Newmarket Public Library Digital History Collection

Newmarket Era, 20 Mar 1914, p. 8

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On Great Lakes Restored To Health By Fruits For thirty year Captain Swan Mowed Lakes He has wow retired lives at where known highly esteemed THE HUB It i J Port Ont A man has a poor chance of living and enjoying life when lie cannot eat That what was wrong with of appetite flil Indigestion was brought on by Constipation I have had trouble with these diseases for year- I lost a great deal of suffered Constantly the hist couple of years mi I taken and have been bo pleased with the results that I have them many occa sions to friends acquaintances I sure that lruitnlks have helped me greatly fly followirg and taking according to directions with dyspepsia get benefit SWAN are sold by all dealers at box or sent oil receipt of price by Limited Ottawa residence of Mr Jonathan Knocshaw was the of a festive event on Thursday last when thole daughter Stella Mr Walter King Rev nuptial knot n the presence of a large number relative and intimate friends The happy couple left by evening train for a tour and on their return they reside on thy farm of the late John King During the year there registered with tlc Clerk births marriages and deaths On Thursday of last week Aurora lost one of its oldest residents in the person Win Megill aged years who has been a leading of the town for many years and long con nected with the Methodist Church years Of Age THE NEED HELP tkiibiiglk Broad fitrect bought come of your GIN at Victoria Inst September I made Inquiries In New York on roy arrival there but was unable to obtain any information about them Your remedy I find at of age to give me perfect relief and I regret very much He la by a son and threw that you have not made daughters Interment at A tiro a Cemetery on Saturday POO VAN DORK- TOJLET I healed unfurnisiicd Rooms and use of bath room Mrs pros pect North Newmarket HOUSE TO RENT rooms all conveniences Ap ply to Urn Isaac Silver Avenue 3nfi A very party was hold on March at the homo of Mr and Mrs who arc moving to second very shortly Over were present They were presented with a Secretary as a re membrance from their friends at Mr Brooks has a faithful member of the Wesley choir and the family is held in high by all who know them They have been living here for the past years and will he greatly missed We all wish them health and prosperity in their new home to have GIN on sale In New York and London as I recom mend GIN PILLS to friends of my ago as being the one thing that doesme good Woodford If your kidneys need help strengthen them and keep them well with GIN PILLS the guaranteed cure for Weak Kidnevs Pain In the Back Bladder Trouble and box 6 for money back if they fail rclieve Scut on receipt of price if your dealer not handle them box free on request National and Co of Canada Limited Toronto National Lazy Liver Pills are a sure cureforConstipatiou a box weather not the fa iOACRE FARM pro- ml For Sale or exchange for DAVIS Newmarket 1 comfortable Brick House with very convenience Apply to Mis Millard Ave NEW HOUSE FOR SALE Andrew St Newmarket lot Cistern domestic wa ter electric light Apply on premises in the evening or address Win Lane Kor Newmarket HOUSE FOR SALE A New Brick House on rooms domestic water furnace etc Apply to GEO New market FOR SALE Now Brick House nicely situated on Ave West side of Town improvements Apply to A WiHoughby Box Newmarket A new Brick Clad House rooms with Furnace and Bath on Grace St opposite A Thompsons Ma chine Shop Apply to ROOT McTAVISH Newmarket HOUSE FOR SALE On Church St Newmarket Mod ern in every way rooms bathroom and wash room New fur nace Convenient to all down town Will be sold at a bargain on eaa terms Apply at ibis office We arc having some trice these days Sorry to say that Ross is around yet after an attack of mumps Our young ladies are In style these days Just look at the earrings Victor is around the house again but gel on his boot Sorry to say that is not around yet but hope she will soon re- Sorry to say that is leaving cover from the frost bite next Monday or the Cheer up Spring will soon he here also the wedding bells primrose o toTTAGEVlU Mr Will Robertson was the iuest of Mr Nelson Proctor over Sunday Mrs was of Mrs J Cutting recently Mr and Mrs John are spending a few days her parents Mr and Mrs J of berg Miss Cook was the guest of Miss Gould on Sunday Mr Duncan has home after a number oi weeks spent with his brother Mr A large number attended Cial at Mr Rohert Cooks on Priday and all report gool few our attended the dance at Mr Edward on Friday night Mrs J Cutting spent Sunday with friends at o PADDY AND THE LOUD A story is told of Lord Clonmell and an Irishman who met each other once In a New York hotel On being asked what part of Ireland he came from Paddy replied Well as a matter of fact at one time I was one of your discontented tenants Lord glanced at him in surprise Yes continued Pat I was Rut here you and I d ranking together while in Ireland I Could never get close enough to you to hit you with a shot gun that ANYONE can use The Guaranteed ONE All Kinds of Cloth CUm Simple Chmc of T I If- I