Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 30 Oct 1914, p. 2

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x i GI GOOD SERVANT IT- A i 1 Childwna clothing Moderate Mrs St no longer Hereafter his official distinction military T CARD Mr and Mrs and family to express their sincere thanks to those who bo kindly tend ered valuable in the saving of their property at the recent lire I ROOMS TO RENT Apply to Mrs Ross St Newmarket I among who have volunteered for active Gordon Connor mo novelist Ho expects to go to front as chap lain with the contingent West Hamilton to 1 a vacancy in Ontario occasioned by the ah I of its Hon Col to of of Urn Proylnoo is announced to take place on Nov Nomination one week earlier fv t j Parlor The Town Hall was packed or Show last Friday and the program give excellent fitbnc crown over new v i TO 1 I I mm I On Park Ave All convenicnocs Apply to Scott The Victoria Ave 2w88 QEE8E FOR GALE I Thoroughbred African lot price at Fair Mro No FOR A Peerless Range In condition with warming and hot water attachment Apply to Dr Wilkinson St Newmarket WANTED Daily Work Apply to Box Newmarket I- Hi AFTER THE WAR In will Iiuiii The for woll- younn men and for business will be Keener than over The are preparing now Got In to of our sohoolo and be ready A few months will do It It will pay you well for SHAWS Toronto 395 Shaw Pros AURORA Alexander a teamster aged committed suicide Wednes day evening by hanging from a driving slid at rear off Street was discovered hanging by fads wife No reason be given fort committing suicide as ho wis well supplied with work his wife two children survive Subscriptions to the Patriotic Fund steadily coming in atari now to about 10 from A presK from Ottawa on Saturday states that the de parture of Premier Jtordon for Hot Springs where ho will re main for two or three weeks may ho taken as a strong indication that there will ho no fall session of ho Dominion Parliament Cur rent rumor Capital has ft that Parliament will he summon ed about the day of January It is announced that the Government has I he sale of vodka for another month The serving of drink Is forbidden even in except as an to food and absolutely prohibit its sale in All places lend- in in any form are shut and scaled and can only ho obtained on liio production of a police Nearly of have asked for a of prohibition Guess the i about to dawn QEnriArJ8 obeyed orders AND GAVE UP LIFE A movement having in view Hie of Belgian farmers in Saskatchewan has been started at and is receiving good sup port Governor Drown hav ing agreed to act as patron to the Relief Committee in charge of this work Careful at tention will he given Ho the de tails scheme in order thai the results may be satisfactory The Bros who are of Belgian extract and residents of are among the members of the relief committee and are endeavoring carry out the scheme to a successful conclu sion It is claimed that the farmers arc a in nog he skilled in the world and with the desolation in their own land caused by the war it is recog nized that many of litem will have lo emigrate to other lands and as Saskatchewan has an abund ance of land not now cultivated the opportunities for these Bel- bridge guard gian farmers to settle in this country would be great Brown in discussing this scheme recently pointed out that Belgians would make ex cellent dairymen and market gardeners The grain crop of wan in is valued at by I he provincial depart ment of agriculture On a very conservative estimate the wheat crop is estimated at bushels and valued at approximately bush el bo the grain market reports would seem to indicate that much heller prices I ban that estimat ed arc received The oat crop is estimated at bushels and valued at Barley is estimated at bushels and valued at and the crop London 27 The corres pondent of The Daily Mail in Trance graphing under date of Sunday night re garding the fighting on the river Yseii says There were Herman bodies in the Canal this morning after fighting in Hie night Many of them were drowned and were bayoneted very water itself was bloody white li stroots wore strewn thick with the dead These ghoulish facts alone give some idea of the savagoncss of the lighting the desperation of the German attacks and the stub- of allies resistance The night was a boll from dark to dawn At almost every point of tho lineman opposed man some times a few hundred yards dis tance but more often in close grips to face men even wrestled and died by drowning each other in the canals