Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 17 Jul 1914, p. 7

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BE we KPT conw Our first Is In store Rally Longfellow While Cap Dent- BightRowed Yellow Prospects arc for higher prices RED CLOVER Specially Reduced Prices for No and No 2 quality TIMOTHY A Snap for the the No ALFALFA or LUCERNE At Reduced Price No DUTCH 8ET8 lbs to go at lb This lot only at this price II If r More liowci which accounts for the Town being- In about on nosdny night the holler noticed that it had ex panded on end and was in danger of- Repairs ore being at tended to but In the meantime the power la weak -7- i A couple ptraniwboTrexe overloaded with booze- an ftltorcatloii near postofUce on which came to Wowa and their foul talk attracted the attention of about one hundred Mr Fred Bowser with Courage took hold of the worst offender and walked or dragged him down to the cooler The men appeared before Police Magistrate arid were Bent to jail for ten flays Mr Bowser should he to the regular Constabulary force 33 daughters permission and know ha would never ft- That evening a train- for J shayedoff raj mustache mukjuginy dull The hex morning a I ho parapet superintending the Mr Joe Gardner section boss on the Metropolitan Is building a now cement block north of the resi dence of Hon J Davis at the at the Intersection of the track and 2nd Mr Fred Bowser building a now house onQueen Street West which will bo a great improvement to that section of the street Newmarket and Lodge accompanied by the Bradford Brass Band made- quite a In Town last Saturday morning preparatory to the parade at Aurora On Sunday morning Nowmnrkot attended service In Christian Church visiting brethren being present from Albert and Aurora filled the on one side of thfc cliurch EYES How It Helped the JUL Staple Kino China China Hall Grocery ORDER FOR SUMMER WEATHER Lcmonndo and Raspberry Vinegar bot tles Orangeade Rasp berry and Juloo bottles above all Nov Goods of the Very Dost Quality Try Ihom and bo convinced of tholr have a to none of all too of tho following Brown and ILq Loading UptoDato Phone Quick Service COHNEftjOP Main Timothy Notice to Students The management of Business Toronto begs to advise all Junior and alt High School stu dents that it prepared to mall a copy of Its to any one who desires to qualify In a short period of or 8 months for a good sala ried position Shaws Schools Toronto Head Office Sts Bargain Sale OF Womens and Chil drens Wear A Special of Boots and Shoes also Mens and These goods at once Dresses and Youths Suits be sold Newmarket Three doors south of King George Hotel Phone 232 Shaws Business Schools Toronto Canada give high grade courses and qualify young people to earn good salaries They The Central Business College and Six city Branch Schools on request Enter any lime Shaw President A Liberal Club At an Informal mooting of Liberals a few weeks ago a committee was ap pointed to for the organiza tion of a in Newmar ket A meeting will be hold in the Temperance Hall on St- this JfFrlday at the organization and anybody Interested is cordially Invited to at tend Messrs Mackenzie King and If Walton will address llic meeting It hoped that there will a good turnout Tho Tournamont At the Christian Pic nic at Centre Island Park next WW will be worth seeing A Dash One evening last week an exciting runaway took place near St Pauls Church Mr Awtj of Street had his horse tied a weight when the horse took fright broke strap and made a dash Church street It made circuit of Mr P Pearsons lumber yards and then ran along Street to Street Here It collided with a tree smashing one wheel of the bug gy and Completely wrecking the bar- Fortunately the horse was not injured and no one was hurt Exams Following are pupils who pass ed the above examinations from New market High School Willie Phyllis Monkman Mia Ross Rose Craig Noilly Smith Marjorio Heasllp Dy LAN D Old we called and on surface fitted him admi rably Ho was Lieutenant Colonel of United States artillery and commanded tho fort at which I was stationed Ho didnt look a at all got from fact that ho was a strict and when on duty orders In a and tone I was In love with his daughter May who really commanded because while her father ordered rest of us about his daughter had him complete ly under her thumb His eyesight was and this rondcred him liable to make mistakes Across ho couldnt tell a gun carriage from an ambulance and ho was constantly mis taking person for another morning Ned Perkins a junior ofilcer myself came to mo looking If ho were getting ready for a fu neral Whats matter old man I asked Matter Matter enough Jennie Trowbridge Is at Atlantic City for Stark Doris Stephens Hewitt Ross Helen Stoddart This is a smaller number than were successful last year The examination has been a very severe one and the local percentage is believed to be con siderably above the average of the Province Newmarket bowlers go to next Wednesday Keep close to nature these days close to mother earth and the grass and trees and running water When ever possible The number of fanners coming into town in their automobiles Is grow ing This is as it should he No class has a bettor right to them nor will any others use them to better advantage Mr Holt Hewitt was laid off work all last week owing to stepping on a nail HOW DO YOU DO MB Dont Forgot The Christian Union Sunday School to Centre Island Park on could Wednesday High School Report Form Names in order of Passed to Form III A Thomas A P Monkman Maw Hewitt Recommended Watson Keith Passed to Form HI a M Thomas F Terry Thompson Recommended Robinson Can any who have Passed to III only may wish to take Matriculation without Normal they may subject to the approval of the Prin- pass to A the form he following have passed to week end I wish to Join her there and Old wont give roe leave Why not Ho cays that all the leaves that can ho granted Just now have been given Ned didnt tell mo Just why ho was so anxious to go to see Miss Trowbridge but ho had confided enough before to enable me to infer the cause correctly He was on the ragged edge with the young lady while she was