f The CO v A GREAT BARGAIN Quarter Section Acres id New Ontario for disposal Good road through good water supply and good timber on it A portion cleared and under cultivation Some fencing done and easy access to rail track Price acre worth double Apply to J DUNN P New Ontario WE HAVEFOR SALE A deoirable property situated on frospeet A largosized dwelling all conveniences all in first class Quarter of an aero of grounds with apple and small fruit trees Frame stable and cement hen This we consider the best buy in town so act quickly Terms tan be arranged to suit purchaser Apply to P Morton An effective remedy for the re moval of Kidney and Atones Kidney end Bladder troubles Pains ailments of We Acid by physicians and surgeons invited Free and testimonials from COLn maw Sale by J Mrs Herbert and sou left for the West on Monday Mrs H H Coffee is getting along nicely after her recent serious ill- I Mrs Jos Kir ton returned on day after a visit with her parents at King City A of young people attend- a party at the home of Mr P Porter on Thursday evening The friends of Mr and Mrs Har vey Leonard were pained to learn of the death of their little daughter She had been ill for months but was supposed to be recovering Inter ment at Friends Cemetery on Wed nesday A farewell party was given on Wed nesday night to Mr and Mrs who are moving from the conces sion to the district and their many friends took this means of showing their appreciation of the good feeling which had always pro- vailed between them A event occurred at the home of Mr and Mrs on Wednesday night when their many friends met and presented them with chairs This showed the high esteem in which they are held in the neigh borhood Many are the good wishes which follow them to their new homo In Toronto King Township Convention which was held here recently was quite a success and encouraging to the workers The address of Rev P Fletcher of Keswick was greatly appreciated on Thursday evening On Friday the meetings both afternoon and evening were well attended The afternoon meeting was addresses by both Mr and Mrs Fletcher Rev Dr Farmer addressed thp evening session About twenty of our Masons at tended the banquet in Aurora a few night ago and were greatly delight ed The officers of No tympany C ASC of Toronto gave an oyster supper and smoker to the and at the St George Hotel on Friday evening Aboiut sixty sat down to a supper consisting of fowl oy sters etc after which they adjourn ed to the ball room where speeches singing and dancing were indulged In 9 Just as you ore I wouldnt change a thing That is the spirit of modern photography And with the fast plates and lenses of tolay the clever photographer can take you just as you axe Long exposures in or table conscious at titudes are a thing of the past In fact having a picture taken in a Modern Studio Is as pleas ant as an informal call on good friends Mafe the today I THE PHOTOGRAPHER IK YOUR TOWN Phone BOWELS OUT OF OJtOER You Know we to you or your money know It Is because faith in ttiefti We want to an J get a of them You promise noth ing sign nothing We aces mere word We Retail Orderlies best bowel remedy made They taste like candy toothing and oasy in ac tion they do not pause griping nau sea purging or excessive looseness harsh physics do Orderlies tone and strengthen the nerves and muscles of the bowels and promptly relieve constipation- helping to over come Its cause and at the same tiroe removing the chief cause of sick head aches bad breath ner vousness and other Ills caused by in active bowels vest pocket tin box or You can buy Orderlies only at l The Stores and in this town only of J ooo T LETTER Several were fined J each tor throwing snowballs at people Duke of has been in vited to open this years Horse Show which will be held in the Armories from April to May 2nd Miss Clara matron WHEfLS IT FORMA A IN -y- For All the Improvements In Mfin ili Not Been Able to the Wheel for Purpose of Massive and Wood Discs Were the rat Form The history of the evolution of well as ah infinity of other studies oi the keenest interest could All be centred in the wheel a writein The Lady With out vboela should have no watches no steering at sea should bo unable to utilize the water falls as motor force nor should wo have hundreds of things of the utmost attraction and utility All our modern civilization has come to us on wheels All we have learned about other countries all the com merce we have established through out the world and our moans of wealth we owe to wheel It Is difficult to Imagine what world would come to If suddenly all wheels vanished from our midst No war no famine no revolution could be onehundredth part ae effectual In putting us back centuries as the lack of The men when they to move their goods from one place to another must have Joined together a few planks of wood placed them on the trunk of a tree and dragged this primitive cart along the r Ml TASTELESS PREPARATION GOD LIVE r Wonderful I If you had a hard great Cod l preparation of Is removed and every one I W3 mi B in m mm mmZ Grace Hospital for over years and recently retired from active set- j But very soon after vice was made the recipient of two nurses of and an