Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 6 Nov 1914, p. 1

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I worth inure loypjl J Urn glasses ImiHCS per Is loodlfficuU 7 MAY WE Watson JEWELLERY STORE f fa JACKSON Editor and Proprietor A f f i i 1 j I l fi i 1 3PW a i I SWth Gertrtaij tip for ichdou batteringrain hut thuvo Scions h a limit of the a moral civil- in was WMat to on the lake- into trouble and ha- chad nothing in front their launch Iq lh take many fllioro Victoria Park and the to Llio road hut for arrival of Von saving crow j gives in a though following persons arc nam the views of a distin- If you aro thinking of a nov STOVE wo vould to lino or COOKING AND HEATING have ever had Ask to NELSON RANGE Two in one Heating and Cooking A Its a Beauty Only 1900 A PHONE 28 PAINT STORE South End Lumber Yard it Is also said Calmer has of Captain and will command Rangers quota of -infill- Training In wireless telegraphy is the latest innovation be Introduc ed In the University of Toronto to students for war hi case there Is another call for I A fanner living about miles from the City a couple of tons J ol cabbage ll6 on fe ul that the latter pay the Mean sor- freight and fiery out m the cabbages many shining armour as sumes the of the world The chief obstacle to his con summation is the present world predominance of Britain That predominance in the or those writers is out- of all proportion to the real strength and value and worth of Britain Britain is psham which did hypocritical corrupt and rotten Britain is the curse of the On Tiiesdav of last week costs he aged slipped ana ho SL to his was io badly Before an Advance in Price P W PEARSON Carters Bishop Ontario J Murphy BEFORE THE To ORDER NOW Prices So MANITOBA FLOUR BEST RELIANCE FLOUR BEST PASTRY FLOUR Also get Your Coal Bin Filled THE PRICES MAY BE ADVANCED SOON H EVES Order by Phone or Carters Ben Manning Nelson Miller or Boyd The INCORPORATED 5 BANK OF Capital and Reserved When You Travel money with you in form of Hank of Toronto Travellers Cheques or letters of Credit are absolutely safe and are a protection loss theft other Their coat Obtoiualle from any the of Toronto Ontario Quebec West BRANCH P A M Manager Companys fruitful Held at Marklmm village is working heroism and overtime on an order of incidents Irets lor French army war are who appeared in Ihp grand result the polio court on a charge of not hound by the law a quantity copper wire from a The endnil and be lle Telephone wagon was sentenced is power and he wh to two years Kington to look this Mary face should not meB the new stamp vending machine tics is- the duty supposed to be a thirteen- j and almost its only yearold boy discovered that by us- crease its power a safety pin he could secure j political sins is the stamps gratis lie was caught while ness State trying to extract a few from a west- end box Dr very clever mis sionary physician in India has writ ten from Bombay saying that the war has upset things In India ally in the way of advanced prices for building supplies and tley are al ready paying their share of war ex- pen Rev Dr Moderator of the Presbyterian Assembly and Dr A Grant have left for a tour of the western Synods as far as They will be away until nearly Christmas Premier Hearst Minister ot Lands Forests and Mines state that a from revenue thas far received indicate that the actual revenue to derived from his department this year would be some less J than the estimate made at the begin- of the present fiscal The Toronto Harbor Commissioners have decided to spend this winter in providing employment for between and men who would otherwise be idle A Canadian in the person of Miss A K of this City has been placed charge of the Queens Military Hospital establish ed by Canadian subscriptions Two hundred and ninety students are enrolled at the Ontario Law- School Last terms aggrogate was 331 in Denver Pol was found guilty in York of murdering William Martin Toronto milliner who was strangled in New York over a year ago Oil War magnanfnil- ihle in view The State is of morality of a State is not man truth in die in the Stat to io- of is me sin or not when attacked J We ELL AT as- Posts fflii- Doors Designs in Veneered unti Cypress s kiln dried Pine Hardwood Flooring Maple Verandah Columns NO EVER GREW THAT WE IN POR YOU DRY AND SOUND AND The Kind BUY IT S0NSC0 are boys at MlmlCO In dustrial 119 girls in the Girls Industrial School at the pre sent time The Hydro is on the gridiron just now As a result of the charges Aid Cameron says he will ask Council to instruct the City to investigate the local Hy dro It is stated in the City press that fifty Methodist ministers in vttious parts of the to to the war chaplains members of the Legisla