Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 6 Nov 1914, p. 4

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f UK I P ForYeRctoredTo HE Ctnadlutomanm continually writ- as two following iy which arc heartfelt expression of ct3 ft of grati tude for restored health have Vegetable Com- ftflJ4 Pound and never found any medicine to compare with it I had and fall ing of womb doctor did me no good I Buffered dreadfully for years I began taking your medicine I al so recommend nervousness and dlgcaUoru Station Cheetcrvllle I heard your medicines highly I began taking them for falling of womb and My left side pained me all tho time and just before my periods which were Irregular and painful It would be worse To sit down caused me pain and suffer ing end I would be so nervous times that I could not any one or hear one speak would float my eyes and I always constipated I cannot say Coo much for Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills for there are no like them I have taken them and I recommend them to all women You may publish this testimonial Mrs Ste phen J Martin Ontario Canada v of inland every country in Europe faasbeW overrun hoBtlle put now said to ftl vc British Isles a In- 8p convinced If the Home- Gov ernment that this is the Kaisers bitlon one be will attempt to gratify the Is tit eeriousjy and that the British licet v 111 able to prevent any ng jn thy are taking fitspa to guard against Zeppelin disasters or even raids An Mall of last week tells us that at night the lights London are or darkened The large artificial Jakes In the gardens at Buckingham have been drained off for fear that watt- reflect the rays of moon or of a hostile and thya the presence of the real- tp tho Guns flpeelally Resigned to bring down fly ing craft have mounted Band embankments have been on many important buildings to protect them from aerial assault and population has been brought under military orders All those- preparations and precau tions fipcak louder than words that the authorities In the homeIan moro than a suspicion that the Kaiaor baa military designs against the nritiBh That ho will fail In his purpose there Is not Waammed Kidneys 1 I Ontario Branch- of the Domin ion Alliance is making preparations for Option campaigns in vari ous of the province for next January vote Among those mention ed we notice Holland Landing and Bradford The heartless of during the present war Is horrible in the extreme As the says The setting of float ing mine adrift North a begun by on tho Belgian coast Is murder not The floating mine drift hundreds of miles away from the shores of the belligerent countries hundreds of Innocent rural us to tell of so hero he goes gentle fctosa between the tilth and fifteenth ceoturyi found fweillred nearly every this in United States and lives iiseat have the texesj hates a slices anything of pro gress and will not help town there are- varieties mossback but none of them of much value to a They are as drones to a hive of and like the industrious the live buafaeas man atoty these drones and patronize those who an they Try i TOOtHP tor relief work every day Vi REXALL GOODS ABE MADE IWiCArADA the Pa It Is announced that new biog raphy of Sir Wilfrid Is now under way It will he author ized life ol the Liberal Chieftain will a two volume work The author Prof of Queens University Kingston has al ready earned a reputation as a his torian The statistical report of Births Marriages and Deaths in the Province of Ontario for the year ending Bee 1013 is Just at hand During the year registrations wore made as compared with births In an Increase of or over 40 per cent more than In the preceding year A deputation of physicians from the Council of tho Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons waited on Provincial Secretary last and asked him to refuse a charter to Ontario chlropractlcs who purpose fnstructian in I Tho Mercury- rises to re- mark When the Tory be gan to feel for some pretext for springing an election tjioy en countered such strong opposition that thing was called off- Hon Rob ert Is apparently out of touch with even the great mass of men In his own party The aforesaid Cabi net Minister flald to be ot of toudi with his own party will also find himself of touch with his Manitoba constituents when he appeals for votes Potato crop in Orangevilli- district is yielding largely they are being token up and sold at and per hag The- practice thjJ same- goods year after year at cultural Shows throughout tho still Indulged In person who regularly Exhibitions may see year after year tho same old chestnuts trotted out to scoop tr Societys He may see the same old fancy quilt the same cushions the same old reliable home shirt- the same piece oi tatting- and so on through Imi fancy work- and art After a few years regular visitor to tho Fall Fairs looks for and ex pects to Bee