Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 6 Nov 1914, p. 8

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nil tf I IILIl III I FY I dry ixemlly low r life W 1 mo If I thought could get without help The old and dlstrtailog nearly drove me ago box of Fruit- did rue good mi continuation of their us Today I dpi fcIing tine and a- the street awn iced my fro proved a and the reason I replied I talcing Well at lives are waging you look bo go ahead and take They ere I Mae WILLIAMS I Fruttivct by all Ualeis a box tor trial tit or tent postpaid on receipt of by TO RENT good airy rooms Avo or on Joseph Ave doors north of latd Ave TO RENT- Frame House and Stable Pros- port Ave opposite College Apply to M Glover Box Holland Leading 4Por Sale op Would Modem House all improvements best locality Apply at this Office FOR OR TO RENT Wifburl ap a dOQidnj ay ioA In IHo line lust short itb his mother Mrs Catharine who at the present time vwy ill Also Mr of Pine River Mion who attended the funeral grandfather Rev Sam Kvcrybody was glad to boys once more Mr Wesley Hoover Toronto was at dur ing the weekend r a LKKittJY- oil- fell a of J in wo spell last while the Holland bridge He soih On Monday about of the pp- woifth the Methodis Church Ajter the refreshments were served followed instrumental and songs the i- match was played on Saturday afternoon twecn the teams Town thin gamp resulted in a tol The Is the Red Society sewed lunch Trinity Hill to the teams and their tiupportbfo and also to the Band during the rj f Rev ol reached a grand patriotic to a large Sunday much enjoyed by all present Quito number here fowl supper at Stroud Monday night The farmers of the township of are shipping of pro visions from various points for tho Patriotic Fund House on Prospect Ave Ail modern conveniences good and cistern of YAWMAN St Newmarket FOR SALE On Church St Newmarket Mod- aim In every way and room Now fur- Convenient to all down town Will be sold at a easy terms Apply- at this office WE HAVE FOR SALE desirable property situated on Ave A largesized dwelling all conveniences all in first shape Quarter an acre pounds with apple and small fruit trow Frame stable sad hen This we consider the best Iffy In town so act quickly Terms be arranged to suit ply to P Morton 373 Mr and Mrs Coffey wore of friends in on rfumJay Mr and Mrs A Weaver were quests at Pino Or chard on Sunday Mrs Geo Perth was removed to the hospital week suffer- from varicose veins Mr Proctor has roofed his properly next to the Georges Hotel with metallic shingles The drilling at the school here is progression slowly Mr and Mrs of Pine Orchard spent the wilhtlieii daughter Mrs A Weaver 1 Irihlile of Pottage- villi the pulpit of the Methodist Church very acceptably on Sunday last When Mrs Susan Louise of King Tp died listale on June 191 she left 91 in prom- notes Her husband Arthur has applied for letters of administration He will receive half- of estate and the residue will he divided among four brothers two sisters live I nieces and a nop how of deceased HOUSE FOR SALE BRADFORD Mrs Hoi it Armstrong who was taken to Hospital something a week ago died there on Thursday as result the amputation her foot had a victim of gangrene for the years suffering the most pain Friday morning at I have for sale a new on Andrew with largo lot and fruits and hen house In the there is Electric Light Hard and Soft Water and Fur nace and it is trimmed in Georgia the farmers from Urn there is also a summer township began to arrive with kitchen and back verandah For w llley particulars apply to donated to the Patriotic Fund An or Hox purposes and of waggons Rev Bahor of the few remaining pion eers of York County in the person of Rev Samuel of on Sunday Oct He was bora on lot con Whit church on Dec and lived and dicdhi the bid homo As and young man he lived Iji strenuous times chopping logging driving ox eneven trips to Toronto wore the common experience of those days That beautiful metier of country around at that time was largely virgin forest the clearings though small were constantly en larging Added to the hardships iid struggles of pioneer life was the un settled state of political affairs cup mtnatlng in the Rebellion of Mr Maker then a boy of about well remembered the alarm and ex citement of that time and many in teresting Incidents he related might told that are not in order this sketch- Mr Baker was united In marriage to Christina- when quite a young man though I not inform of the date I am certain he made no mistake in bis choice At the age of 21 he was soundly converted and united- with Brethren Church About years ago was elected to the ministry said church and in as Presiding A man of natural ability and a deep thinker- he proved a capable preacher especially on doctrinal and theological lines As a ho was kind tender and sympathetic and his pleasant benevolent counten ance was a true reflection of peaceful soul