Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 17 Jul 1914, p. 4

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At I Compound I a United Americans l J l I I I had lut the vase temperance men discovered Jbat flic of the party only a According to reports from Ottawa and cptnmenV Conser vative dally papers It seems almost probably that In the courseof a few panada will withdraw from the international treats with dreadfully of health was ex tremely nervous and that If I bad given In to my feelings I would faavo been If bed It Was I had hardly strength at thnca to ho on my feat end did do waa by a great effort I could not of coarse felt bid In the and had a steady headache After taking the second I no ticed that the not bad I rested better and my nerves were stronger I continued its use until It mode a new woman of me and now I can hardly realize that I able to do so much as I dp Whenever I know any woman In need of a good medicine I highly praise E Veg etable Compound Mrs Frank Clark 3MG Tulip St Women Have peon Telling for forty years how Lydla Vegetable Compound has reatored when suffering with female Ills This accounts for tho enormous demand for It from coast to coast If you are troubled with any ailment peculiar to women why dont you try Vegotablo Compound It will pay you to do so Lydla Pink- ham Co Lynn vlu Cure for Spavins Curb Splint Growths and Lameness from many other causes It keeps horses working A 1ottlc may save a horse for you Get a bottle the licit time you arc in town Sold by druggists a bottle for it alto ask for a copy of our Dr COMPANY Folia Vermont AAdpjAAApjMK POTTED MEATS- Full flavored and perfectly cooked The childs delight The picnickers choice favorite make delicious sandwiches Box Queen St PRACTICAL PAINTER FirstClaw of all natural woods and General House Decorations In all the Latest Styles WALL PAPER SUPPLIED And Hung the Most Rea sonable Terms want the very WORK AT THE LOWEST FIGURE Vou cannot better Jones My paper hung at per roll any other paper per roll Estimates Submitted and all work carried out by our own supervision and none but exper ienced men employed All Kinds of Signs Tainted lust give Jones a Trial Satisfaction is Guaranteed i4 OVER YEARS Copyrights Scientific weutiro Jouiiul tut Bold British American College Leads In age influence and succeasfol graduates Spe cializes In A Pitman Shorthand and all Gommer- The fall opens Aug Address Prln Write for our catalogue Toronto- have failed to up to their paTt of the Middlesex and London Pro vincial elections be sot aside are being taken by Liberals to this end It Is charged that the re sidents of the two constituencies voic ed Illegally through the edict of the attorneygenerals department where by the recently annexed district of were Included In In the balloting The announcement is made by Hon Hearst Minister of Lands and Mines that- tenders for the sale of three large timber limits In Motagami Indian Reserve have been accepted The area of bach of the limits squats miles Just think of It a total area of one hun dred and eight square miles Yes the elections arc over and money Is needed In Government quarters A statement Is made in the daily press announcing the of the Duke and Dutchess of about October 15th the party sail ing probably the Virginian As is customary the departing governor- general will pass bis successor en route Prince Alexander of with Princess of will leave England during the first week In October arriving at Quebec a day or two after the duke of sails A press despatch from Ottawa the other day states that eight men left the party stoking land after the boat sank in the Arctic and that they have not been heard from is an nounced in a report which Deputy Minister has just from Captain written from Nome Ill feared that some of them may be lost for the main party had a terrible struggle before reach ing Wrangle Island and the smaller patties must have bad as strenuous experience The Mayor of Ottawa has put his ban with the consent of Council up on the drink habit He has Issued an order to the heads of the civic de partments instructing them to notify their varlojiH staffs that drinking will hereafter be countenanced among corporation employees His Wor ships mandate states that any em ployee or bead of department en- tors a public drinking or bar room will be penalized The order is in effect whether the employee is on or off duty Quebec nature almost the whole Terrace Animal Worle most Valuable faculty posseas- ed la tholr sense smell Host tear poorly ana In particular are absolutely deaf all their of In- every direction creatures do not seem to enjoy very good eyesight Some of the fly cant see veil enough to obstacles should look as big as a barn But when It comes to the smell the Insect world Is far ahead any animal the great entomologist confined of m bond stand and w Itself the houses on the cliff above doing considerable damage to the at each end of the row but leaving those In practically untouched There was a strong cast blow ing and kept toe flames away from the Chateau Hotel which Is situated at the east end of this Magnificent promenade Al though the blaze out about noon it was not under control until brie hours- later The general alarm was rung in at about and only few minutes later the natural of the In sects To his surprise males of tho species came from wiles away and lit on the screen He females In hermetically scaled Jars and placed them near places frequented by males Not one paid any attention though tho females were visible throught the glass To make sure that the sense of smell was the guiding force Prof brought out somo bits of and twigs on which the females bad rested Male soon appeared and ignoring the females In their inch main andJius materially j Jars circled about the twigs the of the and paper If a ant of- the same spo- hi placed In an ant hill he Ib vlo- Is thought that he meets caused by Borne of the lighted cigar as an ends which arc thrown