i A i I I ll A FEBRUARY iMDAY IS a Cfcina lino entirely a Special of per fl lV3cn Quality to Ho the of Park Ave robin the St Patrick Day Below morn ing People are short of coal The Moving Picture Show ft Benefit to toe York Poultry on Wednesday evening After paying all ex In con nection with toefr Friends cleared On Thursday of two came down from Bradford for a game of curling and were by by Hand Mexico r Way To reduce the living is to ft Detroit Vapor It has no wick burn either or lino us ft to you Hardware Newmarket white body with wheat In to out quick platca Par- Sauce each IA Importer Staple and Why not Salmon Tho food you buy at Not loo follow ing Cans 20o and BO Dried Dried 2Bo Splendid In Prunes at lbs for pop lb per lb Institute The Newmarket Branch met at the home of Mrp last Sat urday And hold a very interesting A Committee was appointed to ar range program for the now Insti tute- year as follows Mrs Mrs C- Miss Mrs A and A very good paper was read by Mrs A Starr on Sociability paper by Mrs of Mount Albert on The Care of Girls was read and it certainly was worthy of great praiB Miss Meek contributed ho music for the afternoon Dont forgot Talent Sale of baking to bo held on Saturday the 28th at three oclock The meeting of the Institute will be held at home MrB J Smith Yongo St of interviewed Mr Lewis Lukes of Toronto a Newmarket boy and son of the late Lukes mil regarding the situation in Woxico and following will be read with interest The In Mexico lo- said Mr Lukes are in finitely less chaotic and hopeless than the conditions In Oklahoma or Texas or Colorado fifty years ago who would take the stand that armed Intervention la Justified by civil wars and the imagined peril to American lives and property blinds himself to the facts that only since Cus ter massacre has the United Slates Government attempted to guarantee life and property safe from Indian marauders fore that time claims for indem nity for lost lives and properly were given absolutely no recog nition at Washington If you did not like the risks in Colorado it was your business you were told to keep out Now that a somewhat similar situation has arisen In Moxico it Is for the United States to submit to her own prescriptions of the Indian days If the American suffers nervous debility in the Mexico atmosphere lot him seek more agreeable surroundings but once there ho has no to as sume the part of physician The Government of the moment is the government Whether ho likes to castigate as the butcher is for his own enjoyment The man who controls the Government seal is the uppermost authority in stale Who he is or howhe came there may disturb somebodys democratic ideas but his right to be there is solely and manifest ly a responsibility on the Mexican people alone Until the fortunes of war bring about the destruc tion of fpreign lives and property and- that is extremely unlikely there not the shadow of an excuse for armed interven tion child were not molested end tie foreign ownership of the property Was respected to the tetter deed the bloodthirsty rebels Scorned to find an Immense plea sure in playing with the baby the manner have chartered enterprises all over Mexico pass ed through the fortunes of civil war unscathed far there is scarcely an authentic instance of depredations committed against property by either or Villas troops Both men are equally faithful to such ah obligation- and there seems ho disposition on the part Of the troops to trespass outside commander orders of Travel i 7viT-V- for The Prompt OF i Tie Market Bargain House we are going to remodel our and need room are putting on a Special of Mens and Wear A Special Big Reduction on Boots Rubbers Be and attend this sale and secure some of these Bar gains Another About 3 oclock last Friday alter- noon an alarm of fire was sounded at WaterWorks which was respond ed to very promptly by tho Firemen and in an incredible short two reels were on the scene followed by a big crowd people lor the dense volume of smoke arising in St Pat ricks Ward indicated considerable danger There was a slight hitch in turning on the water but within four minutes after the alarm was sounded two lines of hose were playing on fire which was consuming the dwell ing of Niagara street- Some time aftr dinner Mrs Tra- vl03 was getting ready to go oat for the afternoon when she observed a smell of smoke She went down cel lar and all through house but could nothing wrong She then went locking tho house Neighbors saw smoke issuing from the windows and and gave the alarm but when the Firemen ar rived the had secured a strong hold on tho interior thebuildlng especially at the rear Despite the hard work of the Brigade by the house was completely gutted The contents that were sav ed were badly blistered by fire and water The efficiency of the fire ap pliances was practically demonstrat ed The loss to the building is esti mated at about with insurance loss on contents about t700 with no Insurance The fire is attributed to a defective chimney I Mr Travlos who is a traveller for a Toronto lumbering concern was absent from home on his usual busi ness when the fine occurred How inconsiderable is the risk run by foreign residents is best understood from specific Illustra tions Equipped with passports from the generals of both camps our manager and two men recent ly made a trip from the United Slates border two hundred kilo meters to Monterey by utilizing a handcar on the strips of railway still loft intact Again and again they were hailed by troops but their passports were all sufficient and courteous treat ment met them at every hand It was a terrible journey in the na ture of the case but their com plete helplessness was never made an excuse for insult or in terference Similarly two of our men In an auto made a journey to Monterey through the thick of the and were as kindly treated as in times of peace If occasionally the moun tain bandits an element which both sides employ in their cam paigns and who are not repre sentative of the Mexican