within To the younger readier lie was a real help and in spiration As a son with a father the writer labored with him hi min isterial work lor many years with never a discordant note to jar- harmony of our lives To the poor re was as a father and his memory re mains to them a lasting benediction Generous and hospitable it may be trulp said his home The latch string hangs outside As Presiding Elder be travelled much visiting churches In Pennsylva nia Ohio Michigan and Kansas and attending Conferences He was wellknown in Richmond Hill made his last visit there six years ago calling on Ids old friend the late Matthew Tcefy was warmly attached to Mr October No of refjuired it I Will 254 Block 206 Cutting a Webster f Jr of to Milton He Dunham of marks lo ruins Graham WehHieriso- 232 Cutting draco Hog gins Vivian Millar Reginald Hamilton Primer Carol lllaok Willie firiiham o on roll Average Greenwood teacher who is about lo from post of to that Sir BdiijamIn Ward ami himself who had theliberly of usingifticoi In they liked always It In forni of wine limited and ha of years only proscribed it times During lirhornpre than inpatients were card and many more thousand of ho perforniod over 0000 operations He had- therefore come lb regard alcohol In an hut fly upon and ho was everready to undertake an operation of any the assurance at a brandy was at hand M 1 -O- Vox the Era How Some of Our Sports Kiss Cream and peaches once a week Kiss your girl on right hand check Apples green and a apples dried Kiss on the other side Charles This wretched taste Take your girl the waist her on her pink toe tips- Implant one squarely on the lips Harold a maiden in you arms Blushing with her tempting charms And it would we think be snugger Oft to kins and tightly hug her Whats the use of all this rhyme Take y girl at any time Squeeze her till the blushes come Shut your eyes and Yum Yum To half way Just fold breast And kiss her chin commence and Kiss again Aubrey work you do her to at best throbbing PERSONAL WOHK In this- years campaign while top much stress cannot be laid on public temperance meetings and wide and general distribution of literature personal work not ho neglected for a moment It is the personal touch Hint counts See your man Talk the issue with him man toman He tolerant Ho tactful Be kind the Views of the other fellow You can afford to he all those for you are on the mi right Some men cannot argue or din- cuss an issue without losing their heads You cannot make con verts to your cause that way If you cannot refrain from saying sharp and hurtful things bettor keep still You can make votes fur Prohibition if you go at it right Inform yourself and then your influence as becomes a broadminded citizen Do not get fussed up Ft does not get you anywhere to lose Keep sweet and then you will sweeten the other fellow ami he will sec things as you do American Issue ftO THE TWO Published by Main Street Newmarket Having opened a How and Tin in Dr Clarks flulldlng nearly opposite the King George I pared to do all kinds of vork In this lino Now Is the Time to Buy a NEW and Hew am now pre Estimates Given for Work Electric Wiring Etc ELECTRIC KEPT IN STOCK Promptly to Us a Call J WRIGHT cheeks her lips her f we do face when and young -v- me Newmarket sf all in the evening j cured for storage rafter six stream if wended its way there during tlio there being a fl A us ilM roin ln torcliouse up tOlll I jlVOll ftMdyiloUuiiJ Street to the comer of As a result of this In Value to the man who f donation tjiousand bushels wants a Farm 150 acres of good- Of oats and ftvv hundred bags sonic choice clay This of potatoes have been added to Farm lias all uptodate Build- ll Canadian consisting of a At hallpast twelve lasl built auod you to go over this Farm Put a fair value on Land also Build ings then down to New market and we will satisfy you as We given away this Estate Bust- the must wind up Will accept a Mortgage at per cent for ten years with a small deposit down You must act quick in his mailer or miis chance mile East of Ml Pleasant on the Centre as the Tommy Glover lp of North This farm has of Water Good Orchard Good Hush and Fences convenient to School or Church also Metropolitan Sta tion at P MORTON Lome Estate Building Co Newmarket THE BEST TIME TO to on your Money MEW BRICK Trimmed In Oak and Black desirably situated west side town Also some Good Frame Houses large gardens with fruits Must be sold at slaughter prices reliance In a lifetime Act Uta ttaX every direction licking up every thing within sight An entire block of frame buildings was burned Including livery wool and hide shop tins Harris iiuplemeul shop the blacksmith shop J Grays and anew stable not alto gether completed the properly of Mr I were all so closely joined togeth er thai it was impossible lo save any of Ihem every effort being necessary lo prevent the fire spreading Windows in the rear of Greens store and the Ford