on the rag ged edge between him and another fel low a civilian being uncertain which to accept Ned hoped that if he could get to Atlantic City while she was there he could clinch the matter If not he believed that the other man would In time get the girl A civilian doea not necessarily to ask per mission to go where he likes but a soldier Is on or on duty under or ders of a superior If Perkins could told the colonel the circumstances would have got his leave e take his command ing officer Into his confidence as to a love affair Ned I said are you In for any special duty for the next two days Yes gun instruction I wonder If I couldnt pass muster you We dont look much alike but were the same height and build It would necessitate your shaving off your mustache I couldnt raise one at once I would do that for you But your hair Is a molasses candy color white mine Is black as Ink Thank you for the compliment I dye my hair or rub some black pomade on It which would do as well Your scheme Is a good one but gee suppose tho colonel recog nizes you as personating pie ne wont one will give me away Ill risk that But if Griffin should know that have deliberately absented myself not only without permission hut in spite of having been refused leave hell pre- sfjuaOs in bundling when the colonel coinealobgi He was showing the fort to come relatives who were staying at one of- tbo hotels out ride the walls He op to where was standing near a gun and began to explain its workings to his friends Presently bo of nei Have these men been long under In- strucOonMr- Perkins Yes air tbeynro becom ing Toe stood not a dozen feet away from me The look ho gave me was to say least searching But I kept a stiff upper lip and without noticing walked away another gun and began the sergeant In orders The colonel passed on with his visitors but I know that ho bad noticed something about mo that did not look like Perkins Before for gun instruction had passed I went to Perkins quarters thinking it possible that the colonel would send for him in order to get a closer inspection of biro 1 had scarce ly arrived when there was a rap at door and there stood colonels orderly The commander oxalrcs Lieutenant Perkins to report at the headquarters office said the orderly saluting Very well I replied and order ly Withdrew I should notified May of game I had to play so that if occasion required I might secure her assistance I had called upon her but she was dining out and I did not see her On my way to tho colonels office his quarters and found her sitting on porch Joined her and told her of the critical position both of myself and of Perkins Do you think your conscience would permit you to vouch for I asked her My conscience will permit a white lie if I can thereby benefit a friend was tho reply Very well I would suggest that you go to your fathers and bo ready when I enter to make him believe I urn Mr Perkins left mo to put on a hat and when she camo back took walk leading to office I waited till saw her enter then followed her When I reported to the colonel ho had his In his hand getting out some bills which he gave to her On seeing me she How do you do Mr Perkins Where have you kept yourself for so long You not been to see mo in age It was plainly evident from tho way tho colonel blinked at mo that ho had sent for mo to And out if I were the ho had seen on parapet Evidently I did not look to him like Perkins and I must looked very llko myself But he could not trust his own eyesight dared not take with his daughter as to my Identity Finally he looked an order to her to proceed her way but she declined to leave me unprotected and resuming her seat Indicated that she would remain until her father had transacted his with me Ho had nothing of Importance to com municate and after giving me some improvised Instructions as to he desired the men instructed In concern ing the guns he dismissed me walked In the direction May would take on leaving the office and when she came out joined her curious to know what If anything concerning me had passed between her and her father after my departure She told me that he had seemed to be thinking of my resemblance to myself Instead of to Perkins but that to question her would ho to confess that his eyesight was failing and ho could not bring to do so Fearing that I might bo required to pass a second examination Invited May to an excursion up the river that would keep me away for the rest of the day I had no right thus to absent myself but if the matter were ralBed having been ministering to the pleas ure of the commanders daughter I felt assured that no notice would bo taken of the breach of discipline May was good enough to remain away with me till the brightness of day had passed and her father could not see In the dark I thought that since I was aiding my friend Perkins to propose for a wife I might do some thing for myself in a like direction and during day I told May my story Since the matter had been pending between us for some time I was not surprised at an acceptance Perkins waked me up before reveille the next morning to tell me that he l I How many of the many blessings that boon upon us In this wonderful country of ours We h been so blessed with good crops and industrial activity that many of us overlook the other reasons for thanksgiving Would you like to go back to the days you could only buy heavy poorly made footwear Pine shoes wo know them were unknown then Now with improved facilities and greater experience footwear has almost reached the stage of perfection No more conclusive proof of this can be found than In Invlctus Shoes if We are thankful that we are able to offer you a large range to from Youll bo thankful for foot comfort when we have sold you a pair of try ft If if The St Wool m m and J and it is a note- worthy fact that after much expert- menting with every kind of road- building material the Board of i ty Road Commissioners has adopted j concrete as its standard The party covered about eighty miles of highway of every description and in every condition from the worst to the best The tour proved an exceptionally strong object lesson BRAN AND SHORTS to