Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 30 Oct 1914, p. 5

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fcHi j I ere tor a tow Of few by i i If win in ML I St it of loo lento AD OUT irk AUCTIONEBH AND COLLECTOR DENTIST Grocery O insurance and Estate Howards Newmarket y want to or Sol See He Given at Timothy SI o Mrs Corner V 0 on St boring and Jest wed in Dr oil almost opposite the King George MAIN ST NEWMARKET p OFFICENEW ROYAL BLOCK Main Street Newmarket Office Hours to 11 am to pm to pm Telephone J Boyd Graduate In Toronto University j also o tUe Royal Collage of Physicians and mem- of Royal College ol Surgeons of England Former clinical In MoorflcldB Eye Hospital and College Ear Nob and England Cor Main and Timothy St Hermarket telephone Consultation Hours 810 Green PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Ave 2nd house from Street Newmarket a Callow that The would or fall work Sugar advanced per last week- The price has- rouly doubled since the war King meets at on Saturday Saturday night is All Mr W H Eves is having a lot excavated between his now building on Huron St and the roadway biff purpose being to erect oUJco with extra stororopm lie also in tends to a motor In factory rfrivon by Metro politan electric power it- Bolton Practical Painter Paper Hanger and House Decorator RESIDENCE Corner Niagara and Stre Newmarket S Weeuion WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER Market Building Newmarket fl NEWMARKET ol Piano Vole and Violin In U kinds Repairs PIANO TUNING for Columbia iiniui and Records Stock Prompt AND you to or 11 mo Newmarket Issuer of At the Era Newmarket Office Private Papers Issued at private If deal red NEWMARKET Werfra LATEST DESIGNS III Monuments and Head Stones- Call before ordering elsewhere Out Stone for Building Purposes Kept Stock and made to Order GEO Dont I Should tho about Town become by storm notify tho Town at once Do not even try to move It out the way A wan broken In Acton last week and a pedestrian approaohed It proceeding to kick It out of way Ills leg In contact with tho current and he was bowled over a second Fortunately for him tho full power of current was not received or liter would probably have been an electrocution to record Beware hanging wire for The following will he of interest to local sportsmen who wish to know the open season for the various game Duck from September to Dec both days Inclusive iocs Sept to April Grouse October to Nov both days Inclusive Plover and Snipe Sept to Dec Hare or Rabbit Oct lot to Dec Black Squirrel Nov loth to Dec 1st Mink Nov 1st to April 30th Muskrat Dec 1st to No be shot or trapped during the month of April Police Court Last Saturday an outoftown man named Tracey was arrested as a vagrant and while obtaining the key of lockup which those in charge at the Power House were too indif ferent to reach he made a bolt lor liberty Con Duncan put after him and atex a considerable chac suc ceeded In landing him In the cool er 1 I J P imposed a fine of and costs or days Just as Con Duncan was putting him on the car Saturday night to to jail some of his friends paid the fine and let him go over the were full it is said that riotirno iff the history of fair was there a liner exhibit of cattle and thats going some In tho building exhibits of fruity canned goods and baking were exceptionally the of fancy goods re marked thai exhibits in this class wore of a very high order were llioy that the space allotted to them was alto gether inadequate to do them full justice Another year a different arrangement will be mode for the exhibits in this class The races won on and proved very interesting to the spectators Will meet at Fire Hall Wonday while the Citizens Hand evening pext Nov AH the moist and oftenovcr- are to be on hand J Wi i f moist air with sprightly patri otic and sentimental music Tim concert in the evening vas a late Mr Wright Fop was fill In Si7l completely The were homo in extended over halt acentury away on tho of this month leaving in promissory notes cash In and personal daughters get in cash Leah Elizabeth Emma 25 also to Kat a grandchild The daughters Leah and Kate divide residue equally The will of deceased was drawn on of one day before his One of it says I bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Jane Leopold one sheep- fikln painting to my daughter- Dick j one skin coat and to my grandson Irwin my gold watch and chain an Will Probated Late Philip of rt of who passed away October left an es tate valued at of amount and the a farm in the above Town ship By his will made Nov IK the houoehold goods and tho from the farm are left to the widow as she remains un married On her death each of the sons Crawford and Marshall will receive 100 daughter Mrs Baker and his granddaughter Dorothy 1- Any part of the estate not otherwise distributed is to pass to the widow or her DR EVAN LEWIS Graduate Chiropractor and Osteopath Hydrotherapy Swedish Movements Hays High Electrical Treatment SPECIALIST IN and Nervous Spinal Diseases Blights Disease Lum bago Sciatica and of Women Chronic Invited FREE BY APPOINTMENT vinited Monday Wednesday and Friday of each