waters The Germans had had orders to gel through that night cost what it might An officer of theirs who was captured said that the delay of more than a week in crossing this waterway had incensed the auto cratic military mind in Germany must be crossed tonight if it costs thousands of men That hi effect was the order given and the German soldiers all credit to did their best Probably of them gave their Jives last night They could not give more yet they failed but not because the Germans did not obey their orders They crossed the waterway alright as they were bid hut once through they could not make good They were mowed down with rifle shot lorn into human fragments by shells and bayoneted back yard by yard over their own dead into the waters of the canal Into the very gray of be morning this bloody work went on so fiercely that there was hardly a trench or in the whole line in in is that did not imagine that be had singled out for special at tack It is believed that some Germans crossed the hut hardly one of llpm got back Those to the north ami north east f probably were met by a line rally of the Belgian infantry and of the caval ry who had tethered their horses j and were driven by main force at choir the Curat did extra well on Sun day evening and the nolo ty Margaret and Mies Daisy was greatly appreciated Wedlock fast winning the affectionate regard of tlon v- m Bazaar The 3rd Annual Bazaar will be held in the Town Hall next Wednesday It will last only day year but it will to fully up to the class standard of previous ones Many choice articles at a low price will be for sale by the the opens at oclock a m There will also be that famous Pond as well as other features A Hot meat dinner for will be served at noon a choice fowl at night for and then la tho evening there will bo a dramatic entertainment This Is guard and Is of a high class and is of a high na ture Dont it Popular prlcea and Plan of ball and sale of tickets at Pattersons Drug Store- Procure them early A com bination or Ml course ticket at entitles you to dinner supper and concert with reserved Beat Reserve next Wednesday for this event Formerly Lived The following is clipped from a Toronto paper Niagara Tails The man who leaped lo his death from the upper steel arch bridge on the evening of October is believed to have been of Ban ford Ave south Hamilton Out Mrs shares in Ibis belief as slip stales in a letter received by the Slates immigration officials to day she furnished a good de scription of her husband which tallies wilh that of the man going lownrds he bridge It has been learned that Km bury who disappeared from his Hamilton home spent a night at the Commercial lipid sleeping in the office for ho had no money It was from this hotel that the suicide rushed on the ev ening ho went over the railing the lower river a distance of feet Those in the hotel who talk ed with him say he gave bis name as Fred Embury The body has not been recovered Fred Embury ran a Laundry in Newmarket a few years ago for North today ipV -Miaa- thia week I Toronto with pent Aurora Mrs fcpent a v I The Wednesday evening November there will be presented in the Town Hall the great peace play en titled In Vanguard It is in connection with the Christian Church Bazaar and wilt entirely surpass all previous ores presented by the Dramatic Club It Is a new charac ter of a play in scenes and with over characters Introducing musi cal features and It ds very suitable for these war times people through out and the United States are showing profound interest In the productions of this peace play It had a successful run for a week in an American city and will be sure to please here as it is of a high nature and educating to all Dont ml it the date Next Wednesday Nov Plan of Hall opens at Pattersons Drug Store to night Friday at oclock The following are some of characters Dorothy Medora Connie Mrs- Annie Knowles Flossie Louis Bpworth Thompson Roy Collins Williams Ayres Fodder Archie Oral Hall Earl Proctor Rhine- hart a oh spend some time at Wilkin and Mrs Nat Harmon of Aurora spent Sunday With Mr aod Mrs Rev and Mrs Kail of Toronto- were ox Hon J and Mrs over Sunday Mrand Mrs- Smith at- tenHed Hot Fowl Supper at on- Monday Jaekoon and Mrs Cane at Aurora Tuesday j t of Graven- hurst writea I not think doing without the and Mro Ernest Brooks at- tended the Methodist Anniversary on I Mr and Mrs M Chapman Baldwin spent of last with Mr and Mrs MoKewon Miss Lamb of Toronto teacher of vocal sight singing I In Town on Tuesday looking