ejection If away by of cajclcss very Londoner could on The wooden pillars under sight each stranger In It would walk had probably been not bo so remarkable out of town ralfcht bo Identified by tholr clothes cut of hair speech etc J ROSB Manager L I of Bathroom be Shop THE LEADING TINSMITHS r some before the boards caught j us the blaze started the boards and not between them Two firemen were overcome by sinoke and bad to be taken to the hospital MEN WELL Speaking of bis experience with ants all wear same shiny uniform and and dumb If a small mouse dies a field certain undertaker Insects known and from dlstanccH of more thana to lay eggs In body fly acts solely on sense of smell In his flying about ho Is perpetually trying to In testing for three years one farmer direction of each breath of food oar St Quebec recently odor he moots and dodges and turns himself as very well satis with each eddy air until he lo tted had good reason to bo for fftSi dark I- June this year his nine cows They smell their victims outside the house Their sense of smell leads averaged pounds of milk each total of pounds Three years ago average was only 823 pounds I them to windows doors or chimneys the total only pounds 1 from which man proceeds In other words his income from j In they go and soon you hear their the nine cows was thirty four dollars fiong about your ears An Ottawa press despatch to the Telegram intimates that the four Senatorial vacancies are not to be filled till autumn next but is already busy with manes of pos sible The despatch states It is believed Ottawa that one if not two of the Ontario Cabinet Ministers will g to the Up per House In that connection Hon Dr and Hon J 1 are prominently mentioned Other names are mentioned including Char les Ritchie KC of Toronto and p or Bast So many men arc out of work in the City says the Toronto Star that preliminary steps have been taken lor the formation of a sent Civic Employment Bureau The condition is almost Iinprccedentcd in the Citys history In the middle of summer when outdoor works are all in operation and there should be plenty of jobs for everybody scores of men are out of employment They arc not all single cither- Peo ple out work and without profes sional trades should be told get into the country and help the rural districts The high wages ol is what attracts to that locality until the city has become greater In one year Instances very similar to this may be in every county wberc cow testing has been taken up intelligent ly Ontario is a herd of cows that gave on the average pounds of milk more per cow than three years ago The addition of hundred and thirty tw dol lars per year to ones income with out increasing the number of cows is a substantial and tangible result of intelligent weighing and sampling Again at Ontario is a herd now giving pounds of milk per cow an increase of almost pounds per cow Record forms for milk and feed and a herd record book will he sup plied free on The Ilea and the night prowling carnivorous insect which Inhabits beds locate their by their olfactory sonee Poorly Paid Police Tho Paris police poorly paid maximum salary attainable by a de vllle Is a year In view of high cost of living In Paris this amount is to a family any dogrco of comfort and married members of the force have frequently to supple ment their Income as they can Borne of them car- a few franca by working as market porters during their time off duty Others do boot repairing and there Is one- who Ones odd tailoring Jobs Still In spite of dairy commissioner Ottawa 000 these hardships there are always application to plenty of men to Join the force about ten candidates being available for every vacancy that occurs BIG QA80LirJE WAIL Detroit July All indications of past few months point to a Mind Pneumonia African natives treat pneumonia with extraordinary levity On a big trek In central Africa writes a The Dominion Bank is constructing a strong room in the building the course of erection in Toronto that will make burglars stand aghast The Globe thus desoelbes the instal lation the great steel door in the basement It says In point of stu pendous strength and in cubic space tins room far exceeds any similar construction in Canada Some twen tyfive square- when completed it will be divided into two sections an upper and a lower each complete In itself The walls constructed of double rows of steel rails about inches apart clamped together heavy steel bars The space between will be filled with concrete thus ren dering the whole almost completely fireproof of steel on inside and outside will complete the wall construction Word comes from Ottawa that a now two dollar bill is being is- siioii by tin Dominion Govern ment It boars the likeness of Hie Duke and Dutchess of Con naught ami will bo put in circu lation immediately after their de parture next fall as souvenirs of he lnke and Dutchess We are told the now nolo is decidedly more attractive than the old Ed ward note olive taking the place of brown as the prevailing tone 11 is likewise far whiter and clean er looking- oughly systematic and longcontlnued respondent one of carrier boys pricecutting war i Detroit with Mi doctor who was of the the Standard Oil Company of Indiana dIa as the dealers In gasoline and oils as the flanne blanketa and the like aggrieved Before turning in that night arc now getting gasolinfe the traveler I went across the camp at the lowest price of any users in with the doctor to Bee how he the country When price was cut He lay quietly Bleeping recently to a gallon fln on many took it as an indication that J some economy been made in the lo a8 Yet cost of production or distribution he pulled through all right That the Standard is willing t asj sumo losses for an indefinite period i An Anecdote of for the sake of- great future again re- at suiting from a practical monopoly of morning a servant of the gasoline industry Detroit is hotel came to him and said that as the assertion of