people at all become obstreperous and assail foreigners Mexico proper must not be held in blame for their acts any more than the Washington Government was wil ling to be held for the depreda tions of the Indians on the West ern plains The cases are exactly analogous i I 11 In m mm J Doors of King George Hotel PHONE Unmolested Travellers Mr Lukes competence to speak of Mexico and to outline a future of prosperity and national dis tinction cornea from a close per sonal knowledge of the country its people their endowments and handicaps and the numerous signals of political and social awakening How far his views of Mexican differ from longdistance surmises may be accounted for by this typical piece ofhfa own experience When the Madera revolution was approach ing its most active stage Mr Lukes by his wife and a party of Canadians made a journey from side to side of Mex ico passing through the thick of the disaffected districts asso ciating with federals one day and rebels next and never con sidered it worth while to carry a revolver Although without any title to especially considerate treatment the parly was not once molested and found the peons courteous industrious and in courteous industrious and in the case of servants conspicu ously honest The officers- of the company established at Monterey have passed in and out of Mexi co in automobiles and even in gasoline handcars meeting fed erals or rebels at every turn and finding only ready recognition of their passports It seems to me only a duty to straighten out the mass of inac curate unjust information and suggestion by which the people of Canada and the United States estimate the Mexican as a san guinary vindictive shiftless creature with no ideals and tal ents worthy of his magnificent opportunity Wo have been fed on newspaper scraps and editori al guesses We have been worked up to believe ourselves in some way sponsors for Mexican moral ity and a substantial body of American opinion would noisily endorse a campaign of occupa- No Foreign Antipathy Such a campaign on the part of the United States could rely on but one plausible excuse the des truction of the lives and property of American citizens Though any such misfortunes have been carefully guarded against by the President Wilsons Attitude I The 1900 Washer Has proven itself to be the moot satisfactory Washing Machine made See it at Bints Hardware Parliamentary Hon Dr when asked for a federal subsidy for the Morris- burg and Ottawa line replied I am under the impression that there will be no railway subsides his session Hon J will move for the appointment of a special com mittee to enquire into pre- Me3cican themselves it I vcntion of pollution of Greenhouses STREET AND GREEN CARNATIONS FOR PATRICKS DAY ttruoral and Wedding Work Reasonable Prices Agent for Fertilizers The Beat vi gable waters and to consider all matters relating thereto In the Commons on Monday last a blue book was tabled giv ing a list of unclaimed bank bal ances in Canadian banks at the end of hows that over is lying to the credit of various persons who have ap parently forgotten all about it total amount is larger by than at the end of 1911 At the opening of the House on Monday last the Premier named a committee to consider the reso lution the week before by Mr A of which pro vides that the sale and im portation of cigarettes in Can ada be prohibited Hon Mr announced to the House on Tuesday that voting under Canada Temperance Act would be held this year In Algoma Sud bury Parry Sound and S A I British American Business College St Toronto fa pioneer highgrade School of Canada Under management it is doing bet ter work ever Write us if you to prepare for- a good position Ward IT PAYS At recent request of the ad vertising department we reprint this bit of logic from an unknown source When a duck lays an egg she just waddles off as if nothing bad happened a hen lays an egg there- is a whale of a noise The hen advertises the demand for liens eggs instead of ducks eggs oqqj- far Send the Era to would seem that a section of the American press and public are de termined to force a crisis even if imagination be their only evi dence How painstaking are the rebel and federal forces to avoid even the appearance of foreign antipathy may be judged by the treatment of our extensive pro perties representing Ave million dollar investment during the at tack on Monterey in October last By merely raising British flags to distinguish oun buildings we escaped with about Ave hundred dollars damages while the rest of Monterey lost fully ten millions the destructive fire of the rebel attackers Our American em ployees quit the city at the begin ning of hostilities- why I do not know Probably because the Gov ernment at Washington possess ed a conviction that Americans were in peril Scarcely anyone else held the same conviction but that did not matter Those who had not means for transpor tation were furnished with tick ets by their Government as a loan of course The Canadians English and Germans remained on the spot attended to busi ness until shooting commenced and then kept within doors until the rebels were in possession of the city when they emerged to affairs just as they had left them Ono day we looked to the Federal troops as the authority of district next day wp look ed to rebels andneithbr fail ed us When Villas men swarm- Thc of President Wil- in refusing to grant official cognition to Huerla as Presi dent of Mexico forms an instance where a highly praiseworthy mo tive in a private citizen some times produces an impractical and mischievous piece of inter national policy It is a quite le gitimate proposition that the head of the Mexican republic shall be choserYby the local for tunes of war or any other means the Mexican people permit but he shall not bo chosen by a bal lot of American people or their Chief Executive No one who knows Mexican conditions thoroughly would deny that had General secured States recognition as backing for a generous foreign loan he could have raised an