these old friends turning up In right place and never disappointed They are thore as ro- as the Societys Secretary What a source of Income some of these old relies are too Shelbourne Free sr i ROOT Box queen St Orairtr of all natural an In all the Latest Style WALL PAPER And Hung on the Most Boa Terms If you want the very BEST AT THE LOWEST FIGURE You cannot better My paper hung at per roll any other paper per roll Estimates Submitted and all work carried out by our own supervision and none but exper ienced men employed AH Kinds of Signs Just give Jones a Trial Satisfaction Is Guaranteed ATTEND THE BEST IT ALWAYS PAYS ELLIOTT a National Reputation for super ior Business and Shorthand Educa tion Catalogue free Commence now J Elliott Principal St Toronto opening a college for their practice Hon Mr fused to commit ra the Intimation is made public that the Department of Agriculture for On tario will contribute pounds of evaporated apples to the men of the British navy a make similar contribution to the Belgian relief stores This contribution is valued at at present market prices and much of this sum will find its way the pockety applogrowers Th North Star of Parry Sound is Jo be commended for Its It says The salmon trout are again on the shoals and the silly fish in spite of the regula tions fixing the close season for the month of November are spawning out of season catching at the baits of a thousand anglers and at the same time are being caught In shoals by the commercial fishermen The tliirtyfive long years we have been trying to get the fish to wait until November or the equally silly to change tho regula- and we have had just the success with the salmon trout as we have with the Governments of those days Men may come and men may go but the foolish regulations as to the close season for salmon trout go on forever i r i NEW YORK Batgain Store COR MAIN Opposite KrYowles Grocery Lino MENS CHILDRENS CLOTHING BOOTS Etc Special Reduction IN AND WOMENS Home defence has taken Into consideration by nearly all the muni cipalities of York County In tho owns and larger villages home guards or rifle clubs have been formed and will found ready for service should occasion require In some places the Parks have been converted Into rifle ranges and public buildings used for organization work understand rifle clubs have been formed In Richmond Hill Fair- 1 hank and Aurora while home guards have been raised In New market and Village In view of the destruction of thor horses in Belgium and France in of the war Ontario horsebreeders are warned to bo on their guard against deterioration In the quality of animals raised In the Province by the Department of Ag riculture at Toronto At out of stallions registered in Onta rio no less than 11 are grade ani mals Although many of this latter class arc desirable experi ence has shown that superior cannot be secured from grades THI8 We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of cannot be cured by Cure J CHENEY A CO To- led We the undersigned hay J Cheney for the last fifteen years and believe him perfectly In all and financially able to carry out any obllgatjons made by bis firm Klnnan A Wholesale Toledo Halls Catarrh Cure is taken Inter nally acting directly upon blood and mucous surfaces of he Testimonial sent free per bottle Sold by all Druggists Take Halls Family Pills for con good WE ARE INTRODUCING American American American Silk Cashmere CoiljjnLislc a I -ALSO- Oil and Linoleums A cablegram from London Oct states that notice posted this afternoon at Lloyds caused considerable excitement speaking about an unknown vessel here lie observed on the coast of Ireland torn asunder the despatch goes on to say The opinion Is expressed in shipping circles today that a mine field is In the direct route of Atlantic liners from Liverpool and the Clyde to Can ada and New York It is thought that the Germans to play havoc with the Canadian transports arrived and hoped to wreck- others The London Times observes In this connection that the mines off the coast of Northern Ireland have been by Sea trawlers flying a neutral flag Germany something to do in directing these trawlers to that quarter with evil intent QUEER JUSTICE HOSIERY They have stood llic lost Give real foot comfort No seams to rip baggy The shape is knit in not pre seed- in Guaranteed for fineness style superiority of material and workmanship Abso lutely stainless Will months without liolcs or new ones free OUR OFFER to everyone sending us in currency or postal note to cover advertising and shipping charges will postpaid with written guarantee hacked by a Ave million dollar company cither 3 Pairs of our value American Silk Hosiery or of our valuo American Cashmere Hosiery or Pairs of our valuo American ColtonLislo or Pairs of- Children Hosiery Give the color size and whether Ladies Hosiery is desired DONT DELAY Offer ex