j v 1 WOMAN IK PPL V Wolfe Canada March I ft had given up all hope of W i of a sufferer from trouble RPfaWiaitt Compound and pair of twinboyajwo months old and trowing final I doctors and know what a and owe It all to remedies You may publish his letter If you I think If mora women used your remedies they would health Mr J Cook Lot No Cap Wolfe P EX Canada Because your case Is a fllcult and doctors having done you no good do not continue to suffer vviUiout giving Lydia IS Vegetable Compound trial It surely has remedied many cases of female Ills such as Inflamma tion ulceration tumors Irregularities periodic pains backache and it may bo exactly what you need The record Is a proud and one It Is a record of constant victory over the women tils that deal out despair It Is an fact that VegctableCompound has restored health to thousands of such suffering women Why dont you it If you need such a medicine lor a yoa litre to buy Dont tell hone on of Spend one for ft bottle SPAVIN CURE a put back after they have up Over yttrrof have proved value J Ml it- tin With Curt little for A lit il J D J Co No More Headaches For Mo This can be your experience If you use Chamber lains Tablets they aura head aches by remov ing tho not by smothering the symp toms womans surest cure lor womans most common them a fcotile Druggists and Dealers or by mail CLauUHaln Toronto JONES Queen St Rait PRACTICAL PAINTER FirstClass Drainer of all natural woods and General House Decorations In all the Latest Styles WALL PAPER And on the Most Rea sonable Terms If you want the very ST WO UK AT THE FIGURE Von cannot better My paper hung at per roll any other paper per roll Estimates Submitted and all work carried out by our own supervision and none but exper ienced men employed All Kinds of Signs Just give Jones a Trial Satisfaction is The municipal Dion of Toronto time ago for formation of a Metropolitan bounty be com- of the of audi is fltillbeing con- As wo it the project coniniplnUiB entirely for municipal Hie balance of York from Toronto altogether In a interview with the for South York regard to the ho reported as having made- the following The ftcbeme which to Wo to be fair to both lite city of Toronto and to land adjacent to it and taking into consideration the problems that must arise in tho city of To ronto and its environs is f formation of what I would call the Metropolitan County of onto up of the city of the township of York the lownsfiipa of Scarboro on the cast and of Ktobieoke on the went being roughly the whole of the front the coun ty of York and extending back from the lake shore a ten miles roughly The lake front would he about twenty- Ave miles and would run from he mouth of the Rouge in fecarlioro on the east to Hie mputlitif Creek in I coke on the and fifty square miles the front of and of have city problems before them at this minute but they have only township government Congestion is setting fit un der little control would have one municipal government for all district whether by commission selected by the voters or by a municipal Council a glorified city or township council I do not present say that Is a detail for the people to decide Hut what ever system of government for this county may he decided on it should have all the power- that a city now has all the powers that a county now has all Hie powers that a township now has And this consolidated government would have complete control of nil the streets and roads in the metropolitan coun ty and all the street railways and radial in the country and all the bridges It would also have control of the water supply all tile sewers and drains have one police system and one school sys tem and also a consolidated lCiAi of public health and sanita tion would be a separate county for the administration of justice for the registration of deeds and all things of that kind And it would provide a large measure of local taxation for local improvements through out the county In view of the situation of the County and City of the annexation of portions of the County to the City the municipal relations constantly changing wo are inclined to en dorse the Metropolitan project favor the proposed separa tion The courts of criminal justice as at present exist in volve taxation on the County to meet expense which should be borne by the city Take the last Assizes n months duration with double the jurymen of oth er counties and consequent ex penses with one extra criminal court as compared to other Coun ties while the entire business of the County apart from Toronto did not occupy a weeks lime all seems to indicate that the pro posed Metropolitan scheme would work but to York Countys ad vantage The Adelaide Street Municipal Buildings when sold would pay the cost of Court House and Jail construction for the re- parts of York County mm hi A the nail on the ftSad all tight It nor pill TV SI to a senatorial of six of four A fourth amendment is to enact that llio representation of a province the of -Cpiii- shall hover fall below its repreflentaUoh In the Senate This would cover the case of Edward Island which has four senators but will have un der the new Redistribution Dill only three members in the T following Is a brief summary of the flovernmonts Acts In relation to liquor traffic legislation Their supporters are alike responsible Voted down In yeals tho resolutions Refused to close the bars on all public holidays at oclock in ho evening and at- oclock on Saturday Proposed ant treating legis lation- and then failed to intro duce it Neglected and made light of the petition of young Con servatives asking for advanced temperance legislation x Itefused enquiry into the ac tions of Provincial License In spector Snider in representing himself as having been sent by I he Department against the Scott Act in the Counties of Peel and Huron and in to the charges against the Pro- vinclal