Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 30 Oct 1914, p. 8

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an MCKAY I have been using frultaICvce a remedy or many years They are the best medicine I have tried do the good they never ripe and their action is pleasant I have used for Indigestion and with the beat results and I heartily recommend- them to similarly afflicted These troubles and tor all this A nit pill a cannot take MCKAY The demand lives is steadily Increasing due to the fact that this wonderful fruit medicine Rives relief all cases of Indigestion Constipation Sour Stomach Rheumatism Chronic Headaches and Neuralgia ami all Kidney ami Trouble a box for trial site cent on receipt of 1UvCS fclH TO RENT or good rooms unfurnish ed on Josopli Ave 3 doors north of Ate AY are to hear of the Very florro Mr Metropolitan Just com- wire work on thefarrnOl Mr Clinton Brown la the tint farmer in the parte mo advantage us of very mWteg Mm Pew King The donations of clothing and money amounted to After thoacktog of clothing was finished Mrs Drew very kindly treated all Institute member and to a fiplonid tea Those in attendance numbered forty- five and feel tteelr appreciation of Mrs Dews The November meeting of Institute will be held at the homo of Mrs John Dean Institute appointed at their last meeting five young ladles on eighth ninth and tenth lines of King to collect for Red Cross Fund Wo arc sire all will be willing to give something to this causo mombcr it Is for homo and country AkypnriqiafniM quarrel between them add there Q6jetpJahatfoat9rfftrgcoMutf except that the whiskey- had made him run- amuck The posed a fine rid two fmtnin tho tod If fine Via hot Paid four year the pen he practicing the lock step- In penal institutional Mr and Mrs wish to thank their neigh bors arid friends for their hospitality RICHMOND I lira ill If HI TO RENT Frame House and Stable on Ave opposite College Apply to Clover Box Holland Leading For Sale or Would Rent Furnished Modern Mouse all host locality Apply at this Office FOR OR TO RENT House on Ave All modern conveniences good stable and cistern Enquire of YAWMAN Grace FOR St Newmarket Mod- on in besides and room New fur- Convenient to all down town Will be sold at a bargain terms Apply at this office- -ir- WE HAVE FOR A dtcireble property situated on Prospect A largesited dwelling all all in first Quarter acre grounds with apple and small fruit Frame stable and cement hen This we consider best in town act quickly Terms be arranged to suit to P Morton box 373 Miss Ethel Newmarket tio guest of Two very Interesting league were played here between the High Schools of and Hill visitors won In both basket hall and football In the basket ball contest score was and In football score was 21 There was some very clover play on both sides On Thursday last the park Hill High School defoated New market in thi first of the league games of football for Silver trophy by the score of The game was free from all rough ness and the largo oi spec tators of whom about were from Newmarket immensely cnlojed the visiting team were- larger and heavier but the home had the combination Liberal o OOx more a Mr James Hughes of has moved his East family here and is occupying Mr Wrights dwelling on Vongc Street- A serious automobile accident oc curred on Sunday afternoon on Yonge Street An automobile In which three men were going north turned out just south of the bridge to allow another automobile to pass when Ihojnachlnc and ran Into the bridge which turn ed machine around and upset pinning ore the men under the machine an1 throwing the other two out Those In the second machine seeing the accident stopped the auto so suddenly that the gear wont wrong and the machine into the fence damaging It con siderably The first machine was lifted off the man underneath it and It found although considerably bruised and up he not injured and was able after having his wounds pressed to pro ceed home by trolly Mr A Lloyd took the damaged machine to Toronto on Monday on his dray It Is a wonder they were not killed spent HOUSE FOR SALE i have for sale a new house on Andrew St with large lot and fruits and hen house In the there Is Electric Light Hard and Soft Water and and trimmed In Georgia Pine There is also a summer kitchen and hack verandah For full particulars apply to Wm Lane Andrew St or Box here was consternation Call in evening when the buyers informed their that the Government insisted that all butter wrappers must read Mr Del of Toronto Thanksgiving with his parents Mrs Dr- of Toronto wife the guest of Miss L Walton over the fair Mr and Mrs las Cooper visited friends in Holland Landing on Sun day Mr Trevor Mr Robertson Miss Robertson Mr Ed and Mr Doyle of New market were visitors at the fair on after six oclock If J y SIM Given Away In Land Value to the man who wants a Farm acres of good land some clay This Farm has all uptodate consisting of a modern Brick House also Hip Roof Darn built from all new material modern Stables together with all Outbuildings in good llural Mail Delivery We ask you to go over this Farm Put fair value on Land also then come down to and we will satisfy you as to the amount