Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 17 Jul 1914, p. 3

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Weeks v- Methodist Churoh Mission Circle arc holding a Party on the Church da AH In s hi combined St Bible Class and take Thursday July Free transportation and for the car leaves at I tad oar at Make an to bo pled Quito On Saturday morning Just before luring fur work in a Buf falo a rom Now named Otto Kclllngton He wrote home on Thursday saying xxi in iCJt of and liked his The remains were brought for burial to pieon Wedtofrft cdneiMJayVaa the frUjlrppolltiui prepared carry Wy mine more being evidence The weather Ideal if Mothers There will be a Mothers Picnic or I awn on Mrs Albert lawn on Queen St on Tuesday the of Inly commencing at p in The arc expected to come and bring the refreshments and to assist in serving The would like a good crowd both the mother and also Ladies Press i Hamilton July Poinding a which he did not know was loaded to his head and making re- about being a good soldier Irvine fifteen years age trigger and shot tonight He was sent to tho hospi tal but died before midnight Young Irvine with several companions was in In the bouse Bast avenue north in the absence of his parents The boy the revolver and was carrying it over his shoulder and then pointed it at his head Decoration Day The Cemetery was looking well last Sunday and the crowd that gathered for tho decoration service was larger than usual and Orangemen accompanied by the OddFellows assembled on tbe Market Square and proceeded to the Water- Works lawn where Haines Monu ment was appropriately decorated procession then proceeded to the cemetery where Mayor Allan made a few Introductory remarks and Thomas gave an address However rain prevented carrying out program as intended and peo ple scurried homo a hood TimeV VAto picnic Island Park J J The following are the candidates at the reccntexaiiilnatlons at thfe different centres in North York Number who wrote num ber passed AT I Bond Roberta E3 a Hon I 0 Wells Hon a Welsh 0 Cook h White J Wilkinson hon v TO wails Hon P Willis Hon Hutchinson Hon Kerr I liOgge Wood 1 Richardson AT KINOf Allen J Hamilton I I AT WCaln- Chapman Fry AT It Hon I Mitchell Ward I Ward I AT Abrahams J Drown J 1 I Coulter Rutherford AT RICHMOND The unfonv Sunday School Party will heheld Wednesday July 22nd Splendid tea served to 8 followed- by a good program Everybody come and have a good J y PINE Spoolal for Saturday bottle Catsup for Looks Grocery Hoses old new post office The Best Of the season is next Wednesday July to Centre Island Toron to It will not be as big as Len nox we know but it will bo hotter It is the grand union picnic of the Newmarket Keswick and Union St Christian Sunday Schools and is to be indeed an enjoyable affair A large program of feportH has been pro vided and yon will miss a great time jf you fail to come Special Metro politan ears will leave Newmarket station at am On the arrival at North Toronto special street cars will lake us to the boats thence over to the Island where an ideal park provides everything for everybody very bod come Accommodation for all posters for mote particu lars Com Cricket St of Toronto played the cricket tram here on Saturday last and won with the score runs and two wickets to fall Rdmunds runs Mr Mr Chopin assisted team for tho first time St could do with bowling o Rvans wickets for runs and for or rims Newmarket a improvement on ton with 21 runs in Ms credit- A Ml and rims A ma lift for six right out of the are Snturdav league gsme Arnold Kirkland Ranks A P Hatty Langstaff A Benson McDonald lloynton A Muldoon M Campbell m Murphy Hon Collins Kills W Riley Grady Robinson Grainger I Scott A Smith Hill Thompson A Hoover J Topper Q Hunt limes Witty AT NEWMARKET I Addison Hon A Armstrong Hon W Minns Moore Brown Hon Robinson Rogers P Cain Hon Ryan Dougherty Hoi Sheridan Smith Goodman A Hall Tate Hugo Toole V Travisa Johnston I Johnston Tunny v Lennox Hon Lyons Hon A Walsh Watson Pope lion Potfago L Weir A McArthur V Wesley Hon Wilson Hon A Hon Hon AT Ratnea Foster Hamilton Lewis Mclnnls McNeil W Prosser H K Sennet P Stiles V R- Thompson Watson V Williamson A P Richardson Hon AT SUTTON Arnold Hon J RJack J Chalmers lion Crosier Greenwood Hunter Johnston M Morton A Stiles Hon Hon J Treloar Laviolette AT MOUNT ALBERT Union Island To Pyourslon Park Toronto best vet IP9 STloUv ill- -v- in Rra on f Hamilton she went to visit The re home on A fmni the wral took lone o htts resided in Newmarket almost deit husband in Jfi and was member of There are children son Mr Isaac funeral was Jj Pev 1 Hail assisted Rider nailbearers were Messrs ffm John imUefoft Willis Portor Hall from a distance who Pmn Mr ftn Mrs W and Hamilton Toronto A Dyke A Ross Shultleworth F Warren The Branch of llio WomonV- Institute have de cided to postpone- their mooting WcdriesdoV July on or death Misseft and- Mrs Skinner will no have largo Farmers in this vicinity ore well through haying and pre paration is being made for a start at the wheat harvest llils