Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 30 Oct 1914, p. 6

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MOUNT ALBERT v- III til Mrs Henry of Toronto are in this vicinity nnd of Toronto are- and friends in Ihlrv vi- Dr- II and Forrest of Toronto spent a few friends In town occupied of Clio Mothodlst Church oil lust Mr- and Mrs J Stiver of are viftitfutf in town Hahmur who baa her Ml 1 of Orlllla for a week re turned homo on Saturday No rloubl important event in the of Church Mount Occurred fifty yean ago when llio old oneoiH at KQorifioo built a neat on tin property now the Ml Albert Cemetery About thirty years llw building mov ed to Ml Albert by the Into Moans Knight and was later enlarged and Improved and in time a Sun day School added in tin- opinion of the present congregation was llio of the umil- vcrsary of lie Church on Sunday hud Monday last When it caine generally known that the A McPndyen of lon a former pastor and of Ihe most and scholarly ministers of Hie Presbyterian Church was chosen lo preach the anniversary sermons til pro was an attendance both services thai taxed llio capacity of Church to its utmost Many for members of the congregation from Toronto and other places wen- present Miss Hazel sang a solo at both morning and evening services On Monday evening a Hoi Fowl Supper followed by a high class concert was attended hy over people thi proceeds amounting to Among those who took pari In Concert were Donald McGregor Miss Alwcll Miss Gladys and the Male Quartette all of Victoria Church Toronto Prior the anniversary the Church bad boon painted and renovated in a manner which left nothing to be desired and the ladies of congregation deserve praise for the way he Church and schoolroom were decorated for the occasion The fiftieth anni versary of Chalmers Church will long be remembered by its pre sent congregation brother leorgo II Wedding March jviibV played by Miss of Toronto The was performed by Hoy Atkinson of Queens- vlllo gift to bride was a maid and olganjflt and to llio groomsman gold After happy couple loft for a trip to Toronto and panted by the best wishes of their many friends League Nov 1 My prwent for the of kingdom Speaker Floyd Cunningham MjrUoPiolcering MIS Wright Hodge 16 of AfialBsl tho Father of Mendicant Speaker Doris Stephens SHU Speaker go White Miss Colleges Max Bait Header Vera Smith The following will take part ill the program Miss Jean Flor ence Scotch vocalist of Toronto Miss Stella soloist til Toronto a Mole Quartette of Toronto and the best local The Anniversary Services of the Methodist Church held on Sunday and Monday last On Sunday a K Wilson of King St Toronto preached a very interesting and helpful ser mon in the evening Atkin son of the Presbyter fun Church also preached a good sermon and at both services the Church was well III led with at tentive listeners The Choir celled themselves the music be ing especially good at both ser vices- The in tfie naming entitled Face to Face is worthy special mention On Monday evening the an nual Fowl Supper was hold As usual a large crowd was present showing the reputation that the ladies of Ike Methodist Church have made for themselves hi the past After all wore with the things lo eat rt splendid program was given which was well spiced with the humor of the Chairman The proceeds were A meeting of the Womans will he held on Wednes day Nov fill at halfpast two A talk on the growth of Queons- ville Mrs A J Milne question drawer and music A good attendance is expected Emerson having recently been appointed to Sltafbn Holland Landing r if ihe Mercury Period hold as us a mealaxe Just fortysix years ago Oct a great freeze up and no lhaw out till lust of March This- cold spell will go back to llio North Pole next week- and some line weather will follow Go for roots my friends- A Kittle German Spy arrived at Arthur Smiths last week Ills is given as He doesnt speak yet kind like like to keep him Arthur says All agreed make Win vole untinlmouH Great weather for finishing up fall work will be along next week into It Frank wound up harvesting last week A tremendous yield of buck- wheat miller has a carload bran and shorts just to hand 11 would be good tor humanity if such were not taken from the flour Long John Alexander Tomlinson and las Anderson celebrated their on Oct On the following day the Jas Anderson passed away About Monday Miss Susan Anderson was taken with nervous trouble which baffles treatment We lope to hear of some This has been No for beechnuts The youngsters who for the most pari are staunch friends of mine have generously divided with me A Sunday and