pires when a dealer in your locality is selected The International Hosiery COMPANY Box 22 DAYTON OHIO A Hake Money 1Mb Winter By taking ping Limber on hands and ship- by rail to us British American College Leads in age influence an J graduates Spe cialties In Gregg Pitman Shorthand and all Tho pall Term opens Aup 3st Waiiertcpo clpel Write for our catalogue r The Journal Commerce has an article on the annual cost of luxuries in the United States and Canada from which we mak the following ex tract It is estimated that the people in the United States and Can ada spend each year on luxuries and things that are not necessary the enormous sum of 15000000000 On Jewelry we on candies on chewing gum 121000 on soft drinks theaters millinery tobacco in forms 200000000 and in toxicating liquors In innumerable other ways we have got a way of living and deem it necessary to large sums ol money to obtain happiness In many cases the greatest happi ness and the most lasting arp obtained in ways which cost tie or nothing There Is Retting back to the old principles saving The necessity of practicing thrift should he preached from the Dully Boozer him in a cell ami a pleasant life and likes it passing well We fill lib plate with wholesome fare I when sounds the dinner gong ami see that while he lingers here his lifes a grand song hand him magazines in papers day by day so can loaf in nooks and read he hours away Sweet women call ami hand him tracts ami cheer him up so well thai he forgets the Ugly facts which put him in his cell Meanwhile his wife with lilackejuHJ is toiling a lull she toil with son and sigh to he children grub Her husband sentenced by the court earns money when free and though he is yellow sport he feeds his family Be cause he filled himself with ale and started household strife we lock him in our jail and kids and wife He lias the hes long desired with time to read and sleep the while the woman sick and tired must and watch and weep Thus flows our justice in a rill the kind We keep on tap the must pay the hill while sin ners have a snap- Mason WE WANT HARD MAPLE PINE WHITE BIRCH LOGS AND Delivery as soon as you like Write us savin how much and of which hind of timber you will have and we will mail you prices ami hooks THE CANE CO Ltd Newmarket BETTER BREAD Without Extra Cost At less than one cent per bak ing of eight or nine loaves you can secure better results in your Bread Making HOMAYDE BREADIMPROVER makes bread of finer texture ami flavor a belter color and quality and will produce a larger loaf from the same quantity of flour Its action on the dough causes it to quicker even Ihongh chilled and thereby shortens the time of breadmak ing HUT BEST OK ALL While being taken from Sudbury NOT DRY OUT to the northernjail farm Fred- Brad- ley leaped-froni- room win- of a moving train and made good I been analysed his escape i Analysts and in exchange Bays that it would and wholesome TRY A PACKAGE that it would be as foolish for a farmer to expect to get a crop from uncultivated land as for a business to build up a successful business without advertis ing Children FOR FLETCHERS CASTOR A rile Newmarket A McDonald Son Richmond Hill J McDonald Solo Canadian Agents MANNING J The Jury in the Court last decided red hot bolts planks brick bats paint brushes etc falling in principal thqro fares- from unfinished are not one of the have to take for living in a civilized coun try On Friday last Burks and were each fined in the conductors case In the Geocral Sessions wind up the charges of breach or the Secret Ser vice Commission Act Convicted on a charge of criminal negligence in the Assize Court Jus tice imposed a fine each on the BridgeCo and the Geo Fuller Co This is the heaviest fine ever imposed In a Court The fire at the machine shop which spread to the Reach hotel a loss of patients have been cared for at the Hospital- for Incurables during the past year Adolf toting guilty criminal negligence in the Assizes and was fined 100 in connection with the wrecking of a building at the corner ol Adelaide and Toronto Old Hall about half a mile beyond the city limits was com pletely by fire from an un known cause early Friday morning Fred Elliotts mother and two small children were n bed and barely es caped in their niglnVclothea The new Provincial HydroElectric building is to he erected on Univer- The tender was between 180000 and Contracts for interior work have not yet been awarded Philip was awarded from the Hamilton Steel Iron Co by a jury In the Civil Assize Court for injuries from steel plates falling on him in December of last year Ontarios second contribution to the Imperial cause will consist of of dried apples for Eng land and Belgium poor and needy On last Edward nan wife the famous sculler and her two children were nearly drowned a lagoon at the rear of the Island They were waiting for boy to row them across