every one of the party and much gratification was expressed at the completeness of the building equip ment the excellent results ob tained Fortunately the party was enabled to see practically every operation of End And Feed Opposite King George Hotel tore FLOUR Royal Household for Bread for Pastry ALL KINDS OF FEED TRY OUR Makes the Pigs Grow Night Day Leave Your Order for farting and Heavy A HOWARD lie MAIN ST I I road building from the grading of the had left Atlantic City and Miss Trow- subsoli to the finished of which bridge long after midnight having pro- one machine can lav square yards posed and been accepted during the road in one day The method of evening Fie expressed deep gratitude for my efforts in his behalf since the Trowbridge family including Miss Jen- reinforcing and its advantages was shown and explained Much interest was shown in the thorough manner in operation was carried were booked to sail In a few days months- trip to Europe and the curing the fin Neds rival had engaged passage on the I jsh fame steamer Ned was that I i Pi Commercial Hell I Parkins Cain Perry A M A K A Smith C M Smith Vale Recommended A The follow w ill he awarded Commercial- Is Vernon Wait I Williamson Tate I West Passed in but stenography and my army career will he blighted Nothing risked nothing gained You are soldier without fortune Miss Trowbridge would make a good wife army for she has means and no soldier should marry a poor woman to bring up a family on the pay we get You go to Atlantic City if you get the girl you can stand being absence without the risk you are taking will be trump curd with the girl 1 believe youre right said Wed thoughtfully but If you are caught persmuiiliiK me what to prevent for vnuV Ob Im enough No court would convict ids misdemeanor In I til or llesldes what him what I I whs that would I Ihlnt mid In without my and May Griffins valuable assistance he would lost his sweetheart Soon after guard mount tho colonel for Ned who responded to the summons In propria persona He told me that his coramflnder looked at with a expression then satis fied that he was himself gave him an unimportant order The result of this single days per formance was a double wedding that occurred the next winter In which May and I and and Ned figured as leading ladles and gentlemen INSPECT CONCRETE week a party of Canadian Highway and Municipal Officials interested in good roads visited Detroit and Wayne County Mich to learn how this progressive American community is building a comprehensive concrete road system of which it is justly proud Wayne County now has nearly one hundred miles of the concrete roads In the- world one stretch of which extends in a smooth unbroken surface for a diBtance of miles passing through the villages of Wayne to where the road was being built The cars of sand stone and cement sidetracked on the rait- way line nearest the place of opera- Hon and unloaded with a steam shovel into a string of small dump cars holding one and a half cubic yards These ears are hauled by a donkey engine In some a number of miles to the spot where the materials will be mixed to make the road The narrowgauge track over which the miniature train runs is laid in sections that can be easily handled by two men- Properly cur ing the finished road takes seven days As soon as the concrete has sot is covered with two inches sand and then wet down with a hose daily this permits the whole mass of concrete to harden uniformly and eliminates surface cracks that would otherwise appear under the the sun As a whole the methods used by Wayne County Road Commissioners are very simple and undoubtedly most economical for the construction of an extensive and permanent system at any rate they are the re sult of years of study ft by able engineers conditions with which Wayne Count j However it is noteworthy that has to would not be in evidence few Canadian Counties that are not most Canadian Counties broken infinitely richer in natural resources stone which is usually about one- if not In actual capital and we can half of the mixture used able within a few mil country throughout the Dominion few exceptions whereas is obtain- greatly benefit by the experience of the county across the line The individual and collective opin ion was unanimous for County hauls its broken stone as the logical ami economical a long distance Then again the special machinery and equipment used I rEACHING AN OLD IDEA TO SHOOT material for permanent good roads in Canada and one that will enable across border Is not absolutely every community to invest its road necessary for men and teams could so th It will return a be used In place of most of it dividend instead of being spent ti fill Wayne County began building coir tip the mud holes roads in and the stretch laid In that year was careful ly Inspected by the party at close range and the concensus of opinion was that it is now as good as when put down and the maintenance cost has been practically nothing during the five years that it has been used A striking contrast is shown when the condition of this concrete stretch is compared with other stretches of the samet road built at the same time of other materials and at ap- a very novel proposal Seldom has there been a man more fertile in suggestion than Mr but it was always his desire to find out the Ideas of other men The Ad vance recalls how on one at a meeting of a Hoard of Sunday School managers one of the me inters 4 proximately the same cost but which now resembles the Rocky Road to and must be re built in the near future One of the engineers expressed the opinion that if Wayne County could afford to have such excellent roads there no excuse for Canadian com munities to delay the building of systems that will be as good as the Comity roads for there are Turning quickly to a very success ful superintendent who happened to be present Mr Moody asked What do you think about that I think it a most excellent Idea Mr Moody and I may say thai wo have been aiming to do that thing for two replied the Is that so ftid Mr Moody Then you think It Is about time you fired a V

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