a sunny day brought out a woman of wit and a wig full of learning The weight of knowledge in her noddle bowed her head low She spied the beechnuts quickly I should levy a tax is the proper thing up along Lake Frio They aij elegant munching in Love If you wish the nub ile to think you are out cook go for an auto spin One of our young men lakes a de light in roaming about McMillans Corners and Cooks Hay gather ing Violets Hoses etc ihe Owl doesnt enjoy cool weather any loo well I am in good nature Sonic friends have arranged af fairs thai I may winter in The In to thiiiv Winter Time Table on the Theie are now only four cars oporatiugbc- Iwoon Sutton and Toronto One crew from here is and they oieraieb9tvoen here and Newmarket only leaving Sutton is a in and and m Tlie Sunday time ex actly The mail coin ing these care docs not arrive here now until IOfO pile hour later The this is Stevens and Fever with Billy Meek as swing mun Davis Abbott ordered lo report on Monday ft The subject at Ihe morning service in In- Presbyterian Church will be the Sunlit Church based will be evening service hi Ml Pleasant Church at o clock The congregation are looking forward with interest to their annual Chicken pie Social on Nov Look out for- posters Miss Ella of Aurora spent last Thursday with Mrs George Pearson Miss Beatrice Jones of Sunday Miss Milne A pretty wedding took place it the or Mr Hugh Milne on Wednesday of last week The occasion was the marriage of his daughter Ada to Mr Frederick The bride prettily gowned in silk crepe and carried a bouquet of while chrysanthe mums She was attended her sister Miss Nellie Milne and the groom was supported by his WIT ALBERT Announces that erfe will sell Potato and on next years terms I have a number on hand and I want to- make room for winter goods a want a Gasoline Engine I can give you a good bar gain MOUNT ALBERT AUTO WANTED exchange for a Gasoline Engine on trucks laat fall Also a double head Chopper for or trado A Sutton West AUCTION The west half of Lot and east hall ot the west half of Lot 9 8 Whitchurch less Rail road land being acres mow or lti will be sold by public Auction the Mansion House I November mi The arm it part the John Rotate which being wound up will be sold nub Jest to a reserve bid per cent day sale balance in days This Is one of the beet stock farms the Town ship miles from brickclad DwelUng bams and fcbables Plowing at house Good orchard valuable timber acres fall W acres fall plowing done IS seeded down 1st April For further particu lars to Albert HOLLAND Mr I Wallers and family re- lurued from week moved into their resi dence mi Spruce Ave Mr ami Mrs McOarnan of Oak Ridges spent Sunday at Mi McCarnans Miss Gladys Marsh and Miss Mae Lennox inolored up from Ihti city on Sunday last Quite a number look in ihe Hot Fowl Supper at on Monday evening The Hen addressed a Temperance Meeting here en Monday evening to a full house Singing was rendered by Messrs of Toronto and appreciat ed by all Mrs Fry of Toronto visiting her mother Mrs Mc Queen Miss Minnie Hall of Toronto spent Sunday and Monday her home here Mrs Parr of who ha been visiting with Mrs Hell re turned on Tuesday Mr Goo Tate who has been seriously ill the past A weeks Improving slowly and able to sit up again We hope to sex Mr Tale out again in Ihe near future Mrs Carherry of Aurora spent a few days last week with her mother Mrs Win Stephen son Mr Kills has moved- into Hi house St for the winter Mr I Scott intends mov ing from his summer residence to the city in a few days Miss Parr of Marquette Mich after spending a couple of weeks at Mr I Hells returned home Tuesday win will d trudges to and fr away wilh long SHARON Owing lo the Teachers Con vention being held in Toronto last week the pupils had another hol iday Mr Willie ami family nephew of Mr J Graham has taken up his residence hav ing secured Miss Proctors house for winter Miss Keam returned to her home in Toronto after spending days wilh her aunt Miss A number from the village hud the pleasure of listening to for mer pastor Rev Wilson at fiunday Mr Merton Shaw is still down on jury Mrs Absalom Wilson fa visiting her daughter Mrs Montgom ery in Toronto this week During the winter months ser vice in fit James Church will be held at Next Sunday Nov taken up which we trust will mm with a liberal response from Newmarket spent a couple of days with old friend Mrs recently ZEPHYR A large number of farmers in this locality have taken advan tage of the line weather for mar keting their potatoes the past Couple of weeks Call on Mr A for top prices Mr ami Mrs Win left on Tuesday of Ibis week for Kin- sella Alia