gets to Mr George Blackburn will have a in Mr On I to a good sized congregation on Sunday last The topic of conversation this week in the coming pic- at KolUohy on Saturday to morrow Young and old talking it A good Con servative said to the coiTeairon- ff the day is fine there will be the largest gathering oyer assembled in Gome one come all and have an- enjoyable time Win of Sawyer Co Hamilton spent the weekend with his family on the Bill Line Miss and Master Blackburn of the Line are pari of their school va cation at home of their grand parents Mr and Mrs Goo Black burn on Line and are having grout enjoyment as they have their pet pony Daisy along and it is nice to sec the two in their cart expects to carry off some prizes at the shows this fall Once more our neighborhood has been visited by the hand of death this lime claiming for his victim Mrs J P Davis an old and highly respected resident Deceased was the daughter of the late- John of One brother one sister and ono daughter Mrs G Baker are left to mourn their loss Mrs Davis was always active in all church work very attentive to every means of grace and was a member of the Ladies Aid She only missed one or two meetings since its organization until her sickness about a year ago She bore her sickness with Christian fortitude and patience always a cheerful greeting when visited by her friends She will be much missed in the community The family have the heartfelt sym pathy of the entire community in this the hour of their bereave ment Why do we mourn departing friends Or shake at deaths alarms but the voice that Jesus sends To call them to Bis arms Rev Honey occupied the pulpit of the Methodist on Sun day evening last and preached a very effective sermon on the As surance of Salvation Mr Will McKuen and lady friend of Toronto are guests at Mr John McKuons Mrs John of Baltimore spent a short time the home of Mr A serious accident happened on Thursday of last week when Mr and wife and Mr were returning from the market A motor cycle passed them and the horses took fright and in trying to check them up one of the lines gave way thus pulling the horses on one side The wagon turned over and threw the occupants out Mrs escaped with a few bruises Mr Jr received a had slinking up and Mr Br had his shoulder dislocated and as he is a man up in years slight hope is entertained for his recovery Pleased to sec Mrs John Brown out again after her illness AHboah eriy comso commonplace- thai Ho regarded an Incident the the wore all cur- The the electric lighting plant modern thirty ago If be the power plant would flndU to tho end operation Of the nu electrical rferfcea the editor of Power that heen in 1 lit branch of the wildest thir ty yeani ago On of to that ear would always require a trolley wire fl a moans of electrical To day atreot cars are oper ated by means Of The profesaoj apoke light of hlatlmi and could riot aeo bo destined for futures One of the greatest charges etoctrfc IlghtlnK plant coat and maintenance of lines Although much thought bcende- the question of lino trio problem re mained unsolved Possibly of wlrelesa telegraphy has given will enable them to perfect a meVod of wireless electrical The along this lino la pro mising for according to ap paratus baa been been at a fum generating appara tus without the aid of transmission lines What auccess of this Invention will mean Is Impossible to predict With tho flmt stcP taken In wireless transmission of electrical energy It would to predict that not only will our bo light ed by wlroleaa electrical but that ifcoy will bo heated as well In same roannor commorcfal electri cal energy could bo transmitted for motor service It may be early to forecast what the forthcoming results of this new vIM bo but who would care to that energy will Boon bo from point point with out the aid of transmission linesT ST tin A TT7 on r I J GUARANTEED 90 Cotton MfdfOotortiiJi for Pair f of from Beat Sugar Op Buy Now Salad bottle Relish mi DavloaPIdkle Relish V Toilet urtodato In particular fcdrflCot In to Wo shall bo to call A i J r Wash- tearing Out at Cost Bug i TB ctit Balance of Stock Try Bolt To Relieve Catarrh Dozens of remedies ore said to cures for catarrh and many do ex cellent work In that disease hut household contains the best known remedy and It Is actually so simple that most persona disregard Ha merits Dissolve pinch of ordinary table salt In onefourth of a pint of warm weather and pour a little in the palm of the hand and placo the nostrils in It and snuff It up the nose taking care that some reaches of the tubes reaching to the mouth Repeat several times and then wait for ten or hours and re peat the treatment Keep this up for a week or two and catarrh will dis appear Strong salt cause pain In the head but weak warm wat er Is perfectly harmless and will cleanse the tissue more effectually than any other remedy This treatment Is a great breath purifier and will clear up the throat A little stronger salt water used as a gargle will relieve sore throat and aid in preventing diphtheria rice than