week Aurora OfficoCor Maple A Sprue Sis Time Cord NORTH I 1080 Orango Funeral About four years ago a young man from England named Lovett got his hand badly cut at the Office Spe cialty Works and be was laid off work for several months When he felt able to do light work he was tak en on the staff again but he never regained his strength Last spring his health began to fail and in the middle of July he was forced to give up work About three weeks ago pneumonia set in and he passed away last Friday leaving widow and three children Being a member of thfi Orange Or der Hi Orangemen took charge of the funeral arrangements About at tended the funeral on Sunday in a body Some visiting brethren being sent from Aurora Service was held in St Pauls Church conducted by Mr and Inter ment in Newmarket Cemetery Farm Produce Very good market last Saturday but the farmers were rather down cast In their feelings The tendency of prices of potatoes apples and fowl was lower but butter and eggs were firm The usual figures p were as follows Kgga per 15 flutter pet Chickens per lb Dressed Ducks per lb Dressed Turkeys per lb Apples per Kali Apples per Winter Apples per Winter Apples per 300 Potatoes per bag Live Chickens per lb Old Kent per lb Live Ducks per lb 10 Live Geese per lb Live Turkeys per lb Pigeons per prv15 Hides per lb Calf Skins per lb Sheepskins Tallow Rabbits per Obituary On night of last week aged citizen of Toronto passes away In tho person of Mrs Enoch Darker wife of tho Rev Enoch a retired Congregational Minister Deceased celebrated her birth day on Sunday of October and In June last celebrated her diamond wedding Deceased was a resident of Newmarket CO years ago when her Rev Darker was the pastor of Congregational Church and when Messrs It Smith Joseph Millard J Cald well and the family active members of that denomination in this Town Mr Darker was a preacher of much ability and Con gregational Church was a strong fctr or in the religious element of New market in his day Convention There was a record attendance at the annual convention of North York Institute which open ed on Thursday morning last In Toronto In the county council cham ber After president A had addressed the William A Toronto Normal School gave an In teresting address on Arithmetic and explained the advanced method of teaching in primary schools Miss A V submitted a paper on the taehiag of agriculture in the public school and the manage ment of a school garden treating her subject In a manner that revealed practical knowledge The paper given by Miss A Ferguson on How Agri culture Can Taught sug gested some simple methods for teaching this braroh of primary ed ucation An appeal was made by the presi dent for subscriptions on of the Toronto and York Draneh of the Patriotic Relief Fund and as a re sult the fund will benefit consider ably v at their best Mr cap tivated the audience with his stir ring Scotch and patriotic rendered with power and Mr on also won largo share of the applause by his and his elocutionary powers nan a sweet voice which she modulates and controls with grout ease making her solos live in memory Her were particularly ef fective Mr in a come dian of high merit His dispelled entirely Much anyone have had contemplating a dark drive home He convulsed the house with laughter Altogether enter tainment was a decided success Opinions voted it to he one of the best fair in years SPEEDING Anderson I Drown i I Class Little Elsie Connor Hoy Decorator MoKcrron King I I i I 3 I 3 2- I I I 1 II Team Canadian Draught Mills Spring Colt Geo Mills Canadian Draft- Team Crake brood mar- Paris John Deacon J Watson entire A Robinson vearold gelding or filly John Sinclair CI Mills John McDon ald 2yearold gelding or filly Hastings yearold gelding or filly I and spring colt or filly J J John Deacon J Watson spring colt or fil ly J J John Deacon J Watson spring colt from im ported dam Mills Agricultural Team Ferguson I Brooks brood mare Dale John Sinclair Walker 3yearold gelding ti dily Stewart gelding or filly Dale A L Lloyd I yearold geld ing or filly I Brooks Walker General Black and 2 Purpose Team FOR FLETCHERS was of After Doctors Tailed If you have tried many other and found they failed do medles and doctors treatmenta for not skeptical about trying MA Read the testimony of Judge John of Laramie O After treatment by thrtee doctor without result I have been cured of very bad of Rheumatism by using two bottles of RHEUM A It is now two years since I used the remedy and I am still as well as ev er Previously I was a cripple walking with testimooy should bo convincing cents of J Patterson guaran teed Lemon brood mare i Grant 3yearold J Keough I J rooks Golf 2yearold Books and 3 fiotl Potter Single driver John James Walsh Wmfiood brood mare Geo Asnden T W K single driver Thompson aged ewe j Thompsorrjearllng ewe I owe lamb J Thompson pen Thompson Southdown Lemon took all the frizes awarded this class Oxford Down J A took all prizes awarded in this class Shropshire T M Blackburn took I all th prizes awarded In this class- Judges John Burns J B SWING Yorkshire White Aged bo J John boar pig David Wilson brood sow J A sow J A