lo spend a month or two with their son Frank who is operating a large farm in thai district Mr and Mrs and fam ily visited Mr and Mrs Win Mar shall of Cedar Valley on last I Mr J W Miss J Miss Sugar and Mrs II Curl attended the Public School Convention Canniugton Thurs day and Friday of week One of our worthy citizens bought a number of apples from one of our dishonored appledeal ers After examination of same he found them to be fallen instead of handpicked lie na turally returned same lo owner Honesty in all cases is Ihe lies policy Curl and son William are spending a month north of North Hay hunting Moose We wish them good luck as Dick is a Jol ly good sport Quite a number from here in tend taking in the deer hunt in Northern Ontario this fall We arc glad to hear Mrs P Montgomery is on the- mend af ter her recent illness Messrs W and W Scott of Sutton were in town on Tuesday collecting foodstuffs for the Camp now training just south of Aurora They found it no trouble to secure two wagon- loads delivered at Sutton Why some good patriotic citizen if Zephyr lake hold of this work and give our own little burg the credit Quite number from here at tended Ihe Hot Fowl Supper held at Albert on Monday evening last One of our worthy counoilmen brought some choice fowl to the market on Tuesday Not being satisfied with Ihe price he took them home Mr Turner was in town on Tuesday collecting for 10LV And for service at Farm Berkshire sad Boars Shropshire fifty breed ing Ewes Barret and WhlU J Sons PO- A Mr Caroline has been here Coast visiting his home in Virginia He on for Western home by his sisters Miss bailie and Belle where they home hi fu ture Tlieir father expects mala- his home in his this winter and in Iho spring will have to join Ihe family out West A Farewell parly to the young home of Friflaauight am Those Patriotic at are proving sellers Belter have one they are all gone Constable Svdore a parly from here down to the Industrial Home at lasl Friday The hunters are leaving this week for deer as the season will open Nov 1st We have nol heard who are going or where Monday is the first night of Early Closing according to the town store will Close a I 7 pm Help the merch ants to make this law a success by buying before that hour Last Saturday evening a num ber of our card players got to gether and organized a Bridge Whist Club for winter mouths The officers are 1res Mr Norman Vice- Pros Mr W L Colli Messrs Culverwell Crosier iuoF Club Boom was secured and members will noil very Saturday night The Quartelle of he rtnd sang Bucks Hock of in St Church on evening in fine style See warm Kali ami Winter Caps Smulleys store Put nit and you will never know whether it is cold or nut Conductor Steve moving his fainiiy into Rectory properly this week Mr Brooks of Toronlf a few flays this week- in Mr Frank Kaiser is spending a few day- this week in New market and Toronto St James Church Divine Service on Sunday next j or Sunday at V- p Church The Glass in the Church at oclock at which a series of ad- dresses will ho given on The Way we got our Bible Divine ser vice on Sunday next of Holy Communion at I a in ill SI Cemetery Hoard A meeting the held on Oct in Library Room with ami Messrs Board Wat the Pros Silver Lalimer Tay lor and present The principal item of wus the adoption of motion lo do away lire mounds or raised graves that a man be engaged lo look after he work of levelling cutting grass etc An assessment will he levied fin each and on each single grave an nually for he payment of said man It is Ihe purpose of tlie Board lo have a Dead House built at once Everybody get ready for cold weather A few flakes of snow make us think that it has now dawned upon us Our Shadow Social was a success Miss Olive Sharpe is visiting her brother Mr for a few days Messrs David and Harold Murray were Ihe of the Misses fin Sunday even ing Miss Dora Sunday with friends in Newmarket Miss Greenwood took the Bible Class on Sunday She had good attention from all Wo are sorry Miss Shields has left these parts Her friends gave her a Farewell Surprise Party the home of Mr Every body enjoyed it and returned home the wee small hours of the morning A number of our young people took in Hie Hot Fowl Supper A woman reqeotly sold a Bible printed in In She it f Era to stmt The to lo cate Margaret and her four range in age from- years They left Montreal for Toronto but all trace of- them has lojn lost Warning the fanners of the pro vince against a storage of farm help the Spring MrMacttomiel of- Colonization artd Immigration Is urging to respond- now to appeal being sent out to relieve unemployment in the