Lra A J Mens Wear at Cost Price at Price Tiny The republic of is a square In the Pyrenees which for the last three has recog nized by Spain and France as pendent It has a population of about weavers They are ruled by a council of elders and pay no taxes or duties of any sort This civic unit is so tiny that It has to go abroad for Its cure of souls and body for It has neither physician nor priest for these needs it has to go to the nearest French town Even the dead must leave to find consecrated ground In which to He coffins being slid downhill and thus out of the smallest repub- He in the world Hairing It Last A young man was lately leaving aunts house after a visit when finding It was beginning to rain he caught up an umbrella that was snug ly placed In a corner and was pro ceeding to open It when the old lady who for first time observed his movements sprang iward him ex claiming No ho that you never Ive had that umbrella tythreo and it never been wot and I am sure It shant be wetted now London Express IWatcheO CLOCKS JEWELRY IF ENGRAVING You have in mind accept our invitation to inspect tho many APPROPRIATE ARTI0LE8 we showing Many of them are inexpensive yet choice and particularly suitable for the occasion i Wo show many articles than expensive Jewelry will ho pleased to you look them over The Sleepless There wore of tho twelve said one of discharged jurors In speaking next morning who didnt want to and wouldnt let the rest of us sleep Whenever we dropped In a dore they came around and shook us till we were wide awake again And you had to submit I suppose for they constituted the majority Yea They a rousing major ity the juror with a attempt to be facetious Seeing That lie Insisted Out ahe dont want to promise your wife until I can be sure that I love you I forgot to mention he explain ed that ray lary has Just been raised 10 a week Oh well If you Insist on having your answer now I suppose I shall have to say yes l Jewelers and Opticians fc The in How can I ever learn to under stand that girl You can marry J but when you have done that will be too late for your understanding of her lo be of any benefit to you July 16th Im Kail wheat per bus I Barley per bush Hi Oats per bush per bush Hay ton per lb Km Acjt per Doka ft I 7 a Whitchurch Council Whltchurch Council met at day July Mombera all pres ent Reeve in the choir were presented from rev damage to Mall Box by workmen with grader p Secretary The On tario Municipal mrg- Council atfiliato therewith and fiend representatives to Contention A McLean of the and asking information roads of Township Board ol Health recommending the payment of certain accounts Bills presented as follows Hooper gravel J gravel Conner gravel A a Canada Ingot Iron A days Davis gravel A Harrison gravel L day repairs work attending court J gravel cedar timber gravel Wilcox Brick Co Forester coal Baker gravel Municipal World forms r f a LUMDY THE fe JJ JUL TORE y Great Clearing of Ladies Blouses Fancy Lavn and Mull trimmed with laco Insertion Reg to clearing at 49o Voile vrepe Blouses Lace and Insertion trimmed colored collar and cuffs also plain white Reg for Another Good Line Fancy Irish Lace trimmed Reg and 110 Clearing a lot of Ladies Night Robes Reg and for and Ladles White Skirts Reg 160 for W lots and and Reeve tojeo I a Resolution were passed tartm- Tourer dollar far use fit and the Tor Baker appointed to expend the same appeared the Council In to Claim for timber removed from tho Road al lowance and Council agreed to accept three dollars settlement Chickens per lb Ducks per per lb I 23 to Board it Health account- Council adjourned to at disinfecting premises Bonds Saturday August l0 cooo A Toronto evening paper gives currency to a report that George may succeed Mr as the Roman re presentative in Ontario Cabinet although a general belief obtained that Mr should be the next AttorneyGeneral Quarantine for fever touting premises Of Chap man and Simpson attending Convention and premises of Poll Crow W00 Mem bers of mating at Van- dorl feSoo was to Mr Mali ox la proper to With onieipa As- sad postponed from Mr flWcTisjaatinf Eggs per A ft W lttnvawt jlaidarwd July Wheat per bush 1 CO Barley per bush CO Oats per hush par W- i Bran per per Hay per too TO EXTRACT A None the small accidents to which every one is liable Is more an noying then to a sliver of wood stuck into the hand It fa vfcry if not promptly removed wood of the splinter is its removal is not easy attempted with needle or other sharp instru ment Steam may however be employed without inconvenience or and is very effective A widemouthed bottle such a milkbottle should be filled nearly full water as hot as the will stand the injured part placed ov er the mouth of the bottle pressing down slightly and from escaping This will the flesh to be down asd In a the steam will extract the splinter at tWe same tkne all Information This is a bit of but well worth Popular Sot A quantity of both Hard Wood for Sale il at ar Reft Apply- to Box ARCHIVE I TORONTO

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