garage were broken with the heal and llio sheds of the Hotel were threatened from to last while a large number of houses on John Street wore in imminent danger II was to keep men working on the roofs of all these places ami tin fight was a desperate one The lire hell the Trinity jhurch hell the Watson whistle ami the screaming whistle of a engine filled the air and an alarmwas rung on the telephone wires whiehbroughl farmers in from every direction and three motor cars from Head There was very Utile wind else the blaze would certainly not have ended where did Mr loss was the heaviest his place being valued at with insurance while Mr the Agent had an insurance of on stock worth 1200 un derstand there insur ance on the blacksmith shop hut have not been able to learn the other amounts Mr is using the sheds at the Queen Hotel until he can have another building erected the contract of which is already given laker old memories were revived and scenes recalled by the two old pioneers and when Mr Baker spoke of this as their final meeting on earth and of the eternal realities they were so closely they both wept like little children to gether Though Mr Baker never took any active part in politics unlike the ma jority of his people his sympathies were with t e Conservative party Sir was ore of his wgimest friends and quoting his words in a letter to the writer since his death he says He a splen did type of a an the very salt of the earth and his life was an elo quent teaching nothing but good His wife one and three sons preceded over the river two daughters remain one in Cali fornia and on at Mr Hater was a great sufferer of late years with neuralgia and the fee bleness of old age borne with Chris tian patience The Funeral service on Tuesday Oc tober was largely attended tie being filled with friends from far and near The writer officiated and was ranted by Ross Hoover of Toronto and P of Servant of God well done Rest from thy loved employ Thy battles fought the victory won the realms joy Elliott Somebodys cat was In our back yard last night telling a neighbor all be war news Mobilization of a great army of Methodists In one organic union to include the and southern di- violons arid all the various branches of the denomination was advocated at Washington by Daniels secre1ary of the navy in an address at the centennial celebration of the Foundry Methodist church Such a union he said would have an enrolment of souls Why all this rhyme you would sip The crazing nectar oil her lip What how or when or where So you can drink forever there We tell you how With handsome tongue We made her mad and then shed fight And then wed kiss her just for spite If in that case for Cupids chase Id lock firm in my embrace And if she shows an inclination I would practice delation Fred On her lius as red as re pes I sought to press a kiss Hut deceptive bliss came together but our noses James W Take her where miss her In the garden on twilight Wrap both arms around Then kiss her Kiss her the old folks wont your firm knee at her tigh her Jack During the fire last Thursday Mr J A Wood who was Kidney they ax AfOUfh lMucy fall to fiora the blood trouble cornea Backache at a moat mi Iff Dr Villi No Better on the sofa sit well if lights have not been lit Then place your arm her waist about And kiss her till lips give out Charles S Take you girl warm embrace Heart to heart and face to face Eye to eye nose to nose and away she goes Fred Or In the twilight softly cooing When I my own doarJ girl am wooing I kiss quick and let her go- Swift pleasures better far than slow Leonard But after all my the best- Far surpassing all the rest First get the girl then the kiss And intersperse the hours of bliss Will Now I think it better still Stoop and kiss her at your will Clasp your arms around the chest With her head upon your breast Frank loo NOV 80 A lilt girl sent In a for the doctor the other day and reached steps the physicians house she found there a doctor of divinity the pastor of the church which she Well my girl- the minister who the child whats the serious I hope I dont Itnow for sure 1aH the girl Only we Had my ball anywhere and we think perhaps the baby has swallowed It Dear me exclaimed reverted much And so you want the doctor Well Im the doc tor Wont I do The little eyed for in a study as thouththe Idea was new and might be fibod No Paid at fcer with We want a doctor not oat that preaches in Hit when warm was the weather Two ballots wore oast in a box together They up close like broth er to brother You couldnt toll one of the voles from the other Chorus They arc both rum voles And sanctioned the license plan Rut one was cast by a jolly old brewer And one by a SundaySchool man The Sundayschool man none be truer Kept busy all season denouncing the brewer lii fervor corded off as warm crow the weal her And on in I hoy Ipgether The SundaySchool has al ways been noted For lighting saloons except