Secretary of having made arrangements with the organiz ed liquor interests in connection with visits Voted down the proposal to abolish the threefifths require ment ami allow local option to be carried on a majority vote als voted down the proposal to make local option countywide The cost of civil government under the present Ifnh lias enormously Increased In the lasl year of Liberal pow er civil cost in under the pre sold Cnservative government and slavishly supported by North Yorks representative cost reached The total Provincial expenditure during the last year the Liberals were in power amounted to iril2 while in the year under the present Administra tion the expenditure reach ed 9 more than three limes the amount expended under Liberal rule Will North York again elect a man who slav ishly supported a government in Ibis increase of Ontarios public debt The result of I be vote on the nib instant will furnish an answer The administration of the fishery laws whether by Grit or Tory is a thing no person not in the party secrets can fathom 3i long the North Star has been calling the attention of the Govern ment of the day to the utter folly pretending to protect our fisheries so long as the close season is not grad ed to suit the different localities millions fish ate taken by law dur ing the spawning season It a fact thaMrap and pound nets and seines have been and are still used Illegally but the fishermen seem to have a greater pull at Ottawa than the general public have any idea of and now it appears their at Toronto is as powerful as it has been at Ottawa Parry Sounq Star Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS A Government party could not eve find a candidate their own without choosing a man who the policy Canada stated in en the rural free mall routes of the Dominion there were boxes of were An uptodato says that a weeks tealeaves placed In a pall of water with a quart- of belling wa ter them left for hour then strain aad The liquor Is- excellent for cleaning niched wood and linoleum andwhen used for cleaning windows or mirrors makes them sh like crystal It was stated on the floor o par liament last week that thu- Government declines to operate with Canada and tho other Dominions establishment of j another Atlantic cable service until It has less telegraphy facility lirN- f An excellent Rods Is cppper because it is a good of electricity about as good as- iron because it nearly in- do you remember Hie old copper kettle it is easily melted Tho buildings now struck by about only See the bathroom Outfit at the Shop g TINSMITHS would ho struck were they Rods have an of cent as of strokes This is the report of in On- lario and Includes rods of But should a f occur and sometimes it will then you must have a ooJ conductor to off harmlessly The Universal d iiasu big with the copper where it is wanted on the whether wire- side of the rod the sheath which is fastened with a will not furnish a f LockJoint Would you care to see our Catalog Drop us a I lint This is certainly an age of inven tion and progress It is now stated at Lyons France that a substitute lor natural wood has boon discovered The product has been found after years study and practical ex periments to give eminently satis factory results It Is most useful and timely discovery One hundred- and three special con- tables were enrolled and placed at various registration booths last week lust why Torontos floating population should be allowed to vole while the same privilege is denied the floating population of the larger Towns of Ontario is a feature that only the Whitney Government under stands There are other questions equally curious In his adrirctf the demonstration last week Mr Howell in a brief hut brilliant address pointed out Some shortcomings of the Whitney Govern ment as shown by I its failure to adopt a policy to deal with the agricultural necessities Ontario also feckless farmers Cheered his to the echo i i Temperance and church people who vote as they pray arc wondering why the Whitney Government an nounced an policy in the legislature and then ruthlessly a- it Was it because support ers occupying on the tight of Mr Speaker including the represent from North York had a differ- eat kind of an antinotion of the treating question Ma ho so Next to Smith I THE LIGHTNINQ HOD CO Makers of the Rod With the of i Kntabliattd Incorporated by Act of CAPITAL PAID UP REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS 1600000000 at all In Canada and In Enj New York Spokane Mexico cud NevIoundfasd s Banking INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Former customers of the Ontario Bask Branch will heretofore BRANCH ROSS Manager THE Is a large number satisned IhadthjBm last year m them again year do not hatch well I you more I not fill my orders for 8O WHITE I have three as many a much bettor lot this year a at my pens means an order always glad to let you see the egg The Beat to Lay The Beat to The Beat to Sell Have come chickens this you will delight to to your neighbors Orders being Ever Price to local customers- per Pen 3 ft Baby 35 each member satisfaction REV HALL Newmarket The Toronto Star expresses the views of a good many people on sides of politics when it says Now that Farmers dis cover that the Dominion treasury is I not to he raided for their benefit go ahead and collect the money J the thing la way ltl tt Illy nil Is 70a U thi 1 for Hut ii tail ilia J CRAKE J instead from Conservative who got on promises they expected to keep at the expense of the rest of US iv liEUI8THIBUTIOrJ BILL The Dominion Hill introduced in last week affects lien ridings by same with other ft wing under BOY WANTED To learn the Printing business one need apply who has not attended School ERA OFFICE STRAYED I Upon the premises of the under lined one Bay Horse and Colt Ow ner Is requested to describe pro perty