ture its wrestling with the question of party patronage It is said mat ters grew warm at meeting last week The Ontario Department of Agricul ture is responsible for the statement that one million more acres are with wheat this fall than were reap ed in At a meeting of representatives of the union of the Metho dist Presbyterian and Congregation al churches held last week it was de cided to call a meeting of the joint for December and next tobe held In No demonBtratiOjB on the part of University on Hal loween Is a marked chat from years prtoeedlnKV The colored people worshiping In University Ave Church of the church on Sunday It was founded largely by slaves The police sale of un claimed goods Saturday iSoine- people cold others got veal bargains such as anew auto and a aew motor propeller worth for itself must also attack there is prospect of success The culture afid the rdligfon of iermany entitle her To a place in the sun Needless to say the re ligion of the Germany that in lo is not Christianity The newer Imperative is quot ed admiringly by Mr Ye have heard how in old times it was said Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth hut I say unto you Blessed are the valiant for they shall make I In- earth their throne And ye have heard men say Blessed are the pool- in spirit but I say un to you Blessed are the great in soul and free in spirit for they shall Miter into Valhalla And ye have heard men say Blessed are the peacemakers but I say un to you Blessed are the warmak ers for they shall he called if no the children of Hie children of Odin who is greater than As for morality public or pri vate it is at an end The policy advocated is one of virulent at tack nil all those who have held ml their hands in friendship Main dealing generosity and re gard for human right are auti- filiated superstitions may he wise sometimes to affect regard for them in order to serve a pur pose hut such conduct is mwyiy tactical On this wo may say that Hie most consummate tacticians am apt lo outweigh themselves In forming loo low an estimate of the and the motives and the strength of other men The fashion of this world passes away and the only real stability is the stability of character It will also he seen that freedom un der the new regime would he wholly at aii end This war is one of life or death for free in stitutions The German Govern ment is a standing conspiracy against the rights of the people It is a conspiracy which cannot possibly have any permanent suc cess That the people when mas ters of the Slate should he con- ten leave the fangs in the cob ra is impossible and inconceiv able It will he seen thai we have good reason for fighting and for lighting even lo the death It if a shallow optimism which pre tends that there are no great calamities in history But the Germans are setting themselves against the will of Christ aud Christ must reign till all enemies are put under Bis feet The lime will to nd the internation al quarrels the militarism and the wars of the old world our own pari we cannot Hint forces so tremendous are he unchained only that from tran sient anarchy may spring per manent despotism A period of unbelief and overthrow will he the prelude of a vast moral and re ligious transformation though Hie complete redemption may- yet he remote the Decatur Herald Fifty- years ago last on Oct at Sharon Out Can James led Miss bride of twenty to the altar and there the young couple plighted tholr vows vows which have the sustaining nope wedded life of half century The- snows of fifty winters rest gently upon heads for they have grown old together graceful ly and their Wedding finds them still a in heart and in mind The seasons have come and gone and each seems to have added something of and nobility to lives Their matrimonial bark launched fifty years ago on a sea dolled with many wrecks and derelicts has weathered every storm ami gives promise of keeping afloat for many more happy years before anchoring in the Haven James Anderson was horn on shiphoard off Handy Book July- IHSU His parents were Scotch people being then on lljeir way from Aberdeen Scot land to Canada At Sharon On tario young Anderson grew to manhood As a young man he spent several years in search of hi3 fortune travelling in Austra lia California and Nevada re turning to Sharon where he was married Oct to Miss Isabella a daughter of Mr and Mrs Miss was horn May I8H in the province of Ontario and there spent her girlhood years After her marriage the couple lived at Keswick Lake Simcoe where they resided for twenty years Prom there they removed to Lincoln Township Monona County Iowa where they lived for twenty years Mr Anderson pursuing the vo cation of fanning and stockrais ing In March they moved again this