when lie voted Id- piled up hi prayers Willi a holy perfect ion Ami knocked all down on the day of election The foxy old brewer was jolly and mellow Said he I admire thai Sunday- school fellow Hes true lo bin church In bis parly hes truer He for the Lord but votes for the brewer enough to with this great national WIIV WHY WHY The following pertinent appeared In the Times Why do we permit hc sale of stuff that every year causes the death of hundreds drives many Insane causes three fourths of all crime our heavy tax burdens the cause of so much degradation j misery OXYGEN WELDING We are prepared to weld cast brass Iron steel kind of metal Also bearings fiilM that they can be turned down put ting cogs in gear wheels or pulleys of nearly any kind AH re pairs promptly attended to us a calf A DAVIS Newmarket I i Two little children 1 Slovene were fatally burned when a barn was desimyed Alia A prosperous village is laxoly made by its merchants and its chants largely made by advertis ing The home paper is always the champion of home industries and all townspeople should give it die sup- port In TOW irtt ilARfOV St Montreal I35vgrirat CABTOniAi For Infants and Children llu For Always bears the Signature of Plumbing make reveals does not lawbreakers il simply them It is not only possible but prob able thai if you would investigate thoroughly the use made of every dollar given for charity benevo lence and social welfare general ly you would discover thai had i not been for Hie drink evil the need of this money and de mand for it would have- been greatly lessened Is it sensible or sane or economical to maintain in our midst an institution which is such a drain on the resources of the people Union Signal Listen to Ihese great men Hon Joseph No statis tics are needed to assure you temperance reform lies at the bottom of all further political social and re ligious progress If I could destroy tomorrow te desire for strong drink in the people of England what changes we would see We would see our taxes reduced by millions sterl ing We would see our jails and workhouses empty We would see more lives in twelve months than ale consumed In a century of bitter laid savage war Gladstone said that drink destroyed more lives than war pestilence and famine combined Dr Sir Browne says that the harmful Influence of drink la exerted more strongly on fine and SMgltire natures He found graduates proudest universities among the most degraded tramps of Australia and hundred college graduates in one month In midnight bread line of the slums of New York one of was vleWmtied by the false idea that he take It or leave it alone Cromwell said This national crime Is a thing that God will reckon and I wish it may not lis on the nation a longer than you dan find a tor it When will a statesman arise strong 3 of Our Specialties to Tin LAM OF Sunshine and Summer Days CALIFORNIA FLORIDA LOUISIANA ETC Limited rains leave daily making direct connection Detroit and Buffalo In Southern Stales and for California Those a trip any nature should consul Cana dian Pacific Ticket Agents who will he pleased lo quote rates range reservations and to all details in with your trip or write M Murphy Dist Pass Agent Toronto L ATKINSON Agent Newmarket See the Bathroom Outfit at the Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS Id SONSf Next to Smiths Grocery the said City rounds of RAIL i SYSTEM DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE VAY TorontoChicago Toronto Montreal IS HEREBY GIVEN That ALBERT EDWIN of Hie Oily of Toronto the County of York will apply the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from his wife Gertrude Young of of Toronto on lie adultery DATED at Hit day of Sept A A Solicitors for A NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN William Robert of the City Ottawa in the County Province of Ontario U apply to the Parliament of the next Session thereof for a I of Divorce from his wife of the of Toronto la The International Limited Canadas Train of Superior Service y Toronto la of York el Leaves loronlo Lin pm daily on the ground of arrives Detroit 955 pm and at the City of Chicago am the County of York and SERVICE Leaves Toronto am arrives Detroit 5 pm and Chicago pm daily Last Train out of Toronto Ontario this day of August WILLIAM ROBERT b his Solictors Roblnetto Godfrey Adelaide St that at Night pm ite- NOTICE is aim lackeon formerly 1 oroa provloM will awl of the City of Toronto I troil am and Chicago dally assuring imports connections with principal Iraine County of York for Western States and Married Woman win to of Caaada a MONTHKAL next Ssfoo tore lor a Leave Toronto am from husband Arthur and pm daily Berth City of IMione 10 vattons etc ticket- of- County of York and Provide J a of Full particuiara and ticket from J J Y rfabtwiW A AaiJeStWwt J J I I THE 1 Pie 3urC I Will An 2000 a I BEST THE Stair I

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