four pigs A S Lemon won all this clans Poland pig brood sow Aged boar Stew art Hawkins boar Hawkins brood David Wilson Hawkins bow pig- David Wilson Specials Best registered boar J A- Certwell David Wilson Bacon Hogs Pen J A Hawkins POULTRY J V any other kind Turkeys- Bronze any other kind Roland Ducks- Rouen J V Chllds 1 and Ayles bury J V j In dian Runner Silver Spangled Fred Nixon Silver Chickens Fred Rhode Island RedCock Wallace J V hen J Wallace J V cockerel and 2 L Lyons pullet and Lyons Cock hen and Kitely cockerel and pullet 1 arid Black Minorca Cock and Fred Nixon hen and Nixon pullet and 2 Fred Nixon White Minorca Hen 1 and cocker el W pullet and Barred Plymouth Rock- Cock Wallace hen It Wallace W cockerel Wallace Kitely pullet and Wallace Ruff CochinHen J Partridge Cochin Cock J V hen J V Hen and Fred Nixon cockerel and Fred Nixon pullet and 2 Fred Nixon- Leghorn Ccov Wallace hen Wallace Kitely cockerel Wallace pulltt one Wallace White Leghorn-Co- R Wallace ben R Wallace cockerel Wallace and Wal lace Ruff leghorn Cock Wal lace hen Wallace W cockerel W Gib ney Wallace pullet W Wallace Wyan dotte Hen Fred Nixon Mottled Cock hen N cockerel and 1 W pullet and Blue Hen Fred Nixon cocker and Nix on pullet and 2 Nixon Cock Wallace hen R Wallace R Wallace Nixon pullet Wallace Nixon Buff Orpington Cock It Wallace hen Wallace wtierel R Wallace Coop pullet R Wallace Cooper Game Cock el a come and sweet from its perfectly oven See the dealer in yourtown MADE IN by J A W An Co V ii i i Buyers to Share in Profits Lower Prices on Ford Prices effective from to and guaranteed against any Reduction during that time TOWN l- O Ford Ontario fully equipped- In the Dominion of Canada only Further we agree to pay as buyers from to per car on or about August 1 1015 to every retail Dominion of Canada who new Ford car botween August 1i 1014 and August 1 1G1B provided that we sell cars be tween above dates output will able us to obtain the maximum In our factory production and the minimum cost In our purchasing and salos departments For further particulars regarding these low prices and profitsharing see the nearest Ford Branch or Ford Dealer Home of The Ford Water St n New market u in ARRIVED ill- 4 Inch and 9 v and I Fred Nixon hen and Fred Nixon BantamsCockerel and Fred Nixon pullet and Fred Nixon pullet and 2 Fred Nixon Display of tei Farmers do you want to grow a Bumper Crop give it a trial anil bo convinced Wyandotte best hen any breed White Wyandotte GRAIN AST Bed Wheat Stephens Wil liam Thompson white wheat Stephens Mrs John McDonald goose wheat Stephens any other kind of spring wheal Stephens barley HI Xte Wm Thompson black wl brood marc N I nulmn John spring colt or illy G p hand a under Potter aid under Geo Mill Walker com R- best Hiram Kitely white corn oats W Stephens white oats Thompson Mrs John McDonald large peas Stephens red clover Grant timothy seed Palmer Bros White beans W J Calhoun John McDonald colored J Calhoun Stephens yellow com No Further Rise in Flour I GEORGE FORESTER TERMS CASH Phone I St Phone 13B nro to furnish flowero for at Our quota are right uptodate mare mm sprlng C0lt colt by Drum t Brooks Intact Marchant 5-year-old- gelding or I Potter teat horse Wm gents turnout John Coffey Aver Si Hastings Miss Gertie Smith J Hume cattle WhamCow Bios Coon heifer Riddel i Bros J bull calf call Bros J JerseyCow Coltou Walter Walter yearling heifer Lemon bull calf Cot ton tfcifer caU I Colton HerefordPalmer Bros all the awarded In this class herd of Riddel Bros Grade beef breed cow H Cross W 2yearold heifer Cross J yearling heifer 2 Cross heifer calf Cross J dairy breed Milch cow 2yearold heifer I and If yearling heifer Hiram col lection of grain in sheaf Stephens Marchant Continued on Page WIRELESS TELEPHONE PER FECTED By means of a wireless telephone apparatus invented by two French officers Commander Victor Colin and Lieutenant Maurice Jeance con versations have been carried on over a distance of miles The words came with greater distinctness it is said than is customary even over a telephone connected by wire the speakers voice being clearly recog nizable The inventors of the new apparatus succeeded In transmitting speech by wireless five years ago their Instruments were Installed In Battleships and Justice but they could not be de pended upon chiefly owing to the variable quality of the oscillations of the Hertzian waves By experiment the Inventors finally succeeded In ov ercoming the difficulty by means an attachment which filters the waves heifer calf and Fat CattlePat or heifer and 2 Cross dairy cow Walter Potter 1 Markdale council has passed a bylaw prohibiting billiard bag atelle or pool under penalty of from to Children Cry FN I A No more Salt shaken Regal never damp clogs shaker I finest of fan Sail with lets one per I i a At Your Gzocerfl South End Flour And Teed Store Opposite King George Hotel ROYAL HOUSEHOLD WORLD FOR BREAD Pastry Flour Made of AH Wheat Also Whole Wheat and Flour AND ALL KINDS mixed Chicken Feed Shell Meat Scrap Leave Your Order for and Heavy Office Phone House Plume ARCHIVES OF ONTARIO TORONTO

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