industrial Arihur Buckle of Willow avenue wis killed on Thursday 61 list week while crossing tb street lor a car when he was struck by an a driven by J Brown hear the corner and avenue At the civil assizes on Friday last jury awarded damages to Kate Lynch who L for The case is the outcome an ftllogol upon Lynch the eerendant oh May 20 while was In his house Here Is something a good many housewives will be glad to know When soot or Ink falls on a carpet or rue never attempt to sweep it up at once but cover it thickly with dry Mt and let It stand a while It I hen enables you to clean it up without the slightest stain being left In bis before the North York Teachers Convention In this last week Prof Wrong of To ronto University touching the pre sent war said The present Kaiser like bis father believed In the doctrine i right of kings to rule but apart from him that spirit Is dead The Bulgarian arrested the mili tary authorities at the Island for loi tering around the filtration plant discharged by Magistrate Ellis who felt that the man was acting in a natural manner considering the fact that sweetheart was with another man In the vicinity The Hoard of Control has agreed to be responsible for per cent of tlve cost of constructing the Toronto- Hamilton road and to be respon sible for 25 per cent maintenance tor fifteen years While Mr Richard of this was In New York to attend his wifes funeral a man representing himself as coming from a newspaper and with others engaged in raising fund for newspaper workers who Had been thrown out of employment In j consequence of the war swindled him of During last week the Executive of the Presbyterian Foreign Mission Hoard estimates were passed for next year totalling of work Quite a reduction was made in building ac count Provincial licence officers have made another raid on illicit liquor jailers at Marie collect ing fines totalling about J Municipal matters are beginning to attract attention for the coming elec tions The Municipal Improvement Association has announced its pro gram of reforms to which candidate will be asked to subscribe if they want the support of the Association Twentyfive tegs of beer several dozen bottles of ale and a gallon of whiskey is the result of a raid Con ducted by Inspector Tipton on Sat urday night Into the foreign colony on Beaver A venule In these days hard necessity the Hoy Scouts are doing much to help alleviate the sufferings of the poor At the residence of Mrs M at York Mills a squad of Scouts have been busy for the last five Saturdays sawing a hundred cords of wood which Mrs has generously donated to the Patri otic Fund Sir Jones is reported to be in a fair way to recovery Consent was given by the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board on Sat urday to an application by the City to construct a doubletrack car line on street west from street to Quebec avenue Hon of Public Works will deliver an ad dress at Ward Fcmr LiberalConser vative Association meeting In Broad way Hall on Monday evening next Sir John and Lady Gibson received an unexpected but very hearty wel come when they returned to Hamil ton last week Cadets in uniform comprising two full companies formed a guard of honor Lad Gibson ask ed the boys to accept treat o Ice cream and cake Sir and exMayor were among the speakers at the Aurora Patriotic Fund meeting last week While working in an excavation on the site of the Methodist Book Room a pile of bricks toppled over on Fred a workman burying him His back and left foot were injured Fifteen hundred members the Home Guards attended a church parade last Sunday Last week Germans and broke parade and sought to escape from Canada but were brought They were not so clever as they thought The up to Sat urday last purchased at Aurora horses at en average cost of each a total of are a portion of the number be purchased for the regiment by Ihe city Two porters of the Bar Tree Hotel charged with extensive larcenies from premises were committed for trial on Monday After forcing an entrance Into home on 117 Spink found his wife n Help dejected You dont sleep well You have backache You have lost ambjtion for your work You are beginning to feel and too old wore produced weak- oca or In Tablet or Liquid Form will aid you In regaining vouthful and rtrengthJuxt it his beta doing for over forty years for women who have been the same condition of health you It soothes and invigorate It upbuilds and I 1 fll MP VKlPfll8oiMT A General Manager Paid up Reserve Fund and Undivided Profit A Savings Department Is conducted Branch of Ihe Bank deposit of and received and Interest at current ruts It