amethyst neck lace Thompson of Woodbine av enue was found sitting on the door step of Dr office one day last week and died in a few minutes after from heart trouble this first step they must have made another for the necessity of wheels must been by them The first wheels were made of massive stones or wood- and they throughout the ages ever lighter as they became more perfect The and the wheel were formerly all In piece Then they were made separately Afterwards the felloe The another cartoon on poke we to as to locomotion It thought that every existing thing which moved had to be carried on some form of cart They went so far to believe that the moon was thus wheeled round the earth on a cart drawn by bulls In Roman a primitive shape of cart or basket con veyance was called by them the wheels of which bad no spokes being solid and nearly a foot thick Sometimes they were made of nailed together or sawn whole from the trunk of a tree A wagon of basket work called had wheels with many spokes This vehicle Is still used in Italy and other Southern States But it Is undoubtedly the chariot which appeal to ones Imagination most for the chariot besides being a vehicle of transit was part of he luxurious life of the Greeks and the Romans Their triumphs and tbelr greatest prestige can all be recon structed by the recollection of their various chariots The names of the chariots varied according to the num ber of horses they had harnessed to them When drawn by two horses they were called with three with four quadriga Horses were driven abreast and there are records of as many as having been harnessed to one char- lot But the quadriga was particu larly favored As an emblem of vic tory it was at times on a triumphal arch and even kept as 1 Lessons or of Any One the Piano or Organ In Hour fljtlti Ota the Newmarket Canal The day be- flrB records of carts have come fore cartoon appeared 3500 us from China then from Egypt of Montreal held a menting and In the early days of mans clvlllza- pronounced In favor of building the there were strange superstitions Georgian Bay Canal Clara Smith was charged in the Police Court with practising fortune- tolling and was fined had to pay and costs for allowing gambling on her licensed premises on the Lords day She would have saved money by going to church For obstructing the roadway with his auto Douglas Ross had to con tribute to the police court trea sury Richard J Underbill a wellknown resident of Markham passed away last week at the home his son Richard on Palmerston Boulevard in his Prof Kent lectured in Mount Al one daughter h Richard Toronto Hugh Cleveland John Manitoba Fred Aurora and Mrs W Widdi- field Although the persons who presume to criticize present season fashion are pronounced old by fashionable flirts the Womens Re form Dress League has not been formed one day too soon Some of the dresses of fashionable young la dies this Spring are positively shock ing Hughes has organized a plan for sending a choir of 10 to 30 To ronto public school children to take part in the singing competition at j heirloom in the homes of some ds- Exposition at San Fran- J nobleman in The cost will be nr victory At this time the chariot and the school board and private J and will finance the expense j m03t The typical ones A 16yearold lad named Joe Cot- had four spokes fixed on a felloe troll was brought to the Sick Child- with flexible wood arcs and bound rens Hospital with both feet frozen- The boy was placed in a home on a farm near by Mr Kelso of the Provincial of Neglected Children who is now making an in vestigation Out of immigrants who arrived at the Union Station last Friday 115 remained in this city An intoxicated masher last Friday night walked up to young lady on Wilton Ave and accosted her She paid no attention and he passed on- Seeing him hesitate she grabbed chunk of frozen snow and earth and as the masher tinned towards her she let drive the ice straight for his face This surprise caused him to move in the opposite direction very hastily while several people who observed the incident applafided the girl and jeered the masher On Friday last Kenneth Lambert an employee oi the Elec tric Light Co received a fatal shocK while at work the wires There to be a nigger in tie fence in relation to city finances Controller Church is credited with having stated I am going to get that statement if I have to take pro ceedings at Osgoode Hall for a man damus against the Mayor and the City Treasurer The statement referred to is the sale of City secure ties Sixty men are now employed in the new abattoir A Method Muriel Impossible cay us St our WO will JOtt JO or will not cent until yoa A genius from baa invented a wonderful ysiom whereby any can loam to hour With this new mot nod you dont to know note from another yet hour of practice you bo playing your favorite with gJw hnaori of both bands and It well The Invention is child cn now master without costly Anyone can have this new method on a trlalmercly by mo toar Form ifctuod as COUGH Keep coughing thats one way Stop coughing thats another To keep the cough do nothing To stop the cough Avars Cherry Pectoral Sold for 70 years Ask Y Do to till the wee hours Tims pre sent