up j a cho Mr R Schmidts mother who has been hero on a vlBlt for the past two weeks leaves today for her home in Rochester Miss Margaret Wed del of Toronto spent several days of her vacation with her sister Mr Jackson leaving for Aurora on Tuesday Mrs Albert Cockerill arrived homo this week from Moose Jaw I She was out seeing Mother who was dangerously ill Mrs Morris Cassidy spent the weekend In Town saying goodbye to friends before leaving Toronto to spend several months in the United States Mr of Toronto was calling on old friends In Town last Saturday He and his wife recently returned from a trip out west en far as Banff- Mrs V Janes will receive on the first Friday Instead of the 1st Wedresday as formerly and Mrs i Stanley It Janes will also receive on the first Friday I Mr Bruce Morton to Ontario Agricultural College last Sunday evening after having spent a few days with his motrer Mrs Nell Morton Joseph Ave Private Kelly of the York Hangers who went with the 1st Contingent to the front Is now at Davenport and wishes to thank the boys of the Methodist Toronto will he presiding Class for kind remembrances minister Mrs Robert J Corson and Rev gave a very ler Miss Gladys Mrs Geo fltruoUvo and interesting dim andiMrs Mars of Mark- course on Sunday last his sub- ham- accompanied by Miss Shaw of being Christianity and New York motored here on War of last weak and were calling on friends Mr Geo A Smith of the weekend with his mother Mrs It Is years since Mr Smith moved away from Town He Is In the photograph and took feet of for moving at tbe Camp Mr Stewart Barker Baritone of Toronto delighted large audiences both morning and evening In Methodist Church Truly this young mans singing Is wonderful his voice possessing phenomenal timbre power and rauge and Ms artistry most finished Our Town may feel proud that It has produced a singer of Mr Barkers rank who can Throughout the store prices aire and with quality ao you know and our uncommonly when goods are so attractive that quickly toll down to a few of a kind and slice ranges are too greatly broken such articles no loft offered that are cut down to the lowest level with little regard for voluoa or coats v Special offerings two give us an broken assortments and offer you- desir able merchandise at a fractional part of original prices of means big savings I ft liili has ildintf ftinark liifii ill Get the Saturday Shopping habit Its a good Out be sure you come to Hunters values hero are bettor 1 AND FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING SUIT8 OVEnCOATS AND TROUSERS ft HOUSC 7 J I Furniture Undertaking Sale Register an under wheat this year was 0J3522 acres an increase acres or approxfmato- the previous the bayonets point to river am into it There have been frantic scenes ami Hie bodies seen in lite water on the next lay gave testimony Ibis About infantry men got into They bob it for a lime but shell flro ami rifle tbe place was and through The Germans dashed out of the estimated at bushels crumbling bouses only to be valued at out by a sirocco of shrapnel and shot in the When Sunday broke dead and wounded were every where a cemetery but In woods not far away Germans lingered They held a position under a and eventually wow reinforced The allies could not oust thorn and the Germans are still across the Their presence may not be per manent and they may suffer bo seme fate as has overcome hun dreds of their fellows during the week who got only lo their death but be French lines for time being at least have been drawn hack about this point of per cent year The government figures are based on an estimate of bush els of wheat per acrn OP Oot Standard vataUa that bags flour audi of cheese a war Kit to the Country from Catuda has lying on don docks for the past two of the difficulty in discover ing who Is for ling It has now been ascertained that the local Government board responsible and Its membere busy considering is to be done with food it Is possible soma of it given to the hungry alAasitfrBdori WEDNESDAY Nov 1 W will have an auction sale of Farm Stock Implements etc on Con 2 King Sale to commence at one oclock J Auctioneer TUESDAY Nov Mr J will sell head of cat tle at Mount Albert on credit Sale oclock A Kavanaugh Auctioneer MONDAY Nov Mrs perffeight lot Con will dispose of cattle pigs Implements etc at oclock months credit J Auct Main Worth Orders Receive Careful and Prompt Attention The Cradle Bond Late Oct 18 to Mr and Mrs John Cream a son OS rjttj If you want something hot to drink try some