iz a and convenient depository for your money MOUNT ALBERT BRANCH S TERRY Manager We have a choice lino of Heavier Undorvear for Fall and Winter at from to garment We al so have a nice varm line of heavy Socks and Working 8hirts Gloves and Milts Our Winter Caps are now on sale at from to Call in and have a look around GENTS OUTFITTERS Issuer of Marriage Licenses 5 SUTTON WEST Wesley Methodist Church lias es tablished an employment agency of its own It was announced yesterday that would be made to pro vide work for members or adherents of the church who are Idle Mrs Wright president of the Dominion has cabled Lord Kitchener and written to Pre mier Borden in protest against the wet canteen for Canadian soldiers in Toronto University students have cut out athletics and are devoting spate time to drill a rifle practice Mr John Ross has pre sented to the city the ninth of a series of pictures showing the dif ferent stages in the development of Toronto and York from to 1908 Eight members of the Queens Own palters had been Hand have had a kick against the bandmaster and refused to attend practice They were up before the Police Court- on Tuesday for a breach of the military act as they had been duly sworn In to attend drill The case was adjourned for a week Under the auspices of the Empire a grand demonstration is boot ed for next Tuesday night in Hall on behalf the Canadian Red Cross Society Mr H Ames P of Montreal Hon Mr Hearst Premier Ontario Hon Mr Lein- mieux and Hon Sir E Foster Ottawa are to be the speakers The coroners jur an the death of Arthur Buckle through an auto ac cident returned the following ver dict We find that had the owner of the automobile Harold Brown been of the same name In competent the accident would ern part of the Orange River Colony and disarmed ale for war originally from Mr condition from illuminating through gas Mrs Spink will recover I to help the war hunters are on the City on Tuesday when retiring blew out the gas instead of turning it and were nearly asphixiated before being discovered At thJ Womens Employment Bu reau locate in Sir Henry old house In no less than women out of work have registered The bureau placed women in employment and went to the country The Board of Control voted Bureau War or move On Tuesday no less than live cars of hunters with their dogs end il guns left the Union Station for a two In the woods of Northern Ontario It seems difficult to have a Polish Wedding without a scrimmage Last Monday night a Polish Wedding in Elm Street was exception Many of the got badly drunk Sev eral them concealed and when Ihe row took place the police no less than Mr M a Toronto Millionaire joined 31ST ZEPPELIN AWAY ARE TO BE ERECTED The t Loudon Oct A from Geneva Switzerland Express gives this account of a now Zeppelin The most powerful made has jusllieeii at on lakr Without flew away northwards speed cheered SOI- who should To Count Zeppelin was presold launching j The airship has a I coniparlinenl for pom near the propellers and a is mounted in front lo aeroplanes A second a similar type will ready than end of October soon as this new Toronto of Us kind- the work will be an- came other More Zeppelin built at Co mar a ait Herman the the number be I hundred quickly The city lias raised on short term bonds at 5 per cent The money is for improvements The proposed widening of had been abandoned owing to the lack of funds Judging from operations in at the Exhibition grounds the army of men to be contributed the Second Military Division In the second contingent will have quarters when it concentrates hew Scores wort- men are busy preparing for them end practically all the big buildings their interiors altered Mr Cordon Mackenzie of received from the War Of fice last Tuesday night a cable an nouncing that his son Lieut Mackenzie of the Royal Scots in action on October REBELLION IN SOUTH London Oct Having put down the rebellion in the northern province of Capo Colony by LieutCo the Government of the Union of South Africa is now faced tbe more serious risings under Generals Wet and Beyers the latter of whom resigned the command of forces when Premier de rided to take up anus Ger many According to an official re ceived today armed rebellious are ready in existence the town of of the Ite been avoided We are of miles northwest of the opinion that all drivers of auto has been seized and the Got- mobiles should have licenses and pass officials have examinations prisoners while a train has who came to and armed citizens of the de fence force have been taken from it f f a J ARCHIVES TORONTO

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