given away We must wind up this Estate Will accept a Mortgage at per cent for ton years with a small deposit down You must act in Mils matter or Ibis mile East of Pleasant on the Centre Road known as the Tommy Glover Farm of North farm has plenty of Water Orchard Good Bush and convenient to School or also Metropolitan Sta tion id MORTON Lome Ave Estate Co Newmarket J prepared to weld cast Iron steel or any of metal Also bearings filled mm they V turned la kind All re- to a m dairy butter instead of separa tor butter There was a feeling of course that an injustice had been done However the Government may have some specific reason for its mandate During one of the heats on Fair Day a dashed round the track with an empty sulky causing a con siderable excitement and was brought to a standstill after it had made a complete circuit near the judges stand The driver evidently lost hold of the reins early in the race KING Two weeks ago last Sunday night when Mr and Mrs Hen con King returned to their home things looked as though the Germans had paid them a visit Tom Weir wellknown In that district had visited their home in their absence and had Cain generally All the windows and sash had been broken the cupboard bed steads sewing machine dishes range sideboard in fact nearly every piece of furniture In the house bad been overturned and smahed The A runaway accident which occurred here Monday morning Inner Injury to John a vllle farmer Mr Brown was return ing from morning market and was proceeding along Main Street when a jet of steam the roller engaged in Good Roads bore startled the horse Unaablo halt maddened animal the driver endeavoured to turta down a lane near Friers prqlcrty result He was thrown partially out his leg catching in ol the he was dragged a considerable distance Tin- horse in its wild Might with an being driven in the direction a daughter- Dr Dales By a dexterous movement Miss Dales managed to av oid receiving the full force of blow and escaped uninjured The horse was caught some distance away Mr was severely bruised in accident the ligaments of his right leg being torn Af ter treatment by Dr he was re moved to bin home This In the sec ond runaway accident which has oc curred on Main Street tills week Mr 1 has sold his furniture and undertaking business to Mr Mather BRADFORD Mrs J Street spent a few days cently in Newmarket Mrs John Paris Miss lean and Walter motored to Newmarket and spent Sunday there Mr and Mrs Richardson of New market and Mr and Mrs Geo of Bradford motored over to Fair Beechnuts are very plentiful this season one parly from town gather ing thirty quarts of the shelled nut on a recent afternoon The farmers of West during the past week contributed two bushels of oats and two bushels potatoes to the Patriotic Fund Mr Eli Gardener conducted the ser vices in the Methodist church lust Sunday evening proachlng an excel lent sermon In the absence of Rev B who was at Thornton Dr I McKay left on Sunday for Toronto having received his call for military service Something pave way In the stearlng gear on Monday when Geo Bantam was driving a car from the repair de partment of tiic Nolan garage with the result that car ran Into deep ditch on tho hill on and was badly damaged A fancywork club with a member ship of over forty meets each altern ate evening at the homes of In this Way the ladles are making ready for Christ mas Last Sunday throughout the county of Slncoe representatives of the Do minion Alliance occupied the pulpit of at least one church In every town The in Bradford was held in the morning In the Methodist church Hitchcock being the speaker The lady is a fluent and cultivated sneaker and gave an excellent address on the work of the society There was a large congregation present It is expected that Mr- James Mills ill be able to return home week from the Royal Victoria hospital in where he has been a patient for so long In he was taken Here for an operation for appendi citis it being thought at the time that he would hardly recover How ever although the recovery baa been vcrv slow Mr Mills is now able to walk about One hundred and thirtysix yards of gray flannel sounds like a big order but that is what the Bradford ladies are busy with at present making it no into shirts for the soldiers Mrs Gilbert Lukes visited- the Red Cross and the Patriotic Fund headquarters If at week and found that the flannel shirts were the mostneeded articles at the present time She obtained the directions for making them and Mrs Harmon one of our best dressmak ers to cut the material This a great deal of work for Mrs Harmon Mrs Lukes has turned her house Into a temporary headquarters the sewing and almost dally largo af ladies are assembled there and it will not be long till the shirts are ready to be sent down to the Red Cross headquarters In ad dition to this a large number of other ladies are busy knitting socks and wristlets The the been his for oyer years- Allowed wt6 you and thy Children I-feWewiuititnto- for Castor Pleasant It contain- neither Opium nor other W friend allien It anrJWind Ironies cures- It as- tho and Bowels and natural he OhdrbhV Has been for more than tweny tyyefs oh throughout this vale