraction on the line Dont forget the Social at Mr J Courtneys on Friday night Mr J and family spent Sunt day at Mr Goulds Head Mr Mrs J Jarvls spent Sun day with her patents Mr and Mrs J Mr Andrew Archibald the line was a Sunday visitor here HOLLAND LANDING Mr LaveiTT Agent is spending his holidays his homo In Weston Mr Boll Relieving Agent is in charge during the ah MICfl The dance- which the Royal on Tuesday evening last was largely attended i Hood has- sold her res idence to Mr Smith of Toronto and Inlands reading in the city Mrs f and Mrs fi a trip Toronto and return on Mon day lapt- Mr- John lot vacated by Mr Win Thompson Miss Williams of the 2nd of King is vlsitlngwith Mrs BRITISH HAVE LOST COMPANY Jewelers and Opticians London Feb Premier Asqulth said in the of today that casualties in all ranks in ire Western of the war from the beginning of hos tilities to amounted to men Ibis in cludes tilled wounded and the Era absent frlendo Approximately twenty men been mobilized in Europe A large pro portion these been withdrawn from the farms of the countries at war Even in countries huge numbers of food producers have called from the land to be ft It Is difficult for us to what win effect food pro duction through tie withdrawal of several million men from all the great agricultural countries of Europe These cease to bo producers they consumers wow still have become destroyers of food HON MARTIN of Agriculture Britain must have food food this year and food next year Britain Is looking to Canada to supply of that food Wo are sending our surplus now but we prepare for a larger surplus this year and next year Patriotism and Production- must go hand In hand Because of this need of the for more food and the call to Canada In that need the Cumuli an Depart ment of Agriculture has arranged A series of Conferences throughout the Dominion- with the object of giving suggestions as to the best ways of increasing production of the particular ATTEND YOUR CONFERENCE products needed at this time At these con ferences agricultural specialists who have studied agricultural conditions and prodnc- throughout the world and tho beat means of increasing agricul tural production in Canada will give valuable Information and suggestions to the farm ers livestock men dairymen poultry men vegetable growers and other producers of this country The Canad ian Department of Agriculture urges you to attend as many of these Con ferences as possible also to watch for other information on the subject that will be given in other announcements In this newspaper Put Energy into Production of Staple Foods The Government doe not ask farmers to work much as It urge thorn to make work productive arid to produce thosa staplo foods that tho Empire moat needs and that cm be most easily and Europe and particularly Britain will need the following staple foodB from Canada more than ever before J oats corn Beef mutton bacon haw and batter Poultry and eggs Vegvtdblea such as potatoeor turnip larger the yield of these food products greater tho service to the Empire Germany in last tea years has doubled the average yield of the majority of- her field crops largely through better teed thorough cultivation and use of And while tho Empires armies are busy putting down German Militar ism let at home appropriate the best of Germanys methods for the Empires advantage The Government urges farmers stockmen dairymen and other producers to make a wider us of the Free Bulletins issued by tho Canadian Agriculture Clip out fill in the coupon below and get a list these bulletins Then select the bulletins that will be of value to you Mall your coupon right now Do not put a stamp on the envelope Your coupon will bo On His Majestys Service a afeg5 A Hi iK wl Li Branch CaaadUn Department of Agriculture -V- 0t a 111 Ottawa Department Of Please of Publications AvaiUblo for a Agriculture I Ottawa Canada j fiount- a County vV J a I ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO

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