from Toronto returned home on tho car next morning praise was given to Mr and Mrs by tho officers for the cour tesy and efficient service they receiv ed tha evening tho Newmarket Era free plocaj of tp you Free and absolutely not cent to pay- It to It all that claimed tor if you ond end dollar a month WWlnclUipatd you not with it back In wren and you tail nothing and wUI no to us of white keys on your piano or Ad drew Easy Method Co i Toronto Asthma Catarrh COUGHS CROUP C01KS A for i r wittort 1 I la laraJt io ulirtO rd ft BOON to AaUjca acrtpU totUet all Tnr I or the Of tfcii Vtpo CriB4oIe3 Co Cjt outside by an Iron tyre The wheel seems to have lent it self to gruesome work from olden times to comparatively recent ones though as an instrument of torture which was suppressed by the Re volution the wheel only became a legal instrument of torture In France at the end of the reign of Francois I and was inflicted as a punishment on highwaymen and other culprits Yet as a means of punishment Its use dates back Roman times when criminals were crushed to death under the of carts The Assyrians made wheels even more deadly and fearsome They looked upon their carts as menus of attack ami defence and to their wheels they added sharp blades which literally down their en emies The shape of chariots did not vary much In Jerusalem Persia Assyria India Greece or Rome but It was the Romans who brought them to an artistic perfection passed To some of their beautiful triumphal chariots the Ro mans attached captive kings after a victorious battle We can hardly fathom the pride of the conqueror or the humiliation of the conquered at this time When we arrive at the period Id history of locomotion in which car riages put In an the ro mance of wheels to wane first of these is mentioned by Xerxes on his of Greece He is then said to have possessed a carriage as well as a The Roman transport with Its pow erful wheels has tome down to us unchanged and is still used In coun try districts At the of the century carriages were in general and could he hired Then a variety of shapes came into and went out of fashion mailcoach omnibus tilbury stanhope dogcart tab hansom brake wagonette bug gy victoria landau phaeton tram- car and finally motor vehicles re placed horsedrawn conveyances they had one thing in common all cf them went on wheels Farthings I were by English law in the year OOQc great object preparation of Is removed and every one Cod Liver Oil will help you who from recuperate quickly avoid throat or lung troubles can coughs and coidjaoprevalentdurln of Its -unique- medicinal the changeable spring strengthening qui f In this preparation the nutritive A and A best W NogUn Cod Liver Oil An combined with Hypopho the Cherry and mSTexItLi In probably fine form lhal Is really pleasant like and easily digested even by the Gel a or bottle from J most delicate your Druggist NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO OF CANADA DUTY truth comes to us more and more the longer we live that on that field or In what uniform or with what aims we do our duty matters very little or even what our duty is great or small splendid or obscure Only to find our duty certainly- and somewhere somehow to do it faith fully us good strong happy and men and tunes our liven into some feeblo echo ot th life of Brooks i- i I a W PROOF PACKAGE It train of Silt refined to of rflh Cajbccil BUM J ffift fl5 1 J ft Si i r r County Michigan where nearly one hundred miles of Concrete Roads have been built in the past six years during which time nearly every method of road construction has been tested how comes out flatfooted and adopts concrete as the road standard The story is best told in the following para- graph which has been taken from the latest report of the Board of County Road Com missioners of Wayne County Michigan With the completion of Plymouth Road we have abandoned every other form of con struction and have adopted concrete as our standard We feel that our experience of the past six years warrants us in arriving at this determination based on its general satisfactor- and its annual cost as compared with other forms of construction In addition to the economy in hauling the Pleasure in driving and touring and the increase in land valuation the concrete roads of Wayne County have been the means of tens of thousands of dollars to this locality Concrete roads will benefit any locality proportionately as they have benefited Wayne County Michigan The fullest detailed information about concrete roads will c0st Concrote Department Canada Cement Company Limited Herald Building Montreal COUPON send me your Book Address nd Mail A this Coupon Mil I NOW Dont tr- another time Are YOU Getting a Profit From Every Square Inch of Floor Space PHIS Book will tell you how you can double your i available flcor spice without adding to your building- It will show you how to make every inch of floor space pay a profit It a wealth of valuable retailer whole- aale merchant and manufac turer It may prove worth hundreds of dollar to It is brimful of uggejlion for wideawake man who to Well gladly end it upon requaat ELEVATOR COMPANY ST TORONTO

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