priceless alands forth This friend of twenty years Who my hopes my Oh happy who can say Shes been my wife for twenty 1 a Bears Signature of KING Anniversary services In connection with the Line Presbyterian Church wore held at and oclock on Sunday the ult The ser vices wore conducted by Rev White pastor of West Pres byterian church Toronto so well and favorably known here The choir of Bolton Presbyterian church had of the singing congre gations and everything paBEcdof very satisfactory dings I do not understand Vy I cant the whole world Im lose dot Faderland MKINSBLF Die am come peo ple sing But oders God save King Ve do not like to hear dot ding MlOINSrOLFund Thouflhto on Toplo Cling fast to the which is leading you though it be in though ft bo in deep waters you know whom you have believed Infinite love joined to infinite skill shall pilot the vay through every strait- and trial Alexander Light Live fa J I send sons dot Iron Cross But still main soldiers m I am no more boss MKINSRLFund Dose I Frenchmen and pain vant Alasace and Lorraine fear take dem back again FROM MRundGott Mcin Cousin Albert voiild not choose To let me cross dot Valloy Mease I dont ceo how be could refuse How did you manage to gel through the winter all alone asked the skipper of the Canadian steamer Aherdeon of wo man whom he found as solitary survivor on Is la no Da mien In came with supplies for the party of four which had been loll lo keep the lighthouse hus band and his two assistants bad gone out one day on great sheets of lee and her eyes had been swept to swift destruc tion on the breaking icefloes can hardly tell was her reply I only know that I have kept the light burning It would he hard to match this answer in the an nals of heroism In crushing sor row there always a lemplalion lo consider only cues own grief Life secrns to have come lo an end nothing is any more worth while Aye hut Gods work is still worth while and duly has not come lo an end The main thing is to keep the light burning to light oilier seafarers though our own have sunk How wi do it does matter now God who is pitiful will not press us for lh answer At least ill the end lei us ho able to say that we did lie down and die of I hat we remembered why we worn set lo keep a lighthouse and Church World mission Ytoctoh tcca Inflamed and th6 liver do wort orgo rcrrg to 5c a bottle and or by CliarsbctWa THE BEST TIME TO dressing of the hair the scent of Gome flower a color that belonged to dear are when she is gone My mother said a venerable old man day suddenly pausing in his walk through a garden al- was wore a sprig of mignonette on her bioast She had been dead for many years she tecatrie alive for him again The tears stood In bis eyes should woman be afraid to IMPROVED I to on your Money Dose English Und Indians I dinks dot it be For mo und dose Boers unite too like hell dey Main ships have all bottled lis you call I clinks a scoop may take all dot naval troop From MRund Main Cousin Joseph helps me none Russians have him on der run I tell you vot dot is no fun For am could tell such At Italy I Dot lies I dinks dink As tarn big are as wise Dose The Mills has an order for grey blank ets for the British War Office to he delivered before Jan 1st Humors are persistent thai the Kaiser is in a serious condi tion of health and that his rela tions with General are trained I iJ strained are fears of clock and some other articles he had assassination thrown through the windows And In IK i midst of tho wrecked home Weir was enjoying a siesta on the floor A partly filled whiskey bottle explained to some extent the havoc trussed Weir up and then went outside to investigate Her he found that still more damage bad been done tailing of the was v recked and at the barn a tbresUfig engine and two buggies had been badly smashed A constable charge of Weir who was give summary treatment a couple of days later police at Aurora Irtieir Weir well and bad bad a long re not a new a ad our th century pearl or teeyijs ever III it Berlin looks right vin if dey do I dinks deyll MEINSELF vant and dear now as they v Dose Japs are after go heavy blow do not vant to let it go Dot vill be quiet a to MB Before it ends I fear by Tarn Ill have to ask that Uncle Sam to straighten out big program For ME und i t CI A telephone message a hurry ing of feet and the whiteapron ed nurse was off bag in hand Swiftly made her way through dirty streets down a harrow lane and up a dingy flight of stairs lo a small hack room Shu found her patient stretched upon the floor where a brutal husband had lauded her and then taken departure A frightened wo man who lived in the same house stood near Im feared shes dead nurse Hes done her for sure this time Tenderly the nurse with the womans help lifted the patient lo the bed which consisted of an old mattress and a ragged A hasty message soon brought a doctor and another deaconess Willi needed supplies from the Home For hours Hie iiurse- and doc tor worked with the sick woman all the skill f science ami experience Once the heavy eye lids lifted only to he again clos ed in unconsciousness- Once the juiciness of the room was broken by a faint wailing cry ami the little life passed out