Pay expenses and take them P TRAVISS Jacksons Point Redistribution the Commons some nine- uniting the constituencies the population being he electoral unit mark At present these nineteen palings are being represented by eleven Conservatives and eight Liber als The hill provides for a House of members The new hill designates four Hidings for York East West South and North but each of the three first named take A slice out of Toronto to make up terri tory and population North York remains intact and is thus designated Townships of gfna Fast and North King and Whitchurch towns of Aurora Newmarket and villages of Hol land Landing Sutton and Tile Ottawa correspondent of the Toronto Telegram refers to the fact that the redistribution hill asks for four amendments the A Act One of these is to provide for the creation of a new western senatorial di vision with members six from each of the four provinces The above correspondent further states that another amendment to provide that In an emergency the may un der section of the British North America Act appoint four or eight additional senators Up to present It has been pos sible to appoint six members A third amendment is to per mit Newfoundland should it HOME STUDY ArU Course may taken by but fitudtntfl to graduate must attend one QUEENS UNIVERSITY KINGSTON ONTARIO AUTO APPLIED SCIENCE EDUCATION SUMMER SCHOOL JULY and CHOWN Klniiten Military men frequently put on airs that place them in false position The Hon Minister of Militia furnishes a notable illustration Six oflicers of the London Field Battery have resign ed because their tents were for liquor alter they had stated they had none This act demonstrated that he did not believe their word and they accordingly resented the in sult Guess the Hon Minister must have been suffering from In digestion According to a press despatch from little Currant Mr more or less notoriety some years ago is to he opposed in Manitoultn by Rev and a warm contest is anticipated the setvativQ nomination Mr defiant speech because he being opposed a preacher He daid lie knew it would be a dirty campaign and started the boll roll ing by calling Wilson a sneak shrunk and liar Hob must got his ginger up a T Time Card GOING NORTH am pm Newmarket ar 1030 340 1050 GOING SOUTH cave pm Toronto fcXnCRIEMCI- Marks i o luicrdca fix- tit Under be heading of Retrospect and Prospect The Globe The by Sir James Whitney and Mr Rowell respectively on the eve of the pending Ontario elections Invite and furnish contrast- The venerable Premier thinks of- what has been ac complished during his term of can find little more to do ypunger leader of the Opposition attention to the problems still un solved and suggests methods of solv ing them this means that Premier Whitney should be plac ed on the retiring list having run his day of grace When Premier Harden moved an ad dress to the Imperial Parliament calling for a readjustment the Senatorial representation of va rious Provinces last week Hie mem ber for the South York Mr WFMac lean- Expressed decided objection He declare the Senate is an ir responsible undemocratic unpopular body and he purposed opposing any increase until the same is made in some way to the who run the country- ThR member for South York Macklist ed as and read out of ranks Mr North Ontario is rerotted as having views in with Mr Maclean Their views in regard to the Senate are largely shared by the people of this country all the same moved motion in amend- to motionfor St Phono 136 abolition of- the bar part of which now almost universally recognized as reads That the treating habit is the most powerful factor In the evil results of the liquor traffic and habit and no object would be served by simply diverting the habit from the bar to some other place That in the opinion of this House legislation to prevent and put a stop to said treating habit should be enacted and if necessary supplemented by regula- with which retail licenses are granted and sold This was carried by Government supporters but from to neither the Government j or its followers have bad the courage to pass the necessary legislation to prevent and put a stop to the said treating habit Will Mr tell the electors of North York why We are prepared to furnish avowed policy of has since been flowers for weddings at very No Stand up derate prices Our Brides and give the honest reason J aro right up to date All persons who intend to build Newmarket or any person putting Cesspool or Closet on premium ready built upon must submit to Board Health and obtain w- tlficate before commencing the farce otherwise costs will be incurred By order DR SCOTT Medical Health Officer THE GREATEST VALUE OFFERED IN FARM PROPERTY And will be Sold at a acres of choice clay land a cor ner farm Township of North Co of York Well fenced all with wire fence delivery twice a day Red bride House with telephone Urtodato hiproof barn on stone wall with silo and all modern conveniences crusher cutter root and a wind mill that cuts wood Driving pig pen and ten Watering troughs all cement Con venient to Metropolitan Crocking for Cream 33 acres seeded acres of tall wheat 45 plowed pasture A welltearing orchard choice winter apples trees 0m cere of well cultivated strawberries strawberries and other small plum and cherry tresa all bearing well The fruit is being the lake shore In summer time at prices For quick sale will accept a reason able deposit and a mortgage at per cent for ten years Immediate pos session given Will also sell the entire Stock Implements consisting registered some also some firatclats gen purpose This Is a chance In a lifetime to act quick For further information apply to P MORTON Phone Box Send the Era to absent i On April if- Premier IBtffr AttorneyGeneral J LIMITED Manufacturers of the Celebrated amis SHovvnooivis Queen Street West TORONTO ARCHIVES Oh UN -it- 0 I I J IBM OF I