immense army and swept the country It is idle to aruc that would have stifled responsible government and have roestablished the Diaz autocracy The day for a Diaz autocracy has gone by Public sentiment in Mexico has been working its way to the light Re forms are demanded and must be granted no matter who holds the reins the United Stales Gov ernment insists on the continu ance of civil war until a candi date fastidious ideals steps in to the list of leaders the experi ment will play havoc wiltfthe true interests of the country Let me repeat the personal history or character of the chief official of Mexico whoever he may be at the moment is the sole concern of the native people who permitted him to reach the position It not the business of any other na tion whether far or near I am very optimistic in regard to the of if it is let alone I say that knowing thai no country having such splendid natural advantages can fail to be acceptable to the people of the overcrowded countries looking for new settlement Mex ico will likely get the next redis tribution of the worlds surplus population It was during the last fifty years that the United States was made great through the absorption of the ambitious children of other lands that her democratic institutions were giv en character and permanence That redistribution turns today to Canada and will continue thus for many years more comes Mexico f I I CIV J T I f I I a I o I J ffl a The 8t7eaf I if BUY farm We ask parties have for sale to write 373 Office at red- Lorna Ave three block west of Metropolitan Station facing St Phone REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Mortgage Loans Debentures and Bonds bought and sold Interest to But next I yield to per cent Farm and Hundreds Of Town Property bought Bold or rent- thousands of English and French Rooms to Let Marriage Germans and Russians must tees Issued Let me know your wants some day set their course towards those fertile areas which now Phone P O Box seem so uselessly devoted to the Newmarket raising of armies hut which now are in reality great storehouses of natural wealth That invasion of Mexico by the homeseekers of a jew years will supply the leaven to produce the strength and solidity and love of law and order which will make of Mexico a republic NOTICE As I have opened a Wortshop am prepared lo do all kinds of wood work on wagons sleighs buggies cutters turning band sawing ripping All kinds of A few secondhand rigs for sale cheap Also wire fencing sold and put up LAWS Raglan St first St west of Fire Hall Phone THE GREATEST VALUE OFFERED IN FARM PROPERTY CUTTER FOR Almost new A Bargain of St Newmar ket EXECUTORS SALE Valuable Town Property IN NEWMARKET Pursuant to instructions received from the Executors the late oka Evee there will be for sale by Public Auction on tho prom FORJtALE Gasoline Engine a tew mounted on trucks covered top delivery twice a each Also for a House with And will be Sold at a acres of choice clay land a cor- farm Township of North Gwil- Saturday the 21st day of March Co of York Well fenced jat hour of Price cash Also Buzz Saw and Grinder pullits Belts and Shafting Write or call on Stan Pine Orchard PO all enclosed wire fence day Re brick one Uptodate hiproof barn on stone wall with silo and all modern conveniences grain crusher straw cutter root oclock In after noon by J In Two Parcels the Homestead Pro perty of the late John Eves situate- on South of street at tho corner of John street in Town of Newmarket being compos- and a wind mill that cuts wood of Westerly 148 feet of Lo BRIEF BITS Except for politics Satan would lose grip on men The man who poses as a Hon In so ciety Is usually a bear at home The more dollars a man has an argument the more convincing it Is Many a man punctures his tire on the road to wealth Blood will tell and time will but a woman usually beats them Inject common sense into a love af fair and It will soon to be In teresting The chap who Is horn with silver spoon in his mouth may live to pawn the family plate NAMING THE BABY Teacher Can- you tell me what a Red is called Tommy A squaw sir I Given Apply to music LESSONS Newmarket at Timothy St Mrs Comer WORK WANTED Plain Laundry or Out by the Day Mrs Ontario Street or Box Newmarket PO Driving house pig pen and hen house Watering troughs all cement Con venient to Metropolitan Crossing for shipping cream acres seeded acres of fall wheat plowed of pasture A wallbearing orchard of choice winter apples trees One acre of well cultivated strawberries strawberries and other small fruits GO plum and cherry treea all bearing well The fruit is being along the shore in summer time at big prices For quick sale will accept a reason able deposit and a mortgage at per over our experimental farm Teacher- And what eight miles Monterey our baby called Canadian wife arid Tommy Asquawr his Prize winners The Dutch Egg Ma chine Eggs for batching for 16 Stanley Janes box Prospect cent for ten years Immediate pos- Newmarket session given Will also sell the entire Stock and Implements consisting of- registered some Shorthome also some firstclass gen purpose horses This is a chance in a lifetime so J A Murray PAPERHANGER A on all kinds Wood Wood Finisher also Inside and Outside Decorator I guarantee toy work as to compare favorably with man for to MORTON Box 373 Newmarket No as laid down on registered Plan No 20 PARCEL NO I Th Westerly feet of the aforesaid 148 feci on i which is situated a comfortable brick Residence containing nine rooms an a pantry with good outbuilding and on this parcel are nice shade trees and shrubs PAIICEL NO The Easterly feet of the aforesaid feet are no buildings on this parcel Together with the use of wa ning along South side of both TERMS OF SALE Ten per Cash at time of sale and to bo paid within thirty days thereafter TbcLo parcels will bo put up to reserved bids For further apply to J ROBERTSON Vendors Solicitor Newmarket Immediately after the sate of land there here will bo offeredfor a quantity of Furniture Dated i f f I