lime to where they have since made heir home On Saturday evening about friends and relatives of Mr and Mrs Anderson gathered at the Al len Hall to assist them in appro priately commemorating oc casion After the guests had as sembled in the hall a pleasing program was rendered the number being a selection by f mixed quartette composed of Misses Sears and Messrs A Id rich and with Mrs Hears at the piano which was well received Miss gave several readings in her usu al pleasing and inimitable man ner Mr sang Put on Your Old Gray Bonnet and Miss delighted the company with a sweet rendition of that old favorite Silver Threads Among the Gold The Golden Wedding was per formed by Rev by Wash the beauti ful ring service being used Ut ile Miss fern and Young were the the beautiful diamond ring which was Ihe grooms present to the bride After the ceremony and after the newlyweds had been made the victims of the usu al charivari parly their friends crowded up to shower Ihem with sincere congratulations ami best wishes The delightful banquet which TURKEY 1 THE FIGHT Turkey has began port on Grin can side of the Kertch leading into the Sea- Of Azoe and by threatening bombarding a- Russian Black Sea coast whence runB the railway from on the Caucasian coast- whence runs the railwgy from the Black Sea to the Caspian The ships used were the and Dardanelles and sold by Germany to Turkey They are fine modern vessels has nothing in the chased into the Black Sea with either the speed or fighting strength of battle crulaer whloh mount ten 11inch guns ol the pat tern and steams over 28 knots an hour Three are in of in the sian dockyard at but the first of them launched in November and cannot be ready for sea With Turkey In the war zone it Is other nations will now to remain neutral Greece and Italy may Join in the fray and add the lighting strength of both sides Turkey since the Bal kan war has offi cers to reorganise and train her army while a British lag six junior naval navy In addition to the two German cruisers interned and since manned to sea Turkey in 1010 had three battleships two pro tected three gunboats and fourteen torpedo boats A battleship building in has been taken over by the British Ad miralty Her army is a more efficient ma chine In peace time it has a first line of men and second line and reserves The has an army of about white Greece can put a quarter of million men into the Italy in addition to her fleet has an army of about a million men Italy Roumanla and Greece will fight on the side of the allies If they decide to go to war Bulga ria has been weakened the Balkan campaigns and shows no disposition to withdraw from her present atti tude of neutrality Her army num bers about 100000 men From IB By the same on the Inst at the Railroad Hotel Newmarket Mr- Geo Brooks to Mfrs M Stone We have the demise of an other old and respected inhabitant of this section Mr Geo Vernon Whitchurch who departed this life week before last A regular meeting of the Farmers Club will be field next Thursday at the Railroad Hotel Summer fallowing will be the theme for At a public meeting last Monday evening ster6were taken for estab lishing a permanent skating rink in Town Some trouble over a prize awarded at the recent plowjng match lng things unpleasant The Regiment of Montreal is under orders to be ready for im mediate action to prevent lawless Incursionsacross border which seemed be feared by the military authoriti of that City I QERMAIMS LOSE IN ONE BATTLE Oct The Russians have won another great victory after days of the severest fighting on a front twelve miles vest of the Vistula opposite the village of Kazimerieff The fighting In the forests was of the oust savage character the bay onet being effective in the hands of the Russian tr Artillery and maxim surprises ale accounted for much of the laughter which was perhaps the lieavlest yet The Ger man losses cannot be under 100000 ring bearers car- and prolably exceed this The Russians lost one whole regi ment which making its way through the woods and emerged to find itself overwhelming forces and was quickly surrounded It is reported that very little quarter is given by side and that prisoners are comparatively few Petrograd Oct 3fl The den appeared disguised off Pen- at oclock on the morning of Oct She was taken by I lie lookouts on the fori lo he a I ASTORIA followed proved a filling climax lo the pleasures of a memorable evening After the guests had ac quitted themselves nobly at this portion Of the program A Hanson introduced A Evans of Sioux City an old friend of Mr Anderson who gave an inter esting reminiscence of his so journ at the old home of Bobby Burns in Scotland Mr Evans is possessed of a charming person ality and in view of the fact thai Mr and Mrs Anderson are both of Scotch descent Mr marks were happily appropriate Later on Mr Evans also favored the company with a reading The Stampede a beautiful word pic ture of Western life was lis tened to with intense interest At a late the guests de parted for homes feeling that the occasion had been in the nature of an inspiration to each of them Outoftown guesls were Mrs Wood ruff and Mrs Amy of Sheldon Mrs Edna McNeill and Miss Crawford of Mr aud Mrs A Evans of Sioux City and Mr am Mrs W of Whiting Iowa The Herald joins with Rev and in fact the whole community in wishing this es timable couple many happy re turns of the day London Oct It is be lieved that at least persons perished through the running on the rocks early this Whitby of the which was wed a hospital ship About 200 persons were Oct Muakoka farmers are patriotic Three cars containing at but bags pota toes and oats left here today direct ed to Montreal as a contribution to vat fund From other points more cars are being seat possibly 8 go from this this loads cam miles through I sol belonging lo the allied fleet She came forward full speed and approaching the fired a torpedo which exploded near the how The Russian crud er opened lire on the but a second torpedo from the Her man vessel sent her to the bot tom Eightylive members of crew were drowned Out of the men saved I I were wound ed ooo eel Scalp Use Parisian Sage It Makes the Hair Fluffy and Abundant It Is needless for you to have hair that is anything short of perfect If it Is falling out losing color split ting or If the scalp burns and itches Immediately get from J Patter- eon or any drug counter a bot tle of Parisian Sage use it frequent ly the first application removes dan druff Invigorates the and the hair until it is gloriously radiant Parisian Sage supplies hair needs- is perfectly harmless It contains exact required to mate hair soft wary glossy and to mate it grow thick and beautiful You surely like Parisian It Is one of the pest and most de lightful hair tonics known t i If you would get a line on your pop ularity as a public speaker go hire a hull and charge cdmtsston A mafctfed man never fully realises the responsibility he his on his hands until be has to watt the floor half a fussy Infant YEARS AGO From Bra Kyle Nov 1880 The Altar- At the residence of the brides father by Hill A on the of October Mr John Toronto to Miss Mary Ann daughter of Mr Julius The Tomb At an the of October James aged CI years Sturdy In King on the Sturdy relict of Sturdy years and months While leading a horse the other day Mr J of was injured by the animal becoming frightened He was thrown out of the buggy and received a sprained thumb Elder Clark of who ha been conducting service In the Sharon Meeting House has decided not to continue service after next Sab bath Mr Irwin of Brighton father of Mrs Dr Scott was here on a visit last week Messrs and p Caldwell of Rochester spent Sunday at Lib erty Hall A Halloween party spent an enjoy able time at Mr J A residence last Thursday evening Mr J Woodcock is attending Barrie Assize Court this week Mr and Mrs John Allan have re turned from their visit to the sea side Mr Wright has put In twelve furnaces this season and has other orders to fill a number of oir citizens took a stroll up to the new on Sunday A lot of youths made Hal lo night unpleasant in the neigh borhood of the Salvation Army Bar racks A union praise service is announced for Day at am Hall Bell and will part The smfce will be held In Congregational Church Reeve Jackson and Councillor Bel fry inspected work on the Town Line this week The suggested th of two or three turn outs between the east end of the re road and the stream East Train Service These solid luxe trains carrying library- compartment- observa tion cars electriclighted standard sleepers together with standard din ing car service between Montreal-To- via Canadian Pacific and Michigan Central rail roads are known as The Canadian and operated dally through the Michi gan Central twin tubes between Wind sor and Detroit Westbound Leaving Montreal am arriving Toronto pm leaving Toronto pm leaving London pm arriving Winder am arriving Detroit pm central time leaving Detroit pm arriving am Leaving Chicago pm central time arriving Detroit DePot 1335 am leaving Detroit Depot am leaving Detroit Fort street pm leaving Windsor timo leaving Windsor Depot am London arriving Toronto leaving Toronto am ar riving Montreal pm from Pacific agents or Write Murphy District Agent H is said tint foreign for clothing tiucJ meats and like In tbo Chicago sod markets amount to and eight million dollar i I I A SB If ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO Tonnwrn

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