one independent deal- she had heard preacher at the er who says for a gradual cathedral make uBe of his name many drop to Seven cents a gallon within times would be thankful if he the next few months would choose for her a number In the lottery about to be drawn If Tile Toronto Star of Die you are a saint said she the gives two pictures one shows the original post office in Toronto in use until The other gives a picture of pres ent post office on Adelaide St To make the scene complete the old premises in would have given to people living in the early fifties Leader Kane added interest the City during Is sure to bo a good one If you are a devil it will bo still better smiled chose a number but he never knew If tho servant was lucky Pills Headaches Constipation Indigestion Sold for years Your Doctor No Burglary Judge- You are charged with bur glary How do you plead Prisoner Not guilty an tell why In fust place do t chicken coop doah wasnt eben locked in secon place wui no burglar alarm in third place wuz no bulldog an In de I place was no traps Now j dat aint et all boss dats I simply findln chickens an I it to BOY WANTED T learn the Printing business one need High School Curious Old Cure Tablets of the Babylonians and of the seventh century be fore Christ disclose a peculiar treat- the Printing business No Certain drugs who has not attended administered and then the pay- OFFICE were directed to strike the Children Cry CASTORIA Seed the Bra to absent friends Real Estate Agent Wanted We have an exceptional oppor tunity for you your city or town If you are a worker Our agents are still making big and we have a good va- in your neighborhood Send for full particulars to Port Securities Corpora tion Ltd St To ronto 3w21 patient several times on the cheek roll him on the ground and at the time tell the stomach to be good Time Card GOING am GOING SOUTH pm l2i0 CIS ar Not at Home Jailer to debtor In prison One of your creditors wants to to you Debtor If youre supposed to look after me you ought to see that Im not interrupted at my meals Tell Mm Im out i More oil was pumped out an Italian youngster who resides with his parents on street east than out of a majority of the oil prospbets in the Calgary oil fields The little ran across ah oil can which was hall full 0 It looked good to him and he imbibed about a of it As a he became very sick His was fraotfeand On explaining to a passer-by- a physician was called stomach pump for a few minutes the was well proved a gnsher The little fel low was quite ill for while but to day is little worse for the Mercury business is not an accident il is a result It is the fruit of purpose energy persistency and ADVERTIS ING You know the story of Hip Van Winkle the man who went to sleep for years and who when he awoke expected to find the world the same as it was when he en- are men today very much like Hip Van Winkle their point of view and their practices arc those of a generation past They do not believe in advertising To succeed in these modern one must be in accord with the spirit of to day a merchant thin means that he must advertise if he would pros per A TO THE PUBLIC Whore you best and moat pleasingly answer Is almost sure to Ik Whore wo Invited and made At those shops which prize our custom enough to scok It and ask for It week through medium of advertisements In tho NEWMARKET SHOP WHERE YOU ARE INVITED TO SHOP Next to Smiths All persons who Intend to bull Newmarket or any person putt Cesspool or Closet on pretn 1 ready built upon must ioZt HeaIth tiricate before commencing the costs will be incurred By order SCOTT Medical Health notice to In the Matter of the of William Starr late of the town of Newmarket Deceased is hereby given that ail persons having claims or demands against the Estate the late William Nelson Starr who died on or about lieth day of May ioii at New market Ontario are required send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned Solicitor tor Susan Starr Executrix under the will of the said William Nel son Starr their names and ad dresses with full particulars fa writing of their claims stale of accounts and the na ture of the securities if any held by duly verified AND TAKE NOTICE thatafter the first day of September 1911 the Executrix of the said Estate shall proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled there to having regard only to the claims of which shall then have bad notice DATED at Toronto Ibis day of June Win Hall Confederation Life Toronto Solicitor for said Executrix You men ought to bo movlrio our way toward getting one We ore up right with that knowing dressers wear this Designs PIT AMD GUARANTEED Gall In early and mako a selection TOUR TAILOK PHONE 1C0 ST Whitby July Fire destroy ed the big barns at the summer home of Mr David President of the Bank of Ottawa Friday night Mr Maclaren was not home but his family were The fire started in Hie garage supposedly from an automobile which was destroy ed The fire spread lo the other buildings Several horses were saved but a large quantity of hay c A J i J HEW LIMITED SERVICE Between Montreal Toronto Detroit Chi cago via Canadian Pacific and Michigan Central Via Michigan Central Steel Tubes between Windsor and Detroit Leaving Montreal a Toronto p n arriving Detroit 1235 a in and Chicago a m daily Equally good service returning Through Electric Lighted Equipment Toronto- Winnipeg Vancouver Toronto Vancouver Express No leaves Toronto p Express No Toronto a daily Manitoba Ex press No leaves Toronto daily except Sunday p arriv ing Winnipeg second day Onta rio Express No leaves Winni peg p and arrives To ronto p m daily except Tuesday For further particulars apply to Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents or write Murphy P A P Toronto and feed were lost Send the Era to atsent Mends L Atkinson Agent Newmarket LIMITED Manufacturers of the Celebrated r Queen Street West TO is I In Hon I At

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