The boy jumped into the boat and capsized it All four were thrown into but were reset Every that went Northward on the last three days of last week was crowded with hunters and dogs for the Mvstoka huntine Rounds Sessions lun got leave to re turn to their homes on Saturday During the present term more cases were disposed of than ever known be fore in Toronto The Grand Jury re turned over true bills and almost as- many casta were disposed of be fore Judge Alex peak wont snatch purses more for some lime On Saturday evening he matched a purse on a street car but was observed by a man who followed him after he jumped off the car He jail A new dance hall was completely gutted fire at an early hour on morning 3500 On Saturday evening a raid was made on two suspected opium joints and Chinamen were arrested Six little girls conducted a bazaar on Saturday and realized 160 for the Belgian Belief Fund An impostor named Jerry Neil was working a hedging stunt by displaying an empty coat sleeve the arm being concealed against hi body In the Police Court the remarked are a professional all right He was fined or t months in prison The registration of unemployed for the past fortnight number over The HamiltonToronto High way Commission have appointed a Montreal man as Chief Engineer on the job- Of course is an experienced man hut SO are oth ers living light here in Toronto For breaking into three Cot tages at the Beach a 16yearvoli boy was sent for six months to the Jail Farm Reeve Iliclimond Hill was in the city on Friday en deavoring to arrange a date to confer Hie in respect to the County Constab ulary and also in regard to the police question of the County Ho favors a commission to con trol of force lo bo composed Warden a County Magis trate County Judge The General Jury returned a true hill against the Street Hall way Co on a charge of a nuisance by their pars Oliver a wellknown preacher and orgapirer passed away on Monday night He was horn at Hampton years ago and educated at Victoria College Two battalions from the second military division arc on the Exhibition Grounds V- ft M A T i to of Good Winter Fruit in this seen decided to ship In from the noted Oakvlllo Orchards consisting of Spies Green Kings Snows man The price 226 O and boxes These will be sold cost barrels and boxes Included Government Standard Order by Phone before they are all sold FORESTER Phono f modoU for Fall wi Winter ready for you to Thero Is smart about them Dm you will like art also showing a range of Overcoats at prices to V Mens Outfitter Fortyseven prisoners of war have been interned at Stanley Barracks up lo Tuesday last In the Police Court last Mon day Abraham was commit ted for trial on a charge of man slaughter While driving an au to ho kilted a boy June last in as sent to I In- Humane of this city is special efforts lo rid the streets of decrepit horses unlit for Dining the last month horses were shot by or der of Inspectors las Wallace fell down an ele vator shaft at King east and sustained a triple fracture of the right leg During last week cars of live slock reached Ihe city with PUBLIC NOTICE All who to Newmarket or any Cesspool or Closet on ready built upon must subnet ha to Board of Health and before wt otherwise costa will By order DR S SCOTT Medical Health cattle bogs stieep calves and horses ELOCUTIOHAnY Miss Violet A edor Concert of the Toronto Conaervalop Expression is now open for and winter engagements flection with etc Kindly gel in loutt phone or P YOUNQ MAN WAS SHOT BY ENRAGED FARMER Nov I live NOTICE TO Light new work must be kit south if here resulted also any J All to old bo used Miter wenw a be made on floors of in an accessible P J Town OVER Out loween pranks at jniles night in the death of Joseph Fer ry of the 3rd lino who was shot by an enraged farmer Quite party of boys had assembled froi the 3rd and lib lines and particular mar l cording to reports considerably from Engineer at annoyed Knoll who is a WBO be notified bachelor farmer living in the ready lor He phoned to neighbors and also lo Chief Clarke at Mca lo go out and drive the boys away hut no help was offered as the boys pranks were not taken seriously Knoll declares he grew quite alarmed when he hoard a re volver shot from the party and getting nut an old rifle he shot a couple of times in the air ami then on the ground until Joseph Ferry dropped with a bullet be- Iwcen Ihe eyes Another man was wounded though not seriously Knoll says it must been a glancing bullet that hit the boy Medical aid was summoned hut Ferry died his morning lie was years of age Chief Clarke of Meaford went out today and arrested Knoll who is now in Mcaford lockup Knoll is years of age An inquest will he Opened this morning at villo our f l A- J i Teh I Roy In I Hoi Tee T If Rel At t Out Chin Mass Viole Flect tic Ri I corja

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