of our celebrated well be clashed with the worlds noted singers Mr of Stockton writes I cannot let good j old paper go I have taken the ever since I have- been In this beautij and intend to continue luope to sc you some day I would just like to drop Into Newmarket some fine day and call on you lj love California but I never can for- get my old home and friends I want to tell you we have a fine cert Band here of which I am a member We pull some mighty fine stuff Tell Carmen and all that nice easy truck you know Kind regards to old friends On Thursday evening ot last week j about thirty teachers and exteachers ol Duffer in School Toronto in the schoolroom to make aj presentation a handsome cane to Mr Robert W who vraaj principal the school for years and retired last June Mr New York on Oct to Dr and Mrs Arthur a son and grandson to the late J A of New market Newmarket on Oct to Mr and Mrs Harding a daughter Or if you would like try some of our something Cool Mm The Altar Owing to the storm on Lake are lying at an- GERMANY MUST HER PLKET Stafford The time of the war Bald Lord In a speech here tonight would begin when the Ger mans were forced over the frontier and were In their own and with their own base of supplies This was not going to be a short war Lord Charles added It would take more than six months to a year to put William on his Nobody knew would happen In next great naval battle In which modern instruments of war fare were used Lord Charles con tinued Germany must beibumbled and humiliated must loft the whole of her fleet- give up t fie Canal and her colonies her forts must be an old Sharon and we are his in this of York County will join us in congratulating him on this expression of kind re gard by the of Toronto with whom he labored during the past quarter of a century -s- KKTTLEBY Mr Archibald is still un der Or cart Mr John and Miss Kola of Toronto spent over Sunday at Parsonage Mr Mrs look Miss Winifred Cook and Mrs were guesta at Mr J Mr and Mrs Wilfred spent Sunday Mrs Craw ford p on Mr and Mrs word on Saturday that Miss W was ill but at last report she was improving The snow on Monday looked like winter The hunters leave ibis week for the north Pity the deer The League purpose holding a Social on the of Nov Proceeds lo be sent lo the Red Cross Fund Notice later Harvest Thanksgiving Services will bo held in the here on Sunday next mollshed end the works 1st of Nov Service at II am to the ground at Pickett of the home the bride on Oct by Elder of Newmar ket John Franklin youngest son of Jr John Curtis to Missi Clara Beatrice only daughter Mr all of King Township Tomb WRIGHT At on Oct 21 John Wright uncla of Editor of tbe Era Inter red at Woodstock last Friday THOMAS At the Manse Newmar ket on October 24 Frances relict ol Francis Thomas and mother of the Rev of Newmarket In her year Interred on Monday at Necropolis Cemetery Toronto Mich Fred Orvls I formerly Newmarket In year In Newmarket Oct 23 aged years Newmarket Oct 28 infant daughter of Mr Harding Sliced to suit you Pnsite ffraeli day PHONE PURITY AND QUALITY OUR MOTTO Special Attention Given All- Physician and Family Recipes ftofiuuo MAIN STREET NEWMARKET Agent for Cameras and Chocolate Weekly- TELEGRAPH OFFICE THE Undertaking buy your Cheap For Cash UNDERTAKING A A Night calls attended to at residence John Millard House No COUIiY Store Phone No Mr Justice in Hie As sizes o Saturday sentenced men who had been found during tin session of the Inst two weeks tVr attempted murder goes down for seven years in Hie penitentiary He tried to John Swansea lust summer sentences were Joseph Bayard John Dickie and John Ifegah two years less one day serious offence Tom George fix months for shooting i Marion otto three month an attempted serious manslaughter or lf months for The trials of Dr Boy and Dr Alexander dale have been traversed to next sitting of the Asslres Rail for in i l Dr with and for Dr were exacted Children FOR FLETCHERS i of regati ft- Fat v p church town Big Ion to no Consider worth at night hill I lion lo a of amount di lvi ti lit st In lilt j to ihe Mel hi Method The- foil lakt ft Mr- Young an Toronto t of rem Refresh and every me A Ween at It has oi Sunday held wont be dad put forth make person in ft ai fecial hurch he doors one of us our Hi up all see an us one flaking ward I of when i Wislianc weekly Proved an S Wout of f Ins but the one by J Church lie t day- Thin Wai and f nade Third Utter share ARCHIVES OF ONTARI TORONTO

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