into the eternity from whence it came saved doubtless from a life of sin and misery Days passed and the unwea ried nurse still watched over her patient and buttled for a life Slowly strength returned and with a desire for a new and bel ter life inspired by the low and sympathy of he faithful nurse The long days and nights of watching ami working wore not for a new life was Won and the right INDIVIDUALITY IN DRESS make herself individual and attrac tive In the sight of thoee who arc dear to her Why should she not identify some favorite color or flower or scent with herself in their mem ory Nothing is trifle which strength ens her influence over those who love her f r A parent will doubtless find that her son has no idea of telling an un truth but Is simply unable to epeak with Instead of pjinlhing him she should remember these condi tions and set about to help him distinguish between the real and un real A threatened child will make but little progress but a child sympathetically understood soon learns the meaning of truth and hon our and will carefully avoid misrepre sentation Let us get away however from the notion that telling an un truth by a child is a vice and that the child should be punished it It Is loving correction and helpful guidance that the child needs not punishment ASTORIA For Infanta and Children vey Years Always bears NEW BRICK Trimmed in Oak and Black Ash desirably situated west side of town Also some Good Frame Houses with large gardens with small fruits Must be sold at slaughter prices A chance in a lifetime quick P MORTON Town Real Building Co Ave Box 373 il PROMPTLY In sill A- for our will be MARION MARIOV St Montreal 1frS PI il is the Box I I to get if you have any Kidney or Bladder Trouble There nothing like noting just as good that will do In the box shown above Be sore to for GIN ud that the box yon re offered the Co of On ftioucdtthe los All for wiU ltd the fMNOilUtrial tfeatifttttt Jirandj Cndft ii The Princess of Wales while averse to eccentricity of ah kinds al ways dressed in way which main tained he individuality Her style of coiffure remains the same and a cer tain cut of skirt as been as the for years She wears too a sprig of white lilac in her breast It is her flower One great artist after another has urged upon women the abandonment Of slavish submission to Let each woman Mr is reported to have said fine the style of dress be coming to her and always continue dull figure Of course be did not mean that the Same material or color or cut It should always a of exactly the exactly the way but only that she should preserve so far as possible the general style of most be coming to her A famous Philadelphia Juris gne time continued- to wear during his old age tike cam bric velvet which in Ms youth I tils stately dress was a pleasant from the monotony of most mens garment and de- nothing the Mi upon team How long we peculinrlty of per in one lored I I the Signature of Furnace Work Plumbing 3 of See the Bathroom Outfit at Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS TO THE LAM OF Sunshine and Summer Days CALIFORNIA FLORIDA ETC Limiled trains leave daily making tfoniiectiou at Detroit and Buffalo for Southern stales and for California contemplating a hip any nature should consult Pacific Agents who will pleased to undo ar range reservation and all details in your trip or write Q Murphy feist Pass Agent Toronto ATKINSON Agent Newmarket Ik OSBORNE SONS Next to Smiths Grocery DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE TorontoChicago TorontoMontreal IMOYICE HEREBY GIVEN That ALBERT EDWIN GOR DON of tho City of Toronto the County of York will apply lo the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from his wife Gertrude Young the said City of Toronto on the grounds of adultery DATED at tin day of Sept A D 1911 CORLEY Solicitors for Applicant The International Limited Canadas Train of Superior Service Loaves Toronto 140 pm daily arrives Detroit pm and Chicago 800 am Leaves Toronto am arrives Detroit pm and Chicago pm daily Last Train out of Toronto at Leaves pm arrives De troit am and Chicago p daily assuring important with principal trains for Western Slates and Canada Leave Toronto pm and pm daily reser vations el ticket of fices Full particulars and lloketa from agents J Phone J Phone Agent 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that William Robert Dilaney of the City Ottawa In the County of Province of Ontario Mechanic will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next thereof for a of Divorce from his wife Nellie the City of Toronto la the County of York and Province of On tario on the ground of adultery Dated at the City of Toronto the County of York and Province Ontario this lot day of August WILLIAM ROBERT DtCLLANBV Solictors Robinette Godfrey and 3mS3 Adelaide St West NOTICE is given that Kofi Louise Jackson formerly Nora of the City of Toronto the County of York and Province of will affjl to the Parliament of at next thereof for a from her Arthur aon of the City of Toronto of and of the of adultery a this A by i J I If flhow have e in